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Country Retreat - 68. Shooting Idiots

“Somehow we have some major leaks in law enforcement in three countries, and we need to get these three witnesses into a more secure location like Oscar’s Country retreat. We organised a conference between some regional executives of the NCB to speak to Oscar, but when he saw the extra people on the screen he disconnected the link, and he has ignored all of our calls,” Koen added. “That is twice now… Two times that you guys have put Oscar in possible harm’s way. Tell me Koen, what is the main aim of the property in question?” Jarrad asked.

“Err, to keep Oscar safe and secure from any harm of any kind,” Koen replied. “What you have done introducing outsiders into the conference, is to go against what we had all agreed on when we first were shown the property. That is not on, and it is the second time that this has happened,” Jarrad said to Koen. “Yeah, but I was ordered to have this video link conference with Oscar, I had no say in the matter. I am sorry for my part in this, I had no idea that it was going to happen until I entered the secured video room here in Bern, where I am currently doing NCB training,” Giles said.

“That is enough discussion on the matter,” I said, speaking up for the first time…. “What the… Oscar?” I heard Giles say. “Silence… I have made a decision, and it is final. As of now, the Manakoora Project will not be accepting any more protectee’s until further notice. That also means no more communication with me regarding current or future protectee’s, those currently here may remain here but under my rules,” I announced. “But what about the current three, they are boarding a plane for Singapore in three hours,” Giles asked me.

“No… and that is final. There is to be nobody and I mean nobody outside of this group that is to know the location of this property, and if there is a breach, then the property will be shut down permanently and the structures will be shut down and removed permanently. That is all I have to say on the matter. Goodbye,” I said before I disconnected my part of the phone call and after a few moments, I saw Rebecca and Marcus approach me.

“So, how did it all go?” Rebecca asked me, “Not good at all. I have put a hold on accepting any more protectees onto the property, and I made it very clear that if there is any breach in regards to outsiders learning of the location of the project, I would permanently close it down and remove all buildings from the site,” I replied.

“Wow, isn’t that going a bit too far with this, and what about the current protectees? Which includes Julia and your sons?” Marcus asked me. “I will make arrangements for them if that is going to be the case, we will just have to wait and see,” I replied, just as Marcus’s mobile began to ring with an incoming call. “It is Giles calling, do you want me to take it or divert it to the message bank?” Marcus asked me.

“Accept the call but let him know that I have gone for a long walk,” I replied, “Hello Giles, I have Rebecca with me, what is the latest news?” Marcus said as he answered the call. “It is not at all good, and there are some complications in regards to those three new protectees. I was informed that due to security risks, they are already on a flight to Singapore, and are due to arrive there in just a few hours,” Giles announced, as I slapped a hand over my mouth and turned away to stifle a groan, which had Rebecca smile broadly.

“What was that noise,” Giles asked, “We are a cattle farm remember, we have a mob that is close to the complex at the moment,” Rebecca responded, “Oh, so is the boss around, I need to speak to him about a few things,” Giles asked me, and I shook my head no. “He took off for a walk, probably down to the beach is my guess,” Marcus replied, “Oh! Well, I guess you will have to let him know, that Alison Brandis and her two sons are on their way. Hugh had made all the arrangements, which were brought forward by his superiors in Europe, which we were just informed of,” Giles informed us, and this time I did stand and storm off, but only as far as my pod.

“Lincoln to Marcus, we have trouble, do you know where the boss is, over,” a call over the UHF radio announced, and I decided to respond, “I am here, what is the problem Linc? Over” I replied before Marcus could respond, “We have some idiots with shotguns using cans they tied to the wall part of the boundary and also the barge wreck as target … BANG… practice, as you just heard, over,” Lincoln replied. “Everyone into the complex right now. Marcus, if you are listening, call the rangers, over,” I responded, having heard the noise via the radio as well as from outside.

“Shit, that just missed me, my vehicle is directly behind where they are shooting, I have ducked for cover away from the Ute, but I can’t move the vehicle, as its too dangerous, over,” Lincoln said over the radio. “Just crawl if you have to, just get the hell out of that area, over,” I responded, “Exactly what I am doing now boss, over,” Lincoln replied, as we heard several more gunshots. By now I was heading for the administration building, with Rebecca heading for the family pod and Marcus was also heading for the admin building.

“Where is Jamison and Hunter and the other two?” I asked when Marcus arrived, “They are all safe and in the kitchen at the moment, and I told them to stay there,” Marcus replied. “Julia and the boys are fine, just a little scared by the loud noises,” Rebecca announced as she approached us. “Good, that means that only Lincoln is the only one out in harm's way, which I do not like at all,” I said in response. “I could go and get the front-end loader, and use the bucket to protect the cab, while I drive down to rescue him?” Marcus suggested.

“No, that will be too noisy and it will attract too much attention, maybe take a quadbike and go real slow, so keep the noise down and keep down low in your seat, as you go down there, just be extra careful ok,” I suggested. “Right boss, I am on my way,” Marcus replied, before dashing off towards the garage area, while I headed for the kitchen to find the lads. “Hey guys, stop what you are doing at the moment, as we have to do something else first,” I said as I entered the dining hall and the kitchen.

“Ok boss, what do you want us to do?” Hunter replied, “No one but my grandparents and I know this, but we do have a lockdown procedure that involves hidden heavy-duty doors that will close off the front entry, the side entry into the garage, as well as the roof area of both sections of the complex. I need you guys to grab all of the chooks and put them in the garage area, as their homes are about to get covered over, and all the solar panels are retractable and will be lowered into a storage area just below the roof area of the complex. So we are fully hidden away and locked down, once Marcus has collected Lincoln and they are both safe inside,” I announced to Hunter and Jamison.

Within twenty minutes, everyone was inside, and I went back to the administration building, with Marcus following as I requested. “Ok, just you and I and my grandparents are to know about this…” I said to Marcus, as I entered my office, and behind a painting that’s on a hinge, which I swung open to reveal the electronic keypad behind it. “Try to memorise this, as it is not to be written down on anything,” I said to Marcus as I keyed in the eight-digit code, saying the code as I did it.

When the light changed from red to green, and there was a soft click sound, I grabbed the small handle and swung it open, to reveal two buttons, ‘Engage Lockdown’ which was red and ‘Open Lockdown’ which was green, and I pushed the red button. A beeping sound could be heard, as I grabbed the handheld radio. “Attention all staff and residents, stay indoors and away from all exits, a lockdown is in progress,” I said into the radio, just as my mobile rang, with Gran as the caller ID.

“Hello Oscar, are you in lockdown? As I have just received a notification,” Gran said when I answered the call, “Yes Gran, we have some people down on the beach with shotguns shooting all over the place, so I have everyone inside and we are locking down the complex, as we will probably have the shire rangers and police looking around the place,” I replied to my Grandmother. “Do you need me to do anything?” Gran asked me, “No thanks Gran, you just look after yourself and Gramps, I will be fine, as I have staff here and we are all safe,” I replied, “Very well, give me a call tomorrow to let me know what happened, bye for now,” Gran said before ending the call.

“Damn, I forgot that we may have to speak to the authorities, but let’s see what happens and see what happens,” I said to Marcus. “Is there a way to get out without having to open up the whole place?” Marcus asked me, “Yes there is, did you by any chance leave any vehicle outside?” I replied, “Yes, after rescuing Lincoln, I left the quad bike up the driveway just to the side, a little way, just in case a vehicle is needed,” Marcus replied. “Good, and yes there is a way out for people, a secure hatch at the top of each of the spiral stairs next to the chickens,” I replied.

With five staff including myself and 5 protectees including Julia and the boys, we were now all contained in one big underground bunker, with the solar-powered lights now providing all the lighting in both areas of the complex, now that the roof is closed off, and we all gathered in the park where some of us kicked the soccer ball around, while others just sat on the edge and watched. About half an hour later, one of the UHF portable radios came to life, “Shire Rangers to Marcus Gresham, do you copy over,” came the callout.

I walked towards Marcus as he picked up the radio, “This is Marcus speaking, go ahead, over,” he responded. “Sir, we ask for permission for us and the police to enter your property to inspect for any damage. The police have four persons in custody, over,” the Ranger asked, as Marcus looked towards me and I nodded yes. “Very well, I will be at the second internal gate in five minutes, over,” Marcus replied, as the two of us began to head towards one of the spiral stairs.

“Where are you two heading off to?” Rebecca asked us, “Request from Rangers and the Police to speak to them, stay inside and try not to make too much noise, we will be back in about an hour if all is good, and we will have a radio with us,” I replied, as we continued onwards.

Copyright March 2024 All Rights are Reserved, Preston Wigglesworth
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Both @Anton_Cloche and @Philippe have made some good points. Established protocols have been deliberately ignored...

My next thought is, are/is the local constabulary corrupted, while it is a very longshot, care needs to be taken with revealing what is shared/discussed with them...

One last thought, who in the name of Sam Hill are these idiots with the shotguns??

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31 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

Both @Anton_Cloche and @Philippe have made some good points. Established protocols have been deliberately ignored...

My next thought is, are/is the local constabulary corrupted, while it is a very longshot, care needs to be taken with revealing what is shared/discussed with them...

One last thought, who in the name of Sam Hill are these idiots with the shotguns??

As we say here, they are local yahoos / idiots, wanting to have fun without any care on who they annoy, injure or property they damage. Very common in Australia with the yahoo’s usually being in late teens early adulthood, who just want to have fun with their mates….

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Posted (edited)

6 hours ago, drsawzall said:

One last thought, who in the name of Sam Hill are these idiots with the shotguns??

Whether "...local Yahoo's /  idiots, wanted to have 'fun' without any care in who they annoy, injure or property damage", they may also be called Bogan,  Cougan, Cozza, yobbo, and other names.

These guys, on or near Manakoora, may just be shooting at tinnies (beer cans) or bottles for "target practice". They may be specifically targeting Oscar's property because of the electric security fences. Shocked? 

Found in almost every country, (even those with tight firearm laws), they are not exclusive to Australia. Mostly late teen to 20's (or beyond), frequently fueled (spurred on) by alcohol and/or drugs; they go beyond verbal taunts, fights and weapons (mostly guns). 😒

Edited by Anton_Cloche
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