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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday

    Dinner Party

    Yep. He kept out of politics and related issues while in Mexico, but as a free agent he'll feel free to speak up again. I pity the fools (like Morgana in the last chapter) who challenge him.
  2. Carlos Hazday

    Dinner Party

    Hey! Just another Saturday in CJ's life. Do you realize this chapter was only three scenes, the run, shopping, and dinner. This one leaned heavily on political issues because it sets the stage for a lot of what transpires in coming stories. I can't wait to write some of those media appearances.
  3. Carlos Hazday

    Dinner Party

    Actually, their summer began in Key West! And trust me, it'll be a VERY interesting three months.
  4. Carlos Hazday

    Dinner Party

    Thanks, Gary. How was it returning to the UK?
  5. This is a great exercise! While writing spinoffs to my primary series, I've told the same events from different individuals POV. I'll start with the scene as written and modify it until it reflects a different character's view. Not easy, and readers don't always realize what you've done, but it's always interesting.
  6. The following morning, CJ was surprised when Brad joined him and Wingnut on the front steps. “You going running?” Shaking his head, Brad glanced at his titanium legs, shorts, and tank top. “Nope, headed to a black-tie event this morning.” “Asshole!” “Woof!” “See? Even the pup agrees.” “Fuck off, CJ. Of course I’m running. Wingnut and I do it most mornings. However, I’ll admit this is a bit earlier than our usual.” The sun had yet to rise, but Brad appeared ready while st
  7. It's worked fine until just now. That's what I got this time. Not horrible, but not 100%
  8. 2013, 2023, and 2026.
  9. No, sir. Brion gets a mention in one story and has a bit part in another. Both are written and ready to publish. He has a meatier appearance in one outlined but not yet written,
  10. Carlos Hazday

    The Suicide

    I suggest Vicodin...
  11. Is this a theme this week? Do flounders flounder in the ocean?
  12. Carlos Hazday

    The Suicide

    A couple of times in recent years I've had to stop everything and take a day of two calming the madness in my head. Each time, the crazies were started by something minor (once a toothache) followed by everything wrong bubbling to the surface. It wasn't easy convincing myself most of those wrongs were minor inconveniences. I drew on those feeling when writing about Henk losing it. To most, the damaged garden was something to fix, he saw it as more. What brought you back here?
  13. Carlos Hazday


    CJ moves to his own beat which I think voters will like when he runs for office. And now and then, as with Morgana, he'll lose a bit of self control. I'd love to see him on the campaign trail.
  14. Imagine what a non-native speaker, accustomed to Spanish where we know how everything's pronounced on sight,goes through. To this day, I struggle. Funniest faux pas ever? English Honors in eleventh grade. Mr Rupple's showing a film, and I read the first word on screen out loud. Problem was I pronounced FOCUS as fuck us. Cue universal laughter.
  15. Carlos Hazday


    You mean like the condoms with the presidential seal on them?
  16. Carlos Hazday


    Sounds like a party!
  17. Carlos Hazday


    That's my hope. I have lots of details about the characters in mind, and i want to share them.
  18. Carlos Hazday


    Glad you enjoyed it, Gary.
  19. Carlos Hazday


    Looking at the positive side, all those hours mean more coin in your pocket.
  20. Carlos Hazday


    The munchkin's been getting more ink than I anticipated. She's a pain to write around at times, but she also serves as catalyst for CJ and Owen's actions and conversations.
  21. Carlos Hazday


    At times like this in the USA, I force myself to remember politics has always attracted those who see elected office as a way of enriching and aggrandizing themselves. We've had plenty of crooks in office. At times, pessimism about our future rears up, and CJ's my answer. Yes, he's ambitious, determined, and often manipulative, but he does it out of love for his country and its people. So what if it's all fictional, at least we get a respite from self-serving loud mouths for a bit. Thanks, Erik.
  22. Carlos Hazday


    You've obviously not realized most readers are into size. I give them something big, they want longer.
  23. Carlos Hazday


    @Clancy59 Told ya. I'm a horrible typist, I need to look at the keys. That should give you an idea of how much I have to clean after I get done writing a story. I love the speculation! I'll repeat what I said before, ask me about the twins and their names after the next chapter. maybe you'll figure it while reading it. In HTTC, the twins were still in high school and planning on Annapolis. Did it happen? Or did the Academy decide not to let them in after the alcohol and marijuana fueled hi-jinks during the inaugural balls? That poor girl was a trooper taking on both of them. LOL I'm willing to share a bit more about them at that time, but let's wait until Everhope and the next story are over.
  24. I'm complaining I may not have time to write a Christmas story and you want me to publish it in November? Damn! Between stories already started and editing for a couple of people, I'm doubtful I'll get there.
  25. Carlos Hazday


    @Anton_Cloche As far as I'm concerned, this is the end of the series. But you're right, I have some 20-30 stories I could write covering the time between graduation and inauguration. If I write multi-chapter long stories as many readers prefer, I could push it and get 2 or 3 written every year. Short stories may not give me room to cover minute details, but as I do with Wheels in 2022, I can still share certain important events. Plus, I need to get CJ and Ozzie to visit all 50 states. That means a few trips left to go. LOL
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