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Thomas Wells

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    Who I Am
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    78 year old single gay male.
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    Ohio, USA
  • Interests
    To read great stories of what life is all about.

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  1. Thomas Wells

    Chapter 11

    Justin, any idea when a new chapter will be out?
  2. Wow. This was a welcomed chapter and an unwelcomed storyline. I was about to call my lawyers, but you saved your cute little %&&^* smile. I really like the connection that Adam made with Nan. I also like how Kai worked well with how Adam read the story and interweaved his travels. The hard part for me was talking about the nursery homes and that. I don't have any one who would look after me as I adventure through the ages of 80's and wherever I may end up. I thought that I would have someone like Adam has Kai and Kai has Adam but that isn't the case. The story is still a fantastic story and could only be written by this one person. Please don't feel sorry for me. We all make our own walks. I will enjoy all the gay authors stories until I can't. God bless each and every one of you.💝
  3. OK let's kiss and make up.😁😁😁
  4. Yes, Master. So sorry Master, will do as you say, Master. 🤢🤢🤢
  5. I cannot with an honest voice respond to that comment in any way, shape, or form. Well, maybe ..........🙃
  6. OK. I am sorry. 😇 I won't threaten any more. I will wait patiently for each chapter to come so that I can be thrilled to read it, if it will make you happy. But that was a low-blow😝 threat.
  7. Okay. But I don't have a lot of patience. 😁
  8. And again, Wow. They're going to meet face-to-face. Just a warning. If they don't, I will sue. I really like Meg and the Doc. They add another dimension to this unique story. Keep up the great work.
  9. This isn't fair. I am 80 and will never have an Adam or a Kai. But please keep up the great work. Each chapter is so engaging.
  10. Just started reading this story and am captivated by it already. It is interesting how these stories seem to have something to do with the reader's past lives. I was a "Ryan" once. I have been gay since I was very young. I was in the military. I got kicked out, which doesn't reflect on Kei's story. I had a partner for a couple of years and then ended up getting the future mother of my two sons pregnant. So I left him and went with her. Wrong decision. I am hoping that Kai and Adam will grow together in love and in life. Thanks for writing this story. TW
  11. I am so sorry that I picked this story up so late. However, at the end of this chapter it was mentioned that you were sorry that the triology had come to an end. Can you please let me know what the other parts of this story were? TW
  12. kbois, You not only nailed it, you left everyone wanting more. I don't know that I have ever read a more spell binding story before, gay or straight. Thank you so very much for your ability to write. And if you need a push, sure, go ahead and write another series. tjw
  13. Thomas Wells

    Chapter 40

    Thanks to everyone. I will find Spirit Wolves and End of the Tunnel and read those. It doesn't matter, the whole story is worth rereading each section more than once. Being older, I will think I am reading a new story. Thanks guys.
  14. Thomas Wells

    Chapter 40

    kbois, I know that this story was written about 2 years ago, but when you are as old as I am, it takes some of us a little longer to get around to reading the stories. This was an excellent story that kept me reading right up through chapter 40. I hope there is a follow-up that I may have missed or is coming soon. Keep up the great work. tjw
  15. Thomas Wells

    Chapter 20

    OMG, what a wonderful, spellbinding story. I didn't like it when Jase left but redeemed you when he returned. Excellent story for all ages and really kept the mystery until the end. Thank you. tjw
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