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Everything posted by kbois

  1. kbois

    Chapter 9

    I think things need to move quickly right now, although you'll find out they don't move quickly enough in some areas! There is a lot going on with this relationship all around and the dynamics will eventually fall into place. (I think) Enjoy your food for thought!
  2. kbois

    Chapter 9

    Thanks chris! Boundaries will be explored, hurdles will be thrown up and they'll all learn a lot about each other. It should be an interesting journey.
  3. We'll all be here, whenever you're ready. Sleep issues are hell on the brain functionability. Hugs.
  4. Have you tried power washing them? You'd be amazed at what a difference it makes, plus no chemicals.
  5. Hi rick! I'm just chilling on my lunch hour. It's hot and humid, thunder rolling around somewhere, but getting actual rain is anyone's guess. All it does is add to the humidity. I've been away from New England for over 20 years and I still miss the Fall. Now that I'm not tied to a school schedule anymore I was hoping to go visit. Thanks Covid. Not. Instead I'll probably get some apples in a few weeks and make some pies. That reminds me... I'm out of Fireball. I need that to splash over the apples....mmmm! Enjoy the rest of your day!
  6. TC and David pulled away from the club and they were both silent. There was hardly any traffic as they wove through the nearly empty streets back to the highway and headed south. Each man was lost his own thoughts, sorting through the events of the evening, When they reached the last exit before the Skyway, TC pulled off and parked in the rest stop located at the entrance to the old bridge which led to the fishing pier. He put the car into park, leaving it running so the A/C would ke
  7. I'm really liking the Instapot, even though I'm still not convinced I'm supposed to be smarter than an appliance. I must be doing something right. The chicken came out good and enough leftover for 2 lunches. Now if only someone would invent a machine that not only cooks the chicken, but trims it too. I'd pay top dollar not to touch raw chicken! @Reader1810 our current weather pattern gives us storms in the mornings, then oppressive humidity the rest of the day. It makes walking the dogs on trash night stomach churning. I'm glad my sense of smell has diminished over the last several years.
  8. kbois

    Chapter 3

    Lol...Dr. Phil! Love it! David needs to let his Dom out to play. He lost sight of him and needs to reconnect badly. He will never be enough for TC.
  9. Well, today started out with me bring tired and cranky. I'm still tired, but the cranky got erased by some good news this afternoon. Our community is family owned and the owners have decided to forgo those awful self flagellating mid year reviews. Instead they are acknowledging all the extra work we've been doing due to this whole Covid thing and we're getting an extra bonus in our checks this week. Yay! AND to throw some icing on the cake, I sold one of our homes by myself today. Double yay! I also found a recipe for Spicy Honey Chicken, so that's in the Instapot thingy. It smells good. 👍
  10. kbois

    Chapter 2

    I'm OK with you not being a fan of TC's. Just keep in mind that he is a Dominant. It's something he can't change. Don't worry, he has some more work to do with his shrink. There will a few eye opening moments for him. I hope you're still enjoying it!
  11. kbois

    Chapter 20

    TC is who he is. He'll face his problems and work on it in book 2. Sometimes the major conflicts are best when they come from within the characters themselves. I like TC. I do understand why a lot of people don't. I can't wait to see what you think of him in the next book. Thanks for commenting!
  12. Thanks rick! I needed that!
  13. Be like rick's duck....let it roll off your back...and drink some water. You're a fantastic writer no matter what you set out to do. Who knows? Maybe the shit in your head will inspire a great story (or another wonderful poem). You never know. I need to get thru the next hour so I can take my cranky ass in the back and chill. Maybe nap. Enjoy the rest of the day!
  14. I agree. There are definitely more tactful ways of saying something if you don't like the direction of a story.
  15. Well the weekend was ok, same old same old. Today not so much. Another sleepless night so I'm tired and cranky. Tired and cranky me is probably never a good thing. I did come across this earlier and it sums up things pretty well for me. I can't take credit for it, just found it on someone's thread Roses are red Mornings are hard I suck at poetry Coffee The last line spoke volumes. Have a good day everyone.
  16. kbois

    Chapter 14

    My alarm goes off at 6. Work starts at 730...ugh.
  17. kbois

    Chapter 14

    Why am I still awake at 12:30 in the morning? You might be right...but who? 🤐🤔🤫🤭
  18. Well I’m sure that was an eye-opening experience for both of them,” JP said I absolutely adore JP! I'm sad that this story is ending, but looking forward to the saga continuing. Great way to start wrapping this one up!
  19. Another pretty sunset tonight, not quite as beautiful as last night, but worth it. I brought my phone, but for some reason the pics are too big to upload and when I try to compress them they get too blurry. Oh well. Meat sauce came out good. I ended up making baked macaroni. Enough leftovers for four lunches this week. Have a good night everyone!
  20. kbois

    Chapter 8

    Y'all wanna kill me! I have a hard enough time keeping track of three, nevermind any more!
  21. kbois

    Chapter 8

    And to think David thought she meant shooting some pool! 🤣🤣🤣 The path shall be paved with the seeds of enlightenment! (I have NO idea what that even means, it just sounded goid in my head🤭☺)
  22. kbois

    Chapter 8

    Wait, what? I should bring in a fourth??😲🤣
  23. kbois

    Chapter 8

    The word works in Shameless, but I think these guys are a little classier. 😁 (I love that show!) I guess you'll just have to stick around to see how David fits in. 🤐😀
  24. kbois

    Chapter 8

    I kinda like TCinvid( tee-sin-vid)...lol. i really have no clue where to go with that🤣🤣!
  25. kbois

    Chapter 8

    Stop using the word throuple! Ew.
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