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    P. E. Knapp
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature Content. There are definitely scenes that require the use of the Violence, Sensitive Content, and Sexual Content tags. Generally spread through each book, but it’s only a small part of the story, not the entire story. If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bothers you, please don't read this story.

It All Started With A Shuttle Flight - 13. Chapter 13

And another Chapter is posted.
If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story.

Peace and quiet with nothing but the soft breathing of Tom as he slept behind me and the hum of the Mining Shuttle’s systems. I was running through my schedule and shifting my training around. Jessica had asked for me to pick her up from the Confederation Capital on Labridore IV. If I can get Grandma Edna to help me push the tour back a week, I could do three items at once. Work on my Officer of the Deck and Conning Officer qualifications on a Destroyer, use said Destroyer for the tour of our holdings. Since I have to do that this time around, much to my dismay, and we could swing around to pick up Jessica and her three friends to return them to Joshua Seventy-Seven and Low Point Stations. It only adds two days, subject to our stops on the way back. I smiled. The cost Jessica will have to pay for me coming to pick her up as requested. I tapped out the last request and submitted it directly to grandma under a security protocol that only she could open. I also pulled up my copy of the twelve stanyear protocols as written by my family. Mom has already gone over them with Jessica, but I’ve been asked to cover that information as well as escort Jess to a few meetings I am familiar with. Grandma will handle the rest, I hope.

Happiness wasn’t exactly my mood, even though Tom joined me for another couple of days of mining. Overall, we had a good haul, and the prices had climbed in the past few days. My problem was I couldn’t take Janek for dinner on Wednesday night. Well, I can, but not off the ship. It has come to my attention, through my dad, that we are boarding the Endeavor along with twenty-three other people for the trip up to Weissman Station for the conference we are going to. I sighed before I Comm’d the station for landing clearance. The unloading dock first and then a hop up to the shuttle hanger.

Tom and I said our goodbyes as he headed off in one direction and I headed in another. I had a lot to do before departing for the meeting. Another boring meeting. Mom cornered me in the family’s quarters and reminded me we would board the ship at Eighteen-Thirty hours. She wouldn’t elaborate why so late and we would gather with everyone at Eighteen-Fifteen hours to board as a group. This did not have the same level of formality as the Low Sec Mining Guild’s Conference. Enabling me to take my civilian clothing and shipsuits. My dress shipsuits anyway, a far cry from my civilian formal wear.

At Eighteen-Thirty hours. On the dot, we boarded the ANS Endeavor. Of course, the Eight Middies were used to show us to our cabins. Janek Wojact took me to mine. Which I quickly stepped in, pulling Janek with me.

“Hello Jan.” I said before my lips met his.

He pulled away from me to whisper, “Your Sister hinted I could sleep here tonight.”

I looked at the bunk beds in this small cabin and raised an eyebrow at Janek. “That sounds like fun. Will you?” He snorted before he stepped past me and reached for something under the edge of the bottom bunk. Seconds later, he pulled down the upper mattress onto the extended bunk frame and grinned at me.

“Room for two and now I need to take you to dinner.” He said before he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine before leading me to the Wardroom. Another drawn out dinner, as I had to attend to the family duty of hosting our guests for a few hours.

“Grandma Edna said you made a request.” Dad asked.

“I did. It made sense to me to combine my needs into one trip.”

“Why didn’t you request Endeavor for the trip?

“ANS Dagger will do fine. She’s fast and nimble. I need this trip to be fast, besides I have most of my Destroyer qualifications already. I just need the hours on deck that I could get on Dagger.” I said as I pushed my dessert around my plate. Dad nodded as I felt Janek looking at me. “Besides, I didn’t want to be away that long.” Which made Dad look past me and back again.

“I could see that. And in a few weeks?” I set my fork on the plate before I turned towards him.

“Dealing with it, one day at a time.” I responded as I turned towards Janek. “I’m finished. Are you?” He nodded, and I turned back to Dad. “If everyone will excuse Janek. I am going to escort him back to our quarters and then I will return here for a few hours.” Dad understood that might not have been the best topic to discuss in front of Janek and nodded his approval.



Marc held my hand as we walked down the passageway to our cabin. I had felt him tense next to me at dinner as he was talking to his dad. He was also pushing the pie around his plate. Unusual as it was pecan pie, and Marc likes that. Then I heard part of the conversation. I may have let some sadness show as Marc said something else and then looked at me. Asking if I was finished. Minutes later, he was escorting me out of the Wardroom to our cabin.

“Is everything all right, Marc?” I asked.

“Just my father not thinking when he is asking me questions. But yes. Everything is all right. I’ll have to be away for Eight days, it looks like.”

“I understand, baby.” I whispered as we turned the corner and passed other crew members. He gave me a sharp look just as we reached the hatch to our quarters and he pushed me in. Arms wrapped around me tight as his lips pressed against mine. What felt like hours was only a minute before he pulled back.

“No Jan. I don’t think you do. Not entirely anyway. I love you and I’ll be back in a few hours. We can talk about it then.” Marc said before a chaste kiss and departed the cabin.


Janek was on his stomach when I arrived back at our cabin. Naked, arms stretched above his head. Legs spread and his hole glistened with lube. It didn’t take any major feat in mathematics to figure out what he wanted.

“You’re being naughty tonight.” I stripped, as he looked over his shoulder with a mischievous grin as he flexed his muscular buttocks.

At the thwack of my dick against my stomach, he tossed the bottle of lube back to me. As I crawled across the bed. One hand lubing my dick as I slid over the top of Janek. Lining myself with his hole, I allowed my body to drop. Sinking to the hilt as Janek grunted out a burst of air at my sudden intrusion. He whimpered as my teeth nipped his shoulder while I rolled my hips to drive deeper into his depths. My hands slid up his arms to lock our fingers together.

“Don’t hold back.” Janek whispered between gasps as I thrust deep. Each time trying to push deeper inside him. I slowed as he turned his head. When he was in the right position, my lips reached his in a passionate kiss as I sped up my thrusting. I felt him try to rotate his hips back to allow me in even deeper. His hands tightened their grip on mine as I rode his ass for all I was worth. His breathing hitched a few times as I felt the shutters pass through his body when I shifted my hips slightly and hit his prostate. I slowed as I pulled my hands out of his. Slowly working them back along his body before I lift my upper body as I whispered.

“Lift your ass, baby. Up on all fours.” I said as I lifted and Janek started lifting. I moved a little too fast and my dick popped out as he gave out a guttural groan of no. Grabbing his hips as I adjusted my knees before I sunk back into him. He pushed back against me once he felt my intrusion. “That’s better.Janek whispered between the thrust that made him moan softly and a few times gasped as I shifted angles slightly. Looking for his prostate again. The sheets were tight in his balled fists as I wrapped an arm around his waist. My hand seeking his cock that I heard slapping into his stomach in time with my thrusts. Janek looked over his shoulder at me as my fingers wrapped around his shaft. His eyes widened as I felt his ass clench around my dick and he spasmed. I felt the hot stickiness as it coated my hand. His final groan before he dropped flat on the bed.

Four last thrusts into that tight, hot world put me over the edge as my head arched back. The guttural sound escaped my mouth that sounded like Janek as my balls released themselves into him. As my orgasm ended, so did I. Dropping on top of him. The sweat from our bodies is the only thing between us. As I planted little kisses on his neck.

Janek shifted. He mumbled and shifted again. I lifted off, pulling out of his ass. His moan was deep and sorrowful as I rolled onto my back next to him. He lifted over me, and I smiled as his hands grasped my ankles, lifted my legs. Pushing them back and causing my hips to roll upwards. The sensation of his light kisses on my inner and backs of my thighs was nothing compared to the feeling of his lips and tongue on my hole. I quivered in anticipation of what would happen next. It was twenty minutes later when he dropped next to me. Breathing hard, exhausted. He still had the look of adoration and absolute love he had in his eyes as he took me. Just like he did last night. Slow and gentle. Whispered words of love.

Rolling and lifting. I looked down at Janek’s sweaty body as he rolled over onto his back. Leaning down, I swiped my tongue across one of his perky nipples before I lay my body down on his chest. Janek’s hands tenderly caressed my body. Another swipe at his nipple had him giggling.

“You never had it so good.” Janek’s body tensed like a coiled spring. I lifted my head to look at him.

“You don’t get it yet. I don’t care about the less than a stellar reputation of your sector or home or your past. I care about the person who I currently hold in my arms.” He sighed and pulled me back in.

“I’m sorry Marc. It’s just hard sometimes to think people aren’t looking at me with suspicion or that I’m shameful. Thinking I’m going to do something or they know something about my past.”

“But my dear Janek. They look at you differently because you are dating me. You get extreme amounts of special treatment from me.” He chuckled as he kissed my head.

“Yes, I do, and I love every minute of it.” I smiled as I lifted.

“So do I. Come on. Let’s clean up and get to sleep, baby. You need to be up early tomorrow.” I said as I held out a hand for Janek.

The chimes sounded early the next morning, as well as the groan before the weight next to me rolled and lifted. Arm reaching across to tap the offending item to silence before hot, dry lips touched my forehead. Then the tip of my nose before they landed on my lips. The kiss was slow and passionate before Janek let out a soft sigh and pulled away.

“What? Morning breath?” My smirk grew as Janek’s eyes opened wide.

“No…” Then his startled expression changed to mischievous. “Maybe, but I need to leave. I’ll pick you up for breakfast.” He said as he stood. Searching for his clothes.

“Is this yours?” I asked as I pulled his underwear out from under the covers. His hand swiped out and grabbed them for me.

“Yes. Thanks.” He said as I laugh softly before I stood too.

Kissing him as he tried to pull his shipsuit on. “Will we sit together at breakfast?” He nodded as he slipped on one boot and then the other while braced against me.

His head shot up to peck my lips. “I’ll be back in about 30 minutes. Love you.”

“Love you more, Jan.” I said as the hatch opened and he disappeared around the corner. I dropped onto the bed as the hatch closed. Checking my Link, I saw we had three more hours before we docked. I laid back for 15 minutes in thought before I too dressed for the day ahead.

Thoughts continued to race in my head about last night and this morning. Janek’s somewhat off mood as Janek took me to breakfast with everyone else.

Breakfast had come and gone. Leaving me sitting with my parents as we discussed the day’s events. I was free after dinner, but was told I could invite Janek to join us for dinner. Thinking I would have to ask him and I don’t know if he would be as bored as me. This is a trade conference, dry platitudes, false equipment claims and mindless droning on about the use of one manufacturer’s equipment over another. Thankfully, we are just here today and tomorrow. Leaving after dinner to arrive back at Low Point Station before lunch the next day. At least if Janek could join me for part of it, I wouldn’t fall asleep in the session. I smiled internally at the thought of doing that again, but Mom would get mad at me. Walking with my parents through the station, I sent a message to Janek inviting him to dinner with us. His reply was immediate. ‘Let me know what time and where.’ I’m sure I had that goofy grin again as we entered the line to receive our passes for events.

Happily enough, I ended up with a hotel room for myself for tonight instead of sharing with my parents. Meeting Janek at Endeavor’s Lock, smiling as he took my hand after slinging his travel bag over his shoulder.

“Hi baby.” Janek said as he brushed my lips with his.

“Hello Jan. I take it the bag means you can stay the night.” I asked hopefully.

“It does. I need to be back before 0700 hours.” He said with his goofy smile that I loved so much. Which prompted me to kiss him as we left the Dock area to clear him through the station’s security and head up to drop off his bag before continuing on to dinner.

Dinner was…well, boring as expected. The restaurant itself was nice. Local music playing in the background, beautiful tapestries adorned the walls. The food was good. We didn’t share our meal tonight. I wanted out of here and once we finished eating, I excused us after telling my parents I would see them for breakfast. They continued to talk with the other group that was seated with us as they were conducting business.

“Where next?” Janek asked as I guided us out of the restaurant towards the lifts.

“Let’s go to the park and relax before returning to our room.” He smiled as we entered the lift.

I was laying next to him with his head on my shoulder. We watched stars and ships crossing the station. Janek had taken a deep breath and released a muffled sigh before he rolled, propping his head up on his hand. His other hand rubbing circles over my chest. I reached around and grabbed it to pull it to my lips to kiss before I put it back.

“Jan. What are you waiting to tell me?” I asked soothingly. He sighed again before he leaned in. Giving me a peck before he moved back.

“I passed my flight exam…All of us did, thanks to you.” He said.

I smiled, taking his hand on my chest and rubbed my thumb across his knuckles.

“I’m proud of the three of you. You only needed a little more attention than what you could get in Basic Training.” I leaned up and kissed his chin. “What else, Jan?”

“I’m going to be leaving in 2 months.” He said with a mix of excitement and sadness. I already knew he would be at some point. Once he finished his Middie Cruise, which is usually 4 to 6 months, then move to a more permanent ship posting.

“I know. Not where you will go, but that you would be…eventually. It didn’t change my decision then or now. I will always consider you a friend. Whether or not we are together.” A flicker of pain crossed Janek’s eyes, a silent plea for something more I couldn’t offer.

“I love you, Marc. Even more now than before. I’m not sure I want to leave.” Janek said softly as he pulled his hand away from mine and caressed my cheek.

“I love you too Jan, but you will have other loves and possibly a mate someday. You’ve worked hard to move up the ranks in training.” He frowned at my response. His hand trembled as it fell back to my chest with the weight of disappointment.

“I thought maybe we would be together.” He intoned. Part question, part explanation.

“Jan, I wish I could be your mate, but our paths are diverging.” I whispered as my hand shifted to caress his face. Like he had mine. “I love you. That will never change and I will always be your friend. We’ll have 2 more months together. After that, I’ll sleep with you when we are both available, but I’m not your mate and you’re not mine.” His eyes saddened as he lowered them to the ground. His hand sliding off my chest.

“You’ll only be my boyfriend until I leave?” Janek sounded so hurt that it upset me.

“Yes. Like we discussed in the beginning. After you leave, we will be just friends, with benefits.” I leaned over and kissed his head. “I’ll always love you. If you’ll let me. I’ll take you back to our room and show you just how much and as often as I can until it’s time for you to leave. It’s time for you to follow your training and dreams. I’ll stand by your side in support. Like I do all my friends.” He looked up at me and I saw the wetness in his eyes. The sadness emanating from his body. I reached out and took his hand.

“Let’s go back to the room, Jan. Make love with me.” I whispered as I shifted to stand. Pulling him up with me.

* * *

When I woke up the next morning, Janek clung to me, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. Last night, tears streamed down his face, a bittersweet mixture of love and sorrow. Love making. Gentle kisses and touches. Almost like he was trying to memorize every part of my body. Every feeling as we touched each other. Now I needed to get him awake and back to the ship. I lifted my head and kissed the top of his.

“Jan. Time to wake up, baby.” I whispered. He groaned and snuggled in tighter. I nudged him.


“Should I take you again? Will that wake you up?” I whispered and felt his lips curl up in a smile on my chest. Reaching out, I grabbed the bottle of lube off the nightstand, popping the top open. Janek’s eyes didn’t open as he rolled off me onto his back. Pulling his legs up to give me full access to his hole.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” I said as shifted to position myself between his uplifted legs. It always amazed me how someone with his stocky body structure could do that. Not that I’m complaining. It makes for easier entry as his hips rolled up off the bed and gives me the perfect view of his entire offerings to me.

Please post your thoughts on the chapter below. As always, Thank you for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Marc finaly speaks plainly to Jan and he wishes what Marc says is not true

“Jan, I wish I could be your mate, but our paths are diverging.” I whispered as my hand shifted to caress his face. Like he had mine. “I love you. That will never change and I will always be your friend. We’ll have 2 more months together. After that, I’ll sleep with you when we are both available, but I’m not your mate and you’re not mine.” 

So they have two months and Jan will be off to a new posting. Jan cries but wants Marc for as long as possible.

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1 hour ago, akascrubber said:

Marc finaly speaks plainly to Jan and he wishes what Marc says is not true

“Jan, I wish I could be your mate, but our paths are diverging.” I whispered as my hand shifted to caress his face. Like he had mine. “I love you. That will never change and I will always be your friend. We’ll have 2 more months together. After that, I’ll sleep with you when we are both available, but I’m not your mate and you’re not mine.” 

So they have two months and Jan will be off to a new posting. Jan cries but wants Marc for as long as possible.

Thanks for the comment @akascrubber!

Marc knows he isn't Janek's mate, just as he knows other people's feelings. I guess the question we should be asking: Is Marc helping Janek get past his issues enough that he can open his eyes and see what has been right in front of him.

Will Marc interfere directly or indirectly to make that happen. Or not at all. Allowing the events to unfold as they may. 

Sooo many directions this could take.

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Greetings everyone!

On a side note.  The promised Chapter 14 has been written and included in the mix. It currently sits, approved, in the system awaiting me to release it on Saturday.

Probably should have used that for Chapter 1.

Edited by P. E. Knapp
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I may be an old fuddy duddy but, Marc let this relationship progress a bit further than he should have, I am not saying he led Janek on, but he sure came damned close....

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1 hour ago, drsawzall said:

I may be an old fuddy duddy but, Marc let this relationship progress a bit further than he should have, I am not saying he led Janek on, but he sure came damned close....

Thanks for the comment @drsawzall!

Well... Kids these days. What can I say. Besides. Marc might have needed Janek to concentrate on him and not himself or his demons.

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My hope is that both of these boys, and yes, they are boys, will take this experience and learn from it and treasure it for how special it was.  They may well be lifelong friends; but in the end they were never going to be more than that.

They are both getting ready for the next steps in their lives, let's hope they do stay friends and are there for each other when they can and need to be.

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I know -- since you said earlier you were writing somewhat backwards regarding the stories in this series, you have an idea or ten on what will happen to Janek and Marc, but maybe you can say whether Marc will be a prominent character in the next three stories?

Good chapter with sad elements.

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2 hours ago, ReaderPaul said:

I know -- since you said earlier you were writing somewhat backwards regarding the stories in this series, you have an idea or ten on what will happen to Janek and Marc, but maybe you can say whether Marc will be a prominent character in the next three stories?

Good chapter with sad elements.

Now answering that would require a Spoiler Alert tag. Hmmm... Yes, I think I remember all of them showing up at one point or another in the future. For good or bad. I love all my characters, even the ones I dislike. If I don't kill them off here. I may do it later.

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On 8/2/2024 at 6:40 PM, drsawzall said:

I may be an old fuddy duddy but, Marc let this relationship progress a bit further than he should have, I am not saying he led Janek on, but he sure came damned close....

I'm also sure that Marc did this on purpose.

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