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Everything posted by Yeoldebard

  1. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 16

    Because they are heroes and as such, their alignment is Stupid Good.
  2. Yeoldebard


    Whether or not it does any good, they were sent there to kill bandits. And Happs was certainly an unrepentant bandit.
  3. Yeoldebard


    RAMIEL “Did you sleep in your armour?!” Ramiel looked up from the bed where his supplies lay gathered in organized piles. Everything was accounted for; the whetstone for his new sword, the extra string for his bow, exactly three days of rations, a flask of water. His breastplate shone bright, freshly polished as soon as he woke. His eyes scowled at the catfolk who paraded around in a near scandalous lack of protection. “Hellknights are taught to be ready for battle at
  4. Nothing like filming your lover getting an erotic massage for millions of people to make you feel closer together
  5. Yeoldebard


    ELIAS Darkness fell swiftly on the Stolen Lands. The tables were removed, and a watch was set. Straws were drawn, and Elias drew the short stick. He stood now in the early morning, shivering as a late snowfall muffled the world around him. Yona was set in his arms, his horn at his hip. He could have the weapon ready to fire in half a minute. Provided his fingers weren’t too stiff. Torchlight shone behind him, lighting the path to the post, but the rest of the world was pitc
  6. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 13

    Oh, never fear, at a certain point, Jeremy will get a rather thorough bathing
  7. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 10

    That should be coming soon enough. Hopefully alongside a certain fox-rat training montage.
  8. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 15

    Of course! Why would I ever kill a beloved werewolf character?
  9. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 14

    Oh, she's... around...
  10. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 13

    Absolutely. There are a total of two baths (maybe three) throughout the entire story 😛 Hey, paying a silver for warm bathwater can get rather expensive.
  11. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 11

    There's a certain point where you just get tired of constantly being scared. Jakun hit that point a while ago, and he's been forcing himself to push through. Fun note, Amnor Sen is what is called a Virtuous Bravo, that is a paladin who relies on dexterity over strength. So his build is similar to Geralt's, minus the whole mutagen thing. In PF, Geralt would certainly be a fighter or paladin with magus and alchemist dips. And Jeremy's religion is very reminiscent of a bard, complete with drink, boasting, and laying anyone who catches his fancy.
  12. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 10

    On Aofe's account, it's all Loran. He really is a vile character. Amnor Sen and Jeremy do go into their backstory a bit during the Nekromancer, but that would be a fun project. I'll try to fit it in between making the nekos werewolves and killing off the abusive mother 😛
  13. “Here, put this on.” Reinard stared at the hat suspiciously, trying to figure out just what the deer was giving him. They were standing outside the porneo, Galen already vanishing through the front door with a reminder for Reinard not to miss his appointment with Noreen that afternoon. Aedan smiled down at him, motioning toward the front of the hat. “There’s a camera hidden in there, and a microphone. It won’t capture everything, but when you hit this button, the hat will record everyt
  14. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 8

    Actually, at this point, I was experimenting with the Oracle class, and specifically their Lich corruption curse. Basically, Jakun had gone through nearly all the steps of becoming a lich, save for performing the actual ritual itself, and he is more undead than he is alive. I'm not sure exactly how this fits with his build, but I'd hazard a guess that he ends up as Summoner 3/Arcanist 17 with a variant multiclass in oracle for the curse.
  15. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 7

    I don't think the Gebbites are too intent on being honest with their customers.
  16. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 48

    Run run little deer. Show the alpha who's the fastest ❤️ I absolutely loved their race. I remember the feeling of speed, of being on top of the world when you're racing. I really need to start running again. Then Eike came up. Can someone please kill him already? Just... let him get hit by a car in wolf form, see how he likes dealing with what deer go through.
  17. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 6

    Something something law of hospitality and politeness...
  18. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 2

    I think I've seen it both ways tbh.
  19. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 5

    Wands generally hold about fifty charges when they are created. It's still a good amount, a month's worth of summons for Jakun. But eventually, yes, the wand would be rendered somewhat useless, as there is no way to recharge a wand. That doesn't mean discharged wands don't have their uses, however. If I remember correctly, a spent wand is the material component to a rather powerful spell.
  20. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 4

    Oh, I think there's a plan for that. Amnor Sen can't do anything about the law, but Jeremy is chaotic good. More than that, he worships the god of freedom, and draws his powers from that god. He's practically forced to free Jakun, one way or another.
  21. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 3

    Nope! Which means a certain necromancer has been skirting just on the edge of the law.
  22. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 3

    Amnor Sen is nothing if not a paladin, and he is required to do what is both good and lawful. Unlike hellknights though, his law is mutable, generally following the tenets of a god, or, failing that, following the law of the land he is in. So in Geb, a land where undead slavery is not only expected, it is in fact a law that all slaves be undead, he is required to follow the law or risk losing his connection to Shelyn, and becoming a fallen paladin. There is considerable leeway in how he can interpret the law, but the fact of the matter is he cannot allow a runaway slave to go free.
  23. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 2

    It's a bit of both, actually. Jakun was created as a cross between a summoner and an arcanist. The summoner does exactly what it says, it summons. Undead summons in Jakun's case. The Arcanist is the more wizard type of class, giving Jakun his spell book and non conjuration spells. Tl;dr, Jakun is a nekromancer who can summon undead cats, which means he is certainly not a traditional necromancer.
  24. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 1

    Exactly! Now you're thinking like a sustainable necromancer ❤️
  25. Yeoldebard

    Chapter 1

    Brains for the zombies, blood for the vampires, meat for other undead. It's a very efficient system
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