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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature content, explicit male-to-male sex.

How the Coronavirus Jump-Started my Sex Life - 4. Chapter 4

Mature Audiences. Cal and Alan finally move beyond preliminaries.

The Rules

After drying off in the anteroom of the showers, Alan and I walked naked down the hall to my room. I felt a little exposed but also quite free to be naked in the hallway with my new idol. He put a hand gently on my shoulder in what might have looked like a “bro” touch to an outsider, but which felt electric and slightly dominating to me. I couldn’t help but notice out of the corner of my eye the swing of his semi-hard cock as he walked along beside me, my dick embarrassingly ramrod-straight pointing the way forward like the nose cone of a heat-seeking missile.

Inside the room, Alan smiled and said, “Before we get started with your first lesson, let’s just chat for a bit.”

As I pondered what the curriculum for my first lesson might entail, he sat at the foot of my bed and pointed at my desk chair nearby. He laid his towel on the edge of my desk and leaned back on his hands. In that position, his cock reclined enticingly between his hairy thighs, stretched out on the mattress as though begging to be stroked.

“I want to make sure we’re clear about a few things,” he said.

I felt my anxiety creep up a bit. “Okay,” I muttered.

“You need to understand that I’m not a gay dude, although I have no problems with gay dudes such as yourself.” He smiled. “But the fact is that I have absolutely no interest in your cock, impressive though it may be. I don’t care about getting you off. I care about getting me off. You must realize this is not some type of equal relationship. Right?”

I thought for a moment. “Okay,” I nodded.

“Good. You and I have different roles here. I’m the pitcher and you’re the catcher. I will give you my cock in exchange for your throat or your asshole or maybe just your hand sometimes. You will suck me and I will fuck you, but we will never switch it up. Got it?”

Surprisingly that sounded just fine to me. “Yes, um, Sir.”

He smiled broadly. “The wonderful thing here is that I have a basic need to get off, to blow a load, to spread my seed and you have a basic need to have another guy’s cock, to get his sperm, to make him cum.”

He amazed me at how easily and correctly he understood me. No one had ever understood me so well as Alan. In fact, until he said it out loud right then, I don’t think I quite understood it myself. But I had to admit he was absolutely right. I wanted nothing more than access to his cock, to feel it in my hands, to taste it, to experience it spewing out his load, and even to feel it moving in my ass like his fingers were doing a few minutes ago.

“So, Cal, we’re a perfect yin and yang, or in gay terms, top and bottom.” He paused, looking deeply into my eyes with a searching look on his beautiful face. “You really are a virgin?”

“Uh-huh, I am,” I admitted again.

“Amazing,” he shook his head slowly. “And you’re a very good-looking guy. Masculine, even. I’m sure every hot chick would give it up for you, but you don’t care about them, do you?”

I pondered his question for a moment but instantly knew the answer. “No, Sir, I guess I don’t.”

“Hell, even a lot of guys would love to be with you. But I get first shot at you. This social isolation thing just may be the best thing to happen to me, at least to my sex life, in a very long time.” He grinned. “So, since you’re a true virgin, I’m going to be patient and teach you how to enjoy the kind of sex you’ll be experiencing, meaning sucking cock and getting your ass fucked. I’m not going to treat you rough or without any concern for your pleasure. No, I’ll be nice.”


“But, let’s be clear. I’ll be nice because I want you to enjoy sucking my cock as much as I enjoy getting sucked by an accomplished cocksucker like you’ll be in a couple of days. I’ll be nice because I want you to enjoy my cock plowing your ass as much as I will enjoy plowing you. That will maximize my pleasure because you’ll always be eager to please me.”

My heart raced in anticipation. “Thank you, Sir. I want to learn to please you better than anyone ever has.”

He grinned. “I like your attitude, Cal.”

I grinned back at him, my nervous anxiety largely reduced at this point. “Thanks, Alan, Sir.”

“Alright. So, turn out that lamp and light that candle on the dresser, put on the music, softly, and I’ll lie back on the bed here. I want you to crawl up between my legs and play with my cock and balls and then, when you’re ready, start licking and then sucking. Okay?”

“Yes, Sir,” I said as I stepped to the dresser and lit the French Vanilla candle, clicked the mouse to activate the Pandora station again, and then flicked off the desk lamp.

First Contact

Alan stretched out on my bed, putting his hands behind his head and closing his eyes, giving me complete access to his spectacular body. He spread his legs so his feet were right at the outside edges of the single mattress. As I crawled onto the bed between his feet, I heard the opening strains of Maroon 5’s “Won’t Go Home Without You.”

In the soft candlelight, Alan’s legs were dark from the covering of curly black hair that stretched from his ankles to his pubes. His skin seemed perfectly smooth under its coat of hair, which was soft and crinkly to my touch. I got onto my knees between his knees, my gaze taking in the erotic hills and valleys of his manly torso sprawled out before me. Of course, it was only a moment until my attention was drawn to his crotch covered in dense black hair with two nice orbs lying between his thighs nearly hidden by his substantial penis curved across his scrotum and nuzzled into the mattress. He was still in that plumped up but not rigid state that made my mouth water and my dick drool.

I licked my right index finger and made first contact with his skin by leaning up to gently touch his left nipple.

“Oh!” he exclaimed as his body twitched below me. He grinned and said, “Nice move.”

In response, I gently twisted his nub in my fingers, then twisted the other nipple. I sat back on my haunches and reached down to pick up his cock and tenderly stretch it out on his belly pointed toward his navel. I turned my other hand palm up and scooped his balls off the mattress into my fingers. Alan allowed me full access as I began juggling his orbs in my fingers. I noticed his cock was a bit stiffer than it had been earlier. While I played with his balls, I also gently stroked the inside of his thighs, enjoying the tautness of the skin and the flow of his hair through my fingers. He released a long sigh I took as a sign of relaxing into the pleasure zone. After a minute or two, I left his thighs and moved my hand to the base of his fascinating cock, letting my index finger slide underneath the flesh tube until it came out the other side and I could touch it with my thumb effectively grasping his cock at the very base. He was too thick for my fingers to quite meet, but I felt a throb as a slug of blood passed through his manhood to strengthen his erection.

“Uhm,” he murmured in a deep, resonant tone as Norah Jones sang “Come Away with Me.”

While continuing to juggle his balls, I slid my other fingers beneath his strengthening cock, lifting it off his belly slightly. I brought it up from his body as I slid my hand toward the head. As I brought it into a vertical position, I felt it hardening more and noted it was longer now, too. I found the workings of his cock captured my attention like no lecture in anatomy ever had. I abandoned his balls to put my other hand around his shaft, holding it now from base almost to tip in a two-handed grip. As my grasp tightened, Alan’s cock throbbed again, now almost completely hard in my hands. God, it filled up both my hands! It took all the surface of my palms and fingers to surround this incredible piece of this gorgeous man. Damn! I used my hands to squeeze my prize and relax rhythmically as he moaned and twitched once or twice. As I massaged this great cock, it continued to throb filling out completely as though trying to push my fingers away. I was in love with it!

The beautiful voice of Calum Scott reminded us that “You Are the Reason,” which I thought quite appropriate since Alan was certainly the reason I was experiencing intimacy for the first time in such a beautiful way.

After several minutes of squeezing and relaxing, I leaned forward as I pulled this fabulous cock down toward me. I dropped my head down and brought the sticky tip of the pink flesh to the tip of my tongue. Gently I touched our tips together. In that moment I got several rewards. First there was the subtle but uniquely addictive flavor of Alan’s love juices. It was my first taste of him and I knew instantly I would never tire of this nectar from this god. Just as I accepted the first drop of his juice, a second drop oozed onto my taste buds. Fuck, this was awesome! Alan must have enjoyed the touch of my tongue, too, because he gasped loudly, tossed his head to one side, and jerked as if he had been mildly shocked.

A moment later, as I opened my mouth to capture the helmet head of his penis, Alan breathed heavily, “Oh, fuck, yeah!” Somehow, I noticed his hands pulling at the sheet on either side of his hips as his head whipped over to the other side. I dropped my mouth down over the living cylinder an inch or two, letting my hand release its grip so I had access to the shaft. I never dreamed a cock would feel so enormous in my mouth! I couldn’t believe how wide I had to open just to get my teeth over the head. There was barely room for me to draw any air around it, but I was determined to experience all that I could of its bulk.

The Commodores began calling out “Easy,” which made me chuckle inside. I knew they were right. I was unexpectedly easy today, but I couldn’t regret it since I had never been so excited before.

I ignored the Commodores’ accusations and dropped my head lower on this incredible cock until the tip tapped against the back of my mouth, making me gag slightly. I pulled back a bit so the tip was in the middle of my tongue. I sucked my mouth around the cock and heard Alan moan as I felt his hand on the back of my head.

He spoke more coherently when he said, “I want you to take a deep breath and go as far down my cock as you can and then hold it a few seconds. If you feel like gagging, try to open your throat and fight the urge to gag. Okay, breathe now.”

After I took a long drag of air, he began to press on my head to push me onto his cock. Guided by the slight pressure, I slid my mouth back down his shaft until the tip was again at the back of my throat. I stopped moving, but he pushed with more force so that the gigantic head forced its way an inch deeper than I thought it could even go. It wasn’t painful, but it filled me so completely I was instantly panicked that I wouldn’t be able to breathe. Simultaneously, I began experiencing a sort of silent gagging. Involuntarily, I struggled in my panic.

“Relax,” Alan said. “I’ll let you breathe. Just relax a few seconds.”

I tried to relax, but wasn’t fully successful. He held me in place for only the time it took the Commodores to sing a couple of lines before he relaxed the pressure on my head. Instantly, I pulled back, planning to get completely off his cock, but he didn’t allow me to pull all the way off. He pressed my head so I had to stop my retreat with his cockhead still in the middle of my mouth.

Alan let me pant a couple of times before he said, “Again,” and increased the pressure. This time he held his cock deep in my throat a few seconds longer, causing me to gag and struggle, but still releasing me before I ran out of breath.

“That’s good, dude,” he said kindly. “We’ll do that a little each time you go down on me, but now I just want you to enjoy sucking me until my cock gives you the spunk you need to live on.”

I became conscious of Michael Buble’s sexy baritone singing “To Be Loved” as Alan removed his hand from my head and I started moving up and down on his cock. I managed to drive the helmet into my throat for brief moments on my own, but mostly I concentrated on sucking rhythmically to draw the cum out of my lover. I rolled his testicles around in my hand, which made Alan’s moans increase in volume. He became increasingly animated as I worked the big cock. His moans got louder and more continuous as Ed Sheeran sang “Thinking Out Loud” and I learned to coordinate my oral muscles to give the best head I could.

Shit, I was loving this! I could tell I was giving this gorgeous creature a wonderful time and that he would soon reward me with the essence of his being. I suddenly felt all-powerful and in control as I sucked and twirled my tongue around the gigantic sausage in my mouth. For a while I varied the speed and strength of my sucking, but eventually felt it was time that I gave him his release and me my reward for all this hard work. So, to the lovely sound of Adele saying “Hello,” I stepped up both the pace and the pressure of my sucking. Alan immediately grew louder with his moaning, punctuating the moans with occasional shouts of “fuck” or “oh, yeah.” It didn’t take one verse of the song for his cock to grow bigger and harder for a few seconds, warning me of his impending orgasm. Unexpectedly, I grabbed his balls, which were now tight against his groin. I squeezed them gently and sucked the cock as intensely as I could.

“Oh, fuck!” Alan shouted as the hot spurts began bathing my tongue in the most exciting experience I had ever had. As each spurt erupted onto my taste buds, his body jerked almost violently as he thrashed about on the bed. Both hands landed on the back of my head so I couldn’t have pulled off if I had tried. Of course, I would have fought him if he’d tried to pull me off. Like the precum I had sampled earlier, the taste of this gooey goodness was unlike anything else I had ever tasted, including my own cum. It affected me like a rock of the finest crack must hit a coke head after a thirty-day dry out. By the third spurt, I knew I would be sucking his cock as much as he would let me as long as he would let me.

Thank you for staying with us. There is more to come as the guys get better acquainted both inside and outside the dorm.
Copyright © 2024 KKirk; All Rights Reserved.
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I hope you are enjoying the story of Cal and Alan as they get acquainted during the quarantine.  Thanks for reading.  Your comments are very welcome at author.Kenneth.Kirk@gmail.com .  Kenneth Kirk
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Interesting, this is a very one sided relationship, you do all the work, I have the best time of my life, i get off , you get to do yourself or go without, he says he is not gay but wants the best of both sides of the coin, i think that something is going to go wrong sometime and the wheels will wobble and fall off , I also think that cal can you take control and change the rolls , it is amazing what you can get a man to do when you have his dick under your control. 

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Alan, the door is over there...don't let hit your backside on the way out...

“You need to understand that I’m not a gay dude, although I have no problems with gay dudes such as yourself.” He smiled. “But the fact is that I have absolutely no interest in your cock, impressive though it may be. I don’t care about getting you off. I care about getting me off. You must realize this is not some type of equal relationship. Right?”


“But, let’s be clear. I’ll be nice because I want you to enjoy sucking my cock as much as I enjoy getting sucked by an accomplished cocksucker like you’ll be in a couple of days. I’ll be nice because I want you to enjoy my cock plowing your ass as much as I will enjoy plowing you. That will maximize my pleasure because you’ll always be eager to please me.”


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On 8/31/2024 at 8:47 AM, drsawzall said:

“You need to understand that I’m not a gay dude, although I have no problems with gay dudes such as yourself.” He smiled. “But the fact is that I have absolutely no interest in your cock, impressive though it may be. I don’t care about getting you off. I care about getting me off. You must realize this is not some type of equal relationship. Right?”

And I am Mother fucking Teresa.

Whilst I begrudgingly admire Alan for his directness, I cannot but help feel he is at least a little disingenuous. Calvin may be quite happy being a cumdump for now, but I suspect he will eventually harbour feelings for Alan that Alan has already put the kibosh on.

An interesting story to date @KKirk. From a practical perspective the arrangement between Alan and Calvin appears to serve both very well, but will Calvin be able to maintain the detachment which Alan demands. Only time will tell.

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Hi Summerabbacat,

Thanks for reading and for your honest reactions and comments.  I get your response to Alan (which is similar to other guys' thoughts, too) and just hope you will stick with the story.  I think both characters have room for growth as things move forward.  In chapter 15 they will both be a little bit different, I think.  In the meantime, I hope Alan won't be a downer for you.


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