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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Voldemort was not a pure-blood. He was a half-blood. His father was a muggle. The same could be said of Severus Snape, another half-blood. Still, he was prejudiced, or so it seemed and relished in killing muggles, Muggle-born wizards (that the blood-obsessed called Mudbloods), and anyone who seemed to have a soft spot for them. It's also worth noting that Slughorn, as well as Andromeda Tonks were Slytherins, but they were not obsessed with blood purity. The more important atrributes for a Slytherin are ambition, cunning, and achievement.
  2. Ace is married, Conner. That would be bad. Also, Andre died. I'm sure you wouldn't want a repeat of that.
  3. Happy birthday, frog man
  4. Cedric Diggory was a good wizard, but he was defeated by a Slytherin. The same can be said of Tonks... As Hufflepuffs seem to believe in fair play *yawn*, it's highly doubtful they'd use dark magic.
  5. No! The reason that Harry could speak Parseltongue was because Voldemort inadvertently made him a Horcrux. Thus, a piece of Voldemort's soul was trapped within Harry's body. This is why he could sometimes see whatever Voldemort saw or feel what Voldemort felt. It was later revealed to Harry within the memories of Severus Snape that Harry was, in fact, a Horcrux, and essentially, he had to die. He cheated death, however, but the Horcrux (or piece of Voldemort's soul) within Harry's body was destroyed. Alas, Harry Potter no longer had this connection with Voldemort and could no longer speak or understand Parseltongue.
  6. Steve, I think you'll eventually be a good candidate for a prosthetic. Make no mistake, it WILL be hard work, but you'll be able to walk again. I know you can do it.
  7. You know... I've been thinking that Cody needs a man of his own, and I think Brian will work nicely. They need to meet in the final chapter. And of course, there needs to be a story from one of their points of view that's all about their relationship and any related drama.
  8. Wow Lacey... I really am for a loss of words here, but I'll try. First and foremost, drugs drastically inhibit our normal thinking. Also, at the time, you probably felt as though you deserved to be treated that way, because when you're doing drugs like you were, your self-worth becomes almost nonexistent. Now that you are sober, you can see how erroneous you were in dating the scumbag and realize you deserve better. Thus, I would say you are most fortunate as many stay in abusive relationships for much longer.
  9. The only known Parcelmouth in the Harry Potter series who isn't evil is Harry Potter himself. Voldemort, Herpo the Foul, Salazar Slitherin, Merope Guant, Morvolo Guant, and Morfin Guant were all dark wizards. Need I say more? As for horcruxes, does anyone know just how bad they are? Surely death would be preferable over creating them. They're quite nasty as the ultimate evil is required for making them. Only remorse can repair the broken soul, and the process is so excruciating that the wizard may die in the process.
  10. Of course Serpensortia is dark. Snakes have a dark association in the HP universe. The only snakes I remember were associated. Nagini and the basilisk were associated with Voldemort, and Draco Malfoy is the one who introduced Serpensortia. People freaked out completely and thought Harry Potter was a dark wizard when he was revealed as a Parcelmouth. Of course, I think that was cool. It's too bad he didn't remain a Parselmouth. Everyone needs a dark side.
  11. Ah yes, it was revealed to me when I took the Harry Potter Sorting Hat Test that I would be a Slytherin. While that does not necessarily suggest evil, I must say that some of the spells and such are quite delightful. Here is a list of dark spells I would be willing to use. Crucio (The Cruciatus Curse)- This spell would be most delightful in my opinion. If someone really got on my bad side, I would not hesitate to use it. Crucio is from the Latin word meaning "I torture". As such, the spell causes pain so unbearable that it can even cause insanity. Though I would likely not use it to such an extent, I would use it if someone really crossed me. Note: This is an unforgivable curse, and I would only use it if I thought I could get away with it Imperio (The Imperiatus Curse)- Well, of course, I would use this? What kind of pansy ass dark wizard or which doesn't want slaves to do his or her bidding? The spell is said to make a person's free will separate from his or her body. However, some wizards, including Harry Potter himself, can resist the curse. Note: This is also an unforgivable curse Adava Kadavra (The Killing Curse)- I dare say this was Voldemort's favorite of the three, and it is the only one (as far as the books are concerned) that Harry Potter never used, though it is likely he would have occasionally used it as an Auror as an adult as it was often said to be a last resort. This is probably the worst of the three, and I would only use it for one of two cases. 1) Someone had messed with my family or a close friend. 2) If I, or someone close to me, were in danger. FiendFyre- This is one of the most dangerous spells. It is so powerful as to be able to destroy a horcrux, meaning that anything it touches cannot be repaired by magical means. It causes a huge plume of fire to shoot at it's intended victim. However, it is very advanced, and only a wizard highly skilled can use this spell properly. Thus, I would be wary of using this spell, as it has been known to actually kill the caster. Sectumsempra- This spell is a nasty one indeed. It cuts the intended victim as if by an invisible sword. Without some magical healing, I suspect the victim will bleed to death. This was a spell created by none other than Severus Snape. There are also spells and other dark magic I would dare not use under any circumstances. Serpensortia- This spell causes a snake to appear. Ummm... eww. Inferi- Well, dead stuff gives me the willies, and inferi are worse than zombies. 'Nuff said. Horcrux- I'd rather keep my soul attached, thanks. Lord Voldemort killed 6 people to split his soul in 7 ways (including the small piece still left in his body). Also, Harry Potter was one of the horcruxes. Thus, there were 8 pieces of his soul all together. This is probably the darkest of all magic in the Harry Potter universe, and it is more evil than I'd be willing to do. For more information, try clicking here. And yes, I know that these things are impossible in real life, but a guy can dream, can't he?
  12. I didn't say it was a likely event, Enric. However, it can happen. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-476980/Worlds-oldest-father-21st-child-90.html
  13. Tiger


    I have heard of the Count of Monte Cristo and would love to read it at some point. Also, I do believe there is a measure of revenge in the Harry Potter series. There's no doubt that Harry Potter seeks revenge in his quest of ridding the world of Lord Voldemort, though it is in the name of justice as others have mentioned.
  14. Just 60's and 70's? Men can even father children in their 80's and 90's, though the thought of a woman conceiving a child by a man that age kinda makes me queasy... I'm sure Brian's mother had her reasons for not telling him who his father was. It very well could have been that she was a prostitute or that she was threatened if she ever exposed the truth. Men with money can pretty well do what they want whenever they want. It's what power is all about.
  15. I have noticed how closed minded a lot of older people can be. My grandparents were among them. My grandparents on my mom's side were among them. My grandma, in particular, was overbearing in her religious views to the point where she believed anyone who didn't go to her church was going to hell. As far as politics, she was so conservative as to be well outside the mainstream, and she always seemed to think that Communists were at every corner. It was quite sad really.
  16. It could that she didn't want to be labeled a whore. Even in the 70's, there were still people who weren't exactly keen on such a label. Not everyone was a hippie.
  17. My original answers have changed somewhat. I still use IMs a lot. However, texting has become a daily thing for me since I got my phone. Mine has a QWERTY keyboard, and I have unlimited texting, so I love texting now. I'd still rather talk though.
  18. I think you can be okay to drive while talking on a cell. However, it has been said that you're over 20 times more likely to be in an accident while texting and driving.
  19. There are some of those at the intersection of US-77 and the frontage road of US 287 in Waxahachie. That's a dangerous intersection. I have no problem with them being there. It'd be difficult to speed there anyway, because the stop lights change very frequently. As for speed limits elsewhere in the area, you'll get you ass ran over if you drive the speed limit on the various interstates, tollways, and expressways in Dallas.
  20. Tiger


    Well, they'd have to do something pretty bad before I'd go there, but I am a very protective person nonetheless.
  21. Yeah... there was a video about that guy. He was the receiver though. God it was disturbing. And I have someone from here at GA to thank for me finding out about it.
  22. I know it's somewhat unrelated, but I found a link to the Matthew Sheppard video that was talked about in the episode.
  23. Wow! That's a lot of posting. I've been thinking that Kevin would actually surpass CJ's post count, but it hasn't happened yet.
  24. Tiger


    Well, I have sought revenge in the past. One time, someone humiliated me, so I figured out an underhanded way to hurt the person's feelings pretty bad. It worked perfectly. As far as family goes, whoever does better hope I don't have money. I'll leave it at that, but I'm sure everyone can read between the lines as to how far I'd go for revenge.
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