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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 3,287 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature Content. There are definitely scenes that require the use of the Violence, Sensitive Content, and Sexual Content tags. Generally spread through each book, but it’s only a small part of the story, not the entire story. If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bothers you, please don't read this story.

It All Started With A Shuttle Flight - 12. Chapter 12

Hello everyone. Welcome to another chapter.
If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story.

Groaning at the sound of my Link alarm chiming. Smacking it off, I heard chuckles as someone shifted against me and I felt a hand holding my dick tight. Slow, gentle strokes before I felt the wet, warm surface move around my tip.

“Take me again Marc, before I have to go,” Janek said as I shifted up on my elbows to look down on him as he played with my dick. His black hair was messed from sleep and my fingers running through it. The sheets on the bed are disheveled and two of the four pillows were no place to be seen.

Did I release your inner monster last night? He looked up at me with a wicked grin, which I returned. “You’re not sore?” I was kind of rough on him last night, after all, but he was the one that grabbed my hips and yanked me into him. Hard.

“The pleasure outweighs the pain. I’ll be fine by the time we see each other again.” Janek said as he ran his tongue up my shaft from balls to tip before sucking it into his mouth and smiling with his swollen lips. Eyes twinkling.

My hand reached out and pulled the lube off the nightstand. Before I reached down and cupped his chin. Lifting him away from my dick. It’s seven inches smacked my stomach with a wet sound.

“Over on your back, Jan.” I said as I popped open the lube. His smile lit the room again as I lifted over him and positioned myself between his legs. Slowly, he reached up to grab my hips as his knees pulled back to his chest. Giving me unfettered access to his hole, already fleshy, red and swollen. 20 minutes later, we were in the fresher. He had me pinned against the wall as his tongue worked my ass. It didn’t take long before he was inside me. Holding me tight to his chest as he slowly pumped into my depths. His kisses on my back and neck conveyed his emotions as he thrust harder. My orgasm was building just as it had when I took him. Minutes later, we were holding each other tight under the warm water as we regained our composure after all the exertion.



When Marc lifted and I saw those eyes. My heart skipped a beat as I noticed they almost glowed a honey color atop the hazel. His lips parted as his tongue darted across the lower lip and I smiled around his dick. I wanted him again. Both to have him in me and to be in him, but I had to leave soon. I asked anyway. He asked me if he released a monster last night. And he did. For the first time in years, I finally felt free. He had been gentle at first, but I didn’t want that. When I grabbed his ass and drove him into me. He figured out what I wanted and gave it to me. Several times. The best part about Marc is he let me do whatever I wanted, just as he did what he wanted with me. I have no doubt in my mind that he would make a perfect mate for me if he was willing. Even now. His concern over my pain is endearing, but I want it again. I want the pain to remind me of us together when I am alone on the ship. The Alexander Military Service doesn’t allow bunk bunnies, people who sleep around just for sex, but they allow couples together as long as it doesn’t interfere with their duty. Our time in the fresher may have been fast, but I felt it when he orgasmed again. Caused by me and causing me to coat his insides with my own cum shortly after.



Janek leaned into me as we hurried to the Endeavor’s Lock on the dockside. We weren’t late yet, but we weren’t early either. Turning my head as I kissed the side of his cheek.

“I’ll see you when you get back on Sunday. Let me know if the schedule changes.” I said in a soft, hurried tone.

“I will, baby.” He replied just as softly as his head lifted and twisted to kiss my cheek. “Thanks for the best night I’ve ever had,” He said.

I had the feeling he wanted to say more, but we just arrived at the Lock. It was time for us to separate. I leaned in and kissed him.

“Until we meet again, Janek Wojact.” I whispered into his ear.

“Until we meet again, Marc.” He replied into mine.

His lips brushed mine one last time, and he turned to jog up the ramp to the Lock. 4 minutes before he had to be aboard. He wasn’t the last as three other crew members came jogging down the dock. I smiled as they passed. Before heading to my quarters to change and grab a bite to eat.


*  *  *


I heard the Mining Shuttle’s Lock admittance chime sound as I turned to open the hatch and let Tom in. He had a case under one arm and his travel bag with a tablet in the other. I thanked him as I took the mixed case of food and drink packs to load them into the galley system.

“Janek looked thrilled last night, and so did you.” He said. Conversationally as he tossed his bag in the rack next to mine and strapped it down before raising back into position. It wouldn’t do to have it flying around if there should be some erratic maneuvers.

“He was. I was. And this morning we both were.” I said cryptically. Tom knew what I meant, though. Janek and I had sex, and it was good.

“Are the two of you going to become something more, or are you holding to your friends with benefits Rule?” Again, it was a conversational ask as he dropped into his seat. I stopped what I was doing and thought for a few seconds.

“Just loving friends.” I replied. Tom isn’t interested in gossip. He is interested in making sure I am OK with everything and likes to keep tabs on what direction I am headed in my life. He nodded as he continued his system checks.

“You still have those dreams about your mate? Does Janek fit the description?” He asked. And no, he doesn’t fit the description and Tom knows that.

“Yeah. I still have them and Janek isn’t tall enough, but he is fun to be around.”

“Not concerned that being with somebody might keep you from finding your mate?” I had to stop and think about that. Run the dream through my mind again. It was a good question.

“No. I haven’t reached my full height yet. I think I’m safe.”

“That makes sense. I couldn’t remember what you said the heights were. Just that your mate is taller than you.” Then he smiled over at me. “Should make them easier to find?” Which is probably true. I’m already six feet tall and expect another two inches over the next year. His comment made us laugh.

In ten minutes, we were heading out to the asteroid belts again. A long seventy-two minutes of flight and I pulled up onto our chosen target, feeling elated. Too small to be worth one of the big mining ships, but high enough in grade that if one was high grading, meaning just grabbing the highest grades of ore they could find, they might be interested. A shuttle like this could make a nice profit, weekly, just by running the belts and high grading the best rocks. Which is what I am doing today. The flip side is you need a heavy probe setup to make it work, like what I use, courtesy of my family’s mining team. Setting up the Mining Laser, as I had on the way out, was easy as I had written the changes for the crystal modulation to provide us with the best and most economical mining. Placing them into the rental’s system was fine as the settings were my settings and would reset to base after I left the shuttle. It all worked out well so we could start production immediately. Tom was looking over my shoulder as the first ore test results came back. The low whistle told me he was happy and so was I. Ninety-three point seven percent purity was a very good haul and we could finish it in sixty hours, if I have that much time.

After receiving a message from Janek informing me of his delay. I found we had the time to finish this one off before I headed back to the Station. Tom was happy, as this turned out to be a longer run than we had thought. He was also watching the controls as I worked out the distribution and fired off our credit vouchers. The net would be almost six kilocreds after expenses. We would work out the distribution of the last load we carried after we returned. Plans for the next three-day trip were also being worked out. A few more of these and I could afford to rent one of the Mini Miners for a few days. Only the lack of credits stands in the way of that. The larger the ship, the more you need. As it was always said, having a ship is just like having a hole in space you pour credits into. Unless you have a mining vessel. Then you could take more credits out of space than you payout. Hopefully.


* * *

Unfortunately, the Endeavor’s schedule changed again and now they weren’t arriving until mid afternoon instead of mid morning. That saddened me, but at least I could have dinner with Janek and a night together again. Maybe just us going out, not meeting my friends. I’ll have to see what Janek wants to do. Shifting my thoughts. Catching a nap is high on my list before I go down and watch them arrive from the viewing gallery. The chiming of my Link startled me out of my thoughts before I flipped my wrist to look at the message. Happiness coursed through my body as I read the note from Janek. ‘I have made dinner and hotel reservations for us. I also wanted to know if you wanted to see a show tonight as my cousin offered me tickets. At this point, I was so happy that I didn’t care what it was. We would if he wanted to see it. Replying instantly that the show would be fine and I would be in the viewing gallery when they docked.

I was walking fast as ANS Endeavor was on her final approach and I needed to cross the station’s myriad of passageways to get to the proper hanger. Surprisingly, it was crowded as I walked into the viewing gallery. My disgruntled exhale announced my presence as I stepped through the hatch. Multiple people gave me dirty looks until they realized who I was and cleared a path in the direction of the main command console. There were a few officers standing around it until I spoke.

“Excuse me.” The request caught the Commander’s attention.

“Sa Alexander. What brings you here?” He asked as I stepped in front of the controls and viewed the current settings.

“My boyfriend.” I said, as I tapped out some commands. The upper armored shutters raised back up to their full open height. A series of images opened along the top of the floor to ceiling armorplas viewport as the sounds of the Bridge came across the gallery. We could now see and hear everyone on the Bridge as the ship approached. He nodded as he continued what he was talking with the Junior Officers about.

I stepped back a step to view the ship’s approach on screen as she made her last turn towards the threshold. Another 10 minutes and I can walk down to the Lock.



When I stepped off the ramp at the bottom of the Lock, Marc was leaning against the opposite wall, grinning. He met me halfway, pulling me into a hug and kiss.

“Hi Jan,” Marc said as he rested his head on my shoulder. Teeth nibbled on my neck, making me hornier with each bite.

“Hi Marc. Ready for dinner and the show?” I asked as his tongue licked across the spot his teeth had touched my skin before he stepped back, holding my hand.

“I’ll follow you. Hotel first to drop off our bags and then…?” He asked. I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips before I led him down the Dock towards the Station entry point and security. “You will not tell me?”

“No. It’s my turn to be in control tonight. Until the bedroom.” I said. He smiled, leaning in and placing a wet smooch on my cheek. I sighed as I wiped at the spot.

“No dessert for you.” Which made him laugh as we passed through security and entered a lift. I tapped a deck, and his eyes darted from me to the control panel and back.

“Valdina’s Inn and Restaurant?” He whispered into my ear.

I snorted. “Marc. You’re worse than a little kid.”

“Yes. And is dinner in the restaurant? They have great recipes from Neo Livorno.

I looked over at him, and his eyes twinkled with mirth. Air escaped my mouth between pursed lips as I turned us into the next passageway. His eyes darted forwards before he grinned ear to ear as he dropped my hand and wrapped it across my lower back. His body nestled against mine as we entered the lobby.

Fifteen minutes later, we entered the restaurant. It was decorated in the old earth’s Italian style. Beautiful murals on the walls, cozy seating, soft Italian music playing in the background. The staff escorted us to our table in a quiet corner. The staff presented us with menus and departed. Marc took a glance and smiled before he looked around the table. I saw the slight nod to himself as he shifted his seat to the side as well as his table setting. Next thing I knew, he was reaching over and grabbing my table setting.

“Sit next to me Jan.” He whispered as he set my space next to him. I obediently moved my chair next to his as he lifted his menu and pointed. I looked as Marc spoke. “Let’s share our meal. Like we did the cake.”



I made my suggestions and Janek looked at the sampler dish for two, nodded as he looked into my eyes. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to have him sit next to me. I’m getting the feeling he would like nothing more than to make love on this table. Here and now. The staff arrived just in time to take our orders as I saw the movement at his crotch. We ordered and asked for small portions of the main dishes.

“By doing this, we can still have dessert.” I whispered, leaning in to kiss him.

“OK.” Was all he managed before his hand cupped the back of my head and our lips met.

Forty minutes later, we were headed for the venue and our show. Janek had told me we would be seated in a box reserved for family members of the performing troupe and orchestra. Had I known he liked these events, we could have used my family’s box. It is not being used tonight. I thought as I glanced over at it. It would have been a better view.

* * *

We had just finished the show. The hour-long performance was superb, both the troupe and orchestra. Janek held my hand for the entire show and his cousin gave us box seats with a few of the other performer’s family members. It was a very nice evening as he walked me up to the rotunda park and star viewing area. Where we laid on the grass and looked out at the stars through the armorplas dome overhead. Whispered words floated between us as we spoke before he kissed me again. Standing, he offered his hand to help me up and escorted me back to our room for the night. It started in the fresher, under the water jets. Lips, washcloths, soap, gentle caresses, and hugs conveyed our feelings better than any words ever could. Before, he dried me and led me to our bed.

“Take me again Marc.” He whispered between kisses before he rolled off me.

Pulling me on top of him. My tongue explored his mouth as I lubed up myself and him before pulling away. Moving my legs between his again as he raised them. It always amazed me how he was flexible enough to shift his arms inside his legs, using them to draw his hips up off the bed and still hold me with his hands. Providing me with the almost perfect height to enter him. In seconds, I was slowly sliding into him. His eyes flared in pain at my entry and his body clenched until I hit his prostate. That was when his hands gripped my hips and pulled me tight into him. Twenty-eight minutes later, I had dropped to his side, and he held me tight as my lungs gasped for the air they desperately craved.

Janek kissed me tenderly before he whispered, “I love you, Marc.”

I pulled him tighter into me and whispered back, “I love you too, Janek. Thank you for tonight.” He kissed my neck and snuggled closer, if that was possible.


* * *


The alarm sounded, and we were still a tangle of limbs and bodies as we both tried to reach for it. Which started tired giggles from both of us before we found his Link and shut it off.

“Good morning Jan,” I said as I shifted to lay my head on his chest. My tongue darting out to swipe across one of his nipples.

“Mmmm. Morning, baby.” Janek said softly as his hand rubbed my back. “I don’t want to go to work this morning.”

“Ahh… But we have to.” I said, as I slowly rose. “You have duty today and I need to prepare for another trip.” His hands wrapped around me and pulled me back on top of him. Lips finding mine for a passionate kiss. Which my body responded to and returned it to him before I tried, again, to pull away.

“We need to jump in the fresher before we go. Come on, sleepyhead.”

“No...” He said. Dragging the word out, thinking it would change the inevitable as I pulled his hand. “Fine.”

Janek rose. Only to shift his legs and pull me back down again. This time, he rolled on top of me and pinned me down as his mouth attacked mine. Again. 20 minutes later we were walking briskly down the dock. Arms around each other and whispering back and forth.

“Wednesday you’re back, Jan?” I asked.

“Yes, but we pull back out in the evening. We might be able to have dinner.” Janek replied before he kissed me. I thought about it and nodded.

“Until we meet again, Janek. Love you.”

“Love you too. Until we meet again, Marc.” He said before he gave me one last hug and kiss prior to proceeding up the ramp to the Lock.

I stood there for a few minutes as I tapped out a question to Dad, then headed for the family offices.

Please let me know your thoughts on this chapter in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Young love, new love--mmm. Marc and Jan enjoy being together touching and kissing and making love repeatedly. Jan  wants Marc in him often

Marc told his friend that Jan was special, but not the man of his dreams. His ideal man is taller than him and Jan is not. But Jan tells Marc he loves him and Marc responds saying he loves him, too.

Jan has not had a boyfriend before. I fear Jan does not see Marc as a great sexual partner for the moment which, I believe, Marc considers him. Jan might really  be expressing he deeply loves Marc. We will see.....

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2 hours ago, akascrubber said:

Young love, new love--mmm. Marc and Jan enjoy being together touching and kissing and making love repeatedly. Jan  wants Marc in him often

Marc told his friend that Jan was special, but not the man of his dreams. His ideal man is taller than him and Jan is not. But Jan tells Marc he loves him and Marc responds saying he loves him, too.

Jan has not had a boyfriend before. I fear Jan does not see Marc as a great sexual partner for the moment which, I believe, Marc considers him. Jan might really  be expressing he deeply loves Marc. We will see.....

Thanks for the comment @akascrubber!  This will run into the spoiler alert zone!

Jan... I'm thinking Jan is in a lusting/love point with Marc, even though he knows Marc is only up for Friends with benefits.

In this world there are many ways to find a mate. Some couples have a list, think dating profile, and when they find that person that matches 100 percent, they Bond together. That is how most people do it. Marc actually has a list, even though he has the dreams of his mate.

Some people have a fated mate. Meaning that a mate for them has been chosen by the Star's themselves, it's just a matter of time until they meet. That may come as a dream or an intense intuition when they meet. In the end, maybe less than .01 percent of people have fated mates. Sometimes they never meet. Sometimes they don't wait long enough and Bond with someone else. Like a dating app, it's a crapshoot. 

For the record: Uroda and Thorp also have the dreaded mate list prepared. 

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Well now, if Janek isn't the one of his dreams, shouldn't Marc not be leading him on, or at least have a healthy discussion considering they are tossing the 'L' word around...hope a messy ending isn't in store for Janek...or Marc doesn't succumb to an ankle biter....

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1 minute ago, drsawzall said:

Well now, if Janek isn't the one of his dreams, shouldn't Marc not be leading him on, or at least have a healthy discussion considering they are tossing the 'L' word around...hope a messy ending isn't in store for Janek...or Marc doesn't succumb to an ankle biter....

Thanks for the comment @drsawzall!

Ankle biter... Got one already. Jessica. Constantly calling Marc names and hitting him. Just for being nice! 😇

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Posted (edited)

Isn’t Janet younger than Marc? Maybe he’s not done growing yet? Maybe wishful thinking on my part. Janek seems headed for a hurting heart if Marc doesn’t tell him about this mate dream….

Edited by VBlew
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12 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

So Marc had a dread that told him what his future mate would be like?  Taller than him is one thing, and any others?

These two are getting along nicely, even if Marc doesn't view them as happily ever after, I wonder if Janek does?

Should you be using the L word if you know this isn't your fated mate?  I mean I guess love comes in different forms, but with Janek's past, seems sort of cavalier.  

Thanks for the comment @centexhairysub! Marc, in his own way, does love Janek. But he also knows Janek isn't his mate. As was said in an earlier chapter. Alexander's have a long memory and a habit of watching over people they care about.

Edited by P. E. Knapp
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12 hours ago, VBlew said:

Isn’t Janet younger than Marc? Maybe he’s not done growing yet? Maybe wishful thinking on my part. Janek seems headed for a hurting heart if Marc doesn’t tell him about this mate dream….

Thanks for the comment @VBlew!

Janek is two years older and they had FWB talk, but Janek may not have completely understood.

Edited by P. E. Knapp
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