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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you! The laid back feel of Key West, Everhope, and upcoming tales is purposeful. Yes, Mexico was horrifying, but harking back to something CJ said in the early books, he won't allow fuckheads to interfere with his life. I think he and Ozzie will try very hard to move on. It'll always be part of them, but they're not the type to fixate on a bad experience and spend years in therapy. That's Owen's mum's job.
  2. Carlos Hazday


    I don't know about the much more part, but there'll be another chapter next week. Remember I said I was stepping away from longer stories for a while.
  3. Carlos Hazday


    How was work? I'm trying to show CJ and Ozzie don't fangirl when they meet someone famous or powerful. I mean, they've been rubbing elbos with politicians and movie stars for a while. This is the tipping point where more people will be in awe of them instead of the other way around.
  4. Carlos Hazday


    The average DC resident I doubt would recognize them on sight. That comes a bit later. Ozzie's gonna hate being asked for autographs. As for the press, what with the 24-hour news cycle, most of them have moved on to other matters. Like the FBI raiding a shack in Florida. LOL Apart from picking on Fox, my goal with the little scene was for it to serve as a warning to reporters that CJ does not suffer fools well. If they come at him wrong, they can expect a verbal lashing at a minimum. And I'm sure the fact he recently killed someone's in the back of their mind. I wouldn't want to mess with him.
  5. Carlos Hazday


    Very good. In a couple of weeks CJ will meet with people at Georgetown University to decide on his next degree. Maybe the chool's president will want to say hello.
  6. Carlos Hazday


    LOL, Give me a break. That was in the comments and I rarely pay attention to typos and punctuation here. Had it been in the story itself, I would scramble to fix it. Once this story's over (next weekend) remind me to explain how the naming process went. As for Hawaii, I have two stories set in the islands in mind. One involves Danno and the other one Aslan Phillips. That's Chipper's friend from Singer. Lets see if and when I find time to write them.
  7. Carlos Hazday


    That's what happens when you leave town to go play with those big hoses we talked about before. LOL Wheels you had an idea of what I was writing, but ths one happened too fast. Except for prompt responses, I think this was the fastest I've gone from writing to publishing.
  8. Carlos Hazday


    Just trying to ensure you don't forget me. LOL
  9. @AC Benus Is it the same person I/m thinking of? Mine always bragged about hanging 10...
  10. Carlos Hazday


    LMAO Don't you start shit! That's a spoiler not a cliffie. Here's another spoiler. By the end of July 2022, there'll be a mass shooting in D.C. (yes another one) that will take out a couple of prominent individuals. Carter, Clinton, and Busch are all possibilities. I don't think CJ and Owen would allow a clown at Everhope unless they hire one for Liebe's next birthday party..
  11. Carlos Hazday


    LMAO I even mentioned this was going live today in the comments to the last story and on the CJ Series Discussion forum thread. Speaking of which, take a look at my most recent entry there. I shared a picture of Liebe's art collection.
  12. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, bud. Come back next week for more!
  13. Carlos Hazday


    It's nice when readers catch my hidden gems.
  14. Carlos Hazday


    I think my favorite WW episode was when Jed trashed the Dr. Laura stand-in. CJ's devious. He wants to take questions so he can diss Morgana again, and does it in a semi-classy way. Quite a difference from how he's dealt with other reporters in the past and how he picks the reporter who might have been lost in the crowd for the first question.
  15. Carlos Hazday


    But they're needed! And at least you know I'm always working on something new.
  16. Carlos Hazday


    More next week so hold off on that surgery if you can.
  17. Carlos Hazday


    Leftist slant? LMAO I beg to differ. May need to read the chapter again, but I think everything I wrote was based on truth. Even CJ's borderline misogynistic slap down of the reporter was based on facts. Tell me most Fox female reporters don't look like Morgana? Trump got off easy since this chapter takes place before the FBI found secret documents in his possession. As much as I try to be open minded and see both sides, it's hard for me to stomach the rhetoric against the FBI. I thought you Republicans always bragged about supporting law enforcement! I suspect you keep coming back because I'll say things you rarely hear. LOL However, I expect you to accuse me of having a conservative slant when I trash liberals in a future story. You've been quiet when I've done it in the past. As for Biden, by standing up to Putin, he's shown more courage than the fat blob ever did. Had orange been in power, Ukraine would most likely be a vassal state of Russia by now.
  18. Carlos Hazday


    Because next month the GA Anniversary Anthology goes live, the only thing I'll share in September will be my contribution to the celebration. We'll see where I go then. We're getting the old crowd back slowly. Cj's reconnecting with Brad every morning when they run, and other Squad members will show up here and there over the next few chapters/stories. But in case you missed it, I'm also recycling old characters. I mentioned Mark going to work for a security company in Ranger, thinking ahead to hiring him once they returned to DC. I also brought back Ali and some old geezer named Biden. LOL Let's see who CJ and Owen invite over for dinner on Saturday.
  19. Carlos Hazday


    Overachievers they are, a mere visit to the Oval Office won't be the end of their summer. Hell, it may not even be the highlight! Seems they'll be headed to Tokyo later in the year, and I suspect that may have them in the news again. I'm trying to expand their international awareness.
  20. Carlos Hazday


    In Key West they shared their plans with Ritch and now in DC they're setting the stage for the future. Aside from presidential security briefings, CJ and Owen garnered plenty of attention while in Mexico. The technology centers, the Oscars, the New York Times profile, and finally the little incident at the end of their stay. Instead of being seduced by the fame, they'll use it to advance their goals. I'm pretty sure that won't be the last time they interact with a president over the summer.
  21. Carlos Hazday


    A couple of weeks ago, I was disappointed nobody realized Brion named his service dog after the world's greatest swimmer. No disappointment today thanks to you. I couldn't use CJ as the name for Biden's assistant, so mixing fact and fiction sounded cool. The West Wing remains my favorite TV show ever. Even though I generally prefer action shows like Reacher. Proof that intelligent conversation can move people as much as guns and bullets.
  22. Carlos Hazday


    Give the man a cigar! That would be the first clue. The second one's the lack of two dreaded words at the end of the chapter. LOL
  23. Carlos Hazday


    Let's hope Oprah gives some of her money to CJ's campaigns! If you tune in next week, you may get to have dinner at Everhope. CJ's cooking for a couple of friends.
  24. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, bud!
  25. Carlos Hazday


    Sometime soon, they'll sit with reporters. Part of their strategy to keep CJ's name in front of people. They'll spend a week in New York later in the summer (Manhattan, Sag Harbor, and Fire Island) and I'm toying with the idea of them making the rounds of all the networks. I need to watch morning TV to get some ideas, but I'm dreading Fox and Friends in the middle of midterm elections. What I really want is CJ to face off against Tucker Carlson, and I haven't figured out how to do it yet. Unfortunately, that also means I have to watch him a few times. Hope I don't puke. But his next confrontation will be with an 18 yo wealthy, liberal girl. CJ may verbally slap her in front of her father. With his consent. LOL
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