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Out Of The Closet - 10. Chapter 10: Homecoming!

Cody plays in the Homecoming football game! Oliver and Cody go to their last high school homecoming dance together and things get a little messy, literally and figuratively!
Content warning: Contains sexual content, and homophobia.

October 4 2019

“It looks like Cody Matthews, Number 46, from the Jasper County Wolverines, is running towards the end zone! Incredible! Matthews makes his first touchdown of the Fall 2019 season! And the final touchdown for the Wolverines homecoming game!”

I stood up and cheered for my boyfriend, with Logan next to me doing the same. I don’t know much about football, nor did I have any skill at the sport, but I came to games when I could to support Cody, especially now that he’s a varsity player. Logan of course was there because he liked watching the buff guys playing. I was often surprised by how much Logan knew about football, though, despite the Hispanic boy being far too small to play.

“Nice touchdown, Cody!” Logan yelled. Logan was also sitting with sophomore Matt Gillespie, from golf. The two had become close, and it kind of creeped me out. Matt was a weird kid... a decent golfer though. Just a bit... socially awkward.

“Well, we won our homecoming game, again,” Matt smiled. He was wearing a hoodie and gym shorts. It was a rather cold night, and I was surprised Matt wasn’t shivering. “These games are kinda boring.”

“Yeah,” I shrugged. “But it’s homecoming week, so it’s fun just to be here with everyone and hang out.” I was wearing Cody’s away jersey, as it was a tradition during home games for varsity football players to give their away jersey to their girlfriends to wear for Friday. I got some weird looks over it, but the other guys’ girlfriends thought it was cute.

“Oliver, you want to come to the diner with us after the game?” Matt asked. “We’re gonna get some fries and shakes.”

“Nah,” I responded. “I’ll be hanging out with Cody at his place.”

“Gonna be snoodling?” Logan asked seductively. Matt laughed.

“Logan!” I blushed and playfully punched him. “And maybe. Cody’s probably sore and tired though. He may not want sex tonight.”

“You don’t strike me as the gay type...” Matt smiled at me.

“I mean... I’m just a normal guy, right?” I shrugged. This kid was getting on my nerves. Another reason to decline hanging out with Logan’s friend. I met up with Cody outside the small field house. I wanted to hug Cody, but the blond teen was covered in sweat, dirt, and grass. “Wanna hang out?” I asked, kissing the blond boy.

“I’d love to, baby,” Cody ran his fingers through my soft hair. “But I’m hanging out with the football guys. It’s a homecoming tradition to have a huge party at the captain’s house after the game.”

“And you ain’t invited, kid. Football players only,” Garrett punched me in the chest.

“I’ll see you at the dance tomorrow, okay?” Cody patted my shoulder. I nodded silently. Cody walked off with the others to change in the field house. I sighed and began to text Logan that I will be joining him and Matt at the diner.

October 5 2019

I stepped into the school gym, which was all decorated for the homecoming dance. The dance started at 8PM and I arrived with Toby at 8:30. Fashionably late. I made my way over to Cody who was hanging with his football buddies. I was in a pink dress shirt, grey slacks, and a blue bowtie, while Cody had on a teal shirt, khaki slacks, and a black tie. Toby went to go hang out with his girlfriend Morgan. Logan seemed to be hanging out with his buddy Matt.

“Hey, Cody,” I tapped my boyfriend’s shoulder.

“Hi, Ollie,” Cody turned around and offered one of his cute dimple smiles.

“Wanna dance?” I offered.

“Sure,” Cody answered.

“Oliver, Cody, hey guys…” Logan approached us holding Matt’s hand.

“Wait… you two… holding hands…? Are you guys dating?” Cody fought back a smile and a laugh. Logan and Matt… I did NOT see that one coming.

“Mhmmm,” Logan nodded and Matt kissed Logan’s cheek.

“You got over Oliver really fast,” Cody raised an eyebrow. “A little too fast.”

“It was over the summer while you were gone. We worked things through,” Logan shrugged.

“That’s good,” Cody smiled and Logan walked off to dance with his, I guess now boyfriend, Matt. My cheeks got warm with a bright pink blush. “You okay, Ollie?” Cody asked. "You miss him fawning over you?" Cody laughed.

“Logan did get over me really fast,” I began. Totally gonna regret this OMG… “And I hate what I did to get that.”

“What do you mean?” Cody asked.

“I k–kissed him. On his 17th birthday. He had a major crush on me. So I kissed him to get him what he wanted. After that he seemed to go back to normal. I’m so so SOOO sorry Cody! I broke your trust. You were gone and not talking to me so I also wasn’t entirely sure we were still together and—-----”

Cody then kissed me on the lips. “You’re talking too much.” He said before our tongues met.

“You’re not mad?” I asked when we stopped kissing to breathe.

“Why should I be? You don’t have feelings for him and now I have you all to myself,” Cody smirked.

“Phew. I was worried you’d be upset with me.”

“Nah, now can I have this dance?” Cody held out his hand.

Cody and I danced for a while. I have 2 left feet and can’t dance for crap, but gawd, Cody’s a great dancer.

“I didn’t know you could dance,” I laughed.

“I picked up a few skills over the years,” Cody laughed before twirling me around, causing my heart to race.

Most of homecoming was pretty standard. It was nice coming with a real date though. Girls have asked me out before to these dances, but I was never comfortable being more than friends with them. Landon, one of my basketball teammates, was crowned homecoming king (he was the only boy who ran lol) and Toby’s ex-girlfriend Madison was the queen. I’m sure that was awkward for my twin bro. Haha!

“You wanna go? I’m kinda all danced out.” Cody mentioned.

“Yeah. We can go hang at my place and eat some of the dessert my mom made. My parents will just have to tolerate us being together for one night.”

“Sounds nice,” Cody smiled and pulled his keys out. I handed my car keys to Toby so he could drive home. He got his license last week so he’s able to drive too. I then followed Cody to his Jeep and got in the passenger seat. It was a quiet ride to my house a few minutes away. Stepping into the house with my boyfriend, we were greeted by the amazing smell of cinnamon churros. “Mmmm that smells goooood!” Cody licked his lips.

“Yup. Mom made some churros. Rosa’s recipe,” I reached onto the tray and grabbed a few cinnamon treats and Cody followed suit.

Mom came out of her room to get a glass of water before bed. She sighed seeing us together. “Hello, boys.”

“Hey, mom,” I smiled. “Great churros.”

“Thank you,” she smiled. “How was the homecoming dance?”

“It was great. Cody danced with me…” I began, Cody blushed.

“No. Stop. I don’t want to hear about it.”

“Um, you did ask…” Cody shrugged.

“I changed my mind,” she rolled her eyes. “Goodnight, Oliver. Cody, have a safe trip home tonight.”

“Thank you,” Cody buried his face in the placemat to hide his beet red blush. When mom was gone Cody spoke again, his voice slightly muffled by the table. “Dude, your mom freaking hates me.”

“Shush. My parents don’t hate you. They just hate that I’m with you. They wanted to try and understand, but I think we all gave up on that,” I sighed. “They just want me to be straight and get with a girl since I probably won’t be getting into college. And I’m stubborn as hell on not wanting to join the military.”

“I don’t blame you. The military is intense. My grandparents want me to consider it but I have my mind set on university.”

“Yeah, dad served in Afghanistan when Toby and I were babies. He’s told us stuff. And the uniforms! Camo?! No thanks. Not on me.”

Cody laughed. “You have camo swim shorts…”

“Oh right,” I facepalmed. I stood up and stretched. “Wanna go up to my room?”

“Uh, I don’t know. I feel unwelcome here…” Cody stammered.

“Nah it’ll be fine,” I kissed Cody. That made him smile and I led him up to my room.

Cody undid his tie and unbuttoned his shirt and removed his tank top undershirt that was pretty sweaty. Cody set it down to remove his shoes and pants. I picked up his sweaty tank top to sniff it. Man, Cody’s sweat smells so hot. “Uh, Oliver? Can I have my shirt back please,” Cody blushed. Aww! He looks so cute in his boxers!

“Sure,” I smirked and tossed his tank top back.

Cody got onto my bed. “Man, I forgot how comfy your bed is.”

I began undressing as well. “You don’t want to shower?”

“Nah, I showered before the dance so I’m not that dirty,” Cody answered, stretching his hands behind his head.

I hopped into my bed as well, dressed only in my boxers and socks and tucked myself in.

“Hey, Cody, I… uh… I applied to a couple colleges you applied to.” I explained. “I’m sorry I got upset with you about that last week. I…”

Cody kissed me again. “What colleges?”

“Uh, Colorado State and Colorado-Boulder,” I blushed. “It’s a bit of a stretch for me, but I hope I get into a web development program.

“I’m happy for you and I hope you get in.” Cody smiled and began making out with me. Making out with him in our boxers was starting to turn me on and I felt twitchy in my crotch. I pulled my boxers and socks off so that I was naked and began my kisses on a trail down Cody’s neck. He shivered when I kissed one of his soft pink nipples. My lips found a little bit of peach fuzz chest hair that was starting to grow between his pecs. My lips soon found his gorgeous abs that formed a faint 6-pack. I then found the happy trail of hair that led past his navel and down to the waistband of his blue plaid boxers. Cody helped me tug them off and set them next to my boxers. My kisses then went down to his erect eggplant. Cody eagerly allowed me to deep throat his banana. I resisted the gag reflex as my tongue met his now leaky member. His precum tasted lightly salty as I stimulated him and within a minute, he moaned “Oliver” immediately before cuming all over my mouth. He pulled out and I caught my breath. My own eggplant was oozing with precum now as well. “Bro, I forgot how awesome this was. It’s been 5 months since I done that…”

“Dang,” Cody laughed. “I better make it quick then. Looks like you’re gonna burst soon.”

I nodded and blushed as I readjusted myself so Cody could suck me off. I shivered with excitement when his warm moist tongue met my throbbing cock. It took a moment, but I eventually screamed out a moan. “CODYI’MGONNACUM!!” before releasing in his mouth. It usually takes me several minutes to release when masturbating or syntribating by myself. I pulled out and Cody laid back panting heavily. We were both sweaty and wet in our nether regions with saliva and cum.

“That was so hot,” Cody breathed as we calmed down. His green eyes focused on my bare feet. “Has anyone ever told you that your feet are cute?”

“Uh, no,” I blushed.

“Well, your feet are very cute. I’ve never said it before because I didn’t want to scare you. But, fuck, your feet are so amazing.” I glanced at my feet.I didn’t see anything special about them. They were slightly paler than the rest of my legs but still olive-toned. They had slight calluses since when I was young I liked to play outside barefoot.

“Cody, do you have a foot fetish?” I giggled as he began tickling my foot, brushing his fingernail along the crease of the sole.

“Maybe,” he blushed.

“Nothing wrong with that. You like what you like. Toby likes feet too. Well… girls’ feet. And I like guys’ belly buttons. Especially if he has abs.”

“Like mine,” Cody pointed to his belly button, which was a vertical slit.

“Your belly button is AMAZING.” I put my pinky finger in his navel, earning a giggle. “Oh you’re ticklish?”

“Oh like you aren’t?!” Cody laughed and went back to my feet, and we ended up laughing in a tickle war until I fell off the bed trying to back away from Cody. “You okay?” Cody helped me up and I sat back on the bed cross legged.

I checked the digital clock on the nightstand. It was just past 1 in the morning. It’s been a long day, but I’m not even tired yet. “You tired?”

“Hell no. I love spending time with you.” Cody kissed me. “Another round?” He asked, drying off his cock on my bed sheets.

“I don’t know if my throat can take it again,” I laughed. “But I’m still horny. I guess that’s what five months of abstinence does to me.”

“You don’t masturbate? I thought you did.”

“I do. And syntribation as well.”

“I’ve never been able to do that one. You’ll have to show me.”

I demonstrated for Cody how I stimulate myself with my thighs. It’s something girls do more often, but boys can do it too. I squeezed my thighs together, and it took me a while since I had released quite a bit into Cody’s mouth, but I came onto my bedsheets. “Fuck…” I panted. “I should have grabbed a towel or something.

“You got a mattress protector?” Cody asked. I nodded. I made sure to have one on under my sheets ever since I entered my teen years for situations like this. “That was hot. I’ll have to try.”

I helped him out a little, but it came easily for him when he folded his knees up to his chest and squeezed his cock between his thighs that way. The cum ended up all over his chin and face that way. “Oh, God,” he laughed and wiped his face on my bare chest.

“GROSS!” I squealed as I grabbed some of my seed from the sheets and did the same to his chest. Cody and I rested for a while, now totally sticky, sweaty, and in need of a shower. “You wanna shower before sleep?”

“Nah. I don’t want to move. That syntribation made my legs sore.”

“I’m wiped now, too,” I exhaled, coming off the high of 2 orgasms within an hour. I got up and turned on the lamp before walking over and turning off the overhead light and turning on the ceiling fan to cool us off. I quickly returned to bed and tucked us in. Despite the gross conditions of my bed sheets, I was able to fall asleep rather quickly.

October 6 2019

I woke up to the sound of birds outside, and sunlight pouring in through my window. Last night felt like a wild dream, but Cody sleeping curled up and naked next to me and the fact that everything was sticky was enough evidence that last night really happened. “Wake up, Cody,” I lightly brushed the fair skin of his bare chest. “It’s nearly 10AM.”

“Mmh..” my boyfriend mumbled and sat up, rubbing the sleep from his lime green eyes. “I could sleep all day.”

“Me too, baby. I’m hungry though, and we need to get cleaned up.”

Cody eventually rolled out of bed and helped me get the sticky wet sheets off as well as the mattress protector and placed them in a laundry basket to be washed ASAP. We then showered together and cleaned off. The shower felt real good, but we didn’t try anything sexy in there besides staring at each others’ naked bodies. After showering, I put on a fresh pair of boxers and some basketball shorts. Cody put on a t shirt and jeans from his backpack he had packed in case he’d be spending the night with me away from home. He’s so smart!

Cody and I came downstairs and I went down to the basement to do my sheets while Cody went to eat some breakfast in the kitchen. I was starting to put the sheets in when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see mom come in. “Morning, Oliver. Nice to see you actually doing laundry for once.”

“Mornin’, mom,” I smirked. “Just cleaning my sheets.”

“I just changed those last week. You don’t have to change them that often.” She took a closer look. “Wait, they’re wet.” I blushed. “Did you wet the bed?!” She sniffed the sheets. “OLIVER YUKI JEONG!” She slapped my cheek.

“Mom! Ow!” I winced. “What the heck was that for?!”

“What the hell happened last night?”

“Well, Cody and I…”

“I should have known he wouldn’t leave last night. You and Cody have been fornicating. God is not pleased with you.”

“I don’t care what you or your interpretation of God thinks! I LOVE CODY. And there’s NOTHING you can do about it, mom.” I growled before starting the wash and stormed upstairs.

“Oliver, don’t yell at your mother,” dad scolded me upstairs.

“She is being SO unfair,” I stormed over to the kitchen table where Cody and Toby were eating. I grabbed some pancakes that my parents had made and began eating.

“You and Cody had some fun last night?” Toby smirked.

“Not now, Tobes…” I growled at my twin. Cody blushed.

“Are you in trouble?” Cody asked me, quietly. I nodded. “I’m so sorry, Ollie.”

My parents came into the kitchen. “Toby, can you please leave us to talk to your brother and his friend alone.” Dad ordered Toby in Korean.

“Ye,” Toby got up and pushed his chair in. “Good luck bro,” Toby walked off pushing his bangs out of his face.

“Cody, Oliver, we understand that you boys were fornicating last night?” dad asked.

Cody’s face went as red as a tomato. Oh. My God…. “We were, dad. If you really wanna get up in my business about it, we gave each other blowjobs and then I showed him how I masturbate.” Cody looked like he was gonna pass out. His face was sooo red. Anyways, at this point I was PISSED. For 17 years I was a quiet and respectful son, but when you invade my privacy like this I let the inner beast out.

“Gay sex and underage sex are banned in this home. Oliver.”

“Since when? That was never in the rules.”

“Since forever. We don’t allow sexual sin in our home. Cody, you are no longer welcome in our home. You have broken our trust and contaminated our son,” dad explained.

Cody’s eyes went wide and he stood up. “CONTAMINATED?!” Now he was pissed too. Go Cody! “You guys have been super welcoming to me but now that I’m dating Oliver you have a problem? Oliver and I love each other. Oliver’s been a blessing in my life! And he’s made me more confident in myself and fearless.” Cody began tearing up. “Fuck you guys.”

“Cody, I suggest you go home, right now. Go get any of your stuff you have upstairs,” mom escorted him away, fuming. I’ve never seen Cody that upset, EVER.

Oliver, hand me your phone. No laptop either. No more car keys for you. You are on house arrest until… graduation.” Dad growled in Korean.

I reached into the pocket of my shorts and handed dad my phone. “What about homework? Emergencies? Getting to work?

You’ll have to do all your homework on paper. Use someone else’s phone. And you can walk to that stupid video game store. It’s three fucking blocks away!” Dad sighed and I think I saw tears in his eyes. A rare sight. “Oliver, you’ll be a man in six months. It’ll soon be time for adult things like work, college, and marriage. Things I have tried to prepare you boys for. You’ve come a long way, but now you’ve broken my trust again. You’ve got to make better decisions. I expect better from you.

A bit of a wild chapter, but I hope you guys like it!
Copyright © 2024 RichardWrites; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

Wow! I hope Cody's parents aren't complete dickheads too. I think Oliver may have to move out, after stealing his phone and laptop back. Putting a snake or something in his parents' bed before he leaves wouldn't be a bad idea. They wouldn't be in Australia, would they, an eastern tiger snake would do nicely. Or a copperhead or coral snake if they're in the US. On second thought, I guess that'd be murder. Maybe one that will only make them sick.

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Oliver knew better, and was just pushing his desires for his lustful relationship in his parents face. Now he gets to pay the consequences.  Taking his phone, laptop and car privileges away is still better than kicking him out of the house.

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Oliver's parents have known he and Cody were boyfriends for years, and they're surprised two 17-year-olds had sex? They aren't being too bright.

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19 hours ago, JamesSavik said:

Oliver's parents have known he and Cody were boyfriends for years, and they're surprised two 17-year-olds had sex? They aren't being too bright.

Oliver and Cody have been dating for a little less than 1 year at this point and Oliver’s parents have only known for a few months and don’t approve of the relationship unfortunately.

19 hours ago, VBlew said:

Oliver knew better, and was just pushing his desires for his lustful relationship in his parents face. Now he gets to pay the consequences.  Taking his phone, laptop and car privileges away is still better than kicking him out of the house.

He probably could have had better timing on getting those bed sheets into the wash xD

On 6/6/2024 at 9:06 AM, Lee Wilson said:

Wow! I hope Cody's parents aren't complete dickheads too. I think Oliver may have to move out, after stealing his phone and laptop back. Putting a snake or something in his parents' bed before he leaves wouldn't be a bad idea. They wouldn't be in Australia, would they, an eastern tiger snake would do nicely. Or a copperhead or coral snake if they're in the US. On second thought, I guess that'd be murder. Maybe one that will only make them sick.

Thankfully Cody’s mom has been approving of the relationship since chapter 1. Cody’s dad, well, we don’t know what he would think of Cody’s relationship with Oliver but I would hope it’s positive :). The snake idea would be insane because Oliver would have to carry the snake inside without getting a poisonous bite himself. O.0

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House arrest until graduation? That's more than harsh, it's abuse to cut off your child from all social activities. As for taking the laptop away, some schools (more and more in America) won't accept handwritten paperwork.

I will agree that Oliver did abuse his parent's trust, but the punishment does not fit the crime.

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