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Silent Heartbeats - 10. Chapter 10: Carter and Jeremy meet at the event but emotions threaten to overwhelm the hunk.

Hello lovely people... my family. Here is another chapter to this lovely series. Looking forward to reading your comments. I love you all so much. Thanks in advance....
Vanalas, feel the passion...

The venue for the event was nothing short of breathtaking. It was held in an opulent ballroom, the walls adorned with intricate gold accents that gleamed under the warm, ambient lighting. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, their delicate, shimmering light casting a soft glow over the entire room. The floor was polished to perfection, reflecting the grandeur of the surroundings. Expensive floral arrangements, with rare orchids and roses, decorated each table, adding a touch of elegance to the already luxurious setting. Soft, classical music played in the background, the gentle melody weaving through the air as the guests, all dressed in the finest attire, engaged in animated conversations.

Carter stepped into the venue, feeling the weight of the opulence around him. He wore a beautiful pink shirt that contrasted subtly with his black necktie, his shirt tucked into smart black trousers that fit him perfectly. On his feet were polished black shoes, gleaming under the ballroom lights. His hair was tied back in a sleek ponytail, revealing his handsome face, but despite his polished appearance, he couldn’t shake the feeling of being out of place. The lavishness of the event, the sheer wealth on display, made his heart race with nerves.

As he took a deep breath and scanned the room, hoping to spot a familiar face, doubt gnawed at him. He wasn’t sure how long he stood there, torn between turning back and staying, his feet seemingly glued to the spot. The longer he lingered, the more the sense of not belonging intensified.

Suddenly, a voice called out to him, breaking through his thoughts. Carter’s eyes focused ahead, and he saw a stunning woman approaching him. She was dressed in an exquisite gown, the fabric a deep shade of emerald green that shimmered like liquid silk under the lights. The dress hugged her figure perfectly, the intricate lace detailing at the bodice and sleeves adding a touch of sophistication. The way it flowed elegantly as she moved, with a delicate train that trailed behind her, was a testament to its designer quality. Carter couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride—he had designed that gown.

The woman, her face glowing with a warm smile, reached him and enveloped him in a friendly hug. "Carter, I’m so glad you made it!" she exclaimed, her voice full of genuine delight. She pulled back slightly, her eyes sparkling as she looked at him. "People have been asking all night about who made this gown, and I’ve been dying to introduce them to the genius behind it."

Carter smiled sheepishly, his nerves momentarily eased by her enthusiasm. He nodded as she took his arm, leading him towards a group of elegantly dressed guests.

The woman eagerly introduced Carter to several distinguished guests, each more enthusiastic than the last to meet the young designer responsible for the stunning gown she wore. They marveled at his talent, especially when he mentioned that he worked for Jethan Couture, a name synonymous with high-quality and fashionable trends. It was no surprise to them, but they were impressed by Carter’s youth and skill. They complimented him generously, expressing admiration for his work and potential. Carter couldn’t help but smile, a mix of pride and humility washing over him as he thanked them graciously.

The highlight of the introductions was when the man of the night, the host of the event, approached Carter. He was dressed in a suit that was both bold and classic—one of Carter’s designs. The suit was a deep midnight blue with subtle, intricate patterns woven into the fabric, catching the light in just the right way to add depth and dimension. The lapels were sharp, edged with a hint of satin, and the tailoring was immaculate, hugging the man’s frame perfectly. It was a statement piece, different from the standard black suits that filled the room, and it drew compliments from everyone who saw it.

Carter’s heart swelled with happiness as he watched the man smile and thank him for the design, expressing how it made him feel both confident and unique. The praise, the recognition, and the energy of the party soon had Carter feeling more at ease. He began to enjoy himself, mingling with the guests, laughing, and basking in the atmosphere. It felt like hours had passed by the time he started to feel a bit overwhelmed and thirsty. Excusing himself politely, Carter decided to take a moment to gather his thoughts and get a drink.

He rushed away from the crowd, his mind still buzzing with all the conversations and compliments, when suddenly he collided with someone, hard.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” Carter blurted out, turning quickly to apologize. But as he looked up, his words caught in his throat. Standing before him was Jeremy, looking like an absolute vision.

Jeremy was dressed in a black designer tuxedo that fit him like a second skin. The tuxedo was sleek and modern, with sharp lines and a minimalist design that exuded understated elegance. The black necktie added a touch of formality, and his shoes were polished to perfection. His hair was gelled back, every strand in place, giving him a refined, almost angelic appearance. Carter had seen Jeremy looking handsome before, but tonight he was different. There was something about him that made Carter’s breath catch—a combination of his appearance and the fact that he was seeing him in such an unexpected place.

The two of them stood there for a moment, sharing surprised glances. Carter finally found his voice, “I’m surprised. I didn’t expect to see you here.”

Jeremy raised an eyebrow, his expression softening as he responded, “I was invited too, but I was contemplating whether to attend or not. I’m not really a party person, especially not since…” He trailed off for a moment, his eyes clouding with a hint of the sadness he still carried. “It’s the first time in a long time that I’ve come to a party. I haven’t really enjoyed going out and mingling.”

He cleared his throat, shaking off the moment of vulnerability, and asked, “How are you finding the event?”

Carter smiled, sensing Jeremy’s discomfort and wanting to ease it.

“It’s a beautiful event,” he said earnestly. “And you shouldn’t worry. I’ve been representing the company well. People are really happy with the designs.”

Jeremy looked at Carter, a hint of reassurance in his gaze.

“I’m not worried,” he said, his voice steady. “I’ve seen the designs, and I’ve heard people talking about them. You’ve done a great job. Right now, all I want you to do is enjoy the event.”

Carter smiled, appreciating the compliment. “And what about you?” he asked, his tone light. “Are you going to enjoy the event?”

Jeremy opened his mouth to respond, but before he could say anything, a smooth, confident voice interrupted.

“Oh, Jeremy is definitely going to enjoy the event—especially since I’m here.”

Carter’s attention shifted as Dexter came into view. Dexter looked undeniably striking, his tuxedo tailored to perfection, the fabric gleaming under the soft lights. His hair was shaved neatly on the sides, with the top left longer and styled with precision. His face bore a grin that bordered on a smirk, an expression that seemed more mocking than friendly.

Dexter moved closer to Jeremy, coiling his arm with Jeremy’s and resting his head lightly on Jeremy’s shoulder. The intimate gesture made Carter’s smile falter, and he felt a pang of discomfort as he watched them. Dexter noticed the change in Carter’s expression and raised an eyebrow, his grin widening as he spoke.

“Why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost, Carter? Surprised to see a hot man like Jeremy with a hot date? Of course, it’s expected.”

Carter forced a sheepish smile, trying to maintain his composure.

“I’m not surprised,” he replied, though his voice lacked the confidence it usually held.

Dexter chuckled, the sound laced with mockery.

“Good. I hope you’re doing your job very well, because that’s the reason the company allowed you to attend this event, paid for your trip, and the hotel you’re staying at.”

Jeremy, who had been watching the interaction with a growing sense of unease, glanced at Dexter and said firmly, “Dexter, don’t be rude.”

Dexter shrugged nonchalantly, his tone innocent as he asked, “What did I say wrong?” He turned his gaze back to Carter, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “Tell me, Carter, am I wrong?”

Carter shook his head, his voice low as he responded, “No, sir.” He offered a slight, polite smile and then excused himself, saying, “I have work to do.”

As Carter turned to leave, Jeremy gently uncoiled his arm from Dexter’s grasp. “I need to go to the restroom,” Jeremy said, his voice clipped, as if he needed to escape the tension.

Dexter watched him for a moment, a sly grin playing on his lips. “Don’t take too long,” he called after Jeremy, but the man was already walking away, his steps quick and purposeful. Dexter’s eyes flicked back to Carter’s retreating figure, a calculating look crossing his face as he whispered to himself, “This is going to be fun.”


Carter was engrossed in conversation, surrounded by a small group of people who were genuinely interested in his work. They asked him about his designs, how he had gotten started, and what it was like to work at one of the top designer companies in the country. Carter's face lit up as he spoke about his passion for fashion, explaining how he had always been drawn to design from a young age.

The conversation shifted to working at Jethan Couture, and particularly, what it was like to work with Jeremy. The guests seemed to have quite a crush on the enigmatic hunk. Carter smiled, trying to keep things professional.

“It’s both an honor and a challenge,” he said, his tone warm.

As he was busy chatting, Carter felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to find a young man, a waiter, smiling at him. The waiter told him that someone had sent a drink over for him.

Carter smiled back, intrigued. “Who was it?” he asked, glancing around the room.

The waiter shrugged, still smiling. “He’s in the crowd, maybe an admirer.”

Carter looked around, trying to spot a familiar face, but no one stood out. He was about to respond when, out of nowhere, the drink on the waiter’s tray began to tilt. The next thing Carter knew, the glass was sliding off, and the contents spilled all over his shirt, leaving a large, unsightly stain.

Carter stood there, stunned, his eyes wide as he looked down at the mess on his once-pristine shirt. The poor waiter looked like he’d seen a ghost, his face pale as he stammered out apologies. "I-I’m so sorry, sir! I didn’t mean to... I don’t know what happened!"

Carter, still processing what had just happened, managed to find his voice.

“It’s okay,” he said, though he sounded more uncertain than reassuring. The waiter, still flustered, handed him a napkin, which Carter took as he excused himself, trying in vain to wipe off the stain. The more he tried to clean it, the worse it seemed to get.

As he looked up, he realized that several people had noticed the incident. They were talking among themselves, some of them laughing quietly. The humiliation washed over him, and the smile that had been on his face moments ago disappeared. He felt like all eyes were on him, judging him, making him feel small and out of place.

A distance away, Dexter watched the scene unfold with a satisfied grin. He had caused this mess, and he was enjoying every second of Carter’s discomfort.

Carter stood there, feeling more and more exposed, when suddenly, someone stepped in front of him, shielding him from the prying eyes. When he looked up, he found himself staring into Jeremy’s serious face.

Jeremy looked at Carter, seeing the embarrassment and distress written all over the younger man’s features. “How are you doing?” he asked quietly.

Carter hesitated before answering, his voice tinged with self-doubt.

“I feel stupid. Everyone’s probably judging me.”

Jeremy sighed softly, then, without a word, he began to unbutton his jacket. Carter’s eyes widened in surprise, and a few of the onlookers gasped, not understanding what was happening. Jeremy removed his expensive jacket and, with careful precision, draped it over Carter’s shoulders.

Carter, still disoriented and caught off guard, watched as Jeremy told him, “Put it on.”

With their eyes still locked, Carter slowly slid his arms into the sleeves of the jacket. To his astonishment, Jeremy then reached forward and began buttoning the jacket for him, his movements deliberate and gentle.

The tension between them was palpable. In Jeremy’s eyes, there was a mix of emotions—fear, confusion, and something deeper that neither of them fully understood. For Carter, the moment was surreal, the act of kindness so unexpected that it made his heart race. There was a calmness, a sense of peace, that settled over him as he stood there, feeling the warmth of Jeremy’s jacket.

Jeremy didn’t know what was happening, but the familiarity of the moment, the ease with which he was drawn to Carter, made his body react in ways he couldn’t explain.

Dexter, on the other hand, watched with growing frustration. The smile that had been on his face faded as he tried to comprehend what was unfolding before him. He couldn’t understand why Jeremy was doing this, and it made his blood boil. This was not how things were supposed to go.

Carter, now clad in Jeremy’s jacket, felt a strange mix of emotions—gratitude, confusion, and a warmth that went beyond the fabric of the coat. He could still feel Jeremy’s gaze on him, and for a moment, everything else in the room seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them in a world of their own.

As Carter and Jeremy stood in their moment of shared tension, they were suddenly brought back to reality by the booming voice of the master of ceremonies over the microphone. The two men blinked, as if coming out of a trance, and turned their attention toward the stage at the front of the venue.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the MC began, his voice filled with enthusiasm, “I want to thank each and every one of you for joining us tonight. We are here to celebrate not just an event, but a beautiful union, a love so true that it’s reflected in everything they do.”

The room erupted in cheers and applause, and Carter found himself clapping along, though his thoughts were still partly on what had just transpired between him and Jeremy. Jeremy, too, clapped, but his expression was more subdued, his eyes focused intently on the stage.

The spotlight shone brightly on the happy couple, who stood hand in hand as the MC continued. “Let’s give a warm welcome to the couple of the hour, celebrating ten wonderful years together—Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds!”

More cheers filled the room as the couple made their way to the stage. The husband, a tall and distinguished-looking man, held his wife’s hand tenderly as they walked into the light. She was radiant, her smile wide and genuine, clearly touched by the outpouring of love and support.

Once they reached the stage, the MC handed the microphone to the husband. “Now, Mr. Reynolds, we’d love for you to share a few words about your journey together. Tell us about the last ten years, and maybe something sweet about your lovely wife.”

The man smiled, his eyes softening as he turned to look at his wife. He began to speak, his voice warm and filled with emotion.

“It’s hard to believe that it’s been ten years since we first met. And I have to be honest,” he said with a chuckle, “we didn’t exactly hit it off at first. In fact, we didn’t like each other at all.”

The crowd laughed, and even Carter found himself smiling at the thought. Jeremy, standing beside him, was focused entirely on the couple, his face calm but his eyes distant.

“But life has a funny way of bringing people together,” Mr. Reynolds continued. “After a few more encounters—some planned, some by chance—we started to see each other in a different light. I saw in her the strength, kindness, and love that she had for everyone around her. And slowly, before I even realized it, I fell for her.”

His wife blushed, her smile growing as she squeezed his hand. The room was silent, everyone captivated by the couple’s story.

“These past ten years,” Mr. Reynolds went on, his voice now more serious, “have been the best years of my life. We’ve had our ups and downs, like any couple, but we’ve faced them together, always supporting each other. I can’t imagine my life without her. She’s my partner, my best friend, and the love of my life.”

As the man spoke, Jeremy's expression softened, his eyes shining as memories of Ethan began to flood his mind. He could almost hear Ethan’s laughter, see the way his eyes lit up when he smiled, and feel the warmth of his touch. Those early days, filled with playful banter and a growing connection, felt so vivid, as if they had happened just yesterday. The struggles they faced together, the love that deepened with each passing year—it all came rushing back to him, overwhelming in its intensity.

For a moment, Jeremy was lost in his memories, his heart heavy with a mix of love and sorrow. The joy of the couple on stage resonated with him, but it also reminded him of what he had lost, of the future he and Ethan would never have.

Carter glanced at Jeremy and noticed the change in his expression. There was something tender yet painful in the way Jeremy looked at the couple, as if he was seeing his own past play out before him. Carter could almost feel the weight of Jeremy’s memories, the silent pain that lingered beneath his stoic exterior.

The crowd continued to cheer and applaud as Mr. Reynolds finished his speech, and Mrs. Reynolds leaned in to kiss her husband, their love palpable in the gesture. It was a moment of pure happiness, and yet, for Jeremy, it was a bittersweet reminder of a love that was now a cherished memory.

The crowd erupted in more cheers and laughter as the master of ceremonies, ever the entertainer, turned his attention to Mrs. Reynolds.

“Oh, no, Mrs. Reynolds,” he teased with a playful grin. “You’re not getting off that easy! We’ve heard from your husband, and now it’s your turn to share a little something with us.”

Mrs. Reynolds laughed, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of joy and slight embarrassment. She graciously took the microphone, pausing for a moment as she gathered her thoughts. The room fell silent, everyone eager to hear her side of the story.

Taking a deep breath, she began, “Well, I never expected to meet someone like him when I did. I had just gone through a heartbreak, and I was in no mood for love, let alone a relationship. So when we first met, let’s just say I wasn’t exactly the friendliest person in the world.”

The crowd chuckled, and Mr. Reynolds nodded with a knowing smile, clearly recalling those early days.

“But life has a funny way of throwing people together,” she continued, her voice softening as she looked at her husband. “At first, I hated him. I thought he was arrogant, overconfident, and just… well, too much. But life kept playing tricks on us, bringing us together in the most unexpected ways. And slowly, I started to see something different in him—kindness, patience, and a heart so big that it could hold all the love in the world.”

Her words were met with a collective sigh from the audience, who were clearly moved by the sincerity in her voice.

“The last ten years,” she went on, her voice filled with emotion, “have been nothing short of amazing. We’ve had our challenges, our disagreements, but through it all, we’ve grown stronger together. I can’t imagine my life without him. Every morning, I thank God that I get to wake up next to the man I love more than anything in this world.”

As she spoke, Carter found himself slowly drifting away from the present moment. The woman’s story, filled with unexpected love and eventual happiness, triggered memories he thought he had buried deep within himself.

Images of Elias flooded his mind—how persistent Elias had been, how he had pursued Carter relentlessly, always finding ways to compliment him. “You’re so beautiful,” Elias had said more times than Carter could count. “I can’t sleep because every time I close my eyes, all I see is you.” At first, Carter had brushed off Elias’s advances, thinking them to be nothing more than fleeting infatuation. But Elias had been patient, always there, always persistent.

And slowly, against his better judgment, Carter had fallen—fallen hard and miserably in love with a man who had ultimately crushed his heart to pieces.

He remembered the excitement, the thrill of being pursued, and then the sweet surrender when he finally allowed himself to love Elias. The way his heart had raced whenever Elias was near, the way every smile and touch had made him feel like the most cherished person in the world. It had all felt so perfect, so right, until it wasn’t.

Carter blinked, pulling himself back to the present. The warmth of those memories was tinged with the sharp pain of betrayal, the heartache that had followed when Elias had shattered his trust. He forced himself to focus on the couple on stage, who were still basking in the glow of their love, their ten years of shared life and dreams.

But as much as he tried, Carter couldn’t fully shake off the lingering sadness that the memories had brought back. He felt a deep pang in his chest, a reminder of the love he had lost and the scars it had left behind.

As the lights dimmed and the soft, enchanting notes of Taylor Swift's "Enchanted" began to play, the crowd murmured in appreciation. The master of ceremonies, always quick to seize a moment, grinned widely. "Looks like even fate has a plan for us tonight," he said with enthusiasm. "What better time than now for the couple to give us a dance? Come on, everyone, let’s make this moment magical!"

The crowd cheered as the spotlight fell on Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds. The couple exchanged tender smiles, their love radiating as they moved together to the center of the dance floor. As the music swelled, they slipped into each other's arms, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. Their eyes remained locked on each other, filled with a deep connection that only years of shared love and life could bring. It was as if the rest of the room had disappeared, leaving only the two of them to dance in their private world.

Jeremy watched them, his expression softening as he was drawn into the moment. But as the couple danced, he found himself drifting away from the present, the sight of their love pulling him back into the recesses of his memory.


Six years ago…


The room had been filled with soft, golden light, and the air was thick with the sound of laughter and the gentle hum of conversations. Jeremy stood on the dance floor, his arms wrapped around Ethan as they swayed to the tender strains of Christina Perri’s ‘A Thousand Years.’

Jeremy’s heart was bursting with happiness, a wide smile spread across his face as he looked down at his husband. Ethan was the picture of beauty, his long hair woven into a braided ponytail that cascaded down his back. His eyes sparkled with love, his smile warm and full of life. In that moment, Jeremy felt like the luckiest man in the world. They danced as if they were the only two people in the universe, lost in their own bubble of joy and contentment.

As they moved together, Jeremy couldn’t take his eyes off Ethan. There was something about the way Ethan looked at him, a softness that made Jeremy’s heart swell with emotion. He laughed softly, overwhelmed by the depth of his love.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Ethan asked, his voice teasing but filled with affection.

Jeremy’s smile widened as he leaned in closer, his voice low and tender.

“Because I’m in awe of you,” he whispered. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, everything I never knew I needed. I want this moment to last forever. I want to remember every detail, every second of this dance with you.”

Ethan’s eyes glistened with unshed tears as he listened to Jeremy’s words.

“You always know how to make me feel like the most loved person in the world,” he said, his voice trembling with emotion. “Thank you, Jeremy. Thank you for loving me, for being with me through everything. I never thought I’d find someone like you, someone who could make my heart feel so full. And now… now we’re married. It still feels like a dream.”

Jeremy’s heart tightened at the sight of Ethan’s tears, but they were tears of joy, of overwhelming happiness. "You are my dream, Ethan," he replied softly. "And I promise to keep making you feel that way every single day."

They continued to dance, the music changing seamlessly to ‘Once Upon a December.’ They were so wrapped up in each other, in their quiet exchange of love, that they didn’t even notice the shift. Jeremy could have stayed in that moment forever, his arms around Ethan, the world fading away as they moved together in perfect sync.

But then, something caught his attention—a tiny red dot on Ethan’s nostril. Jeremy’s smile faltered, a flicker of concern passing through his eyes. He was about to ask Ethan about it when, to his horror, he saw a thin trickle of blood slide down Ethan’s face.

“Ethan,” Jeremy said, his voice suddenly laced with worry. He gently stopped their dance, his hand reaching up to point at Ethan’s nose. “There’s… there’s blood.”

Ethan, still smiling, raised his hand to his nose, clearly not understanding what Jeremy meant. But the moment his fingers touched the blood, his expression changed. The smile vanished, replaced by a look of shock as he stared at the red stain on his hand.

“It’s nothing,” Ethan muttered, trying to step away, his voice shaky as he attempted to brush off Jeremy’s concern. But Jeremy wasn’t fooled. The sight of the blood, the way Ethan was trying to hide it—it filled him with dread.

“Ethan, what’s happening?” Jeremy asked, his voice rising with panic as he reached out, refusing to let Ethan pull away. His grip tightened when he saw the blood flow more freely, soaking into Ethan’s shirt.

Before Ethan could answer, he swayed on his feet, his face paling as the strength seemed to drain from his body. Panic surged through Jeremy as he caught Ethan in his arms, his heart pounding wildly.

“Ethan! Ethan, stay with me!” he cried out.

People around them started to notice, and the room erupted into chaos as Elena rushed forward, her face stricken with fear.

“What’s going on?” Jeremy demanded, his voice choked with terror as he looked at Elena, desperate for answers.

But before anyone could respond, Ethan’s eyes rolled back, and his body went limp in Jeremy’s arms.

That day, that moment, had marked the beginning of the end. It was the day Jeremy had learned that his beloved husband had been hiding a terrible secret from him—a cancer diagnosis that had been kept under wraps for over two months. From that day forward, everything in their lives had begun to unravel, the darkness creeping in and slowly consuming the light that had once shone so brightly between them.


Present Day…


Jeremy blinked rapidly, trying to push the painful memories aside, but the tears that had gathered in his eyes betrayed him. Despite his best efforts to suppress them, a few escaped, trailing down his cheeks. His chest tightened with the familiar ache, the raw, unhealed wound that Ethan’s loss had left in him.

Carter, who had been quietly observing Jeremy, felt his heart clench at the sight. The way Jeremy’s eyes glistened with unshed tears, the faint tremor in his strong frame—there was so much pain behind those eyes, pain that Carter couldn’t begin to imagine. Worry etched itself into Carter’s face as he continued to watch Jeremy struggle with his emotions.

Before anyone could notice, Jeremy quickly swiped at his face, wiping away the tears. But the effort to hold back the flood of grief was too much; he could feel the familiar weight pressing down on his chest, the suffocating tightness that heralded one of his episodes. Panic started to rise within him, and he knew he needed to get out of there before it overwhelmed him completely.

Without a word, Jeremy abruptly turned and began to rush out of the room, his strides long and purposeful as if he couldn’t get away fast enough.

Carter, alarmed by the suddenness of Jeremy’s departure, instinctively turned to follow him. He took a few quick steps, his hand reaching out as if to call after him, but Jeremy was too fast, already halfway across the room and heading toward the exit. Carter hesitated, his hand hovering in the air before he slowly lowered it, realizing that Jeremy might need some time alone to collect himself. The worry, however, didn’t leave his face as he stood there, helplessly watching the man he admired retreat into the night.

It felt like an eternity as Carter stood there, his heart heavy with concern and an unshakable sense of helplessness. He wished there was something he could do, some way to ease the pain he had seen in Jeremy’s eyes, but he knew that this was a battle Jeremy would have to fight on his own.

Just as Carter was about to turn away, his gaze drifted across the room, and he froze. A woman stood a distance away, her eyes locked on him. She held a tray of food, but it was the look in her eyes that sent a jolt of fear and pain through Carter. The hurt in her expression was unmistakable, and it pierced through him like a knife.

Carter’s breath caught in his throat as he stared at her, his mind racing to comprehend what he was seeing. The tray in her hands trembled slightly, but she made no move to approach him. She just stood there, her gaze intense and filled with a mixture of emotions that Carter couldn’t quite decipher.

“Aunt…?” he whispered, barely able to believe his own eyes.

To be continued…

Copyright © 2024 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

7 hours ago, starboardtack said:

I know every good story has to have a foil but can we just hit DELETE on Dexter, please? I mean, who would know? 😜this is  really well written. The scene and character come to life. Nice job!

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Not the hit delete on Dexter 😂 😂 

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Posted (edited)

Dexter has started with smaller tricks, real problems will occur when he decide to DELETE Carter!

Aunt is here, there is question - Is behind her anger only dissapointment of Carter's choice of husband or there is something more? Is she going to tell something to Jeremy? Knowing his temper and how easy he jumps to conclusions - new drama is coming!

Edited by Cane23
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