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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature content, explicit male-to-male sex.

How the Coronavirus Jump-Started my Sex Life - 7. Chapter 7

Ancient ruins, solitude, bananas, and a BJ. What a day!
Contains explicit m2m sex.

A Day Together

That Sunday turned out to be one of the most unique and exciting days of my life, at least to that point. Since it was over a week before classes would resume and no one else was around and neither Alan nor I had a job, we had no commitments and no intrusion into our own private world on the third floor of the dorm.

After I had given Alan his requested wake-up blow job, he went to take a shower while I returned to my room (352, by the way) to get dressed. A little while later we walked over to the only Food Service Facility in operation on campus during Spring Break. It was about 9:15 when we arrived, but the line was still in operation since it was a Sunday. We each had a hearty breakfast of eggs, hashbrowns, sausage, and waffles along with some juice and coffee.

We picked an isolated table for two against the windows and counted a total of 13 other people eating in the vast room. I had seen some of them before, but didn’t know them. Alan and I discussed the fact that we had no obligations for the entire Spring Break except that we each had some reading we wanted to do to get a jump on the last part of the semester. I also had a term paper in Freshman Comp I thought I would work on during the break.

When we were done with breakfast, Alan said, “So, we have a couple of goals for the week. Most importantly, we’ve agreed that we’ll have a lot of sex so you can learn what you like to do and I will have a lot of fun. Call it training.”

I should be embarrassed by that, I thought, but in fact I was quite excited to hear him state it out loud. “Yes, Sir,” I nodded.

“We’ll conduct training with a morning blowjob and a long evening session and maybe some afternoon sessions, too. We’ll see how it develops.”

That sounded wonderful to me. I nodded and smiled.

Alan grinned at me. “Yeah, you have no clue how much you’re going to love your new life taking care of my cock.” He took a sip of coffee. “Our second goal will not be as much fun, but it will give us a chance to recover from so much sex. We each have some studying to do, so we’ll allow a few hours each day for study time. That will give us both a real leg up during the rest of the semester and make it easier to carve out some time for continuing your training once classes resume.”

“That sounds good,” I said truthfully, frankly very happy to hear that he was considering more than just a Spring Break affair.

“The rest of the time, we can hang out, find some fun things to do. Cool?”

This was shaping up to be an extremely good week. “Cool, yes!”

“I like your enthusiasm!”

“So, what’s our agenda for the rest of today?” I asked.

“I think today should be doing something fun. The weather’s nice and it would be great to get out of the city. Don’t you think?”

“Yes, I do. Where would you like to go?” I asked.

“Hmm.” Alan scrunched up his face as though he was thinking deeply.

I chuckled because he looked quite boyish and cute doing that.

“You’re the native of New Mexico,” he said. “What would you suggest?”

“We could go to Santa Fe, but that’s going to another city.”

“Another time,” he said. “I’ve been there already. Let’s go where we can hike or do something outside.”

We discussed hiking on top of Sandia Mountain, but decided it would still be too icy and cold there. We talked about Bandelier National Monument near Los Alamos and a drive through the Jemez Valley, but finally decided on a rather remote place called Quarai Pueblo that was about 60 miles south of Albuquerque. I’d been there with my family a few years before, so knew it is one of those curious off-the-beaten-path places that are uniquely New Mexican. I thought Alan would find it interesting since he is from a completely different part of the world.

“So, Quarai it is,” he said. “Let’s get going.”

We took our dirty dishes to the clean-up window and each grabbed an apple, a banana, and a couple of granola bars before we left. We wouldn’t be on campus at lunchtime, so we needed some provisions for our trip. As we returned to the dorm to get ready to leave, I found myself suddenly quite excited about the adventure we were about to have.

We took a few minutes at the dorm to change into jeans and hiking boots, grab some water bottles, and my small backpack for carrying our supplies. We pulled out of the dorm parking lot in Alan’s Durango at 10:30. I couldn’t help but hope that this was only the first of many times I would be alone with him in his Durango.

We were headed south on I-25 out of the city within about 10 minutes and reached our destination, Quarai at Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument, about 11:30 a.m. We parked at the small visitors’ center where the only two vehicles were a beige Toyota Sienna van from Texas and a rather beat-up National Park Services Jeep. The immediate vicinity was desert, but you could see some nice mountains a few miles to the west and a good stand of trees near the main ruins. The ruins themselves dated from the 1620’s and were pretty much the stone foundations of a moderately large pueblo from that era. Mostly the site was comprised of the foundations standing about a foot high with some low walls a few feet tall made from the same stones and some sort of mortar or adobe. The complex included a sizeable church building with adjacent rooms that were said to be a convent and then a small village of homes, stables, and work areas. The part that had been the church was better preserved with walls between 6 feet and 20 feet high in most places.

Alan and I spent about an hour and a half tramping around the ruins. Shortly after we entered the area, we saw a mom and dad and 3 teenagers walk back to the visitors’ center and drive away in the Sienna. We were alone in the vastness of this abandoned village.

Throughout the ruins were small plaques affixed to the ends of metal poles stuck into the ground. The plaques were at good reading height and explained what modern archeologists had found in the ruins, when they believed the area had been occupied, and the purpose for individual sections of the lost structures.

While I was reading a plaque in the main room of the church, Alan disappeared from view. When I called out, he answered from a side room, so I wandered over there. When I went through the doorway, I saw him facing me, his jeans and briefs around his ankles and his semi-hard cock in his hand.

“Whoa!” I said with a big grin.

He laughed. “We might as well take advantage of the solitude in this place. Come over here.”

“Very happy to do that. Sir.” Damn, this unexpected sexy offer sent a shockwave of blood straight to my dick as I started to cross the room.

Quickly I was on my knees in the dusty dirt floor, my mouth stuffed with his fat cock. There was something extra exciting about doing this in a public place, even if no one else was anywhere near us. As I went to town on his cock, it stiffened quickly and he started pushing into my throat. Of course, I gagged, which he rather enjoyed. Soon he had taken control and was controlling the BJ with some serious thrusts. Before long, his breathing rate increased and his moans became loud enough to actually echo off the walls of the little anteroom. Then, to my disappointment, he abruptly pulled out.

“That’s enough for right now,” he said. He lifted my chin so we could look at each other. “I know you’re disappointed, but you’ll get your treat later.”

“Promise?” I stood, adjusted my erection, and brushed the dust off the knees of my jeans.

“Of course.” He pulled his black Calvin’s up, stuffed his erection inside, then jerked his jeans into place and rebuttoned them. As we continued meandering through the ruins, I savored the after-taste of his cock even though I had only gotten a couple of drops of precum. After we completed the tour of the main ruins, the trail curved into a grove of cottonwood trees that were about halfway through the leafing-out process. It was quiet and cool amongst the trees and created the illusion that we were the only people in the world. I found that idea surprisingly exciting.

“I love the bright green of these leaves,” Alan commented as he pulled me off the trail into a somewhat dense section of the forest.

In no time I was on my knees again with Alan’s great cock buried in my throat.

“Take your time. Have fun,” he said as he leaned against the strong trunk of a mature tree.

I had a lot of fun as I practiced licking, sucking, squeezing, and bouncing on his cock. I also enjoyed playing with his substantial balls, tickling his pucker, rubbing his taint lightly, fondling his washboard abs, and even reaching high enough to pinch his erect nipples beneath his tee-shirt. His verbal responses coupled with his jerks and twitches convinced me that he was enjoying every bit of my service almost as much as I was. We were thus engaged in an unhurried BJ for nearly 20 minutes, I suppose, before I could tell by his intense thrusting and his almost constant moaning that he was nearing his release. When it came, it was a doozy and I struggled to keep it all in my mouth until I could swallow it down. When he was done, I gently milked him for a few more dollops and cleaned up the surface of his cock. I enjoyed that almost as much as any other part of the event. Eventually he pulled me up to a standing position and embraced me. I continued to be surprised by these little shows of affection which were becoming very important to me.

“Now, wasn’t that worth the wait?” he asked with a leering smile.

I may have blushed a little, but I grinned and nodded, content to say, “Yes, Sir! It sure was.”

“Good. Can I have a banana?” he inquired.

“Sure,” I said as I unzipped my backpack and extracted the two bananas. We quietly peeled back the banana skins and stuck them in our mouths. I couldn’t help but giggle as I thought this reminded me of going down on him.

“I know what you’re thinking,” he teased.

I blushed a bit. “Yeah, I’m sure you can guess. But your cock is much thicker than this banana.”

He tilted his head back and laughed deeply in a throaty masculine baritone. I loved to see him so relaxed and, perhaps, happy.

After we’d finished eating and had some long sips of water, we continued on the trail as it looped through the trees and headed back to the visitors’ center and the exit. For a few minutes he kept one arm around my shoulders as we walked and that was also very nice.

“This is a really interesting place, Cal,” he said as we came out of the forest into the desert surrounding the Visitors’ Center.

“There are a lot of places like this around New Mexico,” I responded.

“You’ll have to show them all to me.”

“Love to.”

“You know we had a lot of aboriginals in Canada before the French and British came in.”

“Yes,” I nodded.

“We call them the First Nations.” He stopped in the path and turned to look back at the ruins. “But I have never been to an area like this before. It’s quite fascinating.”

“I love places like this,” I said. “They feel really peaceful. Spiritual almost.”

“You are right, buddy. I do get spiritual vibes here. Maybe it’s the souls of the natives who lived here hundreds of years ago.” He chuckled, a bit embarrassed, I think.

“Perhaps,” I agreed. “I think it’s also because it’s so quiet. Listen: Nothing but the sounds of the wind.” All I could hear was the rustling of the leaves in the cottonwoods fifty yards behind us.

“You are right. It’s like there is no one else anywhere near us.”

“Throughout my life, I’ve been to places in New Mexico that seem like that. Desert areas, Native American ruins, mountains, even a mining town abandoned decades ago.”

“Wow,” he nodded appreciatively. “That settles it. Your new mission, should you choose to accept, is to show me the quiet side of New Mexico.”

“What fun that will be!” I exclaimed.

“Perhaps we need to recruit an archeologist for our sexy science team,” he chuckled.

I hope you enjoyed Cal and Alan's day trip. The ancient ruins and the spiritual presence in them gave a wonderful time to the two explorers.
I think you will find Alan's shopping to be quite humorous in Chapter 8.
Copyright © 2024 KKirk; All Rights Reserved.
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I hope you are enjoying the story of Cal and Alan as they get acquainted during the quarantine.  Thanks for reading.  Your comments are very welcome at author.Kenneth.Kirk@gmail.com .  Kenneth Kirk
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

"Alan grinned at me. “Yeah, you have no clue how much you’re going to love your new life taking care of my cock.”

This statement alone was the reason I chose the 'ha ha' emoticon for this chapter. Alan is so full of himself that he believes his own hype. This statement made it sound like he had a "pet" cock Calvin would enjoy feeding, cleaning up after, shopping for. OMG I am laughing again just thinking about it. Guess what Alan it's a cock, maybe a nice one, but a cock nevertheless. If I did not know any better I would be inclined to think he is taking the piss out of himself.

The ruins explored sounded very interesting @KKirk. Are you acquainted with them yourself or did you research them on the 'net?


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Love how the sex education is evolving but why only one sided, I am sure Calvin needs some relief too

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I am familiar with the ruins at Quarai.  There are 4 separate sites in this national monument, all similar and stunning in their simplicity but the social fabric that allowed them to develop in the middle of the last millennium is astounding.  New Mexico is full of quiet, people-free, and awesome places like this.

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Alan is a stain on the human race, a total turd…..

Alan grinned at me. “Yeah, you have no clue how much you’re going to love your new life taking care of my cock.” He took a sip of coffee.

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