Chapter 18 was good. God, that Bitty needs to like suddenly disappear without a trace or something. She's pure evil! She wants to ruin those children's lives, at least that's what it seems like to me. She basically abandoned them, and now she expects them to live with her. She is not a mother. She is an egg donor, and she has no business raising them at all!
Stef finally found out JP's biggest secret, just as I believe he should have long ago. This raises a question. Why didn't JP trust Stef with this information before? Like right after JP found out I understand as Stef was less than trustworthy earlier in his life, but through the years I would think that he'd trust him enough. Still, it's better late than never. However, it is something I believe he should at some point share with Brad, as I think he'd be understanding and would protect the secret until he takes his last breath, though now would be a bad time considering what he's going through.