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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This is a rewrite of a story I posted on another site. I've made the mistake of posting before completing the work, so I'll apologize in advance for the delays between chapters.

Re-Birth - 5. Chapter 5

Brian and I quickly separated. We all stared at Chris as his eyes took in the four of us naked on the floor. It felt like an hour, but it was probably only a few seconds before Chris stepped inside and closed the door. He was shaking his head and laughing as he turned back to face us.

“Greg decides he’s gay, and it only takes a week before the four of you are having an orgy. The least you could’ve done was invite me!”
Jake was the first to reply, “It’s not like that, and you know it.”

Chris was still laughing as he headed to the kitchen to grab the last beer. When he returned, he stripped to his briefs and sat beside me. He raised his bottle, so I tapped it with mine, and then he took a deep drink. Looking at the four of us, he asked, “So, who’s going to explain?”

Three fingers pointed at me, so I sighed and explained how we decided we should share our secrets and how that had led to my tackling a naked and boned-up Brian. When he asked why we were naked, I told him how we were playing truth or truth and how we’d decided to start off with the dare of being naked. On hearing this, he shocked us all by standing, whipping off his briefs, and telling us all to take a good look.

With me sitting at his feet, Chris was standing over me with his dick only a few inches from my face. I looked up and grinned at him.
When I did this, he smirked and said, “You know you wanna suck it.”

Just as he said that the front door opened, and Scott walked in. He saw the five of us, naked as the day we were born, with me inches from Chris’ growing cock. Before I could say a word, he turned and walked out, slamming the door.

I felt sick. My chest contracted, and I couldn’t breathe. I put my face in my hands and started to cry as my four naked friends ran out the front door, catching Scott in my front yard. I could hear them begging him to come back in and listen. Finally, they all came back, with Jake holding Scott’s hand as he led him to my side.

Scott didn’t say a word as he stood there glaring at me. I wiped my eyes and looked up at him as I croaked, “Please, it’s not what it looked like, honest.”

I thought I saw a slight softening of his expression, so I went on, explaining about the game we were playing and telling him how Chris had just caught Brian and me wrestling. When I said that, I saw the slightest hint of a grin, and I knew all would be well.

Jake and Josh took turns sharing with Scott their secrets, including their cuddling and mutual masturbation. When Josh used that term, Chris looked at them and cleared his throat.

“Actually, guys, you two just jerk off together. I’m pretty sure that mutual masturbation means that you trade hand jobs. Not that I care if you guys do that. I just want us to be clear.”

Jake blushed as Josh quickly said, “Um, no, we’ve never intentionally touched each other that way. I will admit that most mornings, I wake up with something hard against my butt and a hand wrapped around my dick.”

Jake almost shouted, “I always let go when I realize what I’m doing!”

We all were in tears from laughing as Josh nodded and said, “I never said you didn’t, bro.”

It took a few minutes for Scott to recover from laughing enough that he could breathe. Once he calmed down, he glanced at me, then stood and stripped. He slowly turned as my friends examined his body, paying close attention to his uncut cock. Personally, I liked him being uncut, but from glances at other boys at school, I knew he would be one of very few at school who still had a foreskin.

After letting them all get a good look, he sat close by my side and said, “Well, I’ll share what secrets I can, but as Greg knows, I have family secrets that I’m just not free to share.”

When he said this, I noticed him give Chris a quick glance, and my friend responded with a nod. I wondered what this exchange meant, but now wasn’t the time to ask. Scott went on to say that until last week, he had never touched anyone, and no one had touched him. On hearing this, all my friends started to push us for details. When I gave him a small nod, he went on to tell them about our shower. On hearing these details, even the straight boys were as hard as the rest of us.

Chris had taken the last beer, so I shared mine with Scott as we sat and talked. Finally, the conversation moved from our personal secrets to more mundane issues like school, work, and wrestling. When that topic came up, Jake was quick to suggest he teach Scott some basic moves. Of course, everyone had to make comments about his only desire being to feel Scott’s hard body, but I knew my friend and his intentions.

We moved our party to the basement. After moving the weight bench and weights, we spent two hours working with Scott. The guys were impressed by how quickly Scott learned things, only needing to be shown once to get the basics and only needing minor corrections to really understand the moves. What shocked me was his strength. I outweighed Scott by fifty pounds, yet he was tossing me around like an equal. By the time we finished, everyone agreed that Scott would make the team.

Everyone was sitting around talking about how good Scott had done when I glanced at my phone. “Oh shit, it’s 2 am! Your dad’s gonna kill us both, Scott!”

Scott picked up his phone, exchanged a few texts with his dad, then handed it to me with a smile.

<lost track of time sry Greg has his buddies staying over care if I stay?>

<You know you can stay there anytime. Will his father object?>

<Hes out of town but he knows the others are here so idk if it matters>

<We’ll see you in the morning after your run. Have fun, love you. Goodnight.>

I looked at Scott in shock. “Your dad trusts that you and I won’t—”

Scott blushed as he said, “He assumes we already have.”

The room went silent as we all stared at Scott. Then the comments of how lucky he was and how they wished their parents were so cool started. I just shook my head, grabbed Scott’s hand, and headed off to our shower. The others took the hint, and I heard them arguing about who got to shower first. From what I heard, the twins were going to share Dad’s shower while Chris and Brian shared the main bathroom.

We all ended up sleeping on the floor of the living room in a big pile. I held Scott wrapped in my arms as he held Jake, who held Josh. Chris and Brian fell asleep on either side of us, but when we woke in the morning, I noticed arms around me as I looked at Josh holding Brian.

They all joined Scott and me on our run, but Brian and Chris left before we started lifting weights. Jake looked skeptical when Scott was lifting, and I saw a quick, whispered conversation with his brother. When Scott’s turn came around again, I watched as Josh distracted him while Jake added weights. When Scott turned back to lift, he put the same effort into lifting almost half again the weight he had used before. I saw the twins exchange a glance, and then Josh looked at me and shrugged while Jake stared at Scott, lost in thought.

After our workout, Scott headed home, saying he’d see me this evening. Josh headed to work while Jake and I showered. On the drive to work, Jake asked me about Scott and the weights.

“Bro, why is he sandbagging? It’s obvious he can lift more than he’s been doing.”

I shrugged and replied, “I don’t know, dude. Maybe he’s worried that we’ll push him too hard?”

Jake wasn’t happy with that answer, and he asked, “And did you notice that after the run, he was hardly sweating? It’s not natural.”
I glanced at Jake and asked, “So what? You’re saying he’s an alien?”

Jake sat back and mumbled, “I don’t know, bro, but something’s up.”

We both stayed quiet for the rest of the ride. Jake still hadn’t said a word when we split up to go to our jobs. I ended up taking my lunch early, so I didn’t see Jake until we met for the ride home. He was still very quiet, and I didn’t feel like pushing him, so I didn’t. I dropped him off at his place and then headed home. As I was pulling into the garage, my phone rang.

“Hey, Dad,” I said as I walked into the basement.

After talking to my dad, I quickly called Scott and told him my plan. He checked with James and Donna and then agreed we should do it. I quickly called my dad back to make sure he was fine with what I suggested. Ten minutes later, Scott and I were in my kitchen, busily cooking. I was happy to see that he could do more than chop vegetables and boil water. I hoped to spend many years with him, and I didn’t want to be the only cook in our house.

Two hours later, Dad, James, and Donna were sitting at our dinner table as Scott and I plated fettuccine noodles and put a chicken breast on top of them. We then put some broccoli and zucchini on the side and covered it all with Alfredo sauce. As each was finished, we placed them in front of our parents. When I put a glass of wine in front of Dad, he glanced at me.

I pointed at James, who said, “The boys told me what they were cooking, so I brought this. It’s an Albert Bichot Premier Burgundy from 2008 that should go perfectly with the meal.”

Dad glanced at the bottle, then said, “James, I appreciate it, but you didn’t have to go to all this trouble. That looks expensive.”

Donna laughed lightly and explained, “The winery has been in our family for generations, and good wine doesn’t have to be expensive. This bottle cost more to get through customs than it did on the shelf in Burgundy. And what good is wine if it can’t be shared with family?”

Dad looked at the glass Scott had set at his own plate, then turned to look at me and said, “Well, you heard them. Where’s your glass?”
I was currently plating my own food, and he laughed when I picked up my glass from the counter. As I sat down, James said, “Boys, this looks delicious. Would either of you care to tell us what it is?”

Scott glowed with pride as he said, “It’s a baked chicken breast, covered in garlic and parmesan, on a bed of fettuccine, with a side of steamed broccoli and zucchini, all covered in a garlic Alfredo sauce. We have more sauce if you like.”

Scott and I watched as our parents took their first bites and hoped the moans were caused by pleasure and not some form of suffering. Once we received nods of appreciation, we dug in. As we ate, Donna was asking me if I would share the recipe while Dad and James were too busy enjoying the food. The plates were about half empty when the conversation started.

“I’m glad we could finally meet, Charlie. Donna and I are so happy that our boys are getting on so well.”

Dad nodded and replied, “I’m proud of how Greg has included his new friend with his old. Sometimes, it’s hard for the new boy to feel welcome in an established group.”

I looked up and added, “Well, it helps that Scott wants to wrestle. The guys are excited at how well he’s been doing in our private sessions.”

James gave me a knowing grin as he said, “Yes, it’s always nice to get private attention.”

I glanced at Dad, and it seemed he understood the double entendre, but he played dumb by saying, “Having half the team teaching him should make up for his lack of experience.”

Scott piped up with, “They’ve been great! We spent most of last night down in the basement with them all showing me some basic moves.”

When Dad looked my way, I added, “Yeah, we ended up all piled on the living room floor like a bunch of kids.”

Donna laughed, then said, “You’ve done a wonderful job of raising Greg on your own. We’re thrilled to be welcoming him into our family.”

I almost flinched at those words. When I looked at Dad, I silently prayed that they hadn’t broken through his barrier. He stared at me for a moment, then nodded.

He then turned to James and Donna to say, “Everyone parents differently. Since Camilla passed, I’ve tried to guide Greg from the stands, as it were. I don’t ask for the details of his life, and he only shares what he feels I need. I give him his privacy until he shows that he can’t handle it. So far, I’m proud of his choices. To my knowledge, he’s only been drunk once, and I don’t think he’s ever used a drug of any kind, not even a joint.”

I quietly said, “Twice.” When he turned to look me in the eye, I explained, “I’ve been drunk twice, but you’re right about drugs. Not even a cigarette. I respect my body too much for that shit. Er, um, stuff, sorry.”

Dad laughed as he said, “Your first choice of words was right, so it’s fine.” He turned back to James and continued, “As I was saying, I don’t always agree with his choices, but I love him unconditionally.”

James and Donna seemed to understand his unspoken message as well as I did. James said, “Once they hit a certain age, they have to live their lives. It’s nice to find someone who doesn’t force their personal beliefs onto their kids. Most who are raised that way tend to rebel.”

Dad agreed, “Exactly what I was telling the Priest a few weeks ago. He asked me why Greg wasn’t at mass. I said if he’s old enough to decide that he wants to believe, he’s old enough to decide that he doesn’t want to believe.”

As this conversation was going on, everyone had emptied their plates, so Scott asked, “Does anyone want more? Or are we ready for dessert?”

Dad and James were shocked, but Donna smiled at Scott and asked, “If it’s what I think it is, I’m ready for it.”

Dad was still shaking his head as Scott and I set small plates in front of our parents. Scott sighed and said, “We didn’t have time for it to chill properly, so it’s not as firm as it should be, but it’ll taste fine.”

James was smiling broadly as he said, “I’m sure it’s fine, Scott.”

As we sat, I said, “James and Donna already know this, but Scott made tiramisu. Like he said, it’s supposed to be a bit firmer, but I snuck a taste, and it’s incredible.”

After taking a bite, Dad’s eyes shot open. He looked at Scott and said, “This is incredible, Scott. Greg’s going to get fat if you always cook a meal like this. Do I taste Kahlua?”

Scott blushed. Then, he nodded and said, “Just a tiny bit. But honestly, this was a team effort. Greg made the chicken, noodles, and sauce. I just steamed the vegetables and made the dessert.”

Donna asked, “Scott? I noticed you didn’t add the Maraska?”

I replied, "We thought it would clash with the wine.”

Dad reached over and punched my shoulder as he said, “You’ve been holding back on me, boy.”

I rubbed my shoulder and exclaimed, “Hey! I’ve done some great things in that kitchen in the past, or did you forget that lasagna last month?”

Dad grinned and nodded, then turned to James and said, “He’s right. You’ll have to have him make his lasagna for you sometime.”

As we ate the tiramisu, the conversation turned to Dad’s work and the businesses that James owned. Scott and I were feeling pretty good about the evening, and most of what James and Dad said just passed us by. When we stood to clear the table, the parents moved to the living room to continue their conversation. When Scott and I finished cleaning up the kitchen and loading the dishwasher, we went to join them.

As we entered, James and Donna were getting to their feet, and James was saying, “Mike Barnes really speaks highly of you, Charlie, and that’s good enough for me. Please consider what I’ve said.”

Dad shook his hand and replied, “I have to go back to Los Angeles on Sunday, and I probably won’t be back for two weeks. Once I’m back, you and I can sit down and hash out the details. I’m very interested, James, I really am. I just have a few things to finish up first.”

“A man of integrity, I like that. You finish up what you need to. I’ll still be here when you return,” James said. Then he glanced at Scott and me and added, “And Donna and I are just across the street if Greg needs anything while you’re gone.”

When they got to the door, I said, “I’m going to walk them home, Dad, if that’s ok?”

Dad smiled and nodded, so I followed the Warnicks out the door. Once outside, Scott and I both gave a huge sigh of relief. James and Donna were still laughing when we got to their door. Before they went inside, Donna turned to me.

“Greg, it’s obvious to us how you and Scott feel about each other, and we fully support you.”

James continued her thought, “It’s also obvious to us that your father knows but has some personal issues that prevent him from giving his full support, and I think you understand why.”

I nodded and said, “He made himself clear tonight, and I think it’s the most I can expect. Maybe in time, he’ll support us, but at least I know he loves me.” I turned to Scott and added, “And I think he really likes Scotty too.”

Donna was smiling as she said, “That he does. We just want you to know that we consider you family. That means you treat our home as yours.”

I stepped forward and gave her a hug, saying, “Thank you, Donna, that means a lot to me.”

James turned to Scott and said, “Don’t be too long saying goodnight. I’m guessing that you two will be running extra tomorrow to work off that meal.”

Scott and I laughed as his parents went inside. I glanced around and, seeing that we were in the shadows, leaned in to quickly plant a kiss on Scott’s lips. I watched as he went inside, then turned to head home. I felt like I was on top of the world as I crossed the street. That feeling changed when I walked into the living room to find Dad waiting in his chair.
“Have a seat, Greg. There are a few things we need to talk about.”

I went to the kitchen and picked up the bottle of wine and a clean glass. I went back to the living room and topped off Dad’s glass, then looked at him as I held up the bottle and the empty glass. He thought for a second, then nodded. He smiled when I only half filled my glass and sat.

“First, I’m very impressed with Scott and the meal the two of you cooked. If you change your mind about law school, the two of you could open up a restaurant.” I blushed at that as he went on, “The meal aside, I also need to let you know that I’m impressed with Scott as a person. He’s well-mannered and seems to be very intelligent. I’m happy that the two of you are so close.
“That said, I’m going to ignore the elephant in the room. I meant what I said about supporting you in your choices, and I love you regardless of my personal beliefs about those choices.”

I was fighting back tears as he continued, “Now, like you heard me tell James, I have to head back to the West Coast on Sunday, and I’m likely to be gone for two or three weeks. I trust you here alone, but I feel better knowing that James and Donna are here for you if they’re needed.”

I smiled and said, “They’re good people, Dad. We’re lucky to have met them.”

Dad took a sip of his wine and said, “I agree, Greg, that’s why, when I come home, I’ll be making some changes.” I sat straighter as he continued, “James has offered to help me set up my own accounting firm, with him as my first client. He listed some of his businesses, and I think I can make a go of it. The best part of this is that I won’t have to travel out of town nearly as often, which means I can keep our bargain without having to trade dates with you.”

I nearly spilled my wine as I exclaimed, “That’s great, Dad!”

“Well, I have to clear up some issues out west, and we’ll talk more about everything when I get back. Work might not be the only thing that changes around here, but I don’t want to get your hopes up until I get it all sorted out.”

I smirked and said, “I’ll put you on my schedule.”

It was a private joke between my father and me. After Mom died, Dad refused some large accounts at work because they required too much travel. Once he felt comfortable leaving me alone for a day or two, he had taken on these larger accounts. When his travel started to cause him to miss what he called my ‘life events’, he and I made a deal. For every sporting event, teacher’s meeting, or parent/student day that he missed, he would do something special with me. Sometimes, that was a ball game in Pittsburgh, Baltimore, or Washington, and other times, it was a day boating on the lake. Whatever it was, it was my choice, and it was just the two of us. The best part of all of this was that he very rarely had to trade a day. Somehow, he was at almost all of my wrestling matches. He even gave up an account when they insisted that he skip my State Championship to take care of them.

Dad laughed, like I knew he would, then said, “Speaking of your schedule, what do you have planned tomorrow? Do you work?”
I shook my head as I said, “No, Sir. I worked every day this week, so barring an emergency, I won’t get any hours until Monday. Why?”

“Well, with what I’m going to do with James, I’ll be setting up an office. I’ve decided that I won’t be bringing anything home, so tomorrow, you and I will box up my office and move everything into the garage. Once it’s empty, if you want, we’ll make that your bedroom. I think you’re too big for that twin bed, don’t you?”

“I don’t mind the twin, Dad. You don’t have to do that just for me,” I argued.

Giving me a knowing smirk, he said, “Well, I bet your friends are tired of sleeping on the floor when they stay over, so we’re doing it. Tomorrow evening, you and I will go to the store and get a queen-size bed, dresser, and desk to match. I’ll put my desk in the other room, and we’ll store the furniture that you’re using now. You’re welcome to invite Scott and the rest of them to help with the heavy lifting.”

I knew the part about asking my friends for help was more of an order than an invitation, but what I was focused on was this: Did my dad just sanction Scott sleeping with me? I did my best not to grin at that thought as I stood and said, “I’ll talk to Scott when we’re running and see if he’s free. If he’s not, the twins might be able to help.” I picked up my empty glass and the bottle and offered him a refill. When he shook his head no, I took both glasses to the dishwasher. When I came back into the living room, Dad was looking at me with an odd expression that I didn’t recognize. He hugged me tighter than usual and headed to his room. I headed to mine, and ten minutes later, I was sound asleep.

Copyright © 2023 Justin4Fun; All Rights Reserved.
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If you'd like to buy me a cup of coffee, a donut, a bale of hay, or a horse, visit Justin's Ranch
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Now, that's an awesome Dad and the more I see of Donna and James, the more I love them. This is an awesome family you're building, @Justin4Fun. I wonder when the other siblings will meet their new brother. 

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Another great chapter. I am pleased that Greg can make up his own mind about going to Mass, the priest is only concerned that one of his congregation has decided that he can do what he wants with regards to the cult and not participate in the guilt that is the catholic religion 

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No, no, no! A Burgandy with Chicken and an Alfredo Sauce? A decent Sauvignon Blanc or better yet, a nice Chardonnay. Other than that Faux Pas, it was a very well done chapter.

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On 12/12/2023 at 8:57 PM, Al Norris said:

No, no, no! A Burgandy with Chicken and an Alfredo Sauce? A decent Sauvignon Blanc or better yet, a nice Chardonnay. Other than that Faux Pas, it was a very well done chapter.

I would have to disagree with you. In my stupid opinion, there are no rules for enjoying wine with your dinner. The only real universal rule about enjoying wine with dinner, it must be French! They are the only ones that do it right, besides a few California wine makers like Joseph Phelps, who has amazing Burgundy. But nothing beats a Bordeaux. 

I'm surprised that no one brought up that the author casually mentioned Albert-Bichot has been in their family for generations. Now I want to do naked wrestling and have some hands on time with Scott. I don't really like blonde's, especially those that may or may not be a vampire, but to get access to that very famous winery, I'd swallow my "pride". 


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On 12/12/2023 at 11:57 PM, Al Norris said:

No, no, no! A Burgandy with Chicken and an Alfredo Sauce? A decent Sauvignon Blanc or better yet, a nice Chardonnay. Other than that Faux Pas, it was a very well done chapter.


5 minutes ago, Jason Rimbaud said:

I would have to disagree with you. In my stupid opinion, there are no rules for enjoying wine with your dinner. The only real universal rule about enjoying wine with dinner, it must be French! They are the only ones that do it right, besides a few California wine makers like Joseph Phelps, who has amazing Burgundy. But nothing beats a Bordeaux. 

I'm surprised that no one brought up that the author casually mentioned Albert-Bichot has been in their family for generations. Now I want to do naked wrestling and have some hands on time with Scott. I don't really like blonde's, especially those that may or may not be a vampire, but to get access to that very famous winery, I'd swallow my "pride". 


Ironic that I don't enjoy wine, haven't had a drop of alcohol in 29 years, and just randomly chose an expensive wine then, huh?

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While I don't wish to get into 'wine wars,' I have to say that white wine is almost always served with fish and most birds. Likewise, full-bodied reds are generally served with beef and many pork entrees. A full-bodied white may be used depending on how the pork is presented.

I would also not dismiss the California varietals. They have come a long way and won several awards over their French counterparts. Much to the chagrin of the French.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree, @Jason Rimbaud.

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6 hours ago, Al Norris said:

While I don't wish to get into 'wine wars,' I have to say that white wine is almost always served with fish and most birds. Likewise, full-bodied reds are generally served with beef and many pork entrees. A full-bodied white may be used depending on how the pork is presented.

I would also not dismiss the California varietals. They have come a long way and won several awards over their French counterparts. Much to the chagrin of the French.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree, @Jason Rimbaud.

I will agree to your disagree happily.  😊

the only thing I’ll say, a burgundy is not a full bodied red, 

on with the story!!!

J (French Wine is the best)

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I just love to see all the boys together bonding so cool. And man, it was so good to see Greg's dad being so open minded!

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  • Site Moderator

James was totally serious when he told Greg he was now family. He's integrating Greg's father into his business.

Scott's uncanny strength and lack of sweat is noticeable to the others as well.

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