Corporate Galactic - Stories
Corporate Galactic
Set in a distant future, Earth's government is run by corporate owners. Companies have their land, dedicated to creating their goods. Workers live in their settlements, not far from their jobs. As a new member of the Galactic Union, Earth provides unique resources no other planet can.
These are the tales of, what may be, our future.
- astone2292
- Promising Author
- Last Updated
- 0 Series
- 2 Stories
- 15,214 Words
- 11 Reviews
- World Building Link: --
Reaching Xiava Corporate Galactic Complete
By astone2292, in 2023 - Leap of Faith. 10/19/2023 (Updated: 10/19/2023)
Corporate Galactic Corporate Galactic Complete
By astone2292, in Fiction. 02/04/2022 (Updated: 02/06/2022)