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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. That sounds like it could be a spoiler.
  2. We'll see who reigns supreme soon, Sacha.
  3. Well, I think a truly evil cliffhanger usually invokes strong emotion from the audience. Nobody seemed to be enraged by my so-called cliffhanger.
  4. It was just a guess. I sometimes do that, only I end up focusing on another story. That's part of the reason that I've decided to break Dark Earth into either 2 or 3 parts. I want to finish one part and focus on my other story. That's the plan anyway. Plus there are two or three short stories that are in more of a planning phase. I am awefully scattered at times.
  5. He is pretty close to finishing it if he has not already. He's also started a sequel to For the Love. He is at the very least, several chapters ahead of the actual release dates. At least, that is my impression. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
  6. That's probably because guns have been banned. I heard about why. The man responsible perpetrated the largest body count ever for a spree killer. It's such a shame. Guns aren't all bad in the hands of responsible citizens. It's the nutters who make it bad for everyone else.
  7. It seems we have an impatient, high-maintanence type.
  8. That was a joke. The goat, of all people, accused me of using an evil cliffhanger.
  9. It's best to remain friends if it's at all possible. Granted, it's not always possible, but it's at least more likely for us than it is for relationships involving women. :nuke:
  10. Sacha, I would never be in their league. Since when have I ever used an evil cliffhanger?
  11. Well, I hope you find someone who likes your great sense of humour.
  12. My choice was, "I'd say it back...it's just rude and hurtful not to," because I tend to be an appeaser. Anything I can do to avoid conflict is a good thing. It does not work all the time, but I try.
  13. I'd really like to know who the other god is.
  14. Indeed they are. Why don't they change the title to "God of Evil Cliffhangers"?
  15. I doubt that makes colleges in the US much cheaper than the ones in the UK.
  16. Good point. I have read all 5 of them. They all have some good cliffhangers, but two of them seem to be better than the others. I wonder if the cliffhanger in question is from one of them.
  17. This could be interesting. Who, other than CJ and Shadowgod, uses those? <gasps> Hmmmm... I wonder who else would do that as well.
  18. Sometimes it is difficult to cope with life. It used to be that I could just smoke a cigarette, and I would be calm. Now, I can no longer do that, because I quit smoking. Does anyone have any suggestions about coping with stress in a healthier way? :wacko:
  19. That's an interesting spoiler indeed.
  20. My guess is that it has something to do with a story (or chapter) by an author he edits for. He is probably being vague until the release. That is simply an educated guess though.
  21. That's true if I never tease French Canadian.
  22. That sounds like an interesting spoiler, if indeed it is one.
  23. Straight women are the best. They love talking about men. I'm not really into the shopping though.
  24. I happen to think part of the problem for you may be location. Maybe if you lived in a more progressive area, you view of straight men would change.
  25. You are such a bad boy... You never defend anything I say. I guess I'm not evil enough.
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