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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Out Of The Closet - 12. Chapter 12: Captain Oliver!

November is here. Time for Thanksgiving, fall colors, harvest festivals, and basketball tryouts for Oliver! Hopefully his parents won't ruin too much of the fun.
Note: Sorry for the long wait. July has been a CRAZY month for me. Enjoy the new chapter!

November 9 2019

I stepped into the Jasper County Fairgrounds with my brother and parents. It was the weekend of the Harvest Festival, and pretty much everyone in the county came to this thing. Including Cody! But I am banned from talking to him by my stupid parents.

“Mom, dad, I’m gonna take Oliver to see the baby goats,” Toby announced. My parents seemed ok with that and I followed Toby to the pens where the baby goats were being displayed. We washed our hands before approaching them and we were allowed to pet them. They’re so cute I wanted to take one home!! But I didn’t have enough money to buy a baby goat and they aren’t for sale anyways.

“Boo!” I heard Cody whisper in my ear, making me jump and nearly fall into the pen with the goats. “Sorry, Ollie…” Cody blushed.

“You gotta stop scaring me like that!” I exclaimed as a goat licked my hand. “Bro, can you cover….” I looked around for Toby. “I guess he left. Great.”

“We can sneak around, it’ll be ok.” Cody offered a smile. After a few minutes we said goodbye to the baby goats :( and washed our hands again. Especially because one was licking my hand!

I used my money to buy us lunch and we sat on some bales of hay to eat our barbecue food. It was a cool breezy day and cloudy, but all the fall harvesting was done before the big snowstorms began.

“How are things at home?” Cody asked, his shaggy hair getting tossed around in the wind.

“Not great. Mom and dad still hate you and treat me like a baby.” I poked at my brisket with a fork. “I can’t text anyone or go online.”

“That’s so stupid…” Cody sighed. “I know I cursed them out last time I saw them so whatever they can hate me forever, but you deserve to be treated better.”

“It’s just seven more months and then I’m free.”

“You’ll get through,” Cody kissed my cheek. “You wanna go see my sister compete with Cinnamon? She’s doing the hurdle jumping which starts soon.” I nodded in agreement and followed Cody to the big tent where we sat down with Cody’s mom. She was glad to see me. Iris competed well in her horse jumping event and got a bronze medal! I was glad to see Cody happy for her!

Afterwards, I followed Cody and his mom outside. Cody and I went to the ferris wheel where we got into a gondola with Logan and Matt. The ferris wheel was pretty high and I could see our town in the distance. Matt is scared of heights, but his boyfriend Logan was there holding his hand. So cute! I’m happy for them. Cody and I kissed during the ride and when we got off, we returned to the center of the fairgrounds and, well, my parents and Cody’s mom were arguing there.

“Oh God…” I facepalmed. Cody quickly went to support his mom while I stayed on the side with Logan and Matt observing.

“Your son infected ours with his disease,” mom hissed.

“I’m right here,” Cody scoffed.

“Don’t smart mouth my wife, young man,” my dad said. I felt my face getting red.

“My son is not diseased,” Cody’s mom crossed her arms. “Cody is amazing, smart, and caring. Oliver told me that Cody brings out the best in him.”

“Cody is a disrespectful slob. He stole Oliver’s virginity and then cursed us out in our own home.” mom hissed. Dad tried to calm her down.

“Cody Austin Matthews,” Samantha’s eyes widened. “Apologize to them. I taught you better than that.”

“I didn’t steal Oliver’s virginity. It was consensual. And I’m not apologizing. They deserved it.” Cody said. He sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

“Oliver will be normal again soon if he stays away from you,” mom hissed.

“That’s enough, dear…” dad pulled her back. I was too scared to step in. Logan and Matt were chewing on popcorn watching the scene unfold. “But yes, Oliver has a date with his future wife tonight. So all will be normal next summer, I hope.”

I yelped in embarrassment. Cody turned to me. “Future wife?” He stepped towards me. “What’s that about?” Logan and Matt’s eyes widened and glanced at each other as they continued eating their popcorn like NPCs.

“Cody. I. Uh. Yeh. Dad got me a Korean girlfriend. It’s supposed to be an arranged marriage next year.”

“Arranged marriage?!” Cody’s lime green eyes widened. “It’s 2019… not 1492…”

“That’s what I’m saying!” I threw up my hands in frustration.

“I get it. You want to appease your parents while still being with me?” I nodded in response. “Does she know you’re gay?” I shook my head. “You need to tell her. You’ll lead her on or whatever. I don’t know how girl brains work.”

“You gotta tell her, bro…” Toby walked up chewing on a salty soft pretzel. “Girls don’t like dishonest dudes.”

Yay, my straight brother is providing ACTUAL relationship advice for once! Toby and I helped dad pull mom away from Cody’s mom before things got too intense and we left, and I quietly kissed Cody goodbye.

That night, I sat down at my dad’s laptop and got ready to video chat. I was wearing a nice polo shirt and my hair was neatly combed and gelled to look presentable for the girl my dad wanted me to marry. This was a second “date” with her as it’s a bit hard to arrange dates with people on the other side of the world. She lives in South Korea in a city called Cheo-yeong, where some of my family lives over there.

Hello, Oliver!” She cheerfully greeted me in Korean. It was mid morning there so her room was bright and sunny.

Hi, Su Lee,” I smiled awkwardly.

Is everything ok? You sound upset.

Oh, uh, I have basketball tryouts this week,” I blushed.

And you’re nervous about making the team?

Nah. I’m awesome at basketball! I’ll totally make the team.” I said a little bit arrogantly. Su Lee deadpanned.

Then what’s wrong?” She asked again. I looked around to make sure I was alone.

I… I’m gay.” I whispered. “And I have a boyfriend here in America.

AHA I knew it!” She laughed. “You seemed extra fruity when we first met.” I blushed in embarrassment.

Can you please keep it a secret? At least until I come up with a better plan. My parents will KILL ME if I don’t stick with this!

I guess so,” she shrugged. “But who’s your boyfriend?

I don’t have a phone right now so I can’t show you a pic but his name’s Cody, and he’s blond and hot and on the football team.

Ooh cute,” she giggled.

After the date ended, the smell of food coming from the kitchen made my mouth water and my belly growled. It was the distinct smell of pork adobo, one of my mom’s Filipino recipes! “How was your date, Oliver?” Dad asked.

“Pretty good,” I smiled. It DID go well. Probably not in the way dad wanted. But he doesn’t know that.

“Well, dinner is ready,” mom announced. I licked my lips in anticipation and sat down next to Toby.

November 20 2019

I walked into the gym early for tryouts, which were held during seventh period. I wanted to get some extra practice in, so I picked up a basketball and dribbled before swishing a 3 pointer. I had on my sleeveless jersey from last year (that was a little small on me now that I’ve grown a few inches since last year) and my favorite pair of basketball shorts. “Hey, Oliver,” coach Roberts came in. He was a sophomore world history teacher and the coach of the basketball teams at Jasper County High School. “Glad you decided to try out again.”

“Thanks, coach. Grades are important, but I also just can’t focus without sports to keep me motivated,” I loosened my broad shoulders.

“Say, you could probably be team captain with shots like those.” Coach nodded. I blushed.

“You serious right now, sir?”

“Mhmm,” coach hummed. “Only two seniors trying out this year really stand out enough to be captain. You and Forrest Volk.”

“Alright,” I smirked, walking up to the free throw line for a shot.

I was sweaty at the end of tryouts. I pulled my jersey off and sat on the bench. I was ready to get some food, shower, and take a nap at home. “Nice job, Oliver,” Forrest congratulated me. I had earned my place on the varsity boys basketball team for the final time. Forrest had a pale skin tone and blue eyes, and, my god, it was tempting to cheat on Cody when Forrest took his shirt off. Cody’s hotter though, and Forrest is straight. Sorry Forrest!

“Thanks, bro,” I smiled. “You too!” Forrest was taller than me by an inch. During tryouts I was measured, and I had actually made it to six feet! My weight was also at 170 pounds, most of that being muscle. Tanner walked over and sat between me and his brother. Tanner surprisingly made varsity despite being a sophomore. He’s great at basketball for his shorter height. Tyler also made varsity again. But, now it was time to elect a captain. The coach announced that it was me and Forrest who will be the potential captains, being the top Senior players. Luke was the captain last year and he was really good, so I don’t know if I can live up to his example.

Forrest immediately stepped down. “Oliver’s the nicest guy on the team, he’d be a way better captain than me.” I blushed a little bit, but the other 11 boys on the team seemed to agree and all voted for me. My eyes watered up a little bit that my team all had confidence in me. We got handouts about eating healthy and staying fit and then I quickly showered off in the locker room and changed into a hoodie and jeans and met my brother and friends by the student parking lot.

“How were tryouts?” Cody asked, carefully brushing my fluffy bangs out of my face.

“Really good!” I kissed him on the lips. “I was also made team captain!”

“That’s so awesome, babe! Congrats!” Cody gave me a hug. As a reward, Cody took me to the next county over where they have a great Korean restaurant but I hardly ever go because it’s kinda far away.

We sat down in the quiet restaurant and ordered our early dinners. I know the owner since she’s good friends with my dad, being the only Koreans in our little East Bumblefuck region of Colorado. I spoke to her in Korean while waiting for our food until she left us alone to talk to others.

“You speaking in Korean is so hot,” Cody planted a kiss on my lips. “You’ll have to teach me sometime.”

Sure thing!” I laughed in Korean.

November 23 2019

This Saturday was my final Saturday at work at the video game store due to basketball season fully starting after Thanksgiving break. Town was pretty dead quiet because of the snow and ice outside. There weren’t too many customers, so I was able to finalize my HTML coding on the store’s website. I had been working on the site since September and I included it in my portfolio for college applications. The site was mostly finished in October, but I wanted to create a page where you can order items online to be picked up in the store and I was getting THAT finalized. The site overall looks WAYYY better than the gross old website it was and had been that way since 1998, which is before I was born! Crazy stuff.

Nathaniel was impressed, and I was to get a huge under the table bonus on my last paycheck for upgrading the site. My brother is also applying for a job at the local music store now that his marching band season is winding down, so I hope he gets that job.

“So you’re going to school for this web design stuff?” Nathaniel asked me.

“Yup, that’s the plan,” I nodded. “No one’s accepted me yet. Still waiting to hear back on a few applications.”

“You’ll get there, bud,” Nathaniel patted my broad shoulders.

November 28 2019

I stood up from the Thanksgiving table, feeling very full from eating turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, green beans, spinach, and Hawaiian rolls. I had been invited to go over to Cody’s for dessert later and I’d have to sneak out for that. I’d also have to save room in my belly for dessert. American holidays are weird. This one’s dedicated to food. I’m probably already ten pounds heavier LOL.

“Oliver, where are you going?” Mom asked. “You need to help with dishes.”

“I overate and I feel sick. I’m gonna go lay down,” I put my hands over my stomach. Not a total lie.

“Oh, ok,” mom frowned. “I hope you feel better, baby,” she reached up and kissed my cheek. I walked up to my room and entered the bathroom, taking a couple chalky antacids to calm down my nausea. I picked up my phone and told Cody I’d be over soon. My parents gave me my phone back a few days ago since I had been doing better in school and became captain of the basketball team.

I layed down for a bit and took a cat nap. I woke up somehow feeling worse than when I fell asleep. I sighed and went to my closet to grab a navy blue hoodie and put it on along with my red converse sneakers. I pocketed my phone in my jeans and snuck out the window onto the roof and slid down to the soft brown grass. It was a chilly day with a few clouds in the blue sky. I walked down the road to Cody’s ranch house at the edge of town and my boyfriend greeted me happily, until he noticed my slightly green face. Cody had me lay down on the couch and watch football with him while he rubbed my belly. He had an NFL jersey on for the Denver Broncos, even though they weren’t playing today. Dessert was ready after about an hour, and I took it easy on dessert, having just a slice of pumpkin pie and some ginger ale to calm down my stomach.

Copyright © 2024 RichardWrites; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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“Oliver will be normal again soon if he stays away from you,” mom hissed.

Wow. Ignorant much? Oliver’s parents are definitely a piece of work.

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At least Oliver was honest with the girl, and she didn’t seem to mind.

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I pocketed my phone in my jeans and snuck out the window onto the roof and slid down to the soft brown grass.

Oliver got his phone back but is still on restriction?

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