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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 3,050 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature Content. There are definitely scenes that require the use of the Violence, Sensitive Content, and Sexual Content tags. Generally spread through each book, but it’s only a small part of the story, not the entire story. If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bothers you, please don't read this story.

It All Started With A Shuttle Flight - 10. Chapter 10

And another installment. Happy reading.

If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story.

Uroda gave Thorp a considering look as she tried to figure out why he was so quiet. Totally unusual for him. I watched as she worked it out in her head before she looked up at me. She raised one eyebrow before her eyes darted to Thorp, then to Janek, before she looked back at me. I nodded yes. Her lips slowly lifted into a grin before she gave a sharp nod. Just me making sure people knew I was protective of those I care for.

Two hours later, Thorp was piloting us back to the station hanger, since the ship hadn’t departed from the station yet. I smiled at Janek as he smiled back at me. Almost tempted to talk to him, but we were not alone. Thorp spoke to Station Control before he changed our course. Minutes later, entering the hanger to drop onto our spot. As I waited for Thorp to shut down the shuttle, I tapped out some items on my tablet before we departed for the hangar. Uroda and Thorp followed behind Wojact and me as we made our way down the passageway to the conference room for our post-flight debrief. Forty minutes later, I took Janek’s hand in mine, pulling him up out of the seat.

“Now that my official duties are complete. I will walk you back to the ship for lunch.” I stated. Mostly for Thorp’s benefit. As Uroda seemed to understand, Wojact was not getting any special privileges during training.

Janek smiled as he leaned in and brushed his lips against mine before saying, “Sounds good, Marc.” We led the group down to the military docks.

While turning my head slightly, I caught sight of Uroda smiling and whispering to Thorp in my peripheral vision. Who also seemed to smile as well. Our timely arrival coincided with the formation of the line at the Lock. Wojact went to turn us to it, but I shook my head no.

“Follow me.” I said to the group and brought them to the front of the line. We received several looks as I boarded through the Lock with them in tow and logged onto the Endeavor before leading the way to the Wardroom. “For informational purposes. That was an example of special treatment for my trainees.” I said.

“I could do with more of that.” Said Thorp as Uroda bumped shoulders with him.

Smiling as we entered the Wardroom. I looked at the table and it was overcrowded. I didn’t want to move anyone’s seats. That would be just rude in my book, so I turned Janek towards his usual table as I gave a greeting nod to my sister and Uncle Fran. Both smiled in return as I seated myself with the Middies for lunch.

“You should sit with us more often, Sa Alexander. We get faster service with you here,” Remarked Thorp.

“You mean you are enjoying the special treatment I am bestowing on, Janek?” I asked jokingly.

“Of course.” Replied Uroda, before her eyes shifted to Wojact. “Live it up Wojact. It’s rarely anyone gets to date a true prince of the Confederation.” She said with a sly grin. I dipped my head at the compliment as I felt Janek tense next to me.

Leaning in, I whispered. “Not a prince, but I am a member of Alexander Industrial’s Board and founding family.” Then kissed the side of his head. He gave me the smile again after he looked around the room and saw nobody cared that I had kissed him. Just as my Link chimed a message. I flipped my wrist and looked at it before I turned to the main table. My sister smiled as she motioned with her chin towards the hatch. I returned her a nod of thanks.

“Now.” I said, turning back to Janek. “I believe you need to return to duty, Janek. I’ll walk you out.” As we had finished our lunch. I turned to the others. “If you’ll excuse us. I need to return to work as well." I stood, followed by Janek. Uroda had grabbed Thorp’s elbow, holding him in his seat as we did so. They both bid us a good day as we left the table.

After stepping outside the hatch, I took hold of Janek's hand and led him a few steps down the passageway towards a hatch on the opposite side of the Wardroom space, where I tapped the controls with my Link. Pulling Janek in behind me into my sister's cabin slash office. As the hatch closed, I turned and felt the heat of his body as we wrapped each other in a hug. Our lips met in a flurry of passion that I had not seen from him as we kissed.

Janek was smiling as he pulled away from me. “Thank you. I’ll see you Thursday?” He asked. I nodded as I brushed his lips again.

“Of course. I’ll be here for breakfast and lunch.” I smiled at him as he looked into my eyes. His smile grew as he leaned in for another kiss before leaving.


Midshipman Janek Wojact

Engineering Watch

Port Power Plant

I settled down into my routine as this is usually a boring Watch being buried in the bowels of the ship behind armored walls. Once again, Marc smiled at me after lunch in his sister's cabin. And once again I felt the wall of my self-doubts shutter as he hit it. Again and again with every smile. Every word he speaks to me. One piece at a time, the wall is crumbling. I was shaken out of my thoughts as someone cleared their throat, before the Duty Engineer sent me and a team down to one of the Tech Areas to chase down a problem.

Mark Alexander

After I returned to the Wardroom and hugged my sister and Uncle Fran before I sat to join the conversation. I followed my Uncle Fran from the Wardroom to one of the Drone Tech areas of the ship. Surprisingly enough, I found Midshipman Wojact working with three Engineering personnel. His eyes widened in surprise as I talked with a few of the Techs about the spare capacity of the control circuits.


The hum of muted conversations and active ship systems engulfed me as I stood on the Bridge of Solar Flare. My Grandma Barbara Armstrong’s ship. It was one of the sleek fast freighters that was upgraded for blockade running. I was aboard for one of my training sessions for my Officer of the Deck Certificate and Conning Officer Certificate, even though my Captain’s Boards in two years would override this qualification by allowing me to sit in the big chair. It is good to have in my Personnel Jacket and an essential experience to help me pass the exams. Not like I haven’t stood on a ship’s Bridge since I was in diapers. I waited as the timer ticked down to thirty on its way to zero before speaking. My head turned as I spoke the first order.

“Engineering. Bring up the Mains please. Maneuvering thrusters to standby.” I heard the tapping as I spoke, and a glance told me the power was coming up.

“Aye Sa. Main’s at forty-five percent and rising. Thrusters on standby.”

“Very well Engineering. Disconnect services from station, please.” I felt the clunk as the station pulled its connection back.

“Station has retracted connections.”

“Thank you Engineering.” I faced the other side of the Bridge. “Electronics Officer (EO). Open a Comm to Station Control please. To my station.”

“Aye Sa. Station on your Comm Three.”

“Thank you.” I said as tapped it live.

“Low Point Station Control. This is Solar Flare. Marc Alexander on Conn. Barbara Armstrong Commanding. Request departure clearance.

“Control to Solar Flare. No tugs today, Marc?

“Negative Lidia. We are light today.”

“Copy that. Departure clearance is for O-Five-O-One hours.” My eyes swept across the chronometer.

“O-Five-O-One hours. Copy Control. Solar Flare out.” I looked back to my left. “EO open hangar doors.” I shifted back to the front. “Helm. Pull in the Locks and release Docking Clamps. Maintain position ten meters off the Dock.” Again, we felt and heard the metal-on-metal clunks as the ship released from the dock. By watching out the forward viewport, I saw the hangar view shifting.

“Locks and Clamps retracted. Holding at ten meters.”

“Hangar doors open Sa.”

“Thank you, Helm, and EO.” I said as I nodded to each before I glanced at the chronometer. Right on schedule. “Helm. All Back. Dead slow.”

“Aye Sa. Backing out. Dead slow.” I tapped out a command and the view astern of us showed on a small display that projected onto the upper front viewport. I checked our course on my plot and smiled. Just another run around the block. Out to the mining team, pick up a load of refined metals and return. Less than six hours, even including my pre-flight briefing, the departure meeting and my post-flight briefing. The bow just cleared the threshold as the Helmsman spoke.

“Bow is past the threshold Sa. Continuing, All Back, Dead Slow.”

“Very well Helm. Swing the bow around to starboard and bring us on course for the departure lane. All Ahead. Forty percent on the Main’s up the departure lane.” I looked up from the screens and saw we were already making our swing.

“Aye Sa. Making our swing for the departure lane. Forty percent up the lane.”

“Thank you, Helm.” I said. Feeling the increased vibrations under my feet as the background hum became just a little louder. I turned to Grandma. “Clear of station, Captain. En route to the designated Jump Area for Two East.” She smiled, a nod in my direction.

“Once we get to the Jump area. Go ahead and Jump us out. Then steady us up on course for the Mining Group and Refinery Ship.”

“Aye Captain.” I said before I turned and sat in my seat between and behind the two Helms Stations. Better known as Third Helm. From here, I could monitor the ship's systems as I commanded us out and back.


“What do you mean you don’t want to have sex with me?” Asked Byran. My eyes flared with anger as he turned on me.

“I’m not interested at the moment. I’ve met someone. Since they don’t seem to think I’m a secret, that requires lies to cover up. I am concentrating on that person.” I knew my Alexander temper was leaking through my normally calm facade. In the past, I have showed my capacity to yell with the best of them, when required. Byran’s eyes dropped to the deck.

“I said I was sorry. I don't want others to know yet. He said in a hushed tone.

“It’s irrelevant.” Obviously too loud for him, as his hands patted the air in a calming gesture. His eyes pleading with me not to get loud, but I continued.

“We are done. Not that we had a ‘We’, but done nonetheless.” I said, turning and departed.

My temper calmed the more steps away from Byran, I took. Internally, I berated myself for even bothering to talk to him. He stayed rooted to the spot as I turned the corner. Continuing to my next class where Rachel caught up with me as I arrived at my room.

Was that you who told Byran off? She asked, concerned.

“Indeed. My error in trying to be nice to him instead of setting him straight to begin with.” I said.

“Are you OK?”

I slipped closer and side hugged her. “Yes, actually.” I replied with a shrug. “On one level, I am glad I did it. On another, I am sorry it happened here.”

After my classes, I stopped by Jessica’s classroom and liberated her from class by tossing her over my shoulder, making everyone laugh as we left.

“Brat. Put me down.” She said as we walked down the passageway. I flipped her around, settling her onto my hip. Her head dropped on my shoulder as I carried her. “I’m hungry.”

“OK. We’ll drop down to the cafeteria and grab something and then… off to the office for me and you. Did you get to talk to all your friends?” I asked as I dropped her down on the floor. As I shifted my tablet to my other side, I laid an arm across her shoulder while we walked.

“Yeah. The ones here anyway. Peter, Lin, Yossef and Margie are out with their parents.” Jessica sounded sad. And I understand. Their parents work between three of our facilities, always moving back and forth between them, depending on the project.

“But you could Link them right? Not like a Blackhole in space swallowed them.”

“It’s not the same.” I nodded in agreement at her response, because it wasn’t.

The lift doors opened, and I huffed out my disapproval as it was full, yet still stopped at every deck. With Jessica in front of me, I pushed us forward to stand in front of the control panel. As I looked at the highlighted decks, I tapped my Link to the control. With a quick series of taps on my Link, I tapped it to the control again as someone grumbled behind us. The override flashed, the Lift doors closed, and the Lift took off. Passing the next three decks and stopping at the fourth. At least I get some privileges for having to attend the Corporation’s and Station’s Board meetings.

Jessica smiled up at me, asking. “When do I get to do that?” I ushered her out as the doors opened and turned towards the cafeteria.

I sympathetically looked at her. “Big brothers are the only ones allowed.” She smacked me with a pout after we exited, which made me and everyone else laugh. We walked a few hundred meters down the passageway before I turned into the cafeteria.

This one was one of my favorites. It had the old-style wooden tables and chairs that gave it character. Jessica waved to someone she knew as I moved us into the serving line.

“Just a snack Jess. I don’t want Mom mad at us for eating before dinner.”

“I know.” She whined as we grabbed plates and added them to my tray. I just grabbed a drink, and she found her favorite fruit. Its pink velvety skin hid a juicy, sweet flesh underneath. You need to use a knife to slice open the fruit and then you can suck the flesh from the skin. Tasty, but very messy. Hence why I grabbed a few clean wipe packets too and then a brownie to reward myself with for my forward thinking.

“Don’t forget the knife.” Jessica said as we approached the staffer to pay.

“Yes, Mom.”


“I have a name, you know.”

“Yeah. Big brother the brat.” I snorted before I leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

“Still a vicious little sister. I see the Silva Academy is working wonders on you.” I said, as we moved to a table. Near one of the floor-to-ceiling smartwalls that display an outside view over one of the arrival lanes. Occasionally you could catch a view of a ship coming into dock.


* * *

Plans changed and ANS Endeavor stayed out another day and were going to dock late this afternoon. It took me longer to get to ANS Endeavor with Shuttle Two-Nine-Four Heavy. Slower than Seven-Two-Eight Alpha since it was a large heavy lift shuttle also capable of carrying troops. As Mom wanted the items off the station, I and my trainees were volunteered to fly the load out to the ship because of their delayed arrival. Between Mom and Grandma Alexander, the station runs like a top under their leadership of the management team.

“Endeavor Flight Control, this is Shuttle Two-Nine-Four Heavy. Marc Alexander commanding. Requesting landing clearance and offload upon arrival.” I said as I throttled back more while I lined up on the hanger deck.

“Two-Nine-Four Heavy. You are cleared to land, bay two. Deck crew will guide you into position for unloading.”

“Copy Endeavor.” I said as I corrected my course, yet again, as the enormous beast fought me while I approached. As is the norm for these beasts of burden.

I slowed more as I moved towards the threshold. I could see inside the hangar and, judging by the number of crew at one bay. That was probably where I was going. The morning was going to be long as I did this, three more times with my trainees.

It became a tight fit once I crossed the threshold and swung the shuttle around to the spot I was guided to. Once I settled down and had opened the rear cargo doors. I began shutting the systems down except for the cargo bay as the crew began unloading.

* * *

“Easy on the stick and watch your momentum. This flying brick is anything but gentle.” I said as Uroda brought us into the hanger on board ANS Endeavor. She nodded as she concentrated on not sideslipping into the bulkhead as she brought the shuttle around into the unloading position. It took a few corrections before she dropped it down onto the deck.

With a sigh, she dropped her hands from the controls. “You weren’t kidding. It was like pushing a giant block of ice across the deck. It takes a lot to get it moving. Then you can’t get it to stop.” She said, exasperated.

“Like I said. Loaded, the brick is capable of flying with never ending momentum. Just like the mining shuttle I use.” I replied, “You did well overall. It takes practice.” She smiled in relief at me. “OK. Let’s break for the head. Then once we are unloaded, Thorp can take us to the Station to load and return. Then it’s Wojact’s turn.”

“Saving the best for last?” asked Thorp. Who has lightened up considerably since our words on Sunday night?

Standing from my seat, “Something like that.” I said as I moved over and kissed Wojact before departing the shuttle. “And that never happened.” I said in a commanding tone while I smiled. I received three, “Aye Sa’s,” as a reward.

As always, let me know your thoughts and comments below. Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Bryan got put in his place. More solid relationship building. Wojact feeling better, more confident.

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Marc and Janet are becoming more comfortable and expressive. Marc steals times to kiss. 

Finally, Marc tells Bryan off. Their relationship has ended. Bryan was not able to go public and  show his sexual  feelings for Marc which upset Marc.

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This is the proverbial calm before the storm...so many loose ends to decipher...

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Well, I know that I shouldn't, but I almost feel sorry for Byran, he was sort of a tool, but we don't know why he acted the way he did.  And Marc did not even really give him a chance to explain.  Of course, if he did, we might not have Marc and Janek and since that is where this is heading, oh well, I just do feel a little sorry for him.  

So, are the Alexander's like an imperial house kind of situation?  

I like Jessica, she sort of grows on you, like moss.

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5 hours ago, VBlew said:

Bryan got put in his place. More solid relationship building. Wojact feeling better, more confident.

Thanks for the comment!

Byran... not sure we've heard the last of him. Wojact still has a long way to go.

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4 hours ago, akascrubber said:

Marc and Janet are becoming more comfortable and expressive. Marc steals times to kiss. 

Finally, Marc tells Bryan off. Their relationship has ended. Bryan was not able to go public and  show his sexual  feelings for Marc which upset Marc.

Thanks for the comment!

Byran has issues. In this world, MM or FF relationships are as normal as MF. They have family's and can have children.

And Marc... Well. Marc isn't afraid to flaunt his authority to help someone he cares about and if that help should include a kiss or three...

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3 hours ago, drsawzall said:

This is the proverbial calm before the storm...so many loose ends to decipher...

Thank you for the comment! 

Ya Think? 😈  I have yet begun to write! And some of those books have already been written. 

Edited by P. E. Knapp
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1 hour ago, centexhairysub said:

Well, I know that I shouldn't, but I almost feel sorry for Byran, he was sort of a tool, but we don't know why he acted the way he did.  And Marc did not even really give him a chance to explain.  Of course, if he did, we might not have Marc and Janek and since that is where this is heading, oh well, I just do feel a little sorry for him.  

So, are the Alexander's like an imperial house kind of situation?  

I like Jessica, she sort of grows on you, like moss.

Thanks for the comment!

Byran. One thing he doesn't understand is loyalty. Marc is very loyal to those he cares about, and he doesn't lie. He may not tell you the entire truth, but... Since he is actively pursuing Janek, Byran is now completely off the table.

I like Jessica, she sort of grows on you, like moss.  LOL! I love Jessica. She is good for comic relief once in a while. And Marc isn't really as unhappy he might say about her hanging around him. As proved by the number of times he actually tosses her over his shoulder.

That being said. Since you brought up the Corporation. I'm not entirely sure, at this point in time in this book, that this would be considered an Imperial House type of situation. It is a multi-sector corporation much like the multi-nation corporations of our day. Think, IBM, Siemens, ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, Caterpillar. All companies that have manufacturing and production in several regions of the world. Alexander Industrials has good coverage of it's one region of eight sectors, with tendrils into several more sectors. They are not one of the biggest corporations in the Confederation. But they are in this region.

I think I will write another chapter to insert that into the story which...let me just jump over to Scrivener for a minute. *Tick, Tok, Tick Tok* OK. I can slip in a full chapter with Jessica and Marc walking you through the Corporation while on tour and how it works as chapter 14. I'll expand out the future edits on the prologue and first three chapters (Ch's beyond three have already been rewritten to include other information.") to assist in bringing about a better understanding of the family and the Corporation. My Glossary got shot down. I didn't think when I released this that I should use it and I can't add it now. I checked with Cia on that. I may add it into the Prologue edit as that seems to be my best option at the moment.

Edited by P. E. Knapp
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