Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Secrets: The Truth is Slowly Revealed - 29. Chapter 29 S1
Chapter 29 – Dear Friends
The shaman let me sleep later in the morning, since I and the others had returned so late from our time as bears. Shortly after I finished eating breakfast with the shaman, he started working with me again, but this time so I’d be able to transition into a deer.
“There are actually two types of deer that you will need to be familiar with, the mule deer and the white-tailed deer, since both species are indigenous to this area. I will eventually ask you to transition into each one, but we will start with the white-tailed deer. Before we get started, however, I have a group of photos you can study so you will be able to picture the white-tailed deer in your mind. While you are doing that, I will also tell you a few facts about them.
“You will observe that the white-tailed deer are primarily reddish-brown in color, including their rump, although you might see a patch or two of white on some of them as well. The only common white feature on all of them is the underside of their tails; hence their name, but you will not necessarily see the underside of their tails in the wild. You may see a thin streak of white on either side of its tail, but the underside can only be seen when the deer holds its tail upright as a warning flag. It does this whenever it intends to alert the other deer in the area that there’s some sort of threat nearby and they should flee.”
He then gave me time to look at the photos in detail and allowed me an opportunity to study them closely before he spoke again.
“As you may have noticed, young deer, or fawns, are born with white spots on their fur that are meant to mimic spots of sunlight filtering through the trees and shrubbery on its way to the ground. This is nature’s way of camouflaging the fawns and keeping them safe, but they will lose their spots within 90 to 120 days after birth. Fawns will not emit a very strong scent either, and it is merely another way that nature protects them. By eliminating the strong odor that is given off by the adults, the fawn will not attract predators to its hiding place,” he added as he showed me a couple more photos of fawns.
“Awww, they’re so cute,” I observed, “but how many fawns will a doe give birth to at one time?”
“Twins are generally the rule with white-tail deer, but on rare occasions a doe may also give birth to only one fawn or to triplets. The fawns must then nurse within the first hour after birth and they will stand within 10 to 20 minutes, although their legs will be weak and wobbly and will not take them very far. Fawns must be able to stand on their own within the first twelve hours, though, if they are to have any chance of surviving.”
“You mean that if they can’t stand they’ll die?”
“Yes, there is not much hope for a deer that is only able lie around, especially once its scent gets stronger. And a doe will not stay with her fawns during the day, which is the doe’s way of avoiding the possibility of attracting predators to their location.”
“I can’t understand how its mother can just leave them alone during the day.”
“Leaving them is for the fawns’ protection, so her scent will not attract any predators to the fawns’ hiding place. The doe will then spend the time foraging for food so she will be able to produce milk for the fawns, so you can see how this benefits the fawns in another way.”
“Ok, I guess that makes sense.”
“If you look at these,” he continued as he handed me another stack of photos, “the male deer have antlers. Hunters usually describe their antlers by how many points, or pointed ends, can be seen on them, and there may be a different number of points on each side. There are three ways of counting the points, however. Some people count the total number of points on both sides and this is referred to as the ‘Eastern Count’. Others only count the number of points on one side, which is called the ‘Western Count’, and still others count each side separately and refer to them as 2x2, 4x4, 4x 5, and so on. I prefer to use the last method, since I consider it the most accurate.”
A young buck that is just starting to grow its antlers is called a button-buck, because you will only see two small nubs starting to break through the fur on its head.”
He then pointed out the photos of a button buck to me, and after I’d looked at them, as well as the photos of the other deer with different size racks, I made a comment.
“This is a lot to take in.” I knew this probably sounded whiny, but my head was spinning.
“It may be, since you obviously didn’t grow up in a family of hunters, but I am certain you will pick it up very quickly.”
The shaman then began to make a new sand painting, and this one was similar to the others. The only difference was that area where the images of the wolf and bear had been previously, he now made the image of a male deer on one side and a female deer on the other. After he finished making the sand painting, he walked over to the larger chest and pulled out a pelt of a white-tailed deer and we were ready to get started.
Once again, the shaman wrapped the pelt around me, and then he handed me a dried piece of cactus to chew on as I lay down in the circle. Once I was in position, he started beating on the drum and chanted as he danced around the sand painting. I didn’t spend nearly as long laying on this pelt this time and the shaman only had me chew on that one small piece of peyote. I guess it meant I was either starting to catch on more quickly to how the process worked or my body was absorbing the DNA from the pelt faster. I say this because it didn’t take nearly as long before the shaman had me begin transitioning into a deer.
“I want you to transition into a button buck first, since you will also have to become accustomed to standing and walking on hooves, and it may take you a while before you are able to do this. And while you are learning, I don’t want to have to watch out that your antlers the entire time. That’s because there is a considerable risk that you may either skewer me with them or tear up the hohrahn if you had a full set of antlers.”
“Yes, that’s probably a wise precaution,” I agreed.
He was correct and the experience of having hooves and walking on them was a unique and unsettling experience. After I stumbled about for a while, I transitioned back into my human form so I could speak with the shaman.
“I don’t have a perfect analogy to describe what it was like, but the closest I can think of would be when I was a kid and first learned how to walk on stilts. After years of walking around on two feet, I was suddenly attempting to walk on what can best be described as a stick whose diameter was slightly larger than the end of a crutch. I no longer had the larger base of my feet to stand on or to help me keep my balance, but once I started getting used to walking around on them, it didn’t seem so bad. The same was basically true about walking on hooves as well.”
“I figured it would probably take you a while to get used to them, but you seem to be doing better than I anticipated. Just keep working on it, though.”
I transitioned again and remained that way until the shaman told me it was time for supper. “We are eating supper later than usual today because we ate breakfast later than usual as well.”
“Yeah, but that’s ok, because I’m just starting to get hungry.”
As soon as we finished our meal, the shaman had me practice being a button buck until it was time to go to sleep.
After we woke up the next morning, the shaman had me transition into a button buck and practice walking around the hohrahn again, and after a while he made a comment.
“I believe you are now ready to move on to the next step.”
This time the shaman went over to the open shelving unit and returned with a set of 4x4 antlers. He then handed them to me as he spoke.
“I want you to explore this with both your hands and your eyes so you can learn as much as you can from these antlers.”
I did as he asked, and when I finished the shaman took them from me and placed them back on the shelving unit, and then he explained what we were going to do next.
“Now that you have been a button buck, I want you to practice having larger antlers. We will start with a 2x2 buck, and then I will have you work your way up from there. I want to make certain that you are capable of duplicating the different types of antlers that might be required for any situation.”
He then showed me a photo of a 2x2 buck and asked me to duplicate it. After I’d done that to his satisfaction, he showed me a photo of a 3x3 buck and asked me replicate that photo. When I’d successfully done it, he made another comment.
“As I mentioned earlier, the number of points on the antlers can be odd or even, and the additional point can be on either side of the rack. This time I want you to imitate a 2x3 buck.”
He then showed me another photo and had me duplicate it. As soon as I did that, the shaman made another comment.
“I just wanted you to see where the odd point may be attached, and it will be approximately the same no matter how large the rack is. I will now ask you to duplicate the 4x4 rack I handed to you earlier, and please duplicate it down to the last detail.”
Once I’d done this, the shaman retrieved the antlers he’d shown me previously and held it next to my head. He was obviously comparing the two, and when he finished, he looked into my Bambi brown eyes and spoke.
“Very good, grasshopper, your duplication is nearly perfect. The only thing you did wrong was that you missed a small nick on one of the lower tines.”
I hurriedly transition back to myself. “Tines? Do you mean like the prongs on a fork?”
“Yes, the various shafts on the antlers are called tines as well, and now I will point out the nick you missed and tell you how it got there. I had taken my son hunting when he was younger, and we spotted the deer sporting this rack. We both took aim, but I fired first, and the deer happened to move just as I pulled the trigger and my shot only nicked a lower tine. My son also fired and dropped the deer, and I kept the antlers to remind me of that day. It was my son’s first kill and he was only twelve at the time.”
“Neat, and was the deerskin I used also from that same deer?”
“Yes, I have taken great care of it, and as you saw I have kept it in a vacuum bag after that technology became available, because the pelt is so precious to me.”
“But I didn’t see a bullet hole in it.”
“My son hit the deer in the neck and shattered a couple of vertebrae, bringing it down instantly, and I did not keep that portion of the pelt.”
“Ah, I see.”
“We will take a break for supper now, because I am becoming hungry.”
“Yeah, me too.”
After we finished our meal, the shaman asked me to see if I could replicate the 4x4 antlers exactly, including the nick this time. I agreed, and after the shaman checked it out, I walked around the hohrahn for a while longer before I transitioned back. The shaman then informed me about additional items before he said it was time for us to go to sleep. While I was arranging my blankets, I noticed the shaman was writing a note, and then he folded it and placed it where the person delivering the food would find it.
“Who’s the note for?” I asked before either of us laid down.
“I think you are being nosy?”
“Maybe, but I just wondered if the note was for Devin, Gramps, and Pops again.”
“Actually it was. I advised them that they could come out here on Sunday, since I figured we would all have a chance to spend some time together during the afternoon and early evening. Then, as soon as it starts to get dark, I thought you and the others would be able to transition into deer and then go out for a couple of days on your first romp in the woods as one of those animals.”
“That sounds awesome.”
“It will be important for you to remain observant, though, because this time you will be going out as the prey, not a predator.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” I said before I got comfortable and fell asleep.
When I woke up the next morning, I ate breakfast with the Shaman and then we got straight to work.
“Today I am going to ask you to transition into deer with much larger racks, because I want you to slowly adjust to the weight of the larger antlers as they tower above your head. It will also help to strengthen the muscles in your neck, which could come in handy later.”
“Ok, I’m game.”
“Just remember that you must be more careful about how much larger each successive rack gets. If you are not careful then you could do a tremendous amount of damage to the hohrahn, as well as possibly stabbing me with them. After you transition, I want you to get used to the weight of the antlers first, before you start walking around.”
“Ok and I’ll try not to do any damage to either you or the hohrahn.”
“I appreciate your cooperation.”
Over the course of the morning and into the afternoon, the shaman asked me to transition into a deer with increasingly larger antlers, and then I would move around the hohrahn without doing any damage. He started me off as a 5x5 buck, and then he increased it to a 7x6 rack, and finally to an 8x8 buck.
“You are doing very well, grasshopper. How do they feel on you?”
I transitioned back briefly. “It’s like I’m balancing my schoolbooks on my head.”
“That is an interesting analogy, but very apt,” the shaman responded.
“What are the largest racks ever recorded?”
“Let me think. If I remember correctly, it was reported that a hunter in Tennessee bagged a 47-point buck in 2017, which I believe means he killed a 24x23 buck. Then, a hunter in Illinois shot a 51-point buck in 2018, which I believe was a 26x25 buck.”
“Whoa, those racks must have been huge?”
“Yes, they were, but when they get that large they begin to look more like the antlers on a very old moose and they are not as handsome as those on a 8X8 buck,” he replied as he placed the photo of a 8x8 buck in front of me.
At this point, the shaman also informed me it was time to stop for the day, and then he started preparing our supper. As we were eating, I asked a question.
“Do you know what time the others will get here tomorrow?”
“I have no idea. I just told them they could come out here on Sunday after breakfast to visit their dear friend.”
“How did you spell deer? With ‘ea’ or ‘ee’?”
With an ‘ea’, in case the messenger read it first.”
“Clever,” I said and then giggled.
After we finished eating, the shaman asked if I had any questions about what we had worked on, and I told him there were none I could think of. As the night progressed, he gave me another button of dried cactus to chew on so I’d calm down enough to fall asleep.
I ended up sleeping really well that night, and after we ate breakfast the shaman noticed that I was starting to get wound up again with excitement.
“Here, I think you could use a little more peyote before your clan arrives,” and then he handed me another button to chew on.
Thankfully he’d done that, because they didn’t show up as early as I was expecting. The effect of the peyote helped, though, and was just starting to wear off when the SUV pulled up in front of the hohrahn, and once again they were carrying pizza, snacks, and drinks for everyone.
“I hope we got here early enough so you haven’t eaten yet,” Pops stated as he directed his comment toward me and the shaman, “because we brought plenty of food.”
“And as before, it is very thoughtful of you, but it is barely noon,” the shaman replied.
“I know, but I figured the rest of us would need lunch AND dinner before we leave for the next couple of days. We’ll make another run later on so we can pick up something different for supper, since I assume we can all use a change from eating pizza and I know you won’t have enough food to feed all of us.”
“You assume correctly on both counts.”
“We brought pizzas again, just like last week, but this time there is only one pizza with mushrooms, green peppers and olives. Jacob and I felt that Devin and Mac probably had their fill of eating plants as bears, so the second pizza has sausage and pepperoni instead. We hope that will make them feel better when we go out as deer, seeing this time they might possibly have to eat grass.”
“Yuck, that sounds awful,” I stated rather loudly.
“Remember, grasshopper, you have to learn to eat the same things as the animals you transition into, if you are going to remain in that form for more than just a few hours.”
“Yeah, I know, so let’s eat this stuff and then we can chat for a while.”
Devin and I stuffed ourselves hoping that it would keep us satisfied and we wouldn’t get hungry again right away and could avoid eating very much grass when we went out as deer. Gramps and Pops didn’t seem as concerned about that prospect, but I imagine they’ve spent loads of time transitioned into animals and were used to eating the same things as the animals they transitioned into. However, Devin and I weren’t.
After we finished eating, Devin and I decided to ask the shaman about the children on the reservation. “Where do the Diné children go to school?” I inquired.
“There are K-12 tribal schools that most attend, and in addition to the same types of subjects that you learned in school, the children on the reservation are taught the Diné language and about our culture.”
“Are all of the grades in the same building?” I asked.
“No, there is an elementary school, a middle school, and a high school.”
“Ah, so it’s basically like the schools we went to, except for the Diné stuff.”
“Yes, that is correct.”
“Do they go to college afterward?” Devin followed.
“Some do, and there is even a tribally controlled public college. It began as Navajo Community College, but in 1968 it changed its name to Diné College. The main campus is located in Tsaile, Arizona, and there is another campus in Shiprock, NM. However, Diné College is no longer just a two-year college and now awards both Associate and Bachelor Degrees.”
“What types of majors do they offer there?”
“There are four schools within the college. There is the School of Arts, Humanities, and English; the School of Diné Studies and Education; the School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math; and the School of Business and Social Science.”
“Wow, then they offer just about everything,” I blurted out.
“Yes, the college has come a long way since it first started,” the shaman agreed.
After we finished discussing these things, we decided to eat again before we transitioned, and this time we all agreed to have something different. Pops was the one who made the suggestion about what we might do for supper.
“Since we had pizza for lunch and I don’t want any more Italian food, what do the rest of you thing about having Chinese this time?”
The rest of us said we were fine with that, although the shaman didn’t respond, so Pops asked him directly. “Do you eat Chinese food?”
“I do not mind vegetable lo mein or egg rolls.”
“Ok, then lets decide on what the rest of us are going to have.”
Pops decided on having the Kung Pao Chicken, Gramps went with Sweet and Sour Pork, Devin wanted Sesame Chicken, and I went with Orange Chicken.
“I’ll order two egg rolls for the haatali and one for everyone else, and I also get large side orders of vegetable lo mein, vegetable fried rice, and Chinese Dumplings. Will that give you enough to eat?” he asked while looking at the shaman.
“Two egg rolls, some lo mein, a little fried rice, and a dumpling or two will be plenty for me.”
“Good, and do you know where the best Chinese Restaurant is located.”
He did, and he gave Gramps directions on how to get there. Gramps and Pops then went to pick up the food, but Devin and I decided to stay behind with the shaman, because we had more questions to ask him.
“You said before that there are activities for the younger members of the tribe, so what kinds of things are offered?”
“They offer many programs. They teach weaving and the youngsters learn how to weave rugs and blankets, and they also offer a jewelry class in which the students are taught how to make turquoise necklaces, bracelets, and pins. They offer pottery classes as well and the students can learn how to make dishes for every day use, as well as other household objects and more decorative pieces. They even offer a basket making class, but two of the most popular classes are oil painting, where they mostly focus on landscapes, and archery.”
“They all sound interesting,” Devin stated, and I agreed.
“You may have noticed the painting that is hanging on the wall over there,” the shaman stated while pointing at the painting in the frame. “It was made by my son when he was younger.”
“Yes, I admired it the first time I came here.”
“In the archery class, the students are taught how to become proficient using a bow. They also teach the students how to make their own bows and arrows using different types of wood, including juniper, ash, and chokecherry.”
“Wow, I wouldn’t mind learning that,” I said.
Devin and I then asked the shaman many follow-up questions about the different classes, and the shaman then added another important piece of information.
“All summer long an adult from the reservation will drive one of the small buses and take the children to sell the things they have created at the flea market. Those with some of the more impressive pieces might choose to sell them to one of the gift shops instead, because they pay a little more than they would get at the flea market. The shops then sell those items to tourists and others, and this way the students not only learn a new skill, but they also have a chance to earn a little extra spending money.”
“That’s fantastic, and those classes sound really interesting. I’d even enjoy learning some of those skills,” I said.
“Yeah, me too,” Devin added.
“Then possibly you can visit us during another summer and we can arrange it for you.”
“That would be incredible.”
When Gramps and Pops returned with the food, we stopped what we were doing and collected the container that was ordered for us. The shaman gave each of us a plate so we could take some of the sides as well, and then while we were eating, we told Gramps and Pops about some of the things the shaman had told us.
“I wonder if the boy who took a couple of shots at me with his bow and arrows had made those items when he attended the archery class.”
“That is very possible,” the shaman replied.
“Then they obviously worked as they were meant to, but I’m glad his aim wasn’t better.”
The shaman then took time to inform Gramps and Pops about which locations we could use on the reservation where we’d be least likely to get shot at by other Diné. He then finished with a few additional suggestions.
“I would recommend that all of you transition into deer that look undernourished or unhealthy for a couple of reasons. You may encounter hunters who are seeking a little extra food for their families, because those of us living on the reservation are not obliged to follow the state hunting regulations. There may be other predators out there as well, because bear, mountain lions, and coyotes might also be out looking for a meal. For those reasons, it would be best if you didn’t make yourselves prime targets by appearing too healthy.”
“Ah, thank you for the warning,” Gramps responded, “and we will heed your advice.”
“Just be very careful. In fact, Michael and Devin it might be best if you appear as button bucks and the rest of you should limit the size of your racks to no more than 2x2, since some of the hunters may be seeking trophies as well.”
“Dang, maybe we shouldn’t do this then,” I reasoned.
“We merely have to be aware of the human hunters,” Pops noted. “If we run into other animals looking for a meal, we can always transition into bears and fend them off.”
“What if someone else sees us do that?” Devin asked.
“I doubt if anyone will believe a hunter who claims he saw a herd of deer change into a sleuth of bears.”
“A sleuth of bears?” I asked.
“Yes, a group of bears is referred to as a sleuth or a sloth,” the shaman confirmed.
“I didn’t know that.”
“And now you do, but my most important warning to you is that you use all of your senses and be on the lookout for potential danger.”
“Don’t worry, we will.”
“You just need to be back here by no later than Tuesday after it gets dark so I can continue Michael’s training the following day.”
“We’ll make sure to do that,” Pops agreed.
We then transitioned one at a time and met up behind the hohrahn before we took off as a group. The others gave me time to adjust to trotting for a while, but the ability was getting easier with every animal I transitioned into, and then we galloped for a brief time. After we reached an area well away from the hohrahn and we’d had time to walk around for a while, Pops led us into a wooded area as he looked for a place where we could bed down. As soon as he located a suitable location, we transitioned into our human forms so we could chat briefly before we went to sleep.
“You adjusted quickly to being a deer and moving about on hooves, even while trotting and galloping,” Gramps said.
“Yes, it seems to get easier every time I do it, even though I’m changing into different animals each time. I’m just not looking forward to eating grass.”
“You may not have to,” Pops stated. “Deer also eat nuts, fruits, berries, and flowers, and when we wake up I’ll try to find an area where you might be able to find some of those items instead. If you should have to eat grass, though, just think of it as a salad without the dressing.”
“Ok, I’ll try.”
We then bedded down, and even though Gramps and Pops put Devin and me in between them, I was still a little uneasy. I eventually fell to sleep, though, but I seemed to wake up with every unusual sound I heard before I dozed off again.
Pops nudged Devin and me with his snout at sunrise to wake us up, and then we started making our way along the tree line as we foraged for food. Pops must have remembered where we’d found the apples and berries when we were in this area as bears and he led us there again, so Devin and I got to eat some more of those items, although this time as deer.
After doing that for a couple of hours, we went to lie down again. We remained fairly still and I even dozed off for a while, but I woke up around noon. I assumed it was around noon since the position of the sun seemed to indicate it was about midday, and we all got up to stretch our legs. We also walked a short distance away from where we’d bedded down so we could urinate, and then we walked around the wooded area for a little longer and scrounged up some more food. Gramps and Pops seemed to be eating twigs and leaves, but Devin and I didn’t want to do that. We kept looking around until we found some nuts, and we ate those instead, until we saw Gramps and Pops head back so they could lie down again.
At dusk, we got up and began to walk back to the area where we’d found the apples and berries, and Gramps and Pops ate grass while Devin and I dined on the apples and berries. As soon as we felt we’d eaten enough, we headed back to the same area where we’d bedded down the previous night, since deer are creatures of habit. We were still approximately 100 yards (91 m) from the tree line, and then we’d have to go even farther into the woods before we reached our desired location.
When we were about 20 Yards (18 m) from the tree line, Gramps and Pops came to a sudden stop. There tails both flipped up, showing the white flag that meant danger, and then they turned toward Devin and me and we all began to flee. Devin and I had no idea what was going on, but we were determined it was best to heed their warning, so we ran as fast as we could in the other direction.
Even though deer can run up to 35 mph (56 kph) and we felt we could outrun any danger, I noticed a blur out of the corner of my eye as something rushed past us on four legs. It came to a stop about 10 yards (9 m) in front of us, which caused each of us to veer away from it. We’d only gone a short distance farther when it raced in front of us again, and this time it caused us to come to a complete stop. Devin and I were both busy trying to figure out what the creature was, when Gramps and Pops suddenly raced past us and transitioned into bears. This seemed to confuse the creature and caused it to hesitate briefly before it started moving toward Gramps and Pops again.
I’m not entirely sure what it was, but it roughly had the appearance of a wolf that was about 8 or 9 feet (244–274 cm) long, and the first thought that crossed my mind was of a dire wolf, but they’re extinct. That was when I noticed its red eyes, deformed features, and long claws, and then it stood up on its hind legs and continued walking toward us.
Gramps and Pops attempted to block its way, but the creature merely swatted both of them aside with the back of one of its forelegs, which now hung down like arms. That’s when Devin began to transition into a Bigfoot that was 9 feet (274 cm) tall, and as soon as I saw what he was doing, I copied him. This caused the creature to come to a complete stop and it looked confused again, so apparently it had never seen a Bigfoot before. While it was hesitating, Devin and I split up and started moving toward it, but on opposite sides of the creature so it couldn’t attack us simultaneously. Its head kept pivoting back and forth as it looked first at one and then the other; although we were uncertain as to what it might do next.
The moon had slipped behind some clouds at this point, which caused the area to grow slightly darker and made it more difficult to see. Then, without warning, the creature dropped to the ground between us. Was this a new tactic? Was it preparing to pounce on one of us so it could use its teeth or sharp claws to rip out one of our throats and then still have time to defend itself against the other? I braced myself for such an attack.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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