Epic Poetry - Stories
Primary Genre:
a lengthy narrative poem, typically set in the far past, involving heroic and extraordinary adventures and dealings of people with gods or other superhuman forces.
The Walled Garden of Enchantment 35. Verse Translations Complete
By AC Benus, in Poetry. 05/03/2024 (Updated: 05/03/2024)
Audre Lorde Knows What I Mean – 2021 in review 18. Verse Long-Term Hold
By AC Benus, in Poetry. 01/06/2022 (Updated: 07/05/2022)
Pride Month, and other Haibun 13. Verse Long-Term Hold
By AC Benus, in Non-Fiction. 11/06/2021 (Updated: 09/01/2021)
Lorca's "Ode to Walt Whitman" 20. Verse Translations Complete
By AC Benus, in Poetry. 06/25/2021 (Updated: 06/25/2021)
Lorca’s "Love from the Darkness Sonnets" 21. Verse Translations Long-Term Hold
By AC Benus, in Poetry. 06/05/2021 (Updated: 06/18/2021)