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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Caral - 7. Chapter 7

For the rest of the term, Toby applied himself to his studies.

Time passed quickly. Graduation day was just 24 hours away. But graduation wasn't on Toby's mind. What was on his mind was that he'd be at the dig in less than 48 hours. He'd have three months to spend with Carlos.

Toby did not know that his dad had invited Carlos and Dr. Viego to Toby's graduation.

At the graduation ceremony, Toby was smiling because he knew he would soon be at the dig. All he could think about was seeing Carlos.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, Toby looked for his dad. He found him in the lobby talking to one of the students. From the look on his dad's face, he knew that it wasn't good news.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

"First, congratulations, it seems that those senior students who were with us at the dig will not be returning this year. Their parents have made other arrangements as a graduation gift. That means we'll have to do with the help of Dr. Viego's students."

"I can go."

Toby turned around and saw Carlos. It took a second for Toby to recognize and understand that Carlos was right in front of him. With tears in his eyes, he grabbed Carlos and kissed him. He didn't care who saw or what they thought. For Toby, this was the best graduation gift ever.

Toby was so into Carlos he didn't see Dr. Viego standing behind Carlos. Pulling back from hugging Carlos, he saw Dr. Viego.

"Congratulations, Toby."

"Thank you, Dr. Viego, this is a pleasant surprise and the best graduation gift," holding on to Carlos.

That evening sitting around the dinner table," Dad, what are we going to do at the dig since a lot of the group won't be going? If we don't have enough people, we won't be able to finish the dig this year."

"Dr. Viego suggested that we approach the junior class and see if any of them would like to go."

"I can always offer the opportunity to some of my students in Peru."

"I don't think you have to worry, Toby. We're at the point where we could leave the dig. We'll concentrate on the pyramid and surrounding buildings."

Toby knew, based on working with his mom and dad, that leaving a dig for others was the way they had operated in the past.

Three days later, Toby and Carlos were at the dig. On that first night, they relived their first night together on the first day of the dig. "I'll remember this dig as a very special place. It's where I met you and fell in love with you."

The resulting kiss led to the sharing of their love as only two young men could.

Over the next three months, the smile on Toby's face never left. Dr. Bentley would smile as he saw Toby and Carlos walking hand in hand. He was happy for Toby but knew that life wouldn't be easy for him and Carlos. The world had made great strides in the acceptance of gay relationships. There were still bigoted individuals, particularly in countries where religions taught that gay relationships were anathema to God's commandments.

He knew that a lot of archaeology involved what is known as the mid-east, such as Mesopotamia. There the boys would have a difficult time unless they kept their relationship quiet. For the time being, he'd direct their efforts to the Americas. There were still a lot of sites that needed to be investigated. He intended to provide as many opportunities for the boys as possible.


As Carlos attended Toby's graduation, Toby and his dad attended Carlos's. Toby had the opportunity to meet Carlos's parents. It didn't take long for Carlos's father to begin to discuss Carlos's return to his farm.

Dr. Viego heard this discussion and told Toby's father, "That's not going to happen."

This lead to an argument and a rather loud argument. Carlos's mother took his dad's arm and pulled him away. "Stop this now. He'll continue his education. You have enough people to work on your farm. This is his chance to be more than someone working as your field hand."

Carlos heard what his mother had said. The stubbornness of his father in front of Toby embarrassed him. Toby just took his hand and squeezed it to let him know that he was there for him.

The animosity between Carlos's father and Dr. Viego was very evident. "John, I'll take you up on that offer of being a visiting professor at your University. Carlos can come with me and begin his work towards his Master's degree."

"That's great Luis, both of you can stay with Toby and I. The house is big enough to provide a place to work and study."

The relationship between Toby's father and Carlos's uncle was based on sharing the same interests in archaeology and their relationships with Toby and Carlos.

It seems with every happiness; there is some sadness. Carlos's relationship with his father was a sadness that he hoped in time, his father would recognize his achievements and be proud of him. He was sorry to distance himself from his mother. She was his stalwart when he had arguments with his dad. She would come to his aid providing the support necessary for him to continue his education.

And so it was settled, there was no way that Dr. Viego was going to let Carlos's mind be turned away from his love for archeology to plowing or herding cattle.

The boys spent one last month at the dig. Toby got his souvenir. It looked like a clay whistle. They saw a lot of them broken, but there were a few still intact.

Now was the boys' time to visit the other sites. Machu Picchu was definitely on the list.


Returning home a few weeks before school started, Dr. Viego and Carlos needed temporary permits to teach and study in the States. With the help of the University's lawyers, they received their green cards in time.

Peace reigned over Toby's home. He was back at school, and in a year, he would be getting his Master's degree. Carlos was well entrenched in his studies and not minding he had not only a bed partner for those cold nights, but someone who can help him with his studies.

Breaks were spent viewing other archeology sites in Mexico and other parts of South and Central America.

Peace and happiness reigned, except Carlos and his father never made peace. A bothering tick in his mind, but his mother was very happy. She attended his graduation when he received his doctorate. There always seems a price to pay for one who walks a different path than their fathers, but the walk has to be made. The dig at Caral will always be in the minds of two young men.

Copyright © 2020 CLJobe; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Just now, chris191070 said:

Another fantastic story. It's a shame Carlos and father never made peace but Carlos has Toby and that's his true love.

I found that people with closed minds are not really happy people. I don't think Carlos's dad was a happy man.

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A brilliant chapter, it is a pity that some people who did not get opportunities to advance themselves will also deny their children the opportunity when it arises, which is very sad but this happens all to often

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9 minutes ago, mikedup said:

A brilliant chapter, it is a pity that some people who did not get opportunities to advance themselves will also deny their children the opportunity when it arises, which is very sad but this happens all to often

Yes, you're right. I think, and this is a guess, Carlos's father was looking for his replacement. His son would take over the work on them farm. I don't think explained this to his son. It's just a feeling I have 

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3 hours ago, CLJobe said:

I found that people with closed minds are not really happy people. I don't think Carlos's dad was a happy man.

As a result of that Carlos mom was living with him that could have taken a toll on her.But she was happy for her son so that's a consolation

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16 minutes ago, weinerdog said:

As a result of that Carlos mom was living with him that could have taken a toll on her.But she was happy for her son so that's a consolation


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9 hours ago, mikedup said:

A brilliant chapter, it is a pity that some people who did not get opportunities to advance themselves will also deny their children the opportunity when it arises, which is very sad but this happens all to often

Whilst this is true, maybe Carlos' Father felt that Carlos did not value his life's work. That he felt that if Carlos did take over the Farm it would be a way of expressing how proud he was that his Father worked so hard all of his life to leave him such a 'legacy?' He may have felt more hurt than anything but did not have the where-with-all to express how he was feeling, etc. An element of machismo?

I know there are lots of '...but's...' and '...what if's...' and '...if only's...' in the above statement, but Humans can be rather complex creatures - no?

Thanks for another good one :)

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8 hours ago, Buz said:

Whilst this is true, maybe Carlos' Father felt that Carlos did not value his life's work. That he felt that if Carlos did take over the Farm it would be a way of expressing how proud he was that his Father worked so hard all of his life to leave him such a 'legacy?' He may have felt more hurt than anything but did not have the where-with-all to express how he was feeling, etc. An element of machismo?

I know there are lots of '...but's...' and '...what if's...' and '...if only's...' in the above statement, but Humans can be rather complex creatures - no?

Thanks for another good one :)

You are welcome. Yes, there are a lot of reasons but I'm sure his wife, Carlos's mother, must have felt that Carlos would be better off studying at the university. Family dynamics are sometimes very complicated.

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7 hours ago, Brokenbind said:

And were they married in the end..?  I hope so.  Soulmates!


yes, they became a team

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