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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Two of a Kind - 1. Chapter 1: Invaded Territory

"It doesn't have to be him! He is your kind; I can sense that. But a male? No cubs can come from him. If he is here there must be others of your kind. Let him lead us to them, be our guide. A kitling his age is surely capable of that. But you can't claim him, My Lord, the clan would revolt."

Cavel's lips curled into a sharp sneer and he cuffed the cat on the head. "Do not threaten me."

His voice held a deep snarl and the other cat sank to his belly as soon as Cavel spoke. Saulle's defiance of just moments before was absent as he arched his neck so he could gaze up at his leader, his eyes flicking between the hard lips and the glowing eyes. His face quivered as he fought to stay still.

"I am alpha. I say who joins and who does not. And if I say this boy will join our clan then you will act accordingly! Did I question you when you found Nallelija? We do not choose our destiny; the gods do that for us. For some mysterious reason they have made the Carthera so that we are each a half of one soul. This is my business, not yours. If you choose to forget that you forget your place. That will not be tolerated.”

Saulle's face dropped in submission as he leaned forward and rubbed his cheek on Cavel's leg. His tail was bushy and his muscles were tense as he begged forgiveness with his body. Cavel could tell he still did not agree with him but Saulle understood the danger he was in. If he continued to challenge the kitling Cavel would make him regret it.

Towering over Saulle, he let the other man grovel. He had never before taken such a stance and enforced his dominance in such an overt manner. His nose quivered as he scented the smell of the newcomer's fear and anger as he continued to ignore Saulle. Cavel was a quiet leader, one who led by strong will and strength of character, but not autocratic obstinacy. It was a hidden side of him for the most part but if he felt the need was great enough his will brought to bear was a frightening thing.

"Leave us!" Cavel ordered and the slight body of the teen flinched back as he instinctively tried to leave even as Saulle crawled backward.

"Stop!" Both Saulle and the stranger froze. The order had been full of alpha overtones and commanded instant obedience. Cavel glowered at the teen and pointed at the bench in the corner of the tent. The youth slunk past them warily, his pace slow in defiance. He spun around to walk backwards so that he could watch Saulle and Cavel, his gaze flicking between both them warily.

"Go, Saulle, and tell the others my words. I do not want this to happen again," Cavel said. His voice lowered and became a throaty hiss, "He is mine." His black eyes promised violence to any who dared oppose him. Saulle nodded before slinking backward gracefully as he eased his body past the loose tent flap.

Cavel turned his gaze to the nervous and angry youth. He was still agitated, breathing hard with his mouth just barely open as he scented the air and the little one in front of him. "What is your name?"

The youth simply folded his arms over his chest and glared back at him. The hard look in his eye wasn’t empty bravado. Unlike many his age in Cavel’s clan, his body was whipcord thin with lean muscles, flat and hard. His body was one developed from constant hard use just to survive in the hot steamy jungle. He was alone and now vulnerable, no matter how competent he was in the dangerous jungle that surrounded them. Just as his body was vulnerable to the stares of Cavel's clan in ways that made Cavel want to scratch out the guard’s eyes. The only thing keeping him decent was a short breechclout.

"You will tell me your name," Cavel ordered. The words came out laced with all the power of an order of a strong alpha. The youth was struck with a sudden urge to obey and his hands came down to his sides, clenching into tight fists as he fought it for long minutes and then failed.

"Bashta," he said resentfully.

"Do you know what I am?" Cavel infused power into every word. Apparently his newest member was going to be difficult. Instinctively Cavel felt the need to dominate Bashta, but he wasn't totally sure if it was because of the aura of power Bashta had himself or if it was because he felt that he was his mate. He needed to keep him close and the youth’s resistance made him irritable.

"Alpha," Bashta acknowledged with a sneer. With a supreme act of will he pulled his eyes from Cavel's, focusing on him but not held by a more dominant male. No one Cavel had ever met had been able to look away once he locked gazes with them.

"Beyond that," Cavel prompted. "Deeper."

Cavel's voice held nothing but a faint order that time. He wanted the youngling to figure this out of his own accord. He kept his gaze deliberately soft and avoided direct eye contact. He felt satisfaction as Bashta studied him; he knew what the youngling saw. He was tall with a powerful body; wearing a loose pair of linen pants tied at his waist and a button down shirt left open, hanging from wide shoulders and showing his muscular chest and stomach. Cavel knew he cut an imposing figure compared to the youth’s whipcord lean form.

He was much bigger than Bashta, though their heights were the same he was much bulkier, though not fat. He was a man comfortable in adulthood, strong and virile. Just having those eyes wandering over his clothed body was enough to set Cavel off. Bashta's nose almost quivered as he took in the scent of arousal that permeated the tent.

"Something." Bashta shook his head nervously and looked away to avoid looking at Cavel any longer. "I don't know what though."

Cavel pressed him with his words but made sure to keep his distance physically. "But you feel something."

Bashta nodded but his eyes were restless, darting around the room, still avoiding eye contact with Cavel. Someone without the advantages Cavel had would think him perfectly relaxed. His hands were resting gently in his lap instead of crossed over his chest but his legs weren't stretched out in relaxation. He kept his weight balanced on the balls of his feet and was ready to run, if Cavel interpreted the lightning fast glimpses toward the door right. Cavel’s eyes narrowed as he took a few steps to the right, blocking the path to the door.

Bashta's entire body stiffened. He glared at Cavel, "What do you want with me? I was not harming you or yours."

Pausing, Cavel thought about that. He had been alone for so long; he needed to keep Bashta with him until they could bond. Dominant by nature he had fought to control his clan even though he had no mate and had not yet bonded when his father died. He was the leader of a jaguar clan from southern California and only the force of his dominance, even without the strength of his Carthera side manifested, held them together.

But something, some instinct inside him told him now was not the time to pressure his little cat. He was strong alone but he had never found another black jaguar before now. He had to go carefully with Bashta. The jaguar clan was small at first, easily controlled after he established his dominance but most of its adult members were paired off as it grew steadily over the years. He ached with the missing part of his soul as he watched pair after pair in his clan become bonded as he presided over the ceremonies. He felt the need to bond his mate no matter the cost but he had just enough control to stop himself from doing something foolish. Though, if he didn't want Bashta to go running he would have to think of something else to keep the youth close.


He was trapped on the bench while the large man stood silently, staring at him. He shifted uncomfortably. Seeming to come to a decision he pulled a stool over. Bashta grimaced when he stayed between him and the door. "My name is Cavel. We are here on an expedition of sorts."

Bashta kept his eyes moving around the room in between flashing the man angry glares as he looked for any opportunity to get away. He didn't care why they were violating his territory anymore. He had been harming no one when he followed them through the trees, watching. He had avoided all the humans who had come near his home but something about the man in the lead had intrigued him. He had felt something when he entered his territory and Bashta had made directly for the group, though he was too far away to hear or see them. Somehow he knew this man was close.

He had watched, unable to leave until this man had stared straight at him this afternoon and sent one of his kind with claws up the tree Bashta was hiding in. He was so shocked coming face to face with a transformed one of his kind again that he had frozen and let them herd him to their camp. It wasn't until they trapped him in this stifling cloth prison that he woke up to the tingling sense of danger he felt. He wanted to leave but he knew the big man could stop him, even without his fawning cat to help. Bashta’s helplessness pissed him off.

"What does that have to do with me?"

"I need a guide. Someone who knows how to travel in the jungle and who will be able to take care of my men. I cannot afford to fail and I need help from someone I will be able to trust. In other words, you."

"Not interested. I don’t care why you are here or what you want." Bashta put his hands on the bench, ready to stand up.

"That's why you've been following us for two days now?" Cavel cocked his head and smirked.

"I always make sure interlopers are not messing up my territory," Bashta snarled.
Territory was a sensitive matter to most Carthera and they didn't lightly enter the land claimed by other’s of their kind. This was something Bashta knew and didn't hesitate to thrust in the face of the arrogant man. He knew he struck a blow when Cavel winced and looked guilty.

"I'm leaving." Bashta stood up, moving assertively toward the tent flap. Cavel stood up so fast his stool fell over. Moving quickly he took the single stride left between them and put his hands on Bashta’s lean chest. Neither man was able to hide their shudders at the sensation of a link flaring just enough to give them a taste of each other. Cavel's breath caught and came out in a moan. Bashta flushed, his tawny skin just barely showing pink but the flush covered his bare chest and flowed up his face.

Cavel moved into his space even further, his hands sliding up and into Bashta's thick black hair that fell in a heavy curtain about his shoulders. It was slightly coarse and the tugging pulled his head back. As their fronts collided he brought his hands up to curl around those muscular arms holding him so possessively and moaned. He drowned in the sensation of damp hot skin touching his but the second Cavel's lips closed over his adams apple he jerked away.

"No!" Breathing hard Bashta stumbled back several steps. “Stay away from me!” His eyes were wide and he looked panicked, trembling and glaring at Cavel.

"Shit!" Cavel ran his hand through his own short cropped black hair. It was just long enough the humidity was making it curl and he tugged on the ends. "I'm sorry. I didn't intend on anything." He frowned, "I know I shouldn't have done that."

Bashta was still glaring at him, "I am not... not, whatever it is you think I am. I bow to no one, least of all weak a Carthera that pretends to be human." His scorn as he raked a heated glance over Cavel's clothes was just as visible as the slight heated flare in his eyes when he caught sight of a pink nipple standing firm and unhidden from the widened gap in his shirt.

"Pretend to be human?" Cavel was affronted. "We are human and we are also more. Humans are our brothers, not something to look down on. They are not that different from us."

Bashta shook his head, "You are just as strange to me as they are. You come here with your boxes and bags of things and disrupt the rhythm of the jungle with your very presence. You hide from the air and the sounds," Bashta gestured dismissively at the tent wall, "as if you think this could actually protect you.

"I've never understood the humans who dared to come here and I don't care to. Loud, destructive, and oft times poaching treasure hunters." Bashta was getting angry as he thought about the desecrations he had witnessed over and over; he glared at Cavel. "Your so important mission is to find the Temple, right? The fabled legend of a temple dedicated to the Jaguar that is hidden deep in the jungle beyond the rim of light. And you expect me to lead you there because surely the fact that you are the only one of my kind I've seen would make me overlook the fact you are as greedy as a weak human."

Bashta's hands were clenched into fists that he flexed as he spoke in a sharp hiss, "You will get nothing from me. Not a guide and not... not that." One of his hands came up to cover his neck as his eyes flashed. "I bare my neck to no one! Now move!"

Cavel didn't instantly move and Bashta saw red. His lips curled up as he snarled and charged. Cavel took him down as gently as he could but it took several minutes before he managed to pin the hissing youngling who cursed him even as Cavel straddled his hips and forced his arms above his head. Bashta tucked his chin and glared as he continued to struggle though he knew he couldn't get away. His own nature forced him to fight.

A spotted face poked through the door. "Hey Cavel, need a hand?" Piscel asked with a grin.

"No! Get out!" Cavel snarled. The head instantly withdrew but they could hear Piscel snickering outside the tent.

"Now, I can understand your anger at the way my men forced you here. And I shouldn't have touched you like that," Cavel frowned, "no matter how much I wanted to. But I am not a treasure hunter! Yes, I know the legends. The rubies, ebony, gold, the fire stones, and other hoards of the many offerings to the Jaguar are well known. But that is not what I seek."

"Right, like I am just going to take your word on that!" Bashta snarled, straining to get his arms off the ground but failing as Cavel slammed them back down after he got them up just an inch.

"It's the truth!"

Cavel got in Bashta's face. "My people are dying," he hissed. "Right before my eyes they are fading and I can do nothing. Nothing! I have to reach the Temple, the Room of Echoes and the oracle. I don't want material things; I want a way to save my clan before our young die from whatever sickness has struck down. Each day I waste going in circles looking for the Rim of Light. I cannot let our brightest hopes for the future, innocent beings who are just beginning life fade. I could not bear for any of our kitlings to suffer or pass beyond if I can stop it.

"When I contacted others of our kind an elder of another clan told us the legend of this Temple of the Jaguar. She was a very wise woman and I believed in her. She also told me that my own fate and happiness depended on finding the Temple before the next moonless night. It will be here in less than a week and I have no idea if I am any closer to the temple than when I began. I am fighting this horror totally blind and I need a guide." His voice trailed off and he whispered, "I need you." He stared into Bashta's eyes.

When Bashta didn't respond Cavel's eyes closed as he hung his head. He let go of Bashta's hands, swinging his body off him and slumping on the floor, cradling his head in his hands. The bitter tang of fear and despair tainted the air. Bashta sat up and moved back a little but he didn't try to leave. He rubbed his wrists and stared at the beaten down man in front of him. For that was what Cavel was, his strength as an alpha stripped from him by the threatened loss of his clan. Unable to lead them to safety, failing his people was not an option for the leader of a clan. To do so was unthinkable. It shook Bashta's surety in his own argument.

His own mother had held on long enough to see him grown just beyond a kitling and smart enough to protect himself before she went off and took to the jungle as an animal. It didn't take long for her to pass beyond his land and he never saw her again. Losing her just a year after his entire clan wasted from an incurable illness it had made Bashta wary and bitter. He had lost his littermates to the sickness before they could ever grow out of kitling days and the memory of their suffering still haunted him. Cavel's pain brought all those suppressed feelings to the surface and finally Bashta could not handle the pounding silence.

"You swear! Swear upon your honor and clan that you seek only a cure," Bashta snapped.

Cavel's head came up, his eyes red rimmed and raw with every emotion stripped bare, "I swear. I swear upon my honor as an alpha of the Jaguar clan, upon my role of protector and heart of my people, upon my bond as..." he paused, and then shook his head. "I cannot swear that yet. But everything I am I would give if it would save my clan. Whatever you need from me to believe what I say is true I will give you."

Bashta looked at him gravely, searching his eyes. He nodded reluctantly, "I believe you." It would be so much easier if he didn't though. He was uncomfortable as he watched tears fill Cavel's eyes.

"Then you will lead us? To the Temple of the Jaguar?"

Bashta took a deep breath. His clan's law, before they were wiped out, was that no outsider be taken to the Temple, ever. It was protected at all costs but Bashta was convinced he needed to help this man. His instinct was to trust him and more than once his instincts had been all that saved his life as he lived alone in the jungle. He would be wary though.

"I will. But that's it, just as your guide." Bashta looked around the tent and wrinkled his nose, "There is no way I will stay in one of these smelly ovens on the way though. I will come to you each morning."

Cavel was hesitant to agree to let Bashta out. If he was lying...

Bashta snorted, "You couldn't lie if you wanted to, could you? Everything you think is shown on that face of yours." He shook his head, "It's my turn to reassure you I guess. On the spirits of my mother and my lost clan I swear I will do everything in my power to help your clan."

He stood up and his head brushed one wall of the tent. "I will not stay trapped in these smelly things though. You will have to trust me." He could see Cavel weighing his sworn promise.

"I guess I am trusting you to guide us to the Temple so I will have to also believe that you will return as you say. If I keep you here like a prisoner that wouldn't go very far to demonstrating my faith, would it?" Cavel's desperation was fading and his natural cunning and quick mind were no longer drowned beneath his fear and despair. A mental image of Bashta tied to his bed, his loincloth gone and every single inch of his tight body exposed, had Cavel flushing as sweat beaded on his forehead.

"Okay, definitely a good idea for us to leave this tent." Cavel got to his feet and with a few glances over his shoulder led Bashta from the tent. Several of his clan members loitered close. Their eyes shined in the dim light that filtered through the jungle canopy to penetrate to the ground level as they watched the pair emerging from the tent.

Bashta immediately took a deep breath, smelling the heady mix of flowers, dying leaves, and damp soil. To some it would be unpleasant but to him it was comforting. In the jungle you couldn't always see what was around you but he had learned to use his ears and his nose to stay safe. The call of a startled bird or the smell of rotting meat could alert him to a predator just as the buzz of honeybees could lead him to a rare sweet treat.

Bashta straightened up and stepped away from Cavel. He stopped when one of the men standing to one side snarled at him in warning and his claws flexed out. Even in the fading light of the coming dusk Bashta could see the tawny yellow of his skin and black rosettes that flowed from his temples and down his neck. Cavel took a few steps sideways to stand in front of him and snarled at the aggressive guard.

"Stop that, Mackent. I thought I made myself clear." Cavel huffed and glared at the man who sheathed his claws and took a few steps back. "Bashta is under my protection. He has agreed to be our guide and you will treat him as an honored guest. He may come and go as he pleases."

"My Lord!" Saulle pushed through the gathered clan. Cavel pierced him with a single glare that stopped him dead in his tracks but did not stop the sneer on his face or the bite of his disastrous words.

"The youngling is hardly likely to be of any use. We need a real man who actually knows what he is doing in the jungle." Saulle glared at Bashta.

"I will not repeat myself again," Cavel warned harshly. "Back down, Saulle. Now!"

His words goaded the young man and he stepped out from Cavel's shadow and met the glare of the second in command. "I don't need you to protect me. Your clumsy guards would never be able to catch me if I took to the trees."

"Catch you again, you mean, right?" Saulle said as he smirked.

Bashta flushed and snarled, "I didn't even try to get away from you earlier. You wouldn't be able to follow me if I didn't allow it."

Saulle scoffed at him, rolling his eyes. "A kitling as young as yourself shouldn't be allowed more than two steps from his mother's tail. I hardly intend to reduce myself to playing a child's game of hide and seek. Go tell one of your betters we seek to speak with an actual adult about your so called sacred temple."

Bashta's body went rigid. His lips rose up over his teeth and he hissed. Turning abruptly he charged from the clearing, leaping up the nearest tree and disappearing into the canopy so fast his body seemed a blur, even to the mated jaguar's enhanced senses. The entire camp stood motionless in shock for the few seconds it took Bashta to disappear.

Thank you Renee, for all your help! This story wouldn't be what it is without you.
Copyright © 2011 Cia; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Story Discussion Topic

So this new story is set in the world of the Carthera Clans. It's modern but has an ancient feel to it. Magic of the clans and a bit beyond should make this a bit different from my average story. Of course there will be hot guys and a stormy romance, we mustn't leave that out!! I hope you enjoying reading this first chapter! I promise to respond if you leave a review, forum comment, or criticism so don't forget the feedback. I welcome any and all types of constructive criticism too, so don't fee
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Chapter Comments

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of bringing this wonderful world to life! The worlds you can create with your words are amazing and I look forward to each and every story from you. The fact that I get to play a small part in bringing them to life is like icing on the cake! With that said, I love the dedication that Cavel has to his clan as well as Bashta's compassion once he knows what Cavel is there for. The both seem to be very strong and loyal men. They are both loyal to their clan and to their duties and that is something to respect and admire.

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On 03/07/2011 01:13 PM, Renee Stevens said:
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of bringing this wonderful world to life! The worlds you can create with your words are amazing and I look forward to each and every story from you. The fact that I get to play a small part in bringing them to life is like icing on the cake! With that said, I love the dedication that Cavel has to his clan as well as Bashta's compassion once he knows what Cavel is there for. The both seem to be very strong and loyal men. They are both loyal to their clan and to their duties and that is something to respect and admire.
Aww, you're sweet! I guess I've just a vivid imagination. But it comes to life when I write and you are a large part of helping me make them amazing. I know I tend to write 'ideal' guys with superb traits and then put them through hell but I try to make them not too unrealistic it's not believable. No one is perfect after all. However, loyalty and devotion are two big traits I had to imbue with these guys. It's very central to their characters. Thanks so much for the review!
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Awesome first chapter!! I can already tell that I'm gonna enjoy this story. Basta and Cavel are awesome and I love their personalities. I hope you'll update soon.thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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You know Cia, that was awful, just awful. :thumbdown:


I mean you give us just a hint and the wham, you snatch it away. You are awful mean; might I say the "Queen" of mean even? :worship:


Okay now for the real -


You do this a lot in your writing, you give us just enough to 'see' your characters but not enough to really truly "SEE" them. Which is kinda cool. :great:


But I am a tad confused, maybe the next chapter will flesh it out. But I don't understand if Cavel and the kitling [can't spell it, too lazy to go look] - are of the same kind, are they a special subset of the same species? Are the other in the clan, the same as Cavel? As I said, just wondering - 4K words is hard to answer all the questions someone has when you are world building.


Not really Escaping the Pain yet, but it has the potential to be. :2thumbs:



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On 03/09/2011 08:36 AM, bookjunky18 said:
Awesome first chapter!! I can already tell that I'm gonna enjoy this story. Basta and Cavel are awesome and I love their personalities. I hope you'll update soon.thumbsupsmileyanim.gif
I will update soon, don't worry! All but the epilogue essentially is written for this story. I am really glad you liked it, thanks so much for leaving a review.
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On 03/09/2011 09:14 AM, Andrew_Q_Gordon said:
You know Cia, that was awful, just awful. :thumbdown:


I mean you give us just a hint and the wham, you snatch it away. You are awful mean; might I say the "Queen" of mean even? :worship:


Okay now for the real -


You do this a lot in your writing, you give us just enough to 'see' your characters but not enough to really truly "SEE" them. Which is kinda cool. :great:


But I am a tad confused, maybe the next chapter will flesh it out. But I don't understand if Cavel and the kitling [can't spell it, too lazy to go look] - are of the same kind, are they a special subset of the same species? Are the other in the clan, the same as Cavel? As I said, just wondering - 4K words is hard to answer all the questions someone has when you are world building.


Not really Escaping the Pain yet, but it has the potential to be. :2thumbs:



Ha! And you have to wait until next year to call me on it too, so :P I do like giving just the basic sketch of a character. Body type, hair color/style, eyes, clothing, that's usually about it. I prefer that in my own reading, it lets me superimpose my own vision on the character better which lets me have a better connection to them. I try to do the same with my own writing.Further writing does flesh out the differences between Bashta and Cavel and the rest of the clan. So don't worry, the confusion will not last long, I promise! I am really glad you enjoyed the first chapter, more to come soon. Thanks sooo much for reviewing!
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I love big cats! And there is no bigger cats than Jags! I've never read a jungle story, exept Jungle Story, so thi is gonna be interesting!


I'm not telling who came to my mind of Cavel, but 'kitling' Bashta souunds just pefect cutie!


The age gap thing really gaught my interest also :D


**moves roaring to the next chappy**

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On 03/12/2011 07:36 AM, Marzipan said:
I love big cats! And there is no bigger cats than Jags! I've never read a jungle story, exept Jungle Story, so thi is gonna be interesting!


I'm not telling who came to my mind of Cavel, but 'kitling' Bashta souunds just pefect cutie!


The age gap thing really gaught my interest also :D


**moves roaring to the next chappy**

Oh yes. Jaguars are such an interesting mix of big cat/little cat. I researched heavily for this story so hopefully it will come through but not overwhelm the characters with the details I've been trying to add in. I love shifter type stories a lot, especially in modern settings but these guys are natural in nature so I wanted to mix that in this modern fantasy. I hope you like Ch. 2, thanks so much for the review!
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An interesting start. How did I let this one get away from me. I love the Cathara. I shall have to post Damphir soon or people will be thinking I stole poor old Glory from you :) I love the way your characters interact and I am waiting to see more.

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On 05/04/2011 08:24 AM, Nephylim said:
An interesting start. How did I let this one get away from me. I love the Cathara. I shall have to post Damphir soon or people will be thinking I stole poor old Glory from you :) I love the way your characters interact and I am waiting to see more.
I'm not sure either! Luckily you have 8 more chapters to read ;) I hope you enjoy them!! And while Glory definitely is similar in a few superficial areas he is in no way 'stolen' from my Carthera hot cats ;) Never fear, he's one of a kind!!
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Guest cogito_ergo_sum1666


oooookaaay! just finished book 1 and this one is so promising *rubs palms together* i always find it fun to read the love-hate submission-dominance relationship so yes this would really be an interesting tale to follow! thank you cia!

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On 07/24/2011 02:54 AM, cogito_ergo_sum1666 said:
oooookaaay! just finished book 1 and this one is so promising *rubs palms together* i always find it fun to read the love-hate submission-dominance relationship so yes this would really be an interesting tale to follow! thank you cia!
This one doesn't have much d/s in it, not in the traditionl sense but I hope you like it! I love the sexy cats ;)
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Every bit of Chapter 1 is absolutely wonderful. I can smell and taste the tension and the jungle the way you describe it. Next!

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On 02/22/2012 11:14 AM, MidnightMan said:
Every bit of Chapter 1 is absolutely wonderful. I can smell and taste the tension and the jungle the way you describe it. Next!
I'm glad you like it! One of the things I try to focus on is really bringing the setting to life. Quick question, did you read Bonds Unbroken first? While each of these can be read independently, Bonds, then this story, then Hypnotic are intertwined. I'd start with that one, if you haven't, though it's not really crucial. You'll just get a bit of plot spoilers for Bonds if you read this first.
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Cia, you never cease to amaze me with your writing style and elegant and skillful way you fold your readers into the story. It is as if we are standing there watching it unfold in front of us. Smelling, feeling, listening and yearning along with each of your characters. Loving this story and it is only chapter 1. I can't wait to get into the following chapters!

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On 10/25/2012 01:27 PM, CW Prince said:
Cia, you never cease to amaze me with your writing style and elegant and skillful way you fold your readers into the story. It is as if we are standing there watching it unfold in front of us. Smelling, feeling, listening and yearning along with each of your characters. Loving this story and it is only chapter 1. I can't wait to get into the following chapters!
Ahh, I'd love to say that just comes to me, but it doesn't. I'm always very deliberate in the choices I make when writing whether it be the specific words used or the senses chosen to make the story come alive to readers. The emotions and physical reactions are geared to draw a reader in as much as possible, to make it as vivid and visceral as it can be. Glad to see it's working! Thanks for the review Clockwork, and I hope you continue to enjoy this story.
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I love the start of this story. It is sensual with the descriptions of the tent and the freeing from its environment as they step out into the jungle.  Both Cavel and Bashta are easy to relate to and very sexy.  Saulle is so stupid and disrespectful on the surface, he will either die quickly or become the evil antagonist of the story. Great start!  Keep it coming.

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