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Everything posted by Myr

  1. It is, but it requires uploading them into the Gallery first. Unfortunately though, having looked at the pictures you bring up, we are prevented from allowing images that Google considers porn. (Yes, I know that Google is loaded with porn, but the Do Only Evil corporation gets to do what it wants while it dictates to everyone else). Your image samples in "Leaping into the Quarry" would be considered porn by our masters at Google and thus are not allowed. So, if you can live with that restriction, it's pretty easy to add images to stories. You seem to use a tasteful amount, as that is the other guideline. Myr
  2. probably. noodles can have a worm-like look
  3. I couldn't help the bonus word this week since it was the first thing I thought of.
  4. Dragon Age 2.
  5. Grounded, the new game by RPG masters, Obsidian, is coming out soon. The demo is in trial flight on Xbox Insider. I played it a bit. It seems like a game that I'll end up dropping time into. There is a arachnophobia filter too. It prompts you when you first start. Anyone else looking forward to the game?
  6. Mass Effect and Star Wars... lol.
  7. The Sony folks sure have to swallow their fridge memes after that PS5 albatross was announced. source: https://www.thegamepost.com/2020/06/13/playstation-5-xbox-series-x-console-size-comparison/
  8. X Box (with really big emphasis on box) Series X:
  9. For more information - https://www.dictionary.com/browse/omniscient?s=t
  10. For more information - see that Bad donkey Mother something (BAMF) site - https://www.dictionary.com/browse/repertoire?s=t
  11. Because one mustn't stop poking EA.
  12. This is a caching issue. Either on the server side, your side or both. It clears itself regularly though. Hopefully fixed in the next update to the forums that is due in the near future.
  13. For more information - https://www.dictionary.com/browse/improvident?s=t
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