For a slut, Granger is definitely a classy guy. Caroline certainly did show a great deal of perseverance. How she was able to attend dinner so soon after giving birth was beyond me. What most may not realize is that in those times the chances of a mother dying while giving birth was considerably higher than it is now. Survival in itself was remarkable enough in many cases, but for her to have the strength to even attend a meal with family is simply amazing. As for why he wouldn't boil water, it's simple. It was believed many years ago that men should not be allowed to see child birth, especially of their own children. According to what I have read, child birth was once meant to be a bonding experience for women, and men simply were not allowed. The midwives had experience with child birth, and friends would be there basically to care for the mother during and after birth. In the early 20th century, physicians began delivering babies, at least that was the time it became common practice. It was not until the 1960's and 1970's that men were ever allowed in the delivery room, though some physicians still believe that the boyfriends, husbands, etc. should not be present during childbirth. However, those physicians often keep such opinions to themselves.