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    Everything from everyone to keep me connected to all the different ideas, opinions and dreams of people on here. I know, it sounds a little broad but it's a start!

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  1. Stompingrigs

    Chapter 24

    I really love the idea of looking at something that needs fixing and imagining how much better it will look after all the work is done. Unfortunately with a house like their's, there will always be something that needs attention. Mickey's mom and Drew's Daisy will be happy moving in eventually. I certainly wouldn't mind being their neighbor. lol😜
  2. Stompingrigs

    Chapter 1

    I realize situations like this still happen but. how can a parent exile their own child away from the rest of the family unit? This is no different than tossing them out on the street. If it was done from anger then perhaps, after some cooling off, understanding and compromise might still be possible. If the cause involved religious or moral issues then where does compassion and tolerance come into play? It's all so easy to be angry and hurtful versus being tolerant or accepting. "What a world, what a world."
  3. Stompingrigs

    Chapter 15

    The honeymoon cabin with fireplace and dawg. What more could you ask for?
  4. Stompingrigs

    Spring Ch 15

    ...but whatever happened to poor Jasper???
  5. Stompingrigs


    Now the Pawn is a Prince. So fitting since his father was the King. I'm still imagining what 3 straight days of sex would be like. Not now though my heart couldn't take all that excitement. Even in my younger days I don't ever recall having that kind of sexual marathon. I'm still recalling all that passion in this heated chapter.
  6. Stompingrigs

    Spring Ch 13

    Wow! All these new faces and when Jasper comes up they will become a village...sort of.
  7. There's was so much emotion happening and I couldn't focus on any single one for too long. Still there are many unanswered questions and hopefully Jacob might find answers in his journey. Casual, you certainly have a knack for describing dark unspoken and unseen evils that surround us. Your stories leave wondering what's in store in the next chapter. Thank you.
  8. Stompingrigs

    Spring Ch 11

    Funny, I didn't see the ad for Cobbler Pool in You Tube. Would of love to see the video too! lol
  9. Stompingrigs

    Spring Ch 7

    This Cooper guy appears to be very knowledgeable, intelligent, and an in control attitude for such a young man. Wouldn't he be something if his interest were in politics instead of the land? Oh yeah. being wealthy doesn't distract much from his character either. lol
  10. Ugh!!!??!! You just ripped my emotions all over the place. Whatever you tell us with the ending I hope it's a happy one for the characters involved. I'm really concerned for Jude, Nate and of course Danny and Jake. Bringing us forward into the future always has me wondering which characters are no longer around and why. Your stories certainly keep me on my toes but in a good way. Thank you.
  11. Hey I can feel the tension of the moment even here in the comment section. I can only hope it all works out uneventfully but my gut tells me otherwise.
  12. Well Danny finally got that business out of the way. Everytime I think of Nate I'm wondering if maybe he has more feelings for Danny than he knows. Heck, the three of them might become a trouple and all settle in at that hippie commune. lol
  13. I get this impression that everything is not going to go as smoothly as they think. Either Danny's family (step-father) or Jake's bad guys or even both will catch up with them. Hey, maybe Danny might change his mind and choose to stay instead.
  14. Good grief! You don't suppose that step-father did anything unsavory to Danny's brother Pete? I hope Jake bothered to send a birthday card or Christmas card to Danny. What's going on with their other friends...Pat and Thomas? I feel for Danny's mum there's so much to worry about!
  15. That was a touching moment at the lighthouse. It just seemed the right time for Danny to admit to Nate what he, Nate had suspicions of Danny and Jake. Now the relationship between the two boys has grown with with being more open and honest with each other. If only Danny could mention to Nate what problems he's having with his step-father.
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