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Promising Author
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Everything posted by kbois

  1. kbois

    Chapter 6

    I don't count the comments. Takes too long. Luck of the draw. Maybe they should number them.
  2. kbois

    Chapter 6

    It's safe to safe Asa is down for the count.
  3. kbois

    Chapter 6

    Hence his nickname loveable geek.
  4. kbois

    Chapter 6

    Nails bitten off is what I was hoping for. Mission accomplished. Giles, as an Alpha has an ingrained need to take care of those he considers part of his pack. Even though Caleb and Asa aren't official members, he still considers them "his". Asa must have been much worse off than Caleb for Giles to attend to him first. Giles will make sure they're properly looked after.
  5. kbois

    Chapter 6

    As always, your observations are right on the money. Asa knows that before Caleb can tackle his psychological problems he has to take care of the physiological ones. Caleb is starting to come around. Asa doesn't believe in sugar coating. We have no idea yet what role Asa is going to play with the pups. It might be too great of a toll if they ever get to that point.
  6. kbois

    Chapter 6

    Thanks. Even though it was an intense chapter, it was easy to write. The world is still tilting but I'm dealing with it.
  7. kbois

    Chapter 6

    Asa couldn't risk doing it in two sessions. Could you imagine having to stop at a critical point and Caleb’s mind would be like scrambled eggs? It's exactly like surgery. He's opening up Caleb's psyche. No putting that cat back in the bag once it's out.
  8. kbois

    Chapter 6

    Go to work. First on 2!
  9. kbois

    Chapter 6

    Me? Make you wait?
  10. kbois

    Chapter 6

    Awww.... I'll send you chapter 7 to work on as a consolation prize.
  11. kbois

    Chapter 6

    Yes. You've made your opinion quite clear. But like I told you, Einstein has no place in my stories. I'm allowed to bend the laws of physics. Geek.
  12. kbois

    Chapter 6

    This isn't my first time riding this rodeo bull named Vertigo. (🎼Hello, hello. I'm at a place called vertigo! 🎵🎶 thank you U2 for planting those lyrics in my head. Lol.) It's not as severe as I've dealt with in the past. It's annoying as hell though. I once had viral labrynthitis.(viral infection of the innermost part of your ear)Take your worst bed spins and times them by 100. I was in bed for 3 days. This time I'm able to sit up so I'm going to watch bad natural disaster movies all day and see if it goes away.
  13. kbois

    Chapter 6

    Believe it or not, that scene was one of the first in my head. It's weird the way things work. Asa is going to be down for the count, that's for sure. As for how Caleb fared.... you'll have to wait. Thanks!
  14. kbois

    Chapter 6

    Lazy bum. Shouldn't you be getting ready for work?
  15. kbois

    Chapter 6

    Asa had his work cut out for him. Who knows at this point what the toll was. I'm sure it was pretty steep.
  16. Nerves of steel. It’s what he needed in spades. Knowing that he would be holding the fate of Caleb’s sanity in his hands tomorrow morning was daunting. Asa was sure his nervousness was evident to the three wolf shifters in the room. Hell, he could smell it himself. It was like smelling your own body odor. It's undetectable to yourself unless it was awful. “You don’t have to do this,” Caleb said. “I can figure out another way to deal with all this shit. Maybe therapy will help.”
  17. kbois

    Chapter 5

    Sorry everyone. I'm battling some vertigo that's kicking my ass this morning. It'll get posted, just give me some time.
  18. kbois

    Chapter 1

  19. kbois

    Chapter 5

    I was busy at work today dealing with a bunch of idiots bitching and complaining. I shut that shit down pretty quick.. I don't put up with that. Especially when they interrupt me when I'm trying to explain something that they bitched about. Umm. STFU.
  20. kbois

    Chapter 5

    Hiding also.
  21. You should be happy! Sending lots of positive thoughts your way. I'm glad everything is going well after your surgery! Sorry you're dealing with all that. Fingers crossed that it starts healing like it should! I've had one of those days where people have done nothing but bitch and complain. I'd like to tell them where to stick it, but I'd be out of a job. Instead, I shut them down nicely then swear at my scanner when it keeps jamming. Lol. Oi... Friday the 13th!
  22. kbois

    Chapter 1

    Good words to remember. "Normal" is the only thing that is abnormal it seems. I don't know very many people who don't admit to having mental issues affect them in some way. It makes family dynamics a true labyrinth. The best we can do is to ask for help when we need it and not blame ourselves for someone else's issues. Now go recommend and review. Lol.
  23. kbois

    Chapter 1

    This was easy to miss as it was part of the Secret Author submissions. As I've said before, dealing with mental illness is no "one size fits all" either for those living with it or those living with them. Everyone's journey is unique and we all just need to adapt the best we can when it comes to our interactions with those suffering from any of the hundreds of diagnoses out there. Hate isn't always a choice. My son's brain is wired in such a way that he can't always be in control of his emotions. Hate, anger, impatience, annoyance; these are all things that can appear at the drop of a hat for either no apparent reason or a reason that seems inconsequential to myself and husband but in his world are a much bigger deal. It sucks never knowing what could trigger him. You know I love big words. Lol.
  24. kbois

    Chapter 1

    This year has been busy. It's also been tough emotionally, which is why I had a bit of writer's block trying to finish Caleb's story. Writing has been a good distraction and coping tool. I'm just happy the stories came out OK. Your feedback is always spot-on and truly appreciated.
  25. kbois

    Chapter 1

    After the serious tone of last year's anthology For Better or For Worse and the wicked darkness in the Secret Author story Baring My Soul it was time for me to do something fun with a HEA ending. Also, it had to be uncomplicated. I got enough going on with The Light at the End of the Tunnel. Lol. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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