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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Walls - 16. October 2015


“Bloody hell, here we go again.” Owen shook his head while Brett slapped him on the back.

“How does it feel to be dating a celebrity, Ozzie?”

Robbie Mook’s smile lit up the room and CJ thought it was a perfect match for the guy’s cheerful personality. “It’s so great to see you again, buddy. Hi, Owen, you’re looking very dapper.” Robbie shook hands with CJ and then repeated the greeting with his fathers and boyfriend. “César, Brett, I hope you realize the four of you stand out from the crowd. Everyone’s checking you out. You guys look good in black tie. I think I even saw a lesbian drool a little.”

“Lay off, Robbie, we already sent you a check this year.” César’s smile and enthusiastic handshake removed any perceived sting from his words. “Actually, we sent you two. One from Brett and one from me. And don’t even think of CJ or Ozzie. We’re not letting our son make any political contributions until he turns eighteen. And Ozzie’s a foreign national so he’s not allowed to contribute.”

“Ouch, that hurt!” Robbie held a hand against his heart. “Is that what you think I do all the time? Hit people up for money?”

“Yes!” The simultaneous reply by Brett and CJ made Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager shake his head and roll his eyes.

“Fine, be that way. How was your summer, CJ? I never heard back from you about volunteering for the campaign.”

“Ummm, summer was good. My little brother moved up here to live with us and I’ve been spending a lot of time with him.” CJ looked at his dads momentarily, wishing he could ask them for help on how to phrase what he wanted to say. “As for the volunteering, I’m not ready, Robbie. I’m not even sure who I’ll support in the election. But you’ll be happy to know I told Marco Rubio there was no way I’d work for him unless he changed his tune on gay marriage.”

“You met with the Senator?”

“Yeah, kinda crazy how it went down. I was in Miami for spring break the day he made his announcement. Somebody from his staff called my phone the day before looking for Dad and I ended up with an invitation to the event. It was interesting. He came over to talk to me afterwards and I let him know I had no interest in working for his campaign.”

Robbie shifted his gaze between Owen, Brett, and César. “Were you guys there too? What did you think?”

“Nah, mate, my break from law school wasn’t the same week as his.” Owen had turned his chair slightly to look at the man who stood behind him. “CJ was there with a friend from school. The two of them went down to Florida by themselves. But I’m looking forward to meeting the senator tomorrow. After you introduced us to President Clinton last year, Senator Rubio will be the highest ranking politician I ever met.”

Robbie looked confused and sounded worried. “Tomorrow? Are you guys meeting with Rubio?”

“Relax, dude, it’s nothing serious.” Brett clamped a hand on Robbie’s shoulder, giving him a reassuring shake. “One of our neighbor’s a Rubio supporter. They’re having a reception for him tomorrow and we were invited. We told them César and I are leaning towards Clinton but they insisted we attend anyway. We’re dragging CJ and Ozzie with us. And I, for one, am hoping our son lays into Rubio again. I missed the last one.”

“Shut up, Brett.” César did not sound amused. “There will be no confrontations tomorrow. My husband has a chip on his shoulder when it comes to politicians not supporting GLBT issues. Unless they’re military veterans, of course. Those he gives a get-out-of-jail-free card. I think that’s where our son gets his feistiness from.”

“I’m not letting any of you off the hook. I’ll work my behind off for Secretary Clinton and you guys are going to be my personal project. César, Brett, we’ll talk further. But I hope I can convince you guys to host an event for the Secretary sometime soon. Owen, let me introduce you to Vice President Biden before the evening’s over. He’s the keynote speaker tonight. And he’ll beat out Senator Rubio for the second spot on the list of public servants you’ve met.”

“I’d like that, mate.”

“And you, CJ, I have something special in mind for you. What time do you get out of school? And do you have anything planned this coming Monday?”

“Ummm, school lets out at 3:15 and Monday’s one of my days for lifting weights at the gym. But that’s always flexible. What’s going on?”

Robbie reached into his suit coat and retrieved his phone. “I’m sending you the address for Bill and Hillary’s home in Washington right now. She’s in town this week, meeting with supporters and donors. Monday we’re having a get together with a handful of people I think could be surrogates for us during the campaign.”

Owen looked confused for a moment. “What are surrogates?”

“Those are the individuals who make appearances on behalf of a candidate. Mostly media interviews.”

CJ once again looked at his dads, hoping for guidance but all he received were smiles and a wink from César. “I don’t know, Robbie. I told you I’m not ready to support anyone yet. Plus, I need to think some on the media thing. The dads and I try to stay away from too much publicity.”

“I’m not asking you to make a commitment, buddy. This is a chance to meet Secretary Clinton and hear why she wants to be President. And what she hopes to accomplish if elected.” He looked at César and Brett before continuing. “Would you guys object to your son being on national TV?”

“Nah, a presidential election’s something special. And CJ will be eighteen in two months. He can make up his own mind.” César glanced at Brett and received a quick nod. “If you think he can do the job and he wants to, we won’t interfere.”

CJ’s jaw dropped. “Who the hell are you and what have you done with my father?”

César laughed and snaked an arm around CJ’s neck. “This is different, buddy. No matter what anyone tells you, politics affects everyone of us. Politicians are necessary. And we all need to work to ensure the best people are elected. This is an important presidential election. If you decide to work for a candidate, Brett and I will support you. Right, Jarhead?”

“Sounds right to me. And you know what sounds even better? Another cocktail. One martini’s never enough. You know what they say about them. They’re like testicles. One’s not enough and three is one too many. Come on, Ozzie. You and I need refills, let these three figure things out.”

True to his word, Robbie came to their table before the evening’s program started and took CJ and Owen to meet Vice-President Biden. César and Brett joked they would remain seated; they were afraid meeting another politician would cost them more money. But they did make it a point of introducing themselves to Jim Obergefellthe named plaintiff in the case which led to the Supreme Court deciding same-sex marriage prohibitions were unconstitutional.

Returning home, they found Ritchie and Dragon asleep on the couch downstairs with a blue screen on the TVthey had nodded off watching a movie. Dragon had agreed to stay with the boy as an opportunity to talk to him. Ritchie had told César and Brett during their motorcycle ride the previous month he didn’t want to see a counselor any longer, so they’d asked for their friend’s help once again.

The next morning, Dragon told them he thought the kid was okay. His parents were dead but he was handling the event well enough. Dragon didn’t think Ritchie was repressing his emotions the way CJ did after he was rejected by his mother and stepfather. Based on what the kid had said, his older brother was the main reason he was dealing so well with the loss.


Brett snickered and elbowed Owen. They’d started keeping track of how often CJ was recognized and had his name shouted out. Both had been called assholes after CJ heard what they were doing.

“So good to see you again. Hello César, Captain Davenport. This is a nice surprise.” Smiling, Marco Rubio shook hands with the three men.

Seeing his son roll his eyes, César tapped CJ’s shouldera silent warning to behave, reinforcing the verbal admonition he’d given while walking the few blocks to the reception. “Hello, Marco. You’re looking well. How’s the campaign trail treating you?”

“It’s been an eye-opening experience so far, César. Talking to people around the country has convinced me I can be a catalyst for change in their lives. Our country needs solid leadership in these uncertain times and I’m certain I’m the right man for the job.”

At just under six feet, CJ often complained of being the shortest one while out with his fathers and Owen. He was somewhat surprised to realize he was taller than the senator and how little Marco appeared, looking up at the four of them. “Senator, this is Owen Liston, my boyfriend. Ozzie, Senator Marco Rubio. You’ve heard me talk about him before.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet another supporter, Owen. I hope I can count on your vote.”

“I’m sorry, Senator, but that might be a problem. See, I’m an Australian citizen and not eligible to vote in your elections.”

“Are you planning on becoming a citizen? Even if you aren’t, you can still volunteer for the campaign. I’m certain you and CJ could arrange to work together. I can put you in touch with the woman heading up our efforts in Washington and Northern Virginia.”

CJ was quick to jump in and didn’t give Owen a chance to reply. “I don’t see it happening, Senator. I thought I made it clear to you when we last spoke. I can’t back someone for office if they were unwilling to support equal rights for the GLBT community.”

Senator Rubio looked flustered. “I assumed since you were here you’d changed your mind.”

“Not a chance.” CJ noticed the warning stare César gave him and the hand Brett placed on his father’s arm at the same time. “I’m here because our host is friends with my parents. The dads asked me and Ozzie to come with them. But I haven't changed my mind. I still think if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. You haven’t given me any reason to believe you will be a President for all Americans. I’m sorry, Senator, but I don’t see myself supporting your candidacy unless you change your approach to GLBT issues.”

“And what exactly would you expect from me, CJ?” Rubio’s frustration was clear to anyone listening.

“Acknowledging I have the same right to marry the person I love my non-gay brother has would be a good start. And a promise not to reverse President Obama’s executive orders regarding non-discrimination in employment practices by Federal contractors would also be good. I’ve read up on you a lot since our conversation in Miami. And what I’ve seen doesn’t make me feel happy about the possibility of you in the White House.” CJ glanced at his parents; he was worried about their reaction to what he was saying.

“You can’t believe everything you read, CJ. The media often takes things out of context.”

CJ was starting to get pissed off. What he was hearing from the senator was bullshit and he was ready to call him out on it. “Kinda hard to say it’s out of context when they’re your words being quoted, Senator. You stated in no uncertain terms you’d reverse those orders because you thought they forced faith-based people to become sinners. To use a phrase our Vice-President is fond of: ‘that’s a bunch of malarkey.’ How can you stand there and tell me it’s a sin for anyone to treat members of the GLBT community the same way they treat others? Are you implying you have to discriminate in order to follow your faith?

“I think it’s the opposite. People like you are willing to treat me as a second class citizen and then you have the hutzpah to ask me for my support? For my money to help you get elected? Whatever happened to treating others the way you’d like to get treated? You call yourself a Christian yet you forget the most important of your religion’s teachings?”

“CJ?” Owen’s soft call made the teen snap out of his mood. “How about you give the Senator a chance to reply? You’ve been tearing into him something fierce, mate.”

“You’re right, Ozzie. Thank you. I’m sorry, Senator. That was very rude on my part. I wish you and your family well, but it will be impossible for me to support you. I don’t disagree with all your positions but this one’s a deal breaker. You either accept the fact I’m as good as everyone else or I’ll do my damnedest to see you and anyone who thinks the way you do won’t get elected.” He shook hands with the senator, grabbed one of Ozzie’s, and walked away in the direction of the bar. When he took a quick glance at his parents, César had a small smile but was shaking his head. Brett, on the other hand, couldn’t have produced a larger grin no matter how hard he tried.


The red brick Georgian style mansion on Whitehaven Street was easy enough to find for CJ. The dark American-made SUVs parked in front and the suit-wearing men standing around them were a dead giveaway of Secret Service protection. He smiled at the man holding the door open motioning for him to enter the house Bill and Hillary Clinton called home when in Washington. “Hi, Robbie.”

“Thanks for coming, buddy. The secretary’s looking forward to meeting you.”


CJ’s stunned, questioning expression made Robbie Mook chuckle. “Don’t look so surprised. We were talking about you and the other individuals coming over earlier. Bill was on the phone with us and he remembered you when I mentioned your name and who you were.”

“He did? Wow! Okay… Are there a lot of people here today?”

“A few. Come on, follow me and we’ll get started. There are two more persons coming but they’ll join us whenever they get here. We’re expecting half-a-dozen people. This is a two way street. For someone like you, meeting her for the first time, it’s an opportunity to ask questions. A chance to get to know Mrs. Clinton, and hopefully be convinced to join our team.

“And for the Secretary, it’s a chance to get comfortable with people who’ll be representing her when it’s not possible for her to be present.”

“I haven’t agreed to do it yet, Robbie.” He followed the man inside a room lined with shelves full of books and photographs, a large desk in front of a floor-to-ceiling window, and a comfortable-looking assortment of armchairs set in a semi-circle facing the unlit fireplace.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stood with her back leaning against the mantel smiling at him. “I heard that, CJ. Welcome to Whitehaven. Let me introduce you to the others and then I’ll do my best to convince you I’m the right person to support.”

CJ took several steps towards the much shorter woman with his hand extended. “Madam Secretary―”

“Ohhh, I like the way you say that. It’s my favorite TV show, you know? Thank goodness for DVRs, the way my schedule is these days I’d never get to catch up with my shows.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Secretary Clinton.”

“Please, please, call me Hillary. There’s no need for formality in here. My husband remembers meeting you last year, and if you’re half as good as Robbie claims, I’m going to be working extra hard to bring you on board. Robbie mentioned you have a boyfriend and Bill recalls meeting him too. He didn’t come with you?”

“Ummm, no. I didn’t know Ozzie was invited. But he’s in school right now anyway.”

“That’s right, he’s in law school at George Mason, correct? Robbie prepared a one page summary on each of you here today and one thing you’ll find out about me is I do my homework. I want to know as much as possible about the people who’ll be speaking on behalf of our campaign.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Why don’t you grab a soda, coffee, or tea, CJ? Then come sit down and we’ll get started.”

“I’ll assume you received the same e-mails and texts from Brian Sims Brett and I did?” César poured glasses of wine for himself and Brett, an almost full one for CJ, and about a third-full-glass for Ritchie. The boy was allowed to have some with dinner when the family dined together but had been given the same warning his brother received two years before: the liquor cabinet and the glass-front refrigerator full of wine and beer in the pantry were off-limits without prior permission.

CJ nodded as he finished swallowing. “Yeah, he’s running for Congress next year. Are we going to send his campaign a contribution?”

“Dude, none of this we shit again. César and I will send him a contribution but we still don’t want you giving any of your money away to politicians. At least not until you turn eighteen.”

“This is really good, Mr. A. I never knew I liked brussel sprouts. My dad hated them so Mom never made them. This is yummy. And thanks for the wine.” Ritchie looked at the glass he was holding and raised it towards his lips.

“You’re welcome, buddy. CJ mentioned the same thing about your mom not making them when we first served them after his move. This turned out to be one of his favorite dishes.”

“It still is! I love this stuff,” CJ said.

Brett waved his fork in the air and gave his son a questioning stare. “So, CJ, on Saturday you met Vice-President Biden, on Sunday you talked to Senator Rubio, yesterday you visited Secretary Clinton, and today you traded messages with Representative Sims. Who’s on deck for tomorrow? President Obama? Queen Elizabeth? The Pope?”

“Har, har, har, Papa. Funny. NOT!”

“I don’t understand why you guys get all excited about meeting politicians. They’re boring. This wine’s good. Is it from Ozzie’s family?” Ritchie licked his lips after sipping from his glass.

“Sorry, Ritchie, but the dads save the Liston wines for special occasions. Dinner with just the two of us doesn’t qualify.”


CJ smirked at his father’s reaction. “Anyway, you can’t buy Liston wines in the US, bro. They’re what’s called a boutique winery and their production isn’t large enough to ship overseas. It’s all sold in Australia. We only get so many bottles at a time when Jackthat’s Ozzie’s grandfathersends them to us. How was school today?”

“Good, I like Sidwell a lot. Hey, I have a question. When I got home, I went to the garage looking for a wrench to adjust the wheels on my board. So I opened the big tool chest and found a bunch of condoms in there. How come?”

César stopped before the fork reached his mouth and Brett nearly broke the wine glass when he slammed it on the table. Both men gaped at CJ.

“Ooops, I forgot about those.” A scarlet-faced CJ stared at his plate, unable to look anyone in the eyes. “I’ll get them after dinner.”

“But why were they there?” Ritchie’s insistent questioning made CJ blush harder.

“Yeah, CJ, why do you keep condoms in the garage?”

“Shut up, Jarhead. Stop picking on the boy. But since you asked… CJ?”

“You all should go jump off Key Bridge and leave me alone! Sorry, Ritchie, those have been there for a long time. When Ozzie and I became boyfriends and decided not to have sex with anyone else we got tested for HIV and a bunch of other stuff. We stopped using condoms afterwards since we were both cleared of any infections. I completely forgot about the ones I stashed in the tool box.”

“That’s fine, CJ. I understand about monogamy and all that shit. But why the garage?”

Owen stayed behind, waiting for Ethan and Sean to arrive, while CJ drove his fathers and brother to the airport. It was the Friday of Columbus Day weekend and the dads were taking Ritchie to Miami to visit his grandparents. Although he was missing out on money to be made working the large crowds a three-day weekend brought out to PRIME, Sean had agreed to come spend a couple of days in Washington.

CJ stopped the car in front of the departures area and turned towards his brother sitting in the front with him. “You tell Aba and Abuela I’ll try to come down for a day or two sometime soon. Okay, Ritchie?”

The boy sounded conflicted. “I will. But I wish I was going rafting with you guys instead. I’ve never done that before.”

“Neither have I, bro. This is a short trip anyway. We want to check the place out. If it’s as good as we’ve heard, next summer we’ll plan a trip with everyone and spend a few days rafting and camping. Remember, we promised Aba you’d come visit and it’s been like three months since you moved already.”

“Yeah… I guess…”

“Hey, Dad, are you gonna try and convince Aba to come up for Thanksgiving?”

“We’ll do our best, CJ, but don’t hold your breath. Your grandfather’s getting worse and I’m not sure Olga would want him flying. Should I tell her you’ll come down the next long weekend?”

“That may be a while, guys. Veteran’s Day’s in the middle of the week this year. No other three-day weekends after that until next year.” Brett placed a hand on Ritchie’s shoulder and gave him a squeeze. “And you, kiddo, relax. As you get older, you’ll get your chance to do all the things your big brother’s doing. I like the idea of taking a family trip together next summer. César and I haven’t been camping in a long time.”

Returning home, CJ pulled his father’s SUV into the garage and hit the remote control to slide the gate closed. The one next to it was open and his Jeep was parked in front of it with Ozzie securing the soft top closed.

“Hey, babe, did Sean get in?” CJ stepped next to his boyfriend and grabbed his ass. “Do we have time for a quicky before we leave?”

“No, you don’t!” Sean’s shout startled CJ before he started laughing.

“You, fucker! You scared me half to death! It’s great to see you, buddy.” CJ wrapped the redhead in his arms, giving him a solid hug. “I wish we could all spend more time together.”

“You and me both, dude.” Ethan tossed the two backpacks he was carrying in the back of Defiant and slammed the gate shut. “Okay, that’s all our stuff. We’re ready to leave whenever you are.”

“I do too, CJ. But you know weekends are tough for me,” Sean said. “That’s when I make the big money tending bar.”

“And damn but he does he rake it in!” Ethan slapped Sean’s back while laughing. “The moment the fucker takes off his shirt, the boys start lining up to order drinks from him and the tips start flowing. I think it’s all the reddish fur acting as a magnet. I’ve seen more than one guy reach across the bar to run their fingers over his chest.”

“And you don’t get jealous?” CJ scrunched his face while shifting his gaze between Sean and Ethan. “I need to get my coat and lock up the house. We can leave right after.”

“Why would I get jealous? He’s not my boyfriend or anything like that. But it was funny last time I was at PRIME sitting at the bar. Sean kept getting propositioned and each time he pointed at me and told them I was going home with him that night. Boy, did I get nasty looks from the fucking queens.”

“And I’m sure you bloody loved every minute of it! It’s the same shit I go through whenever CJ comes hang out with me and my mates at a match. All those big fucking rugby players try hitting on him and he eats up the attention.” Owen had joined the Washington Scandals Rugby Football Club soon after arriving in the United States but CJ had turned down the invitation to participate as a player. His dads had counseled against it, making him realize the Aussie needed to have his own friends and activities. It was a hard decision to skip on joining the gay club but he showed up to watch them play and once in a while went out with the guys after a match.

CJ was already walking towards the back door but stopped and turned around for a moment, smirking. “Yeah, and you love it too. Every time someone asks about me, you make sure they know I’m your boyfriend and off limits.”

The five-hour drive to Beaver, West Virginia was made on interstate highways, but CJ and Owen were somewhat familiar with the surroundings from previous trips to Shenandoah National Park. They raved about the beautiful landscape and promised to take some back roads on the return trip so Ethan and Sean could enjoy the view in daylight.

Halfway to their destination, the guys used a truck stop on I-81 to switch drivers, get drinks, and use the restroom. “No picking up stray truckers in the bathroom, Sean.” CJ’s whispered comment elicited sniggers from his traveling companions. “Stay away from the glory holes.”

“And how do you know they have any of those in this place?”

“He’s been reading stories online again, mate.” Owen’s snickering ruined his attempt at a straight face.

“Fuck you, Ozzie. I don’t read those type of stories any more. Why should I bother beating my meat when you’re right next door?”

“Ouch!” Ethan’s laughter had the sparse crowd in the restaurant look up at the four young men as they walked towards the restroom’s door. “Are you that easy, dude?”

Sean grasped Ethan’s neck and gave the man a shake. “Watch it, you. People in glass houses shouldn’t walk around naked.”

“Hey, Sean, what’s this modeling gig Ethan mentioned you were auditioning for?” CJ stopped in front of the urinal and unzipped his fly.

“Auditioning, my ass! I got it. Sometime next year my picture’s going to be on buses, trains, and billboards all over the place.”

“Yeah? You modeling Calvin Klein underwear? Are you going to be on one of those giant signs in Times Square?”

“No idea where they’ll be. And no underwear ads. Hell, I rarely wear the damn things anyway.”

“You going to be nekkid in them?” CJ chuckled while shaking off the last drops and tucking himself back in his pants.

“Fuck no! I’ll be wearing jeans and a wife beater and so will the other guy. Hey! Wash your hands!”

“Why? All I did was touch my dick. Ozzie can just lick my fingers.”

“Asshole! I keep telling you I’m not interested in piss.” Owen had taken to calling out his boyfriend the same way César and Brett did; asshole was fast becoming one of CJ’s most used nicknames. “What are the ads for, Sean?”

“HIV prevention. They’re pushing the fact that if positive people are treated and their viral load is undetectable, then there’s no chance of infecting their partners.”

They arrived at the motel where Ethan had reserved a room with two double beds sometime after midnight. The guys showered two at a time and CJ was certain Ethan got fucked in the bathroom based on the grunting he heard through the door. He was tempted to take Ozzie while they had the room to themselves but decided they needed to sleep since they had an early morning ahead of them.

When Appalachian Outfitters opened its doors at six in the morning, the four men were waiting outside, sitting in the car in the well-lit parking lot, nursing cups of coffee. “Look, Sean, it’s one of your relatives!” CJ was pointing at a short, well-built, smiling man walking towards them.

“Nah, mate, that guy’s too short and doesn’t have hair sticking over the neck of his t-shirt. Plus, his hair’s like copper while Sean’s a flamer.”

“Watch it, buster! Don’t be calling me a flamer just because my hair’s the color of fire.”

“Hi, guys. I’m Robert, one of the guides here at Appalachian. Why don’t you come on in and we’ll get you processed. Which adventure are you here for?” CJ could tell the man spent a lot of time rowing on the river, his shoulders were wide and his t-shirt stretched like a second skin over a broad chest.

“Hey, Robert, I’m CJ. We made reservations for the day trip.” CJ shook the man’s hand before pointing at his companions. “That’s Ethan and Sean, and the big blonde dude’s Ozzie.”



“G’day, mate.”

“You boys all look fit. You should have signed up for the two day trip. We would've hit more rapids and I have no doubt you could handle them.”

CJ laughed at the guy and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Damn, you’re good at sales. But you may as well stop trying with us. This is a test run. If we like today, we’ll be back next spring or summer with a large group of friends.”

“Well then, I’ll have to do my best to see you four enjoy yourselves. I’ll be in the same raft as you. Along with a couple of other people.”

The sun was up and the early morning fog had begun lifting when the guys boarded an old school bus along with several other guests and a handful of guides. During the ride to the launch spot, the guides took turns discussing safety, maneuvering, and some of the things they might expect. CJ’s resolve to come back in late spring or summer grew when told those were the times when the New River ran fuller and faster.

“Bloody hell, I’m going to be sore tomorrow.” The sun had begun setting when Owen jumped ashore and held his hand out to help the other guys out of the inflatable raft. “Why are we spending the night in this place? We should head back home right now. With César and Brett gone we could use the spa in their bathroom. That thing’s big enough for the four of us.”

“I’m game. But if we drive back now, I’m spending tonight at CJ’s place.” Ethan removed his life jacket and threw it atop the pile next to the raft. “Did anyone leave anything at the motel? Do we have to stop by there first?”

“Yeah, my toiletry bag,” Sean replied. “Won’t they still charge you for the room since it’s so late in the day?”

Ethan shrugged his shoulders while he ran a towel over his chest. “Yeah, but it’s cheap so I ain’t worried about it.”

CJ was talking to Robert while keeping an ear on the conversation between his friends. “I’m fine with driving back tonight but it means you guys don’t get to see the area in daylight.”

“That’s fine, CJ. We can see it next time.”

“You guys drive safe, you hear?” Robert shook hands with the other men. “I help guide snowmobile trips in winter. Think about coming back for that. If not, I hope I get to ride the rapids with you next year. Make sure you ask for me when you book the trip.”

CJ had refused to take any pot with him on the trip or allowed any of the others to do so. He argued since he was a minor, if they were stopped by some hillbilly state trooper along the way, they could be in a heap of trouble. As soon as they got home, after making a stop to eat at the same diner as the day before, he rolled a couple of joints while Ethan and Sean got settled in one of the basement guest rooms.

Being alone in the house, the four men traipsed upstairs naked and while Owen turned on the water and then the spa jets, CJ lit up a doobie and passed it around to his friends. Before joining Owen on one side of the tub, he also lit a few of the candles the dads kept in the bathroom for romantic occasions. “I don’t think the dads will mind us getting high in their bathroom while Ritchie’s not home, but might as well be safe. Problem is, whenever I come up here and smell the candles, I know they’ve either already gone at it or are getting ready to. Let me tell you, that’s not a good visual!”

Sunday morning, Owen ran next door while CJ started the coffeemaker and tried to decide what to make for breakfast. When his boyfriend returned, he wasn’t alone. Wingnut had been staying at Tom and JP’s place but it was obvious he was glad to be home. The dog ran around the wide open first floor, sniffing all over the place, before screeching to a halt in the kitchen. He sat next to his food dish, stared at CJ and gave a short bark.

“You hungry, pup? Did Brad and Patrick take good care of you? Hey, Ozzie, you wanna freshen up his water and feed him? I think I’m going to make omelets for breakfast. We have spinach, mushrooms, and feta cheese. Let’s try some Greek inspired food.”

“Too easy, mate. Should we wake up the other two?”

“We will as soon as the coffee’s ready. Everything okay next door?”

“Yeah, JP’s the only one awake and he was surprised to see me. I guess they didn’t hear us drive up last night. And since we’d told them we wouldn’t be back until later today…”

“Are you sore this morning?”

“Why? Did you fuck him extra hard last night?” Sean’s voice surprised CJ and Owen and elicited a couple of barks from the dog before returning to munching on his kibble.

“Damn, Sean, a little early for the sex talk, isn’t it? Leave my boyfriend alone! And I was asking if he was sore from all the rowing we did yesterday.”

“Too early for sex talk? Who the fuck are you trying to fool, CJ? Where’s the mugs? I promised Ethan I’d get him coffee.”

CJ opened the cupboard next to the refrigerator and pointed. “Do you know how he likes it?”

“Black, like his men.”

“Shouldn’t that be: red like his men, mate?”

They turned when they heard footsteps and watched as Ethan approached them toweling his hair. “Fuck you, all! Stop talking about me. I like my coffee black and my men hung. Any questions? And what are we doing today anyway?”

“Ozzie never answered but I’m kinda sore this morning.” CJ started cracking eggs into a bowl as the other three guys settled on stools around the breakfast bar. “Last night I was thinking about going to the gym this morning but I don’t think I’m ready to lift weights today. How about we invite the guys next door to go for a jog? We can get a Frisbee, bring the dog with us, and play catch at the park.”

“That works.” Sean spoke as he rose and walked over to the coffeemaker. “Refills, anyone?”

“Not me, mate, but thanks. I’ll text JP and ask him to have Brad or Patrick call us when they wake up.”

Sean brought the carafe over and topped off CJ’s mug before returning it to its perch. “Football games in the afternoon? The Jets have a bye week but I’m sure we can find something to watch.”

“Fuck the Jets! The dads subscribe to the NFL package so we get to watch the Dolphins!”

On Monday morning, Ethan and Owen left Georgetown heading to a study group meeting, while CJ and Sean planned on spending a few hours at the gym. “I don’t feel right about taking your money, CJ. I mean, we’re friends. And on top of that, you’ve put me up for the weekend again.”

“Shut up, Sean. I’ve done something special for each of my friends on their eighteenth birthday. Brad’s getting a certificate for a custom made lacrosse stick and a new workout routine planned out by a personal trainer. We have three choices: I hire someone local and give them my money. I spend the money to take him to New York and then pay Colt for a session with you at WOOF. Or you take my fucking money and stop whining.”

“You’re such a dick. I don’t know why I put up with your shit.”

“’Cause you love me!”

“Your boyfriend’s right. You’re an asshole. With a capital A. Fine, let’s go turn your buddy into a stud.”

An exhausted Brad and his brother came over after lunch to hang out in the basement. Owen and Ethan returned in the early afternoon and a bit later in the day César, Brett, and Ritchie flew in from Miami. In the early evening, Rod came over at the same time the pizza delivery guy was leaving. The men congregated downstairs ready to watch the baseball game between Chicago and St. Louis from Wrigley Fieldthe divisional series was tied after the teams split the first two games.

“Hey Chicago, what do you say? Go, Cubs” Rod’s attempt at singing the Cubbies theme song was thwarted by the pillow flung at his head.

“Too early, cuz, too early. We can sing and fly the W after the win. Don’t jinx them.” CJ stashed the pillow tossed back at him behind his head and pulled Owen closer to him. “We’re all rooting for the Cubs, Ozzie and

“Don’t be so sure, mate. We have two New Yorkers in the crowd and I heard them talking about the Mets. Isn’t that one of the New York teams?”

“Yep, but they’re not playing in this game. So unless Ethan and Sean want me to sic Wingnut on them, they’ll go along with the rest of us.”

The dog raised his head from Ritchie’s lap when he heard his name but lowered it when the boy scratched behind the ears. “How come you didn’t go home for the game, Rod?”

“I will if they make it to the World Series, Ritchie. I’m jealous as shit my brother and Ty are there tonight. I couldn’t take the time off work. My boss’ a slave driver

For the second time in a few minutes, Rod was hit with a flying object. This time crumpled napkins thrown at him by Brett. “Watch it, buster. Didn’t they teach you in school not to pick on the man who signs your paycheck?”

“Damn! Why’s everyone abusing me tonight? Anyway, I spoke to Ty earlier and he told me to make sure we didn’t get up to use the bathroom or anything between the end of the fourth inning and the beginning of the fifth.”

“What’s going on?” César asked.

“Not sure. I asked Dad about it when I called him and Mom, but they got the same cryptic message I did.”

At the end of the third inning, with the Cubs leading the Cardinals 1-0, there was a rush to use the bathrooms. Sean followed Ritchie towards the half-bath in the game room and waited outside while the kid took care of his business. Once he’d done the same he returned to the main area and sat on the armrest of the chair Ethan was in. “Whoever came up with the idea of putting a urinal in there is a genius! I want one of those things in my apartment.”

Brett raised his arms, fist clenched in a sign of triumph, before standing up and taking a bow. “Thank you, thank you, thank you…”

“Siddown, Jarhead!”

When play resumed, St. Louis drove in two runs to take the lead but Chicago matched them score for score during their half. At the end of four, the game was tied. As the Cardinals left the field, the TV network split the display. While one camera scanned the crowd, the other one remained fixed on the giant display screen inside Wrigley.

Rod slid to the edge of the seat when he realized what was being shown. “Oh, fuck! That’s the kissing cam. How the fuck did Ty arrange this?”

“What’s he talking about, mate?”

“It’s an American thing, Ozzie. They show different couples in the stand kissing andthere! See?” CJ pointed at the screen where an elderly African-American couple shared a peck on the lips. The camera panned to a different section of the stadium and stopped on two young men standing in front of their seats.

“Holy shit! That’s them! That’s Randy and Ty!”

“Look at Randy! I think he realized the camera’s on them. He’s waving at the TV in the stadium.”


“What the fuck? Why’s Ty kneeling?”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck! He’s proposing! Tyler’s fucking proposing to my brother!” Rod had jumped off the couch, spilling the popcorn bowl on his lap in the process as he held a hand against his heart and placed the other atop his head. “My fucking brother’s getting married! Where’s my phone? Where’s my phone? I need to call them! Where the fuck’s my phone?”

CJ couldn’t contain his laughter. “Breathe, cuz, breathe. Your phone’s in your hand, you idiot!”

Thank you Mann Ramblings, Kitt, and Reader 1810 for your hard work.
It doesn't matter if you're reading this right after it's posted or sometime later in time, if you enjoyed it don't forget to like the chapter and/or leave a comment in the review section!
C. A. Hazday
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Chapter Comments

"Owen, let me introduce you to Vice President Biden before the evening’s over. He’s the keynote speaker tonight. And he’ll beat out Senator Rubio for the second spot on the list of public servants you’ve met." -- Breathe. Relax. Now repeat slowly after me: President . . . Joseph . . . R . . . Biden.

"At just under six feet, CJ often complained of being the shortest one while out with his fathers and Owen. He was somewhat surprised to realize he was taller than the senator and how little Marco appeared, looking up at the four of them." -- So he really is liddle?

Brussel sprouts -- are evil. They remind me of the pods in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

"That’s fine, CJ. I understand about monogamy and all that shit. But why the garage?" -- Ah, Ritchie!

Whitewater in West Virginia -- I started hearing dueling banjos as they walked into that truck stop and hoped their conversation would not lead to trouble. It may be Bumfuck WV, but they're not too open about listening to guys talking about it.

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18 hours ago, BlueWindBoy said:

"Owen, let me introduce you to Vice President Biden before the evening’s over. He’s the keynote speaker tonight. And he’ll beat out Senator Rubio for the second spot on the list of public servants you’ve met." -- Breathe. Relax. Now repeat slowly after me: President . . . Joseph . . . R . . . Biden.

"At just under six feet, CJ often complained of being the shortest one while out with his fathers and Owen. He was somewhat surprised to realize he was taller than the senator and how little Marco appeared, looking up at the four of them." -- So he really is liddle?

Brussel sprouts -- are evil. They remind me of the pods in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

"That’s fine, CJ. I understand about monogamy and all that shit. But why the garage?" -- Ah, Ritchie!

Whitewater in West Virginia -- I started hearing dueling banjos as they walked into that truck stop and hoped their conversation would not lead to trouble. It may be Bumfuck WV, but they're not too open about listening to guys talking about it.


I can't keep track of how many Presidents CJ meets by the end of the series.

Marco's 5'9" short. I think CJ tops out at 6' or really close to that.

I'll have you know Deliverance takes place in Georgia! WV is really a natural wonder. I've ridden through it a few times, and loved it.

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Surprise! I love surprise endings...I love that CJ gets to meet all these people. Another great chapter!

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11 hours ago, JR Tittle said:

Surprise! I love surprise endings...I love that CJ gets to meet all these people. Another great chapter!

I think I've written 3 or 4 proposals so far, this one was inspired by a real one at a Dodgers game. I thought having a gay couple propose on the giant screen was too good to pass up.

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This chapter is so filled with a lot of goodness. We get to see CJ take Marco Rubio down a few pegs; I am sure dads enjoy some of that! And then the river trip which I think is going to be a blast next summer. 

“Holy shit! That’s them! That’s Randy and Ty!”

“Look at Randy! I think he realized the camera’s on them. He’s waving at the TV in the stadium.”


“What the fuck? Why’s Ty kneeling?

That was so cool and so funny!:heart:

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14 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

This chapter is so filled with a lot of goodness. We get to see CJ take Marco Rubio down a few pegs; I am sure dads enjoy some of that! And then the river trip which I think is going to be a blast next summer. 

“Holy shit! That’s them! That’s Randy and Ty!”

“Look at Randy! I think he realized the camera’s on them. He’s waving at the TV in the stadium.”


“What the fuck? Why’s Ty kneeling?

That was so cool and so funny!:heart:

In the years since I wrote this, proposals at sporting events have become a thing. Some teams sell special packages that include seats, refreshments, and time on the big screen. Ty doing it at Wrigley Field was not the first time it happened, though. As I mentioned in another comment reply, I was inspired by a similar proposal at Dodger Stadium.

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“Black, like his men.”

Lol, One of the best lines in Airplane, a movie that would never be made in todays too PC, IMHO, environment.

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11 hours ago, Straycat said:

“Black, like his men.”

Lol, One of the best lines in Airplane, a movie that would never be made in todays too PC, IMHO, environment.

Timmy, do you like gladiator movies?

Allow me, I speak jive

I think I picked the wrong week to give up cocaine.


Yep, that movie wouldn't fly today. I still think it was hilarious. Same as Blazing Saddles, which to this day makes me crack up even if not PC

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