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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. @Reader1810 I'll assume you googled Joan Abello. What did you think of his paintings? Can't remember how I found him, but it was too good a bit not to incorporate into the series.
  2. I recall enjoying the story and I plan on revisiting it.
  3. @Reader1810 After all the drama in the Mexico book, I wanted this one to be relaxed and funny. The twins still follow Liebe in almost everything, but they'll develop their own tastes eventually. I think CJ and Owen not insisting they try anything, but allowing them the chance too makes it more likely they'll be adventurous. SO far, Liebe doesn't like Vegemite (the Aussies will despise her) and we'll discover she's not a fan of certain organ meats in a future book. I'm trying to find the balance between competitiveness and support for the twins.
  4. @Reader1810 I foresee Taisha and Liebe spending a Saturday at the spa while 3 men and 3 boys get in trouble. And just for you art lovers, CJ disses Picasso in a future chapter. And Liebe trashes Miro. LOL In another of the short stories covering the summer of 2022, I plan a visit to the Smithsonian's Portrait Gallery. And we'll find out CJ wants a Vermeer.
  5. They probably crossed their fingers behind their backs while apologizing. Liebe's as opinionated as CJ and I'm certain the idol-worship will lose a bit of luster at some point and they'll lock horns. Brett's Brett and even more so on the trip. The twins will learn a lot from him over the years. Not all good. LOL
  6. Carlos Hazday

    The Captain

    Welcome aboard the Flying Circus. CJ's a bit more sedate, but he may have a chat with Nina at some point.
  7. I'm glad he's coming across as I imagined him. He knows how to play the game and will do so not crossing the line. I could see him destroying a debate opponent with facts and logic.
  8. You're right. Also, CJ's family owns the old Georgetown Theater. Although it had been gutted prior to them purchasing it, they retained the neon sign out front.
  9. Thanks for the link. Fascinating business they've created.
  10. Funny, I just wrote something about her vacating the nursery in preparation for the twins arriving. One of her grandfathers asks if there's a risk of her falling down the stairs. When the twins get their own room and Liebe's older, the question will be: Are they safe alone with Liebe?
  11. @travlbug Damn! That's a lot to unpack. I love it when readers notice details. They're making vitamin D! Naturally. At least they don't slather themselves with baby oil like my friends and I used to while in college. And a budgie smuggler tan line can be very sexy! You ever seen people juggling more than one cell phone? Anyway, I read something about a new phone being able to hold two chips/two numbers and extrapolated. There's a SciFi classic--The Diamond Age I think--that shows a character unrolling a sheet of material that turns out to be a computer. That provided a bit of inspiration too. Since this story's set only 5 years in the future, I tried to keep technology recognizable. In today's world, anyone with a blog can call themselves a journalist. Newspaper's and reporters being accurate and impartial is a fairly new development. How many publishers used their dailies to push their own agenda in the past? We're back at it with new technology. CJ's obviously learned to play the game. He'll do the horse-trading and tit-for-tat things, but his ultimate goal will never be to benefit himself or his family. We'll hear more about that in upcoming chapters. Although Loving Anniversary isn't canon for the series, we got a glimpse of Davey using French. They're all fluent in English and Spanish, Liebe's learning Mandarin, and I'm certain the twins will speak at least another language. I've seen the benefits of the kids in my family being bilingual, and how a foreign language can open doors.
  12. @Simon41 There's so much to write about, it's impossible to get it all down. When we return to stories set in 2022, we'll see CJ laying the groundwork for his campaigns. Since I don't like to repeat myself, coverage of the 2022 elections will be light. CJ does blow up at a politician at one point and gets advice from a former president.
  13. Thanks, Chris! CJ might be on vacation, but he's still checking in with the office. I think he won't have work-free day very often.
  14. LMFAO She's good but not that good. Let's start her off with something easy like gravity...
  15. There have been times when characters hit the beach and I have to remember not everyone likes to swim in warm bath water as I do.
  16. I may have included a sappy line or two in the story. It gets better. LOL
  17. Unfortunately, those historical details could be subject to rules under laws passed to prevent teaching about the influence of racism in our history. In my stories, CJ's becoming a national figure and I foresee him speaking against any kind of discrimination. If he can control his temper, he'll get far.
  18. Just trying to do my part. We all need to speak up and VOTE!
  19. Did you go in the water? The Med in May would be too cold for me, but I figured since those guys live in a place where frozen water falls from the sky, they could handle it. Me? I don't think so.
  20. Trendy in the 80s, creamy chowder served in a sourdough bread bowl was really good. You ate the soup and the container. I remember a restaurant in Miami that had bread flown in from San Francisco.
  21. Cesar never used corporal punishment with CJ or Ritch, but apparently his third child needs correction on a regular basis.
  22. Thanks, Theo. I gave CJ one of the days at sea so I could have lots of time for conversation. This entire story's a bit more sedate than others, but we'll do a bit more sightseeing before we get done.
  23. I know, right? Like what kind of dolt would serve anything but New England clam chowder there. I'm quite surprised at her not being familiar with red chowders. But then again, what would one expect from a member of the Birkenstock Brigade?
  24. I'm working on a story set in Rhode Island. Somehow, I missed the chance to serve Oregon Chowder at the clam bake. As a good South Floridian, I'll stick to conch.
  25. Carlos Hazday


    I like Dad jokes so much, I included one in my current story
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