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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Out Of The Closet - 14. Chapter 14: From Boys to Men

2020 has begun and Oliver's approaching adulthood and the end of high school. He has important choices ahead regarding his college basketball future and his relationships with his family and his boyfriend! I get that the last chapter was maybe a bit boring since no one left any comments :/. Hopefully this one is better!
Content warning: Contains sexual scenes and mentions of teenage pregnancy.

January 22, 2020, Aragon, Colorado

I entered the locker room before the game. I had to get changed into my uniform and warm up with my teammates. I set my backpack down and opened the locker when Coach Roberts called him into the office. “Oliver Jeong?” A middle-aged man with a UEC t-shirt asked.

“Um, yes sir.”

“I’m Coach Nick Isaacs, from the University of Eastern Colorado.”

“Oh, yes,” I smiled. “I got your emails about coming to see a game. Nice to meet you.” I shook his hand. I couldn’t believe my college wanted to see me play basketball!

“I’ll be observing your game today and will email you about tryouts when we have a list of our 30 best prospects.”

“Well, I hope you enjoy the game, sir!” I smiled brightly.

“Good luck,” Coach Isaacs smiled.

My stomach filled with butterflies as I returned to my locker to quickly change. I got into my grey basketball shorts and a dark green sleeveless jersey. I gave the team a pep talk before they went to the gym to warm up on the court. In the gym, I found the visiting coach seated in the bleachers and I felt nervous. What if he doesn’t like my playing? I saw Cody give a thumbs up from the sidelines. He always supported me at these games when he could. Such a sweet boyfriend!

During the game, I got fouled more than a few times. One of which, I was shoved in midair when jumping for a layup. I landed on the wooden floor on my ass and back, knocking the wind out of me. I was helped up by my teammates, and the perpetrator was benched for the rest of the game. I caught my breath and did a couple free throws, solidifying the lead a minute before halftime. I sat out in the second half, and was a bit embarrassed by my fluke earlier, and as the team captain no less. I cheered on my team for the rest of the game, and the Wolverines won 54 to 41 against the North Fork Buzzards. I met with Coach Isaacs after the game, still in this sweaty uniform. “Hey, sir, I’m sorry about the game...”

“Kid, you did great out there.”

“Really?” My eyes widened. “B--but... I...”

“You got shoved. It happens. I’m glad you didn’t get injured.”

“Same here, sir,” I rubbed the nape of my neck and blushed.

“Well, I should get going. It was nice meeting you. I’ll be emailing you later this spring if you’re selected for the team.”

“I look forward to that. Thanks for coming!” I smiled as the coach walked off.

In the locker room I showered, changed, and gathered my stuff to head home for the weekend. Cody was going to drive me home since my brother needed the car to go to the diner with his girlfriend. I met him out in the hall after my shower.

“Hey, Ollie! You okay?” Cody hugged me and kissed my nose.

“Mhmmm yeah,” I nodded. “Game went well otherwise.”

“Was that university coach impressed?”

“I think so. I probably won’t hear back from him for a while if I am selected.”

“I’m so happy for you,” Cody planted a kiss on my lips. “Let's get going.”

Cody parked in front of the house. “Wanna come in with me? We can hang out.”

“Um, last time I stepped foot in your house I cursed out your parents and was escorted off the property.” Cody shook his head. “I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

“My dad sees things differently now. He shut down my arranged marriage and my Korean family accepted me.”

“Ollie. I love you as your boyfriend,” he kissed me. “But you have a poor sense of judgment. When you came out to your parents last spring, you thought it would be ok, but they reacted horribly. You thought I was cheating on you with my cousin. And you thought it would be ok to spend the night with you after homecoming and your parents freaked the fuck out. If your dad changed his mind, then he has to prove it to me.”

“Cody, this isn’t my judgment. It’s my dad’s and Nanna’s own words!”

“And your mom?” Cody asked.

“She can’t oppose my dad. It’s some ‘women must obey their husbands’ stuff from the bible.” I sighed.

“Alright, babe. I’ll go inside. But any sense of hostility, and I’ll leave,” Cody opened his car door

In the house, we went to the kitchen. We’re teen boys, we eat a lot, what can I say.

“Hey, boys,” my dad entered from his office. He is an engineer for a local wind energy company and sometimes works from home.

“Hi, sir,” Cody responded. My mouth was full of the chips I was eating. I glanced over at Cody as a cute nervous blush took over his cheeks.

“Please, Cody. It’s Mark. And I’m glad you’re back. It was weird not seeing you around all the time.”

“I’m really sorry,” Cody’s blush got redder. “For breaking your trust and swearing at you. That was immature of me.” Cody gulped. He’s so cute when he’s nervous!

“Don’t be sorry. You boys are seventeen. Things happen. Oliver, just make sure you use protect…”

“DAD!!” Now it was my turn to blush.

“Alright,” he chuckled. “Oliver. You are becoming an adult. You get to make decisions for yourself when it comes to private matters.”

“What made you change your mind?” Cody asked.

“Oliver was miserable being shunned by us and being forced into a marriage with someone he wasn’t even into.” I nodded. “I felt guilty so I chose to support Oliver as long as he isn’t doing anything dangerous.”

“Well, he’s not in any danger with me,” Cody laughed.

I updated dad on how my basketball game went and what the UEC coach said before he returned to work. Cody and I went upstairs to my room where we worked on homework together and talked. We then cuddled together on my bed in our underwear, which was nice, because we hadn’t done anything sexy in months.

At one point, mom came home, and started talking with dad. Cody and I quickly got our clothes back on. Mom and dad were making dinner downstairs as Cody and I continued talking. My parents arguing distracted me from what Cody was saying about some stuff with his environmental science major. “Dinner!” Dad called up for me.

“I should go. But it was nice to hang out,” Cody smiled as he got up from my bean bag chair. I got up from my desk chair and led Cody downstairs.

“Oliver, have you seen your brother?” dad asked, setting 4 plates of spaghetti on the table.

“Um, not since I left school…” I answered, pulling my pear phone out of my jeans pocket to send Toby a quick text. “Bye, Cody,” I kissed my boyfriend, earning an eye roll from mom.

“Cody, you are welcome to join us,” dad offered.

“Honey! Trevor will be home soon. We made food for 4 people.”

“I don’t want to intrude…” Cody blushed.

I sat down and got a buzz on my phone. I quickly pulled it out. Toby said he’s still at Morgan’s house eating dinner. “Toby’s apparently eating with his girlfriend’s family,” I said.

“Cody, you’re not intruding. You’re welcome to sit,” dad offered.

“Thank you,” Cody sat down in Toby’s spot. “This certainly smells better than cold leftovers at home.”

“MARK…” mom growled.

“Shouldn’t we be hospitable to our guest?”

My parents let Cody lead the prayer before eating and then we began dinner. I was starving. Mom was quiet but looked irritated the entire time. My parents were curious about Cody’s plans for after high school. Mom was making this awkward and I could tell Cody was uncomfortable with her at the table as he ate.

“Thank you for joining us, Cody,” mom said, putting down her cloth napkin. “How is your mom doing?”

“Um, really good, Melissa,” Cody responded. “Unfortunately, she’s single again. But other than that she’s doing well and so is the dealership business.” Yup, Cody’s parents own the local farm equipment dealership.

“It’s Mrs Jeong to you. But I’m glad she’s single… I mean… I’m glad that business is going well. Do you help out at all?”

“Mom…” my eyes went wide.

“I do when I can, but I’ve been busy with high school.”

“Surely you should be helping out instead of running around with Oliver.”

“I’m allowed to have free time to be a normal teen and hang out with friends. And my boyfriend,” Cody gave me a kiss, making me blush.

“Yes, I remember how you corrupted my son.”

“MOM!” I yelped. “Cody is our guest! I love him. And you can’t stop me from loving him. He didn’t corrupt me. He is my boyfriend and that’s that no matter what.” I crossed my arms.

“Dear. Leave him alone. We’ve tried to convert him and that wasn’t working,” dad explained.

Later that night at around 10PM, I was in bed in nothing but my pajama pants texting Cody. I had gotten ready for bed and jerked off to thoughts of Cody giving me a blowjob. The remains of that masturbation session were in the tissues in my wastebasket by my bed. I was checking out Cody’s new shirtless pics on Instagram, when I heard a knock at the window that scared the hell out of me and I nearly fell off my bed. I walked over to my window and was surprised to see Toby there. “Toby?! What are you doing?!” I asked him as I opened the window and helped him in off the roof.

“I had a great time with Morgan. Coming in through the window so I don’t get in trouble.” Toby shut the window behind him and removed his hoodie.

“What did you guys do?” I asked, sitting down on my bed. “And why is your eye bruised?!”

“Oh,” Toby blushed and rubbed the nape of his neck. “I had sex with Morgan, her dad caught us, and hit me. He forced her to break up with me too. Totally worth it, bro. I can understand why you fucked Cody.”

“So you lost your v card too?”

“Yeah,” Toby smirked.

“Nice, bro,” I gave him a high-five. “You used protection right?”

“No. She’s sixteen. I don’t need to.”

“DUDE!” Maybe I’m not the stupid twin… Toby has more than enough brain cells… grr! “Girls can get pregnant! You gotta be careful!”

“Oh…” Toby shrugged. “Do you use protection with Cody?”

“No. We just give each other blowjobs…”

“Oh. I was expecting something else with you two…” Toby blushed with a smirk. “So you are still a virgin.”

“AM NOT!” my face went red as I shoved him out of my room.

Friday February 14 2020

Cody and I were off on the side at the Valentines Day dance. We weren’t into being in crowds and we didn’t want to dance. My legs were super tired from a basketball game earlier today. Toby was leaning on the wall next to us waiting for Cody and I to stop kissing. He checked his watch.

“Tobes, why are you waiting here? Go hang out with your friends. Or flirt with some girls.”

“My friends are all with their dates. It sucks being single.” Toby whined. Cody and I laughed.

Cody got up on his tiptoes. “Yo! Guys! Logan and Matt are killing it on the dance floor!” I smirked and ran with Cody up to the circle cheering them on. Toby followed behind shortly. Logan was doing the tango with Matt. He spun Matt gracefully and Logan had a rose in his mouth. “Dang! Logan can dance!”

“He did take that dance class sophomore year,” Toby laughed.

My friends stopped dancing and bowed. Everyone was cheering. Logan and Matt caught their breaths and Cody and I congratulated them. “Great job guys,” I laughed.

“You sure you don’t wanna dance?” Cody giggled with a blush on his cheeks.

“My legs feel like jelly. And my pants feel a little tight…”

“Come on,” Cody grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side as a slow song came on. He held my left hand while his other hand went to my right hip, while my right hand rested on his shoulder. Thankfully he’s taking it easy for me. I’m ok at dancing. Toby and I did some dancing before. But I’m definitely too shy to do it while others are watching! I kissed Cody on the lips during the dance. After the song, the dance ended and I went home with Cody. We stripped naked and collapsed on Cody’s bed. He had covered the bed in a couple large towels. Cody’s so smart! It’s been a few months since Cody and I saw each other nude like this, so I quickly got hard seeing his naked body and his eggplant. One thing led to another and next thing I knew, Cody’s hard member was in my mouth, and I got a taste of his precum. We were both breathing heavily and pleasure was tingling up and down my body. I felt a shiver of ecstasy when my tongue met his banana. All this plus the scent of Cody’s cologne made me cum before Cody did, way quicker than I was expecting. My moaning upon an orgasm ended up making Cody do the same into my mouth. It tasted sweet and a little salty. I moved and rested my head on Cody’s warm bare chest as our breathing returned to normal.

“I’m sorry…” I said as Cody began playing with my floofy hair.

“For what, baby? You did nothing wrong.” He kissed my lips.

“For how crazy things were for the past few months. We couldn’t do much together and that’s my fault.”

“Well, we had sex in your bed and that got you in trouble for a couple months. Then you had basketball season and finals and that trip to Asia. I’m just glad to be cuddling with you now.”

We rested for a while before getting dressed and going upstairs to eat some cookies. I then got my coat on for the walk home. There was a light blanket of snow on the ground since it snowed earlier in the day and now it was a bitterly cold night and the wind was not helping. I was definitely missing being in the Philippines! I made it home, thankful for central heat.

“Oliver! There you are.” Mom came over and kissed me as I took off my scarf, jacket, and hat. “Where is your brother?”

“Uh, I’m not sure,” I shrugged. “We split up when the dance ended. I went with Cody.”

“Of course you did,” she sighed.

“He sent me home with some snickerdoodle cookies,” I pulled a bag out of my coat pocket that had 5 or 6 of the treats inside.

“He gets a pass, for now,” mom smirked. “Cody always makes good cookies. Even if he is a homosexual.”

“MOM DON’T MAKE IT WEIRD!!” I laughed. “It’s just cookies! But yeah they’re good.”

Wednesday, March 11 2020

Everything was packed in the back of my car and Cody was riding shotgun. It was his 18th birthday and I was giving him a camping trip. Just the two of us. Weather here during spring break can be really hit or miss, but we lucked out with a week of dry weather and sunny skies. Nights would get cold because it’s still March, but I packed extra blankets. We drove to the Bass Lake State Park in the hills near the Newton County line. The area had more pine trees, a lake for fishing and nice views of the open desert. I parked at the campsite and we were the only ones camping here. No surprise.there.

Basketball season ended earlier in March, with us winning regionals in late February. We lost early in the 1A High School State tournament, which my potential future coach was also watching for multiple basketball recruits. Toby and I joined the baseball team and that season begins later in March so it was going to be a relaxing Spring Break!

Cody and I set up the tent. We had a cooler with some food, but I planned on catching some salmon from the lake for dinner. We went on a hike in the forest for the afternoon and talked for a bit. “Do you think there’s any bears out here?” Cody asked. “I saw some last summer, up in Montana.” He had his sexy cowboy hat on, a navy blue t-shirt, a hoodie tied around his waist, cowboy boots, and jeans on. I was dressed similarly except with sneakers and a baseball cap.

“Maybe,” I shrugged. “I haven’t seen any here before.” I then saw a bunny hop across the gravel path. “AWW! A bunny!!” I ran after it into the trees.

“Oliver!” Cody called after me. “What are you doing?!”

“I wanna find the bunny!”

“It’s a wild animal. You should leave it alone.” Cody said before I sighed and returned to the trail. “What were you going to do, take it back to camp for dinner?”

“WHAT??” I gasped. “Who could eat a bunny? They’re too cute!” I shook my head. “I was just gonna cuddle with it.”

“That’s a wild rabbit, baby. He or she isn’t gonna like a giant human cuddle.”

“Fine…” I scoffed.

After the walk, as the sun began to set, we got our jackets on as it was getting cold. We walked across the gravel road from the campsite to sit by the lake and catch some fish. Cody informed me that salmon don’t actually live here in this lake. We did catch some trout though. Back at the campsite, we started a fire and roasted the fish, which smelled heavenly. We sat on the rocks overlooking the view and watched the sun set over the desert while eating. We could see the lights of our town off in the distance to the west. “Thanks for the birthday trip, Ollie,” he kissed my cheek. “You’re the best.” I blushed.

After the sunset we stayed warm by the fire, roasted marshmallows and made smores. In the tent, we cuddled and made out, and resulted in our clothes coming off. With all the excitement and foreplay, we didn’t feel as cold as we probably should have. “Are you ready for your final birthday gift?” I asked, a bit nervous.

“Which is what?” Cody breathed a bit heavily.

“I’m ready to try something a little more… uh… penetrative?” I muttered, totally not knowing how to word the fact that I wanted to fuck him in the ass.

“You sure?” Cody asked. I nodded, using the flashlight to find my lube in my backpack. “Oh. You’re gonna top me?” Cody chuckled. “Not what I was expecting, but okay!” Cody laid out on the towels we set out to protect the tent and sleeping bags. I lubed up my cock, took a deep breath and went in. Cody grimaced a little bit as did I. The sensation was pleasurable but also felt tight. Cody whimpered when I reached his G-spot. I continued thrusting causing Cody to moan and I quickly came into him and he reacted with his own orgasm that was caught on the towel. I collapsed next to my boyfriend on the towel, both of us sweaty and coming off an incredible high. We kissed again a few times while cooling down and letting our breathing catch up. “That was amazing,” I explained. “Way better than a blowjob.”

“Do you want to reverse the roles now?” Cody asked.

“Naw,” I shook my head. “I’m exhausted now. My teeth began chattering. “And ccc-old!”

“Probably because we’re nude and it’s 45 degrees out,” Cody laughed and grabbed a clean blanket and draped it over my shivering sweaty body. I grabbed my boxers, a pair of shorts, a t-shirt, socks, and a hoodie to put on. Cody did the same as he began shivering too. We got into the sleeping bag and under the warm blankets and I fell asleep in his arms, happy for this trip.

March 20, 2020

I entered the dugout in my baseball uniform and bag with my bats and glove and a water bottle. “Dude, he’s out sick today,” Toby said to the team captain, Landon.

“Who’s out sick?” I asked my brother while I put on some chapstick. It was a dry windy day and I HATE having crusty lips. Gross!

“Our centerfielder, Connor,” Toby shook his head. “He puked in AP Government class and went home. Dude has food poisoning.”

“Dammit, he’s one of our best players,” Landon sighed. “Oliver, you’re the only other one capable of playing centerfield.”

“Really?” I asked the captain.

During the game, I was playing centerfield instead of my usual position as shortstop. The game was against our rivals, the Sabertooths from Newton County High School. One of the best Sabertooth batters was up. Landon pitched a fastball to him and the kid fuckin nailed it. I ran to catch it and had to jump at the fence to stop a home run. I caught it, but the force knocked me over the chain link fence and I landed on my back on the soft grass. I sat up and climbed back over and threw the ball. There was a commotion about whether that was a homerun or an out, but apparently I had caught it just in time and it was the third out of the inning. My next at bat I got a double and then I managed to steal third because their pitcher was clueless. I was able to score a run sliding home once my brother hit a single, so that was fun.

After the game, my uniform, which was normally a dark green jersey and grey pants, was mostly brown with dirt. We had won 2-1, I needed a shower, and I suddenly noticed my necklace was gone.

“Shit…” I swore. I checked along the third base line where I slid but it wasn’t there. I went to the back fence to check where I fell over. Not there.

“You find it?” Toby ran up to me. I shook my head. The Sabertooth kid who hit the home runran up to us. He had an orange jersey and black pants.

“You lookin’ for this?” he asked in a country accent. He handed me the necklace.

“Yeah,” I took it. “Thanks so much, bro.”

“No problem. It fell off when you slid home,” he blushed. “Awesome catch earlier, by the way.” We began walking back.

“Thanks,” I smiled as I put my necklace back on.

“What’s your name?” He asked when we reached the dugout.

“I’m Oliver.” I smiled.

“Chase. Nice to meet you.” I shook his hand. “Your number?” He pulled out his phone.

“Uh, sorry, dude, I’m taken.”

“Oh, this is just for being friends. We’re both seniors right?”

“Oh, yeah,” I blushed wildly. Chase is so outgoing and I’m so SHY. I typed my number into his phone.

“See you around, man,” Chase put his backpack on to go to his bus.

“Someone’s got a crush on you…” Toby elbowed me as we walked into Jasper County High School.

“He just wants to be friends,” I smirked. “I’m loyal to Cody!”

I got out of my dirty baseball uniform and showered in the locker room. I walked back to my locker and grabbed a hoodie and Nike Elite shorts to change into. Toby still wasn’t here at his locker. I searched around the locker room once I got my sneakers on. Where is he?

I went out into the hall and it looked like bro was in a pretty hostile conversation with his friend Dustin. “I don’t fucking care! You got my little sister pregnant!” Dustin shoved Toby backwards and into the wall. Dustin looked like he was about ready to punch my bro but Toby reacted quickly, grabbing Dustin’s fist and flipping him. Nice that our extensive self defense karate training came into use. Dustin landed on the floor on his ass.

“You’re fucking lying, shut up!” Toby growled and shoved past me into the locker room.

I helped up Dustin. I wasn’t too close with him ever, and he was a bit of a homophobe back when Cody and I started going out, but I didn’t want to leave him on the floor.

“Thanks, fag…” he groaned as I helped him sit against the wall.

“It’s Oliver…” I rolled my eyes. “What was all that about?”

“Your slut of a brother fucked my sister and got her pregnant.”

I shook my head. “I did warn him.” I sat down next to him. “Where’s Morgan?”

“She was at home sick today. Lots of nausea. She went to the doctor and they learned she was pregnant.”

“Shit, man…” I sighed. “And you know Toby’s the father?”

“She’s slept with no one else…” Dustin growled.

After Toby got out of the shower, I convinced Toby to go with Dustin to talk to Morgan. It took a while because he thought she was lying about being pregnant for attention. Ugh thank GOD I’m gay. No pregnancy scares for me and Cody!

April 6 2020

I woke up on my eighteenth birthday in Trevor’s bed. I had fallen asleep while doing math homework. I sat up and turned off the alarm clock. “Bro, get up,” I groggily mumbled to Trevor who was curled up next to me. My brother didn’t want to go by Toby anymore since that sounded immature and childish as a nickname. I was in my jeans from the previous day and my t-shirt came off while I was asleep. Meanwhile, Trevor had slept in a pair of athletic shorts.

“I’m awake...” Trevor sat up. “Ugh, I’m not gonna miss waking up at 6:30AM when we’re out of high school.”

“Same,” I sniffled and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. I saw the date on the lock screen. “Oh shit... happy birthday bro.”

“Happy birthday to you too,” Trevor chuckled, getting up out of bed. “We’re officially adults now.”

“Yay!” I got out of bed and grabbed my shirt to pull on. “Think mom will let us stay home today?”

“No, Oliver...” he shook his head before putting a shirt on. “You still have to go to school.”

I frowned and sat back down on Trev’s bed. My phone got an email notification the previous night. He tapped “read”. It said: “Hello, Mr. Jeong, I am pleased to inform you that you were selected to join the basketball program at Eastern Colorado University for the 2020 to 2021 season. Please read attached information about your nutrition plan and exercises we want you to do over summer break. You will need to come in a few times over summer for health & fitness checks before team practices begin in the fall to prepare for the basketball season. Congratulations and I look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Coach Isaacs.”

“OMG OMG Toby Toby TOBYYYYYY!!!!” I squealed and jumped up.

“It’s Trevor now. And what?” He sighed, trying to shave off his nascent facial hair. “You see a mouse or somethin’? You nearly made me cut my nose off!”

“No! I made the basketball team!”

“Yo! That’s awesome bro!” He congratulated me as I ran out of the room to share the news with mom and dad.

“Heyyyy Cody!” I walked up to Cody’s locker and planted a soft kiss on the taller boy’s cheek.

“Hey, birthday boy,” Cody smiled. “Someone’s in a happy mood. Enjoying your day so far?”

“Yehhhhh!! I got an email this morning about my basketball tryouts for college!!!” I said excitedly.

“That’s freaking amazing, baby!” Cody squeezed me. “Who else have you told?”

“Toby was first. Then my parents. And then you!”

“How did they react?” Cody raised his eyebrows before closing his locker.

“Welllllll..... They’re both happy for me! They did make me promise to focus on school as well though.”

“Well, that is why you’re going to college, baby...” Cody chuckled. “I have to get to class. See ya at lunch, okay?” Ws shared a kiss before parting ways.

Copyright © 2024 RichardWrites; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Gotta make sure there's at least one comment. I know I may have been busy when I read the last chapter, so missed commenting. Maybe. Anyway, I knew as soon as I read Toby had sex, Morgan would get pregnant. I mean at 17, he should know better:


“Nice, bro,” I gave him a high-five. “You used protection right?”

“No. She’s sixteen. I don’t need to.”

Did dad forget to give him "the talk?" Or maybe he got the same one as Oliver. You know, do it in the butt, no pregnancy risks.

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Awesome chapter. Didn't Toby get the sex education talk, or was it the same as his brother 🤔 

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3 hours ago, chris191070 said:

Awesome chapter. Didn't Toby get the sex education talk, or was it the same as his brother 🤔 


5 hours ago, Lee Wilson said:

Gotta make sure there's at least one comment. I know I may have been busy when I read the last chapter, so missed commenting. Maybe. Anyway, I knew as soon as I read Toby had sex, Morgan would get pregnant. I mean at 17, he should know better:

Did dad forget to give him "the talk?" Or maybe he got the same one as Oliver. You know, do it in the butt, no pregnancy risks.

I'm assuming both twins got the traditional "talk" at the age of 11 or 12. But they grew up in a Catholic family and in a small conservative rural town so I'm sure the sex ed at home and in the public high school was probably sub-par and expected that they stay abstinent until marriage. Oliver probably had to learn the gay side of things on his own with Cody.

Edited by RichardWrites
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6 minutes ago, RichardWrites said:

 Oliver probably had to learn the gay side of things on his own with Cody.

We gay folk are precocious that way. 😉

  • Haha 4
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