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Retaliation - 15. The Cabin

The last chapter of Retaliation. Enjoy!

It was still dark in the room when Brett grabbed me and woke me up as he mumbled incoherently in his sleep. He had told me that his medication had been causing him to have nightmares, but this was the first time that he’d woken me up in the middle of the night. I moved further away from him, hoping that he’d drift into deeper sleep but then suddenly he called out.

“No… Don’t… Dustin… Don’t do it! I’m sorry! I’m sorry… I’m…”

“Dude are you okay?” I asked.

I startled him. Brett about jumped out of bed. We were both still naked after what had turned out to be a fun night. Mike had let us have his bed while he slept on his couch, and we’d taken advantage of his generosity by making love in his bed. Brett was sweating profusely.

“I… I’m okay. Sorry I woke you.”

He turned away from me and tried to lay back down to get some sleep.

“What were you dreaming about?” I asked.

“Nothing. It was just a stupid nightmare. Go back to sleep.”

“You mentioned Dustin. You kept saying you were sorry.”

“Dude, I don’t remember anything. It was just a dream.”

I moved closer to Brett so that we could lay next to each other. Brett leaned into me. It took a while before I could tell that he’d fallen back to sleep.

Morning came far too quickly. I knew it was a mistake to stay up so late, but it was too late to be more responsible now that morning had come. I had to shake Brett to get him to wake up. Mike let us use his shower and even made us some breakfast before he drove us to our houses to get what we needed for school. It was cool to be able to ride to school in a Mustang instead of a school bus.

When I got to my homeroom, Joey was already there. I sighed and prepared for a meltdown. It was like time froze us in place for a moment. I’d not seen him since the events of the previous Sunday. I could only imagine the hatred which he had stored up in the week since I’d nuked him. I’d become accustomed to him hurling some kind of taunt or insult at me, but when his eyes locked with mine I saw something I hadn’t expected. Fear. Joey looked scared to death of me. He quickly turned away and tried to ignore me by making small talk with Sarah Taylor. I walked into the room and quietly sat down. I was amazed. I knew that it wasn’t me that he was afraid of. I guessed that his father had given him the same kind of talk that he’d given to me. I knew that Joey had always been afraid of his dad. I didn’t have to wonder why after the way he’d terrorized me.

Throughout the rest of the day Joey did his best to avoid me. Even though I knew the reason for his fear was something terrible, I have to admit I didn’t mind the peace. No one called me a queer or a fag the entire day. If things stayed that way I might actually start to enjoy school again!

If there was a down side to the situation, it was that Joey’s new attitude only showed me with more clarity that Jack McKenzie was not a man who I wanted to mess with. I certainly wasn’t going to tempt fate by telling anyone what I knew about his affair with Brett’s mom. I knew I couldn’t even tell Brett what I knew. If I did, it could bring disaster on me and my whole family!

I didn’t need that kind of frustration in my life.

Actually, it wasn’t all that hard to keep the secret from Brett. He hadn’t talked about his father in months, and that day was no exception. The hardest part of the whole thing was when I saw him talking with Joey at lunch before he joined me. Looking at the two of them together, knowing that they were brothers, was kind of sad. They looked so much alike. How could I have not seen it before? I guess if you’re not looking for something you won’t find it.

School ended far too quickly and before I knew it I was on a bus with Brett heading home. I didn’t know what was going to happen when I got there. Mom might have decided to kick me out. For all I knew I might find all my stuff sitting out on the front lawn when I got there. I wished that Brett could come home with me, but he had his own issues to deal with at his house. The bus let me off at the end of the street at the same place where Bobby had dropped me off the day before. It wasn’t a long walk, but it seemed like miles that afternoon. Just my luck, both my parents’ vehicles were home. I sighed. At least my clothes weren’t laying in the front yard.

When I walked in the door I didn’t even make it two steps in before mom grabbed hold of me and hugged me like she hadn’t seen me in a month.

“Oh, thank God you’re okay!” she exclaimed.

“Jesus, I was only gone for one night, mom,” I said.

Dad had managed to stand up from his chair with great effort and slowly made his way to join us at the door. “I think we need to have a little talk,” he said. He directed us to the dining room table, where we all sat in our usual places.

“First of all, we’re glad you came home,” dad said. “I hope last night gave you some time to think about the way you talked to your mother yesterday.”

“Yeah…” I said.

“Now, she’s a lot more forgiving than I am. She’s willing to just forget about the way you acted yesterday and just move on. But I’m not. If I have taught you anything, if there was any lesson I wanted you to learn from me, it was to always respect your mother. You may not always understand that, but it’s important to me. Even if you disagree, that’s no reason to act like a jerk. You disappointed me with the way you acted yesterday.”

“I know,” I said. “I’m sorry for the things I said.”

Dad continued. “I know it can be frustrating. We know you’re under a lot of stress. But that doesn’t give you the excuse to act like an asshole. I expect better from you.”

I couldn’t even look at him or mom. I just stared at the table.

“Look at me, Billy,” dad insisted.

I reluctantly raised my head.

“I just want to know where in the world did you ever get the idea that your mother was cheating on me with Mr. Bland?”

“Who?” I asked.

“David Bland,” dad replied. “Where do you get off treating your mother like that?”

“I just…”

“You’ve got a lot of nerve, son. Your mother is the most loving, the most hard-working, dedicated woman you will ever meet. She has saved my life over and over again with her love, her devotion, her sacrifice. As you get older, maybe you’ll learn a thing or two about what love really is. It’s not about sex. It’s not about what you get out of your relationship or your own happiness and comfort. It’s about what you’re willing to give, what you’re willing to sacrifice for the other person. There’s no one who is more willing to lay down her life in the service of others than your mother. I love her more than life itself. She is my reason for living. You understand what I’m saying?”

“Yeah. I guess so.”

“You guess so? Well, I guess that’s as good as it’s going to get with you. But I’ll tell you this. You better figure things out. ‘I guess so; isn’t going to cut it when the stakes are at their highest. You want to truly be in love with Brett, you better learn the meaning of sacrifice and honor. The world out there is not going to let you ‘guess so.’ You’ve got a rough road ahead of you. People are going to hate you for who you love and do everything they can to rip you apart. It will tear at your very soul. And it’s not just because you’re gay. People have been trying to tear your mother and me apart for years. Every relationship is tested, usually to the breaking point, sometimes beyond. ‘I guess so’ isn’t going to get you through the rough times. You better be ready to go to war for Brett. Because if you’re not ready to sacrifice everything, you’re doomed. Now do you understand what I’m saying to you?”

“I… I understand,” I said.

“Billy,” mom said. “I just want you to understand where I’m coming from. I don’t hate you because you’re gay. I don’t hate Brett. I don’t plan on kicking you out or anything like that. I don’t understand it. It’s going to take a long time for me to understand it. I don’t know how you can… I just don’t get it. I’m trying. I’ve been trying for a long time. I do think what you’re doing with Brett is wrong. I think it’s not the way God intended for you to live. But that doesn’t mean I hate you, or that I won’t understand someday. I love you and I love Brett. I just don’t think you should be having sex together. Your father and I have been debating this for years. I think you’re heading down a very destructive path. I think that’s part of why you’ve been so rebellious. I would prefer that you not have him sleep over here anymore, or if you do that you sleep in different rooms. I’m not saying that he can’t come over and that you can’t be friends. I just would rather you not be having sex in my house. I’ll be having a conversation with Brett’s mom about this as well.”

“What if we say no?”

“I don’t even want to go there. I’m not asking for a lot. I wouldn’t want you having a girl over to sleep with you either. It’s just… This is all new to me. I’m trying to understand you. I’m trying to figure out where things went wrong or what I did to you that made you want to do this.”

“Why do you think it’s so wrong to love someone?”

“Billy, it’s just… I’m trying to be fair with you. If you can’t respect the rules of my house then we’ll handle it appropriately. Just because I don’t approve of what you’re doing it doesn’t mean I love you any less.”

“You’d just rather I lie to everyone.”

“You don’t have to lie! Just… Just keep private things private. That’s all,” mom said.

I turned to dad. “You agree with this?” I asked.

“Yes and no,” dad replied. “I agree that I don’t think it’s a good idea for Brett to sleep in the same bed as you. You’re not married. If Brett were a girl I’d have the same opinion. But I disagree with your mother because I don’t think your feelings for Brett are something wrong or that you should have to hide. We’ve been having this conversation for a very long time privately. I’m glad that we can finally have the conversation together.”

“Okay. Well here’s my side of the deal. I don’t want to go to your church ever again. I think Pastor Carl is a fraud and a bully. I think the people there are a bunch of jerks and I don’t want to have any part in what they do there. If I’m going to follow your demands and not be able to have my boyfriend stay with me, then I think it’s only fair that you respect my wishes as well.”

“I still don’t see why you think of Pastor Carl that way!” mom protested.

“Mom, imagine going to a place every week and having some asshole talk about how evil you are because you love dad. That’s how it feels to listen to him talk.”

“I don’t want you to lose your faith by not going to church.”

“If that’s true, then you don’t want me to go to your church, because the only thing I’m learning there is how much God hates me for loving my boyfriend. I think I’m being more than fair. Don’t you?”

Mom sighed. “Well, I suppose…”

“That’s good enough for me,” I replied. “Okay, I won’t have sex here, and you won’t make me go to church. Deal. As long as I can still have Brett come over and I can still go over to his house.”

“Then we agree,” dad said.

As usual, things went better than I had expected when I finally got around to talking with my parents instead of just yelling at them like a child. I don’t know what I was expecting. Maybe to be kicked out on the street or something? Sometimes it was hard to separate my mother from the people she was trying so hard to impress at her church. I could live with not having sex with Brett when mom and dad were around. It wasn’t something we did very often anyway. I mean, I was still going to fuck him when we were there by ourselves. Things hadn’t changed all that much except that now we all knew where we stood, and I didn’t have to go to mom’s disgusting church anymore. That would keep me from having to deal with Jack McKenzie very often too, which was an added bonus!

A little later that evening, dad knocked on my bedroom door as I was working on my homework. I invited him in and he sat down on my bed.

“So, that went pretty well,” he said.

“Yeah. Hey, I’m real sorry about how I yelled at mom yesterday.”

“I know you are. I just want you to keep in mind that your mom someone who I love very much. We may not have a lot of time left together and she knows that.”

“Why do you always talk like that? You act like you’re going to drop dead tomorrow or something.”

“Billy… You’re going to have to start accepting the facts. I’m falling apart. Even my mind is worn out like an old pair of shoes. I’m spent. I can’t feel my arms or legs, my heart is on its last legs, my kidneys are barely working. About the only thing that still works is my liver, and after all the booze I drank back in the day that’s probably not going to last very long either. I know I don’t have much longer. You’re going to have to take care of your mother when I’m gone.”

“Stop saying that. You sound like you’ve given up! You’re just quitting on everything. What did that stroke do to you?”

“It almost killed me, Billy! Sometimes I wish it had! I’m worthless now.”

“You know who you sound like? You sound just like Dustin! Just giving up and not wanting to live anymore. I don’t know what else to say. Am I going to find you lying somewhere bleeding to death like I did with him?”

“Billy, I’m not suicidal. I’ve just accepted the truth. I’m not going to kill myself, nature is already doing a fine job of that. Some night I’m going to fall asleep and not wake up. It’s inevitable. I just want you and your mom to be happy.”

“The only thing that will make me happy is for you to stop acting like this. I love you dad! If you think you’re dying, well, it’s killing me to see you like this.”

“Come here, Billy,” dad said. I sat beside him on my bed and he put his arm around my shoulder. “Let’s go away for a few days. Easter break is coming this week. Let’s just go up to Mr. Nicholson’s cabin in Bedford for a few days, just you and me. And Brett, too.”

“Really, you mean it?” I asked.

“Yeah. Let me take you guys out of this god-forsaken town for a few days.”

“That sounds great, dad!” I replied.

A little while later, the phone rang and I answered it. “Guess who’s calling you from his brand new cell phone?” Brett asked happily.

“I’m guessing a little brat who made his mom feel terrible and guilted her into buying him a new one,” I replied.

“Don’t ruin my fun with the truth,” Brett replied. “She did it because she loves me.”

We talked for a while. I told him about the deal I’d made with my parents and he took it better than I did. He was really excited about going up to Bedford with me and dad, and he was certain that his mom would have no problem with him going with us.

The week flew by. It was such a relief to have things finally going my way for a change. No one at school was bothering me. Mom and I were finally getting along. I hadn’t been so happy with my life in a very long time. I knew it couldn’t last, and that someday everything would collapse. There were just too many lies and half-truths holding up the façade. But for once in my life I was able to just enjoy a period of peace.

We left for Mr. Nicholson’s cabin right after school let out on Wednesday. Brett needed to be back in town for Easter mass, but until then we were free to just get away from the Mon Valley and experience a taste of true freedom for a few days. I couldn’t wait for the day when Brett and I could leave that valley forever and never look back. We had already packed the truck the night before, so about all we had to do was jump in the truck and start on our way. When everything was ready, dad handed Brett the keys to the truck.

“Hey, he doesn’t even have his license!” I said.

“He has his permit and he needs to practice,” dad replied.

I pouted a bit, but I still climbed into the tiny little seat behind the driver’s seat that was far too small to ride comfortably. I wanted to enjoy the trip, but Brett wasn’t the best driver and there were a couple times when he hit the brakes and I hit the back of his seat. Also, ever bump felt like we were hit by a bomb. I reminded dad about the time I’d gotten car sick and puked on the way to Bedford, but I still didn’t get to drive.

Soon we arrived at Mr. Nicholson’s cabin. Maybe “cabin” was the wrong word for the place, even though that’s what everyone called it. The place was bigger than our house, with plenty of rooms. Dad showed Brett around while I unloaded the truck.

“So which room do you want me and Brett to sleep in?” I asked.

“Actually, I think it would be for the best if you two slept in different rooms,” dad said.

“What? Why?!?” I protested.

“Now, don’t get upset, guys,” dad replied. “I’m not asking you this because I think what you do behind closed doors is bad. I just want you to have time to get your rest. If you’re in the same room, you’re going to be tired all week.”

“He does have a point,” Brett replied.

I scowled at him. “Fine then,” I sulked.

We all took our stuff to different rooms in the cabin. I had a beautiful view of the mountains and the lake. I was tired after the long trip, so I decided to take a little nap. I felt a lot better afterward. I went to the kitchen and found a note from my dad saying that he and Brett had gone fishing and that they’d be back around dark. That made me mad. Why hadn’t they asked me if I wanted to go? I mean sure, I hate fishing, but I still would have liked being included. I decided that since I had the place to myself, that I would make myself as comfortable as possible. I took off everything and had a nice shower. I took out my contacts and didn't intend to put them back in until it was time to go to school again. I sat on the couch in a borrowed pair of Brett’s boxers and my glasses and ate chips and drank pop for a few hours. I enjoyed watching a few movies that I hadn't seen before. When it got dark, dad and Brett made it back to the cabin. They were laughing and it looked like they had had a good time.

“Thanks for waiting,” I grumbled. They didn't seem to care that they had left me all alone while they were out having fun. We had dinner together and then dad went to his room for sleep. Brett tried to stay up with me for a little bit, but he ended up falling asleep on the couch after about a half hour. I woke him up and told him to go to bed, then spent another hour or so watching a movie and jerking off before heading to bed myself.

The next day started out slowly. I showered and then shaved afterward. Yes, I know… Who shaves when they go camping? Well, when all you get is a wimpy little bit of stubble that looks like shit, then you shave it off. Brett, on the other hand, didn’t bring a razor and after a day already had a five o’clock shadow. I swear, he was looking less like a boy and more like a man every day. I kind of liked it. Of course, dad had always had a beard as long as I’d known him, but was a lot more grey than it had been.

I put my glasses on and went to the kitchen where dad was already busy making eggs and bacon and sausage and toast. I always loved when dad cooked because it always tasted awesome. I think it was because he used about a pound of butter and salt. The smell of food brought a sleepy-looking Brett out of his room. His hair was hilariously messy. All he was wearing was a t-shirt and boxers. I’ve got to say that even in the morning he looked deliciously hot. After he ate Brett took a shower and dad and I talked about going fishing. After Brett’s shower, we drove down to the lake and did some fishing for most of the morning.

The lake was absolutely gorgeous! It looked like a picture out of a magazine. Dad caught a few fish and so did I. Brett got bored after about an hour and wandered off. When he came back he proudly proclaimed, “I just took a crap in the woods!” Dad and I both laughed and dad made sure that he hadn’t used poison ivy to wipe his ass like I had once. Brett eventually ended up hopping on some big rocks along the shore. Dad and I both knew he was eventually going to fall into the lake, which of course he did, making a loud splash.

“Well, I don’t suppose any fish are going to bite after that…” dad laughed.

Brett walked back to us, soaking wet from head to toe. “That water is freezing!” he explained. We made him ride in the back of the truck to go back to the cabin since he was all wet. Of course, that just made him feel even colder by the time we got back to the cabin. Dad fired up the grill for lunch while Brett took his second shower of the day. Dad grilled up some hamburgers and hot dogs for us. Brett returned wearing a pair of tan cargo shorts and a Yankees t-shirt. Brett wanted to go hiking in the afternoon so after we let everything digest we went for a walk. Dad told us not to expect him to be there when we got back because he was going to meet some friends that evening. So early in the afternoon Brett and I went exploring while dad took a nap. We found a trail that took us for a long journey up the mountain.

“This has been really fun,” Brett said as we walked along. “I’m really glad your dad invited me to come along with you guys.”

“Yeah, I’m glad he likes you,” I replied. “This would really suck if he hated you.”

“Well, he’s really about the only dad I’ll ever have,” Brett sighed.

“I’m glad,” I said. “I mean, I’m not glad that you don’t know your dad. But I’m glad you think of my dad like your dad.”

“I knew what you meant,” Brett explained. Then he did something that surprised me. He grabbed hold of my hand and held it as we walked. I glanced at our joined hands and then at him and smiled. We walked around a bend in the trail and saw some older ladies walking toward us. Brett pulled his hand away and put it in his pocket as we greeted the ladies as we passed them.

“You didn’t have to stop,” I said.

“Nah, it’s stupid,” Brett replied, looking at his feet as we walked. “I didn’t want to embarrass you.”

“Who said I was embarrassed? I like holding your hand.”

“I thought you didn’t want people to know about us,” Brett said.

“Who cares about that out here? Those people don’t know who we are. Nobody knows us out here.”

“I just wish I could… I don’t want to hide who I am anymore, Billy. I don’t care who knows I love you. I wish you felt the same way about me.”

“I do! It’s just my mom…”

“I know…” Brett sulked. “It’s not a big deal. Forget I said anything about it.”

We reached a mile marker on the trail and decided to turn around and head back. As we walked we saw those ladies walking back toward us coming from the other direction.

“Give me your hand,” I whispered.

“Huh?” Brett asked. Before he could realize what was happening, I grabbed his hand and held it as we approached those ladies. Brett didn’t know what to say or do as we met them.

“Hi, ladies!” I said. “Nice day for a walk, huh?”

“Sure is,” one of the ladies replied. She smiled at us. We all stopped walking. I kept hold of Brett’s hand.

“You up here for a vacation?” I asked.

“Oh yes. We’re from the Cumberland area.”

“Well that’s just awesome,” I said. “By the way, I’m Billy and this is Brett. He’s my boyfriend, but he’s kind of shy. We’re up here with my dad.”

Brett turned a shade of red that would have put Dustin’s hair to shame. He meekly waved with his free hand. “Hi…” he said awkwardly.

“Well nice to meet you, boys,” the woman replied. “Is your dad supportive of you two?”

“Oh yeah,” I said. “He’s awesome.”

“Well good for him,” the other woman replied. “It’s good that you boys have his support. Maybe we’ll see you around here again sometime.”

“That’d be great!” I replied.

We walked a little further down the trail until the ladies were out of sight again. “That was fun,” I said.

Brett stopped walking and hugged me. “That was awesome, dude. I couldn’t believe you did that. I’ve never been so proud of you.”

“I just wish I could do that all the time. I’m sorry I’m such a pussy.”

“No, no, it’s cool, Billy. Really. I understand.”

We started walking again and Brett proudly grabbed my hand again. We approached two guys who were walking from the other direction. Brett smiled and greeted them as we passed. They scowled and walked a little faster.

“Fucking queers,” I heard one of the men say to the other as they kept walking. Brett turned but I pulled him along to keep walking away with me.

“What a dick!” Brett said loudly. I pulled him more forcefully and walked more briskly.

“Not everybody is going to like what we do,” I said as I continued to pull Brett along with me. “Come on, let’s just get back to the cabin.”

Brett was still mad when we got back to the cabin. “I can’t believe that asshole,” he fumed. “What a fucking dickhead.”

We sat on the back porch for a while, looking out over the lake. I could tell Brett was still mad.

“Hey, you know my dad’s not going to be back until late,” I said.

“So?” Brett replied.

“So… Why don’t we…”

“Oh! Brett laughed. “Duh! You wanna fuck!”

“Unless you still want to go beat up those guys…” I joked.

“Nah, they seemed pretty big. I still can’t believe what jerks they were.”

“Well, the best way I know to get our revenge is to have some awesome gay sex.”

“Gay sex is the best, isn’t it?” Brett smiled.

“Well, it’s the only kind I can have with you, so that makes it the best.”

Brett smiled even more. “What do you say we do it right here?” he said.

“That was the idea. We’re not going home.”

Brett laughed. “No, I mean here. Right here on this patio.” He pulled off his shirt.

“Oh!” I replied. “I guess… What about the people on the lake?”

Brett pulled his shorts and boxers down, revealing his naked body. “What about them? Do I look like I care about people on the lake? No one will see us. And if they do, so what? I want them to see. I want those assholes from the trail to see.” He tugged my shirt loose and I raised my arms so he could pull it off me.

“What about lube?” I asked.

Brett reached into his shorts pocket and pulled out a small packet with some lube in it.

“Do you always carry lube around with you?” I asked.

“Only when I’m with you, babe,” Brett replied. He fumbled with my belt. “Godammit, I hate the way you buckle your belt.”

I laughed and loosened it for him. My shorts dropped in a heap at my feet. Brett dropped to his knees and sucked and gnawed at my underwear. He pulled them down slowly until my dick sprang free. I had to say, I felt really sexy being exposed out in the open like that. Brett sucked my dick while I ran my fingers through his hair.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” I said.

“We’re just getting started,” Brett replied. He stood up and passionately kissed me. I grabbed both cheeks of his ass and squeezed them as we kissed. He pulled away from me and then leaned over the railing of the porch looking out over the lake. I dropped to my knees behind him and then spread his ass wide. I started licking and sucking at his asshole. Brett groaned in pleasure. “Good god, that’s so fucking awesome!” he sighed. After a few minutes, I turned him around. My god, his dick was just beautiful and perfect. I licked up the underside of his shaft and then went down on it. It was so amazing. Sometimes I had a hard time believing that he was all mine. Brett moaned as I blew him. He had the cutest little trail of hair between his dick and his belly button. I gently rubbed it as I sucked him. He leaned back on the rail and moaned loudly. Then he asked me to stop.

“You close already?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he replied. “I jerked off in the shower this morning, but you make me feel so good I can’t help it. Let me suck you for a while.”

He turned us around so that now I was the one leaning against the railing. But then I felt a bit bold, so I lifted myself up so that I was sitting on the railing, my butt exposed to the lake for anyone to see if they were looking. At that point I didn’t care. I almost wanted someone to see us making love. Brett used a finger to hook off my shoes and socks and then his own. Brett always had to have both of us be completely nude when we made love. Even if I left my socks on he’d find a way to slip them off of me before too long. He sucked me as I sat on the rail. I spread my legs wide as he bobbed up and down on my stiffened dick. He snuck a finger into my ass as he sucked me. It was going so well until I almost fell backward off the railing.

“That was great,” I said.

“Hey, climb up on the table,” he said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah. It’ll be hot.” he replied.

I jumped off the railing and went over to the big picnic style table which was there on the back porch. I climbed on top of it and then grabbed on to the wooden support beams above me which held up the roof over the porch. Brett started sucking on my dick like a madman! I stared out over the lake. There were some boats out, but they were way too far away to be able to see anything. I felt like I was putting on a show. I felt like such a stud, all naked and exposed for the world to see, getting my dick sucked by my sexy boyfriend.

A boat’s horn sounded out on the water.

“I think people can see us,” I said.

“I don’t care,” Brett said. “Turn around. Let me see your ass.” I did as he asked. Brett smacked my butt firmly. I groaned in pleasure. He did it again, even harder. Then he buried his tongue deep into my asshole. It was so fucking hot! I almost fell over. Chills ran up my spine with each thrust of his tongue.

“Oh my god!” I cried. I dropped down off the table and dropped to all fours on the patio floor. “You’ve got to fuck me, Brett!” I cried. “I want it so bad!”

“Why don’t you get on your back on the table?” Brett asked.

“Why don’t you make me your bitch right here?” I replied.

“Oh… You want it doggie again, huh?” Brett said. He dropped to his knees behind me and tore open one of the lube packets. The moment I felt his dick touch my asshole I pushed backward on it and felt Brett’s cock slide all the way into my body. I didn’t stop until I felt his tight belly hit my ass. Brett fell forward against my back. “Wow!” he exclaimed. “You really want it, don’t you?”

“Uh huh!” I replied.

He got back up on his knees and started rocking himself hard into me. We both were moaning and breathing heavily, much louder than we ever had before. We felt so free out there in the open, exposed to the world. Brett put his hands on my hips and pulled my ass backward and driving his dick deep inside me over and over again. I think I went cross-eyed for a minute as he plunged and withdrew the whole length of his dick in and out of me. He put his hands on my shoulders and pulled himself to a crouching position while I stayed on my hands and knees, then he pounded me some more. Then he pulled out and fell backward onto the floor on his back. I grabbed that awesome dick and then I lowered myself into a seated position on it, feeling it fill my eager ass once again. I bobbed up and down on it for a little bit, but it really hurt my knees to do it like that, so I got up. I turned around and then straddled his hips on my knees facing out over the water. I felt Brett line his dick up with my ass again, and then I let it slowly, ever so slowly fill me as I rested my ass on his hips. After a few minutes, I got up off of him. His dick made a loud wet smack on his belly as it plopped out of me.

“You want to fuck me on the table now?” I asked.

“You know I do!” Brett panted.

I got on the table and laid on my back. Brett quickly pushed my knees up toward my chest and once again filled my ass. He slowly pulled himself all the way out and then plunged his dick all the way into me. Then he did it again, over and over.

“This is so great…” he said, smiling. He looked behind him out over the lake and laughed. “I can’t believe we’re doing this. Anybody could be watching us right now.” He started picking up the pace of his thrusting. He sucked on my big toe as he enjoyed my body. The sound of our bodies colliding and our heavy breathing and moaning filled the air and carried out over the water. Our lovemaking had its own smell of sweat and lube and sex that was overwhelming even out in the open air of the porch! The smell of Brett Reilly was intoxicating to me under normal circumstances, but the smell of him making love was beyond description. Brett’s dick slid out of me and he jerked it off even faster than he’d been thrusting! I knew he was close.

“I want you to cum inside me,” I said.

“I know you do,” he panted. “I’m really close.”

“Then stop jerking off and put your dick back in me!” I insisted. “I want it, babe.”

“Okay… Aw yeah, here it comes, dude!” Brett closed his eyes and threw back his head. He jammed that beautiful dick of his as deep as he could into me and I could feel it throbbing as it filled me with his load. Then I felt my own dick spasm and I blew my load on my belly without even touching my dick! It flowed out like milk at first, and then it pulsed a couple times. It felt like no orgasm I’d ever felt before. Brett pulled me up to a sitting position and kissed me so passionately I felt like his tongue was going to find its way to where his spooge was. Our dicks jostled against each other and my load smeared all over both of us. The aroma of teenage sex was strong enough to get a girl pregnant just smelling it, but it was ours, all ours! No one else could have Brett’s seed but me, and no one was going to get mine but him! He kissed my neck like crazy, sucking and almost gnawing at me! I loved it! After what seemed like a lifetime of kissing and fondling and caressing each other, Brett finally stepped away from me.

He looked at my naked body and smiled proudly. My cum was smeared all over both of our bellies. “You are the most beautiful boy in the world, Billy. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone or anything in my life.”

“I love you, too, Brett,” I replied.

“No, you don’t understand, Billy. I just… I’ve never felt like this before, not even with you. I think I’ve gone to like a whole other level of love. It’s more than even sex could explain. I live for your love, dude.” He took my hand and placed it against his bare chest. His heart was pounding. “You feel that? You feel my heart beating? It belongs to you, Billy.” He took my hand in his and squeezed it tightly. “My heart beats for you. My lungs breathe for you. My blood, my breath… It’s all for you, Billy. I love you so much it hurts. I want to be yours, only yours, forever.”

I stood up and held him around the waist. He put his arms over my shoulders around my neck. We kissed again, holding each other in that naked embrace for a while. He gently pressed his forehead against mine.

“Do you love me, Billy?” he asked.

“You know I do,” I relied.

“Tell me how much you love me!” he begged.

“I want to marry you,” I replied. “I want to fight whoever I have to fight to make it legal for me to be your husband and for you to be mine and I want to grow old together and love you until the day I die.”

“You really mean that?” he asked.

“Absolutely. I will never love anyone the way I love you. You make me want to live forever so I can love you more than anyone has ever loved somebody.”

“Awww… That’s awesome, babe. You know, under all that sarcasm there really is the sweetest guy in the world. Can we just hold each other like this forever? Can we just stay here in love with each other and never go back to the real world?”

“Well, it gets kind of cold up here in the winter time,” I replied. “But I’d worry about the mosquitoes biting our asses before that!”

He laughed. “And under the sweetness is another layer of sarcasm!” Eventually though, we did have to get ourselves cleaned up and dressed. It was nice though, to just take our time and enjoy each other’s company without having to rush. Brett really was the cutest boy who ever lived. I loved the fact that I could just look at my boyfriend’s amazing body and enjoy it without worrying about anything at all for a while. And his dick was just so adorable when it was soft and resting against his nice balls. But the cutest thing of all about him were his blue eyes. My god, I could just get lost in them, they were so beautiful.

“I love your eyes, Billy,” Brett sighed after we had gotten dressed and snuggled on the couch together. “They’re so beautiful. It’s mind bottling.”

I laughed. “Did you just say ‘mind bottling?’”

“Yeah. Isn’t that the word?”

I just laughed and hugged him all the more. Sure he wasn’t the brightest kid in the world, but he was so sweet and I loved him! We watched a movie for a while until my dad came back around ten o’clock.

He stared at me for a minute and laughed.

“What?” I asked.

“I take it you two had some fun while I was away?” he asked.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Your mother’s going to kill you when she sees that,” he smiled.

“Sees what?” I asked.

Brett looked at me and then started laughing too. “Oh shit, dude!” he said. “Sorry about that!”

“Sorry about what?” I asked, panicking. “What did you do to me?”

“I guess I shouldn’t have sucked on your neck so much!” Brett laughed.

I jumped off the couch and ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror.

“Oh my god, Brett!” I exclaimed. I had a dark red mark on my neck that looked like I’d stuck a vacuum cleaner to myself! With as much as we had kissed and sucked on each other, this was the first time either of us had given the other a hickey! I was embarrassed about it, since dad had noticed it and all. There was nothing I could do about it, so I just walked back out to the main room and sat next to Brett again. My dad had gone to his room to change. Brett smiled as he admired his handiwork.

“You’re proud of yourself, aren’t you?” I laughed.

“Uh huh,” Brett replied.

“There will be revenge,” I said.

“I can’t wait!” he replied.

When dad returned, he offered to play cards with us.

“I’m in,” Brett said.

“Ah, some chum for the sharks!” I laughed.

Brett smiled, “It’s worth it just to watch you two cheat.”

“Hey, I never cheat at cards,” dad and I both protested.

Of course poor Brett was slaughtered rather quickly as we played hold’em poker. I was pretty good at figuring out what other players had in their hand, but dad was a superior strategist. And it didn’t help that he had taught me everything I knew about the game, so I too eventually became just another victim.

“Someday you’ll learn to tell when someone is bluffing,” dad told me as he shuffled the cards. “Then you’ll be unstoppable.”

“Why don’t you go pro, Mr. Roberts?” Brett asked as we dealt out cards to play a game that required no skill what-so-ever, war.

“There’s not really that much consistent money in the pro game,” dad replied. “The real money is… Well, let’s just say there’s a substantial amount of money to be made if you know the right people in the right places. But don’t tell your mothers.”

We played war for a while. I was bored out of my skull, but Brett seemed to be having a good time. His mom had never had time to play stupid games like that as he was growing up.

“This has been great,” Brett said.

Dad gathered up the cards from his latest victory and agreed. “You know, I’m glad we’ve had this time together. I really wanted to spend some time with the two of you.”

“Awwww, your dad loves us!” Brett laughed.

“Quiet, smart ass!” dad laughed. “You know, when I first started to realize what was going on between you, I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. Things started to come together at that birthday party at the bowling alley. I mean, you just punched my kid in the face and I went out to that parking lot. I didn’t know what I was going to say or do. And there you are bawling, more upset that you’d hit him than I was. You ever tell Billy what I told you?”

“You said I needed to get my ass back in there and apologize like a man or you would never respect me again,” Brett replied.

“So you did it,” dad said, a slight smile on his face. “You know, I didn’t always enjoy your company in those days. Billy was always quiet and thoughtful when he was little. You were basically noise in a Yankees ball cap. You brought out a side of my son that I’d never seen before. You don’t know how many times I just wanted to give you a quick boot in the ass.”

“Well I’m glad you didn’t!” Brett said.

“So am I. I learned something from all of that. You see, I learned that you two needed each other. Billy, you needed someone to push you and get you into trouble sometimes. Brett, you needed someone to pull you back from the edge and help get you out of the trouble you caused.”

“You are prone to mischief…” I snarked.

“The point is, I know what I’m looking at when I see you two together. It’ll take your mom a while, but she’ll eventually see it too. You really do love each other. You were meant to be together. That’s not an accident, that’s a gift. You both had to grow up some for it to come into bloom. You both had to learn to care about each other and respect each other, and I believe you have. You’re going to need it, because this is a world that would like to destroy that love. Just, don’t give up on each other. Don’t let anybody tell you that you’re bad or that what you have between each other is sinful or wrong or anything like that. I think it’s beautiful what you have together. I’m proud of you.”

“Wow…” I said. “That’s really cool dad. There aren’t a lot of dads who would handle things like this.”

“Well, when you’re living on borrowed time you realize what’s really important and what’s not. I never could have had a conversation like this with my father. I never wanted our relationship to be like that. I always hoped that you would feel like you could talk to me about anything.”

I felt a lump in my throat and I didn’t dare try to say anything because I would start bawling. But then Brett spoke. “You know something… What you just did here was the most awesome thing I’ve ever seen a parent do for their kid. My mom’s been lying to me for so long that I’ve almost lost all respect for her. She just keeps buying me crap and none of it means anything. I don’t care about her money. I’d love to have one conversation like this one. Just once I want her to respect me the way you respect Billy. I…” Brett’s eyes welled up with tears. “I may not have a father, but at least I have a dad.”

For one brief second, I swear, for a fraction of a second, I thought I my dad might cry. He didn’t, of course. But that was as close as I’d ever seen. He stood up from the table and offered his arms to Brett, who quickly jumped up and received from my father what he had never had from his own, a hug from a dad who loved him. I couldn’t see Brett’s face, but I didn’t have to to know that he was bawling. Dad let him go and smiled at Brett. “You’re a good boy and I love ya.”

Brett wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. “Thanks… George,” he whispered, unable to keep his voice from breaking.

“All right, enough of this sentimental bullshit. We’ve got a card game to play,” dad said.

It was cool and quiet in the cabin later that night. I found myself lost in dreams as I lay in my bed. In one of those dreams I found myself quite naturally heading to the bathroom at school. Joey was there, but he didn’t say anything to me. He just watched while I stood at the urinal. Suddenly it hit me that I was dreaming and I woke myself up in time before it was too late. I hopped out of the bed and examined it. It was still dry. I grabbed a pair of boxers and slipped them on before heading out to the bathroom.

The lamp by the chair was still on, and there was my dad in the chair, sound asleep. The tv was still on, tuned to some western movie. I walked past him and into the bathroom. I shouldn’t have drank so much before I went to sleep! When I was finished, I flushed the toilet and pulled the boxers back up.

In the mirror, I looked at that darn mark Brett had tagged me with on my neck and laughed. It had greatly faded since earlier that night, and would probably be completely faded by morning. I stood there for a while looking at the young man in the mirror who was looking back at me. I smiled at what I saw. If I weren’t me, I’d definitely be interested in me. I wondered how long I could get my hair before mom or dad made me cut it. It was already close to my shoulders and was covering my ears pretty good now. I was less blond than I was when I was a kid, but as my hair got longer it got lighter. I didn’t have a lot of muscle, but I wasn’t starving either. I was probably about a hundred forty pounds or so on a skinny five foot eleven and a half inch frame. I squeezed my nipple and wondered what it would be like to do to it what Brett was wondering about. Could I seriously be thinking about getting it pierced? Nah!

I looked at my hand. The scars were faded but still very much there, whiter than the rest of my skin. Surely Dustin’s scars would be worse. I looked into my own eyes. So many people told me that I looked like my mom, and standing there in front of the mirror I could see what they were talking about. But my eyes were definitely my grandmother’s green eyes. I used to be jealous of Brett’s beautiful blue eyes, and they were absolutely stunning. But my own dark green eyes had really grown on me in the last few years. The neat thing about having green eyes is that you never really know what shade of green they’ll be when you see them looking back at you in the mirror. Some days they were sort of gray, sometimes they almost looked blue. My eyes were unique, and that was okay. I didn’t have to be like everybody else.

I turned out the light and walked back into the main room. I quietly walked over to the tv and turned it off. Dad stirred a bit, but he didn’t wake up. I grabbed a light blanket and draped it over his legs. I stood there for a minute and watched him sleep. He was going grey. His beard was almost totally grey and his hair was quickly following. He looked ancient. It was strange. For so long he had been my hero; invincible, strong, and powerful. But now, he just looked old and weak. I had surpassed him in height and strength over a year ago. I was the younger lion now. I remembered how invincible he seemed on that night so long ago when he slapped me, and how terrified I had been of him when he chased me around the house the night of the black-eye incident. But now I was almost a man, and he wasn’t at all invincible or terrifying. It was so weird. How could this man who was barely able to walk any more be so intimidating to me, even looking old and weak sleeping in his chair. I smiled. I gently bent down and kissed the old man on the forehead.

“I love you, old man,” I whispered.

He didn’t respond, he just quietly kept on snoring.

I quietly returned to my room and found Brett sleeping in my bed. I smiled, slipped off my boxers and slipped under the covers next to him. He snuggled himself against me, his warm naked body felt so perfect against my skin. I wrapped my arm around his chest and held him as I drifted into sleep, feeling more loved than I’d ever felt in my life.

Well, that brings Part Five to a close. Part Six - Commencement will bring W.A.R. to its conclusion. I'm still working on it, so it'll be a while before it's ready. Maybe November?

Anyway, I want to say thanks for all the wonderful comments. It's been a joy to read all the thoughts and ideas. You readers are awesome, and I love you! I can't wait to hear what you thought of this chapter, and the story in general.

Thanks for reading!


Next time - W.A.R. Part Six - Commencement
Copyright © 2017 jkwsquirrel; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

On 9/15/2017 at 4:29 AM, Dahawk said:

Absolutely loved the chapter, Was great seeing the boys connect in their relationship on a whole new level. Tears were shed for George, as he had his talk with the boys and his loving way with Brett. It willbe a sad day when i have to read the final chapter of W.A.R. this story leaves you feeling like family.

Thanks Dahawk!  I'm glad you've enjoyed the story!  I appreciate your words of encouragement!

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On 9/15/2017 at 7:21 AM, Israfil said:

I'm relieved Billy had a proper talk with his parents and with the results.


What really struck me though was the ending scene with his father and how it paralleled a similar one in the very beginning of WAR, when Billy walks by his father asleep in the chair. That was when we as readers truly got introduced to George and his role in the story. 


Both Billy and George have changed since then, which Billy reflected on.  I have a feeling that George won't be around for much of Commencement.  That last scene had the feel of a good bye. 

Thanks Israfil!  I'm glad you noticed the parallel between the two scenes involving George and Billy.  The first time, it was George reflecting on how much Billy had grown.  This time it was Billy reflecting on how his father had grown old.  Thanks for your encouragement!

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On 9/15/2017 at 7:21 AM, jaysalmn said:

What a great chapter! So happy u didn't kill George at the cabin! Lol! When Billy came out to the living room in the middle of the night and George was sleeping in the chair, I was totally expecting Billy to find him not breathing. Thank u for ending this part of the series on a good note. I expect George not to make it very far into the next part. I think the cabin with George is just what the boys needed. Their talk really came from the heart, and I have a lot of respect for George and how he's handling their relationship. Still say Billy's mom is cheating with vanilla douche, even though both she and George say she's not. Looking very forward to part 6! 

Thanks jaysalmn!  It would have been cruel to kill George off at this point.  I like a happy ending.  Thank you for your continuing support!  It's appreciated!

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23 hours ago, glennish said:

I've had some more thoughts at the end of retaliation.  I noticed as Billy was outed by the parents in this book, when outed by George he tried to deny it, when outed by Jen, he tried to deny it, and then when outed by his mother, his comment was "you know?"   I wonder is this because he realized that denying it was useless because it wasn't hidden very well, or because he really did want his mother to know and accept him?   I can't wait to see how much growing up he and Brett will do in the next year and a half.   The next month and a half will be torture to wait.

You may be on to something!  ;)  As much as he fights with his mother, he was so desperate to hide his true feelings because her rejection would have crushed him.  I think Billy's running away from her was a preemptive strike, trying to delay what he thought was an inevitable rejection the he just couldn't deal with.  "You can't hurt me if I hurt you first."

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22 hours ago, Freerider said:

I am a big fan, but...

...I could swear this chapter was not written by @jkwsquirrel.

More specifically, it seems like it was written by a straight female with heterosexual norms.

Call me over sensitive, but why is there so much focus by George on Brett and Billy being in a loving relationship? Why is he not just proud of his son? Now he is saying it like he is proud of their relationship... more than of the persons they are. This focus on the relationship is so... not male, nor homosexual. 


Also the beginning seemed a bit rushed, not your usual style of writing.


I know george is a good guy, that is not the point I am trying to make.

How dare you!?!!


Just kidding!  No, it's cool.  I can see your point.  It's hard to think of a close to 10,000 word chapter as rushed, but I had a lot to do in this chapter and didn't want to get too bogged down early on.  Before I edited it, it was closer to 12,000 words.  I thought it was a little too much, but perhaps my editing knife was a little too sharp.


As for George, I think it's within his character to want Billy to be a responsible adult, and that includes being a good mate to his significant other.  While George is an open-minded person, he's also a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to love.  George has also come to see Brett as a second son, to the point that sometimes Billy thinks his dad likes Brett more than him.  George knows that Billy could easily crush Brett's heart.  Billy has two dangerous settings, hot-tempered destroyer and cold calculator.  He can be seen as aloof, insensitive, and a sarcastic asshole.  I just think George knows his son's behavior could do a lot of harm to Brett and he wants to show more maturity so he won't hurt Brett.  I think he is very proud of the person Billy is becoming, and part of that is being a good partner.

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11 hours ago, JayT said:

Good ending....glad things ended on a positive note. For half a second, I was scared Billy was going to find George in that chair dead. Thank you for not doing that to us!

See you around for part 6!

Thanks Jay!  I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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37 minutes ago, William King said:

I read all the comments so far, they were good and all made valid points and expressed what they felt about the ending. For me it was not only a nice way to end, but a powerful way to end. I do feel worried about George, I am pleased that Brett and Billy have developed a super relationship.


There was also though a glimpse of things to come, which was captured in a very subtle way - the two ladies they passed hand in hand contrasted with the guys who called them "fucking queers." Brett got provoked, Billy dragged him away! Not everything in the garden is rosy and there are demons lurking - I can't help thinking that we just got treated to the calm before the storm!


Great story, I'm looking forward to the next book.


Yep!  It was a little foreshadowing of the highs and lows which are to come.  That and Brett sneaking into Billy's bed at the end as well.  Billy's truce with Paula is doomed to fail.

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1 hour ago, jkwsquirrel said:

How dare you!?!!


Just kidding!  No, it's cool.  I can see your point.  It's hard to think of a close to 10,000 word chapter as rushed, but I had a lot to do in this chapter and didn't want to get too bogged down early on.  Before I edited it, it was closer to 12,000 words.  I thought it was a little too much, but perhaps my editing knife was a little too sharp.


As for George, I think it's within his character to want Billy to be a responsible adult, and that includes being a good mate to his significant other.  While George is an open-minded person, he's also a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to love.  George has also come to see Brett as a second son, to the point that sometimes Billy thinks his dad likes Brett more than him.  George knows that Billy could easily crush Brett's heart.  Billy has two dangerous settings, hot-tempered destroyer and cold calculator.  He can be seen as aloof, insensitive, and a sarcastic asshole.  I just think George knows his son's behavior could do a lot of harm to Brett and he wants to show more maturity so he won't hurt Brett.  I think he is very proud of the person Billy is becoming, and part of that is being a good partner.


I humbly apologise for calling you a heterosexual... oh... and a woman :P


The rushed part could well be the editing. Because other parts were as I have come to expect of you. 

I agree that the focus on the relationship fits well. Maybe not so much in George his own character, but he knows his wife is happy that her son is at least in a relationship. Not being in one would be even more sinful than he already is. George will take this into account.  


But Billy is happy about this and that does not seem to fit. In my opinion any gay son would at least have problems with the focus on the relationship by a father. The doubt of acceptance will at least have had him think "So, you like Brett so much, but what about if he was not my bf? Would you and mum accept me too?"

Normally such a thing is not missed by you. Hence my "suspicion" that a heterosexual (not in touch with this fundamental doubt) woman (a monogamous relationship is the holy grail) wrote this father/son part.


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I was sure a boat-full of people were either going to be clapping or screaming at B&B with that public sex act. :lol: Glad they weren't seen!


I was thinking the same thing as Jay; I was worried George was going to die in that chair. I don't like George talking about his death all the time. Now I'm worried whatever scenes he's going to be in, one of them will be the fatal one. :(


Can't wait for the next book,  Mr. Squirrel! :)


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This stories are an emotional roller coaster can’t stop reading though even though I don’t like stories like this 

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A powerful ending for a powerful book!

"Retaliation", so far, is my favorite book that I've read from you.

It brought every character out of their comfort zones in order to face their problems.

But what's most important is this is where Billy and Brett started to understand the meaning of love.

I love this book to bits!

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I also realized that I happen to have read this chapter during Father's Day so I think it's quite fitting! George has been their moral guide for a long time. I love how he cares to much about both Brett and his son. I also love that he finally gives them his blessing.


I may not have a father, but at least I have a dad.

It felt like a bow struck my chest after reading that line. It's not like I don't have a father (in fact, I'm very thankful for my old man), but I really felt sympathy for Brett. His closest to a father figure when he was younger was perhaps his grandpa (if I remember correctly) and it wasn't until he met when he felt a father's love again. I'm pretty sure he's going to break when he realizes that his real father has been around town in decades. That makes me wonder: why would Jen stay in Donora if she doesn't want anyone to know about her and Jack?

I like that the cabin acted as some sort of a trial run for how Billy and Brett are going to out themselves when they're back in Donora (minus the sex part). You gotta have to check the waters before diving in, right?

And speaking of the outdoor sex, that was intense! I think the fact that they're so vulnerable makes it a lot more interesting. I haven't imagined exactly how big the lake actually is, but for a second, I thought that their dad was actually at one of the boats who honked their horns. 

There are still a lot of unsolved problems. But that's life. Sometimes you just gotta have to take a break and survive to fight for another day.

Again, a powerful chapter! It's mind bottling!

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On ‎9‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 11:16 PM, Lisa said:

I was sure a boat-full of people were either going to be clapping or screaming at B&B with that public sex act. :lol: Glad they weren't seen!


I was thinking the same thing as Jay; I was worried George was going to die in that chair. I don't like George talking about his death all the time. Now I'm worried whatever scenes he's going to be in, one of them will be the fatal one. :(


Can't wait for the next book,  Mr. Squirrel! :)


I don't think Brett cared if they were seen or not!

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On ‎5‎/‎30‎/‎2020 at 10:17 AM, Nana Atuwa said:

This stories are an emotional roller coaster can’t stop reading though even though I don’t like stories like this 

That's the highest complement possible! :D 

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On ‎6‎/‎21‎/‎2020 at 12:20 PM, noahthesmallpotato said:

I also realized that I happen to have read this chapter during Father's Day so I think it's quite fitting! George has been their moral guide for a long time. I love how he cares to much about both Brett and his son. I also love that he finally gives them his blessing.

It felt like a bow struck my chest after reading that line. It's not like I don't have a father (in fact, I'm very thankful for my old man), but I really felt sympathy for Brett. His closest to a father figure when he was younger was perhaps his grandpa (if I remember correctly) and it wasn't until he met when he felt a father's love again. I'm pretty sure he's going to break when he realizes that his real father has been around town in decades. That makes me wonder: why would Jen stay in Donora if she doesn't want anyone to know about her and Jack?

I like that the cabin acted as some sort of a trial run for how Billy and Brett are going to out themselves when they're back in Donora (minus the sex part). You gotta have to check the waters before diving in, right?

And speaking of the outdoor sex, that was intense! I think the fact that they're so vulnerable makes it a lot more interesting. I haven't imagined exactly how big the lake actually is, but for a second, I thought that their dad was actually at one of the boats who honked their horns. 

There are still a lot of unsolved problems. But that's life. Sometimes you just gotta have to take a break and survive to fight for another day.

Again, a powerful chapter! It's mind bottling!

Mind bottling indeed!  Since you read String first, I think you can see the influence George had on Brett lasted long after the boys' high school years ended.  Running laps with Jake was right out of the George parenting playbook.  But yeah, Brett's not going to be too happy when he knew his father all along and his parents never told him.  Jen is taking a big risk living in the same town as Jack.  I wonder why too.  Worse than that, what happens when he finds out Billy has known and didn't tell him?  Lots of fun left to explore!

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10 hours ago, jkwsquirrel said:

Mind bottling indeed!  Since you read String first, I think you can see the influence George had on Brett lasted long after the boys' high school years ended.  Running laps with Jake was right out of the George parenting playbook.  But yeah, Brett's not going to be too happy when he knew his father all along and his parents never told him.  Jen is taking a big risk living in the same town as Jack.  I wonder why too.  Worse than that, what happens when he finds out Billy has known and didn't tell him?  Lots of fun left to explore!

Wait, I don't recall George running laps with Brett!

I'm kidding! But yes, I see what you meant. One of George's amazing qualities is to understand and admit his mistakes in an fight, and then correct it himself.


That's what George did after all his fight with Billy in the previous books, and that's also exactly what Brett did when he also had an argument with Jake in String.

I tell you what, I'll be reading String again after finishing the W.A.R. series. I wanna see how this changes my initial perspective of the story. 

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