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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Gone From Daylight was created by Comicality <br>

The Seducer: A Gone From Daylight Inspired Story - 28. William Harker’s Journal: Entry 28

§ §
Wednesday, October 31, 1989

After what I witnessed tonight, my life (such as it was) is over.

My world…my universe has been changed right before my eyes!

Since the revelation last Thursday that my parents are gone I’ve lived in a twilight reality. A place between reality and unreality. I have felt outside of myself looking in. I’ve only allowed myself to cry once. Mostly, my tears are frozen inside of me like ice shards raking at the inside of my chest.

But…even that ‘disassociation’, as the psychology texts call it, pales in comparison to the new surreality I now find myself!

Dr. Valahi - if I even dare even call him that now - has been my rock to cling to in this sudden storm of emotion and change. He’s taken care of everything for me including the temporary suspension of my semester curriculum, the travel arrangements to get back home for the funeral, and - most of all - his keeping me in the land of the living while I worm my way through this soul-destroying grief I’m feeling.

His hand has been gentle, his words kind, his heart open to me in a way no other person has ever been besides my mother. If anything, he’s been even more understanding and, dare I say, loving to me than anyone I’ve ever met…including my blessed parents, may they rest in peace!

This whole situation has drawn the Dr. and me closer together than I’ve ever been with anyone else.

If my emotions weren’t so confused right now I’d be sure to say that I love him. But, how can I be sure? People in my position will cling to anyone like a life-preserver in a tumultuous sea. Certainly, you love that life-preserver above all things because it is what’s keeping you alive! But, can one truly love an unfeeling bit of rubber and plastic? Something…inhuman.

But, Dr. V isn’t inhuman…except I cannot say that anymore!

Not after tonight! Not after all that I’ve just seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears!


It’s Halloween tonight.

Dr. V, in order to get me out of myself for a while, decided we should attend a masquerade ball they were putting on at the Salon Rouge. It took some hard convincing since all I’ve wanted to do since last Thursday is curl up in a ball in my bed and nurse those ice shards clawing at my insides.

But, Dr. V can be very convincing when he wants to be. He’s irresistible, actually. It’s like his will becomes your own and you gladly do whatever he’s asking.

He’d ‘taken the liberty’ of having a tuxedo made for me with measurements he had taken from a black suit I needed to get for the funeral. It is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever worn! All of it black silk. The white shirt and bowtie too were made of silk. I felt like I was pouring it over me like warm milk!

Despite myself, wearing it brought me an indescribable pleasure. It fit me perfectly and when I looked in the mirror, I could barely recognize myself as the dapper handsome young man I had become! It was a Cinderella moment! Bless Dr. V, it did take me out of myself for a time.

He then brought out a half-face mask like the Phantom Of The Opera wears only it was in black. Oddly enough, the contours of the mask also fit my face so comfortably that I forgot I was wearing it half the time. With it on I looked suitably mysterious!

Dr. V’s outfit was obviously a Count Dracula costume, only it was the most authentic looking one I’d ever seen. He wore a real early-1900s style cut-away tuxedo complete with a black cummerbund, a white filigreed shirt, an off-white vest, and a beautiful medallion hanging from his neck on a red ribbon. The medallion was a blood-red ruby cut with a faceted dragon on it! About it all he wore a long flowing black opera cape lined in white. A frightening black horned devil mask covered the top half of his face and forehead leaving his mouth and chin free! Somehow, the mask was as elegant as it was terrifying. I also thought Dr. V must have managed to put some kind of lighting effect inside the eyeholes of the mask because I could have sworn I could see his eyes faintly glowing inside!

Somewhat out of character, Dr. V sported a sheathed curved sword at his side. The hilt was ornate with a great red jewel of some kind as its pommel. The hilt looked to be made of solid gold!

Seeing Dr. V’s medal gave me an inspiration and I went to find my wolf’s head pendant. I put it around my collar so that I too would have a medallion showing on my chest just like Dr. V! It made Dr. V smile a warm smile - something that I’d never actually seen before! It encouraged me!

“It would seem that it is time for our much needed distraction, Mr. Harker. Accompany me, if you would be so kind.” He gently commanded and accompany him I did…into another world!

We arrived at the Salon Rouge with a fair amount of hustle and bustle going on. It was unusual because, generally in my past few visits, there was practically nothing going on around the old ornate building to suggest that there was a club inside. Not so this night. A valet service had been hired and cars were lining up to be taken to arranged parking. Those dropping off their cars exited them with flair as they were all dressed to the nines in tuxes and beautiful flowing dresses predominantly black, red, or purple in color. Every one had a mask of some kind. The women sported the most beautifully decorated masks complete with feathers, sequins, rhinestones, or maybe even real gems.

All around the spectacle, locals were watching from windows, doorways, or from the sidewalk. They seemed to be just as surprised and curious about the goings on as I was. Some looked suspicious!

I was thankful for the spectacular scene because it helped to me keep my mind off things.

Inside, the Salon Rouge was lit entirely by candles. A real, honest to God, orchestra had been hired for live chamber and dance music. All about, macabre tapestries were hung depicting things that looked historical: Witch burnings, graves being dug up, plague scenes with skeletal beings dragging off the living, and the like. To be certain, they were the most unusual Halloween decorations I’d ever seen! They were a strange mix of beautifully artistic and completely disturbing!

As we entered the Salon, the customary ‘parting of the way’ happened as Dr. V and I passed through the crowd of attendees. Each time it happens for us I feel honored but very strange. I know Dr. V is respected, but to that degree is a bit ridiculous! I figured out a while ago that this sign of respect had nothing to do with me and everything to do with him. I just managed to be his companion for the evening. He was the actual star of the show!

Rochelle and Charles met us at the bar with Desmodius. This seemed to be our usual modus operandi for the Salon. Rochelle was absolutely beautiful in a black form-fitting dress that pushed her ample breasts up enticingly. She wore a black sequined swan mask that just fit over her eyes allowing her cherry red lips free to talk. Charles was handsome as ever in a designer black slim-cut suit and tie. He wore a similar Phantom Of The Opera mask to mine only it was a pearl gray color and went on the opposite side of the face from mine. Desmodius was wearing a standard tuxedo that was somewhat relaxed in how it fit. He seemed customarily comfortable. His mask was a simple ‘Zorro’ style mask.

“Ah, yet again the good doctor and his enchanting protégé grace us with their presence! You look particularly…well, William!” Desmodius bowed slightly to us both. Charles shook my hand with his strangely cold one and Rochelle kissed me on my exposed cheek. She got a concerned look on her face as she pulled away from her kiss.

“What’s the matter?” she asked. I thought it strange that she seemed to know that something was up with me with just one kiss.

Rather than lie, I simply told her I’d tell her later.

After drinks (a soft drink for me) we moved into the heart of the Salon to the dance area. The orchestra was playing what Dr. V identified as a waltz.

“Ah! The Mephisto Waltz! Run along, William. Do show Rochelle your new skills at dancing!” Dr. V directed me. It was true, after the lesson that Dr. V had given me the last time I was at the Salon I felt pretty comfortable with the waltz.

“Do you know how to dance a waltz, Rochelle?” I asked her.

“Of course, silly!” she replied with a smile.

I spent the rest of the evening with Rochelle and Charles together dancing and sharing company. It worked to keep my mind off of my grief, though not entirely. I had to keep redirecting my attention on what I was doing because I would drift off into thinking about my mom and dad. Finally, at one point, I had to excuse myself and go into the ‘smoking’ room because I was having trouble keeping it together. Grief is weird how it comes in overwhelming waves. You’ll be going along just fine and then suddenly…woosh!

Rochelle followed me and asked me if I could finally tell her what was eating me.

I told her of my parents’ death and she sat on the couch with me and gave me a big hug. It helped to have someone to hug. Dr. V isn’t much into that sort of thing even as kind and understanding as he’s been to me through all of this.

Charles demanded to know why he was being left out of the ‘love-in’ as he called it. I found it a little weird that he should use an old Sixties term at his age. He’s barely older than me by the looks of him.

He took my hand and earnestly told me how sorry he was for my loss. Cold as it was, I was as glad of his hand as I was of Rochelle’s hug. They were friends. Real friends!

We stayed in the ‘Smoking Room’ until the party started to clear out. It must have been around 3 AM when Dr. V finally found us and told us rather sternly that it was time to go. I couldn’t account for his change in demeanor from earlier, but he was definitely upset about something and in a hurry to leave. Perhaps he’d gotten into a fight with someone that had soured his mood.

In any case, he had all of us come with him and hurried us along with some sharp promptings to keep us moving. His behavior scared me and it looked like it concerned Rochelle and Charles as well, especially when we followed him toward the back of the building!

We continued to follow him through a seeming labyrinth of hallways to a back exit. The door opened to a recessed patio that looked to be used mostly for maintenance storage and deliveries. A stairway went up from the patio and onto the street through a locked iron gate.

Dr. V made for the stairway, his great cape billowing out behind him. We followed, though I was having a hard time keeping up! The three, Dr. V, Rochelle, and Charles together, seemed to become, like, olympic level fast as they moved. I started to follow them up when I heard weird whistling noises coming from the roof.

With cries of obvious pain, Charles and Rochelle grabbed at their backs and then fell down the stairs. I jumped out of the way just as they tumbled down! I saw blood trace itself down the stairs where my two friends had fallen!

Another whistling noise and there was a flash of steel before my eyes! I heard a loud ringing of metal on metal as I saw a sword deflect something away from me!

“Down!” Dr. V exclaimed as two more whistling darts angled their way toward him! Deftly and with inhuman speed, Dr. V deflected those darts meant for him too! He then tapped something on the hilt of his sword and suddenly a green mist appeared about us! I heard two more darts whistling toward us, but hit the concrete of the stairs. One landed near me…it looked like a long steel knife without a handle!

“COME DOWN!” I heard Dr. V growl loudly with a viciousness in his voice I’d never heard before! The sound of his voice literally throbbed in my head as I heard it. Somehow, though, I knew that he wasn’t talking to me!

Mere moments after Dr. V spoke his command, I heard what sounded like feet scraping the floor of the patio in front of us. A sound like someone had just jumped off the roof and landed on their feet…just like a cat!

“COME…HERRRRRE!” The growl in Dr. V’s voice had deepened into this rumbling wild sounding thing. It almost sounded like a wolf talking if wolves could talk! He said this with an outstretched hand that he’d made into a claw!

The green mist clearing, I could see a hooded shape dressed in loose fitting clothing tightened at the ankles and wrists. The face was covered so I couldn’t see any features. The figure shuffled hesitantly in Dr. V’s direction as if trying to resist an irresistible pull.

“COMMMMME HEEEEEERE!” Dr. V’s voice pounded in my head as his growling command got more intense. I had to hold my head feeling like if I didn’t it would suddenly explode!

Without hesitation this time, the hooded figure approached. I could see it was wearing a featureless mask with a hoodie like garment that covered the figure in solid black! They had some kind of backpack hanging from their back. I figured that’s where the individual had their knives.

When the figure stood right in front of Dr. V, I could see them trembling slightly as if in fear. As it turned out, the attacker had every right to be afraid because Dr. V suddenly thrust his sword right through the attacker’s chest! The attacker gasped and then fell to their knees.

“As you die…go back to your masters and tell them that I am not amused. Should they try this again they shall know wrath unlike anything they’ve ever dreamt of in their most fetid nightmares! Now…go.” Impossibly, the attacker managed to stand up, still holding their chest, and staggered up the stairs and away! I was flabbergasted! How on Earth could anyone survive a wound like that long enough to just walk away from it? Perhaps, Dr. V hadn’t hit him in as vital a spot as I thought or… I could think of no other explanation for what I had just seen.

I sat on the stairs in shock as Dr. V sheathed a blade that I thought was only for show. He then knelt down to examine the groaning Rochelle and Charles. His head dropped as he saw the wounds and what had inflicted them.

“They are doomed.” Dr. V said softly.

“What? No!” I scrambled my way over to them to see for myself…

The blades had gone right through their backs, out their chests, and right through where their hearts would be. That they weren’t already dead with the blood pouring from their wounds was a miracle…or so I thought.

“Well…we n-need to call 911 right away! Th-They’re still alive! There’s s-still time!” I stammered on the verge of tears for the first time today.

“There can be no healing from these wounds, William. For those such as Rochelle and Charles…these wounds will be inevitably fatal. The silver plated knives of the assassin found their marks too perfectly. Such was his power.” Dr. V said with grim certainty.

With inhuman strength, Dr. V lifted both bodies onto his shoulders and slowly walked back into the Salon Rouge.

I blinked in complete astonishment! Had I actually seen and experienced these things - this feat of strength? The green mist? The lightning fast reflexes with the sword? The obvious mind control?

Had this been some nightmare and would I soon wake up?

No. I was there! I was awake! I had seen what I had seen.

All that remained was the question…

As I followed Dr. V into the ‘Smoking Room’ where Dr. V gently placed the bodies of Rochelle and Charles on the couches, I asked that question: “What…are you?”

“I am a vampire, William Harker. For over five-hundred years I have walked this tired Earth losing countless friends, just as these, to those who would be my enemy.” Dr. Valahi said turning to me.

My blood froze in my veins as Dr. V turned to look at me…with yellow glowing eyes just like Jake’s had been!

“A vamp…p…ire?” I stuttered.

“Yes, William. But, be not afraid! Not of me. Never of me. For you I have waited nearly one-hundred years. One-hundred years since your great-great grandmother Wilhelmina Harker passed away from this world leaving me stranded here…forever…without her love to be the light in my eternal darkness. She chose to remain mortal…a choice I respected.” Dr. V said with tears of blood in his eyes.

“Her blood sings in you, William! It sings like the song of songs in your heart! I have watched over you since your birth and I shall watch over you still! No foul creature of the night shall ever assail you so long as I remain.” Frozen as I was in shock and fear, I couldn’t move to escape his taking up my hands in his deathly cold ones.

“May I re-introduce myself? I am Vlad III Țepeș also known as Dracula. I am a Lord of Vampires, and the last of my kind.” Dracula said to my unbelieving ears!


My world is gone. Nothing makes sense anymore! I live in a world where my parents are dead and I find myself the ward of Dracula, a living and real vampire in this world!

I am lost. What is to become of me?

I don’t know.

© 1998-2022 Comicality; All Rights Reserved; Copyright © 2020 MrM; All Rights Reserved.
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Gone From Daylight was created by Comicality <br>
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An outstanding chapter. It was well written and kept me reading it to theend.  I certainly look forward to the next one. 

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