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Silent Heartbeats - 18. Chapter 18: Jeremy's life is in danger. Will he make it?

Hey everyone! 😊
I just wanted to take a moment to say a HUGE thank you for all your amazing support! 🙌 Your encouragement means the world to me, and I’m beyond grateful for each and every one of you. 💖
Please feel free to drop your thoughts, comments, and questions anytime – I’d love to hear from you! 🗨️ Let’s keep the conversation going and make this space as awesome as it can be! 🌟
Sending lots of love and positivity your way! 💫💕

Carter bolted down the trail, his voice hoarse from shouting for help. Each step sent sharp, agonizing jolts through his injured foot, but he kept going, refusing to slow down.

“Someone, please help!” he cried, his voice breaking with desperation. The only answer was the eerie silence of the surrounding forest, the vast emptiness making his calls seem even more hopeless.

His eyes were puffy and red from crying, his vision blurred by tears that wouldn’t stop. Panic clawed at his chest as he realized there might be no one around, no one to save Jeremy. His breath hitched, and he stumbled, falling to his knees as the weight of the situation crushed him.

“Please… someone… help us…"” he sobbed, his voice barely more than a whisper. “God, please… anything…”

For a moment, he remained there, kneeling on the cold, hard ground, tears streaming down his face as he prayed for a miracle. When he finally lifted his head, he spotted something to his right—a wooden cart, half-hidden in the cornfield. It looked old and worn, but it was something.

Carter scrambled to his feet, limping over to the cart as quickly as his injured foot would allow. His heart pounded as he inspected it; the wood was splintered and the wheels wobbled, but it might just be enough. With a grunt of effort, he grabbed the handle, wincing as pain shot through his foot. The cart was heavy, and moving it was a struggle, but he managed to get it onto the trail.

He hurried back to where he had left Jeremy, his heart sinking further when he saw him lying on the side of the path, motionless.

“Jeremy…” he whispered, rushing to his side and carefully cradling his head in his lap. “Jeremy, wake up… please…”

Jeremy’s eyes fluttered open, weak and glassy. Carter cupped his cheeks, his hands trembling.

“I’m gonna help you, okay? Just hang in there…” His voice cracked with emotion as he looked at the makeshift bandage he had tied around Jeremy’s wound. Blood was still seeping through, staining the cloth a deep red.

Carter quickly removed his own inside t-shirt, ripping it into long strips. His hands moved with frantic urgency as he wrapped the fabric tightly around Jeremy’s torso, adding more pressure to the wound.

“I’m sorry… I know it hurts, but I have to stop the bleeding…” he muttered, his voice shaking.

Once he was done, Carter stood, his legs trembling from exhaustion and pain.

“I’m gonna try to move you, Jeremy… but I’ll be careful, I promise…”

He bent down, trying to lift Jeremy, but the man was heavy, his muscular build making it nearly impossible for Carter to move him on his own.

Carter gritted his teeth, trying again and again, his arms straining with the effort. It felt like hours passed, each failed attempt making him more desperate. Finally, with one last burst of strength, he managed to lift Jeremy enough to slide him onto the cart. Carter’s chest heaved with labored breaths, and he nearly collapsed from the effort, but he couldn’t stop now.

He gripped the cart’s handle and started pulling, pain searing through his foot as he applied pressure to it. He cried out in pain but kept going, dragging the cart over the uneven, rocky ground. The path was rough, and every step was a battle, but he forced himself to move as fast as he could, his mind fixed on getting Jeremy to safety.

For what felt like an eternity, Carter walked, the cornfield stretching on and on with no end in sight. His foot throbbed, blood seeping through the bandage Jeremy had hastily wrapped around it. The pain was unbearable, but he didn’t care. He kept glancing back at Jeremy, who was still breathing, though his eyes remained shut.

Time seemed to blur as the day faded into night, the sky darkening until only the light of the moon guided him. The tears on Carter’s face had dried, but new ones spilled as he pushed forward, his body screaming in protest. His foot was swollen, the pain shooting up his leg with every step, but he couldn’t stop.

After what felt like hours, Carter finally had to stop to catch his breath. He leaned heavily on the cart, his breaths coming in ragged gasps, each one feeling like he was breathing through broken glass. His entire body was drenched in sweat, and his vision swam with exhaustion.

Suddenly, through the haze of pain and fatigue, he heard it—Jeremy’s voice, faint but unmistakable.


Carter’s head snapped up, his heart skipping a beat.

“Jeremy?” he whispered, turning around to find Jeremy's eyes barely open, looking at him with a weak but determined gaze.

Jeremy's voice was faint, barely a whisper.

“Carter... you're stressing yourself... and you're injured too. You need to get out of here... save yourself while you still can.”

Carter shook his head vehemently, tears welling up in his eyes.

“No, Jeremy. I’m not leaving you,” he insisted, his voice trembling with emotion. He reached out, his hand gently brushing Jeremy’s blood-streaked hair away from his face. “I’m going to get you out of here. I promise.”

Jeremy gazed up at Carter, his eyes softening as he took in the sight of the young man before him. Despite the pain, despite the blood and the danger surrounding them, he couldn’t help but appreciate just how beautiful Carter was—not just physically, but in the way he refused to abandon him, the way his heart seemed so full of compassion and love.

“You need to rest your foot, Carter,” Jeremy whispered, his voice laced with concern.

Carter shook his head again, determination burning in his eyes. “I’ll rest after I get you to safety,” he replied, his voice thick with resolve.

Jeremy gave a weak smile, though his eyes were heavy with exhaustion. “We both need to rest... I’m getting cold,” he admitted, a shiver running through his body

Without hesitation, Carter stood up and carefully took off the jersey Jeremy had given him earlier. He leaned down and gently draped it over Jeremy’s shoulders, carefully adjusting it to cover him as best as he could.

“Does that feel any better?” he asked softly.

Jeremy nodded slightly, his eyes filled with gratitude. “A bit... thanks,” he murmured.

Carter took a deep breath, moving the cart to the side of the path and securing it so that it wouldn’t roll. Then, with painstaking care, he climbed onto the remaining space beside Jeremy. He wrapped his arm around Jeremy's shoulders, rubbing them gently, trying to keep him warm in the chilly night air.

“We’ll rest here for a bit,” Carter whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “But I’m not letting go of you.”

Jeremy tilted his head back slightly, staring up at the sky.

“The sky’s full of stars tonight,” he said weakly, his voice almost dreamlike. "”t’s so beautiful... It reminds me of Ethan. I miss him so much... If I’m lucky, I might be seeing him soon.”

Carter’s heart clenched painfully at Jeremy’s words, his eyes filling with tears.

“Don’t talk like that, Jeremy,” he pleaded, his voice trembling. “You’re not going anywhere... I’m going to get you out of here.”

Jeremy slowly turned his head, their faces only inches apart, their noses almost brushing. Carter’s eyes shone in the moonlight, a mixture of fear and determination reflected in them, and Jeremy saw it.

“Don’t speak like that,” Carter whispered, his voice cracking. “Your sons still need you. They’re waiting for you to come back.”

Jeremy’s eyes filled with tears, a soft smile playing on his lips despite the pain.

“Even if... even if I don’t make it... I know my sons will be in good hands,” he said weakly. “In your hands, Carter.”

Carter’s sobs became harder as he continued to rub Jeremy’s shoulders, his heart breaking at the weight of Jeremy’s words.

“You’re so beautiful, Carter,” Jeremy whispered, his voice barely audible. “So, so beautiful... It could drive anyone crazy.”

Carter continued to cry, his tears falling freely as Jeremy’s words cut through him.

“You remind me so much of Ethan,” Jeremy continued, his voice growing weaker. “The way you carry yourself... your kindness... the way you smile when you’re nervous... just like Ethan. You even do that thing with your hands, rubbing them together when you’re anxious...”

Carter’s fear grew with every word Jeremy spoke. The way Jeremy was talking, it sounded like he was saying goodbye, and it terrified him.

“Jeremy, please...” he whispered, his voice barely holding together.

There was a heavy silence between them, broken only by Carter’s soft sobs. Jeremy’s breath came in shallow gasps, and he looked at Carter with a depth of emotion that made Carter’s heart ache.

“The day at the bar...” Jeremy began, but his words were interrupted by a violent cough that wracked his body.

“Stop talking,” Carter begged, his voice full of desperation. “Conserve your strength, please...”

Jeremy shook his head weakly. “I need to tell you... in case this is our final moment together,” he whispered, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Carter shook his head again, his voice trembling.

“We don’t need to talk about that right now,” he insisted, his heart breaking at the thought.

Jeremy’s eyes filled with tears, and he looked at Carter with a mixture of sorrow and regret.

“We didn’t have sex that night,” he said softly, his voice barely more than a whisper.

Carter’s breath caught in his throat, too overwhelmed to be shocked. He wanted to say something, but Jeremy continued, his voice tinged with sadness.

“We just... made out. We kissed... and did other things. I felt guilty after I came... and I left. I’ve never gotten so close to anyone before, Carter. It haunted me... because I felt like I cheated on Ethan.”

Jeremy’s eyes locked onto Carter’s, his expression one of deep sorrow.

“The memories haunted me... I felt like I was going crazy. But I never said you seduced me...”

Carter placed a trembling finger on Jeremy’s lips, his eyes full of tears.

“It’s okay,” he whispered, his voice full of emotion. “I’m so sorry for the way I acted too... It’s just... I felt some type of way when Dexter told me you said I seduced you.”

Jeremy’s gaze softened, and Carter continued, his voice gentle but firm.

“I know how much you loved Ethan... and why you felt the way you did. But you also need to learn to be happy... for your kids, and for your family.”

Jeremy let out a weak, pained laugh, his eyes glistening with tears.

“You’re such a happy soul, Carter,” he said softly. “Despite everything you’ve been through... Elias, or whatever his name is, is an asshole for breaking your heart like that. You deserve someone who’s going to love you... and treat you right.”

Carter managed a small, tearful smile, his heart aching with every word.

“I wish Ethan had been alive... so that you could’ve continued to smile,” he whispered, his voice full of sorrow.

A quietness settled over them, the two of them staring at each other, the yearning and pain in their eyes mingling with the sadness of the moment.

Jeremy’s voice was barely a whisper when he asked, “Do you know how to sing, Carter?”

Carter nodded slightly, tears still rolling down his cheeks. “I can try,” he whispered, his voice trembling.

With a shaky breath, Carter began to sing a soft lullaby, his voice tender and full of emotion. As he sang, he continued to rub Jeremy’s shoulders, holding him tightly to keep him warm. Their eyes remained locked on each other, the connection between them deep and unspoken.

As Carter’s voice filled the air, Jeremy smiled, a soft, peaceful expression settling on his face. His eyes grew heavier, and slowly, they began to close.

“Ethan... I’m coming...” he whispered, his voice barely audible, before his eyes finally shut completely.

Carter’s voice trembled as he continued to sing, his heart breaking as he watched Jeremy fall into a quiet sleep. He held Jeremy close, his tears mingling with the melody of the lullaby, praying that somehow, they would both survive the night.


As the early morning light filtered through the dense canopy of the forest, Carter sat huddled beside Jeremy, still rubbing his shoulders, doing everything in his power to keep him warm. He was exhausted, his body aching from staying up all night, but he refused to let go, determined to keep Jeremy alive. Every so often, Jeremy would stir, mumbling Ethan's name, and sometimes even Carter's, in his delirium. The boy’s worry grew with each passing hour, his eyes never leaving Jeremy’s chest as it rose and fell slowly, each breath a small victory.

Carter leaned in closer to check on Jeremy, his hand trembling as he reached out to feel his pulse. Suddenly, he froze as the sound of footsteps echoed through the stillness of the morning. His heart pounded in his chest as he quickly turned his head, his eyes landing on two men standing at the edge of the path, looking just as shocked to see him.

Fear shot through Carter’s veins as his mind immediately jumped to Lopez's thugs. He instinctively moved to shield Jeremy from the men, his voice trembling as he spoke.

“I’m not going to let you hurt him,” he declared, his mouth dry with fear.

The two men exchanged confused glances before one of them stepped forward, his hands raised in a gesture of peace. “Hey, calm down,” the man said gently. “We’re not here to hurt you.”

The other man, with a concerned look, asked, “What are you doing out here? Where did you come from?”

Carter's eyes became glassy with tears as he realized these were real people, and he wasn't dreaming.

“Thank God,” he whispered, his voice cracking. Slowly, he got off the cart, every movement sending pain shooting through his injured foot. “We... we were attacked. Jeremy... he was shot. He’s lost a lot of blood, and... and I tried to keep him warm, but he needs a doctor. Please, you have to help him.”

The men exchanged shocked looks, clearly taken aback by Carter's words. One of them, a tall, broad-shouldered man, approached Jeremy, but Carter hesitated, still wary despite their reassurances. The man offered him a gentle, reassuring smile.

“We’re here to help, and we’re not going to hurt you or him.” he said softly. “But the village doctor isn’t here right now. The nearest town is a few hours away, but we have a truck. We can take him to the hospital.”

Carter let out a shaky breath, tears streaming down his face as relief washed over him.

“Thank you... thank you so much,” he sobbed, his voice choked with emotion.

The tall man carefully lifted Jeremy into his arms, holding him tightly as he began to move with urgency, the weight of the situation clear on his face. Carter tried to follow, but his injured foot made it difficult to keep up. The other man quickly stepped forward, offering his arm for support, helping Carter limp along as they hurried behind.

They followed the path for what felt like an eternity, Carter’s heart pounding with every step. After several minutes, they emerged from the trees and into the village. A small crowd had gathered, watching with concern as the man carried Jeremy toward a red and white old pickup truck that had been hastily prepared.

Jeremy was carefully placed on clean blankets in the back of the truck, his face gently cleaned by a few kind women who murmured words of comfort. Carter thanked them through his tears as he climbed into the truck beside Jeremy, feeling a small sense of hope for the first time in hours.

As the truck rumbled to life and sped off down the bumpy road, Carter closed his eyes, his hands clasped together in silent prayer. He prayed for Jeremy's survival, for a miracle that would keep him from losing another person that had helped him so much, risked his life for his.

Suddenly, he felt a firm grip on his hand. He opened his eyes to see Jeremy, still unconscious, but somehow, his hand had found Carter’s and was holding on tightly. Carter’s heart swelled with emotion as he squeezed Jeremy’s hand back, tears of relief and exhaustion streaming down his face.

They were finally being taken to safety. The nightmare wasn’t over, but they were no longer alone.


In the hospital, the chaos of the emergency room was overwhelming. Jeremy lay on a stretcher bed, his body pale and limp as he was rushed through the sterile corridors by a team of medical professionals. Carter followed closely behind, not caring about the sharp pain that shot through his injured leg with every step. His only focus was on Jeremy, the man who had risked everything to protect him. The relief of finally being in a hospital was tempered by the fear that it might not be enough to save him.

As they reached the doors to the ER, the urgency in the doctors’ voices intensified. Jeremy was pushed through the doors, but before Carter could follow, a nurse stepped in his path, her expression apologetic but firm.

“I'm sorry, but you can't go in any further.”

Carter froze, his breath catching in his throat as the doors swung shut in front of him. His hand reached out, fingertips brushing the cold surface of the door where Jeremy had disappeared. Tears welled up in his eyes, his heart pounding in his chest, sending shivers down his spine. The hallway was a blur of hurried footsteps and urgent voices, but no one seemed to notice him standing there, alone and terrified.

He took a deep, trembling breath and clasped his hands together, his eyes lifting toward the ceiling.

“Please, God,” he whispered, his voice breaking. “Please let Jeremy make it. He’s done so much for me, sacrificed so much. He deserves to live. Please, just let him be okay.”

Carter closed his eyes, shutting out the noise and the chaos around him, focusing solely on his silent prayer. He poured every ounce of hope and desperation into his plea, his heart aching with the weight of it. Time seemed to stretch on endlessly until, suddenly, a soft voice broke through his thoughts.

He opened his eyes and found a beautiful nurse standing in front of him, a warm smile on her face. She had kind eyes that seemed to understand his pain, her dark brown hair pulled back into a neat bun. Her skin was a warm caramel tone, and she wore the softest expression that immediately put Carter at ease.

“Don’t worry,” she said gently, her voice soothing. “I’m sure your prayer is going to be answered.”

She held out a small bundle of items—Jeremy’s clothes and phone.

“These belong to the patient,” she explained, her smile unwavering.

Carter accepted the items, his hands trembling slightly as he held them.

“How… how is he?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, filled with fear.

The nurse's smile deepened, radiating a quiet confidence.

“He’s in the hands of one of the best surgeons I know. With your prayers, I’m sure he’s going to be just fine.”

Carter’s eyes shifted to the door of the operating room, staring up at the red light glowing ominously above it. His heart raced with anxiety, fear gnawing at him with every passing second. He was barely aware of anything else until the nurse’s voice gently pulled him back to reality.

“You don’t look so good yourself,” she said, concern lacing her tone. Her eyes flicked to his injured foot, the bandages now soaked through with blood. “That wound needs to be attended to as soon as possible.”

Carter shook his head, his voice shaky with emotion.

“I can’t leave Jeremy. And I need to call his family.”

The nurse placed a reassuring hand on his arm, her grip firm but comforting.

“I understand,” she said softly, “But you need to take care of yourself too. We’ll make sure you’re treated, and by the time you come back, the surgery should be done.”

Reluctantly, Carter allowed her to lead him away, but his mind remained fixated on the man lying in the ER. As he was gently guided down the hall, his heart continued to race, the fear of losing Jeremy clinging to him like a shadow.


Carter paced outside the operation room, his heart pounding in his chest, his mind spinning with worry. His hands tapped nervously together as he stared at the glowing red light above the door, hoping—praying—it would turn off soon and give him some sign, any sign, that Jeremy was going to be alright. His leg had been attended to, the nurse had washed and bandaged it, and though he still limped, the pain was manageable. She’d also brought him fresh clothes: a simple t-shirt, jeans, and slippers that felt like heaven on his aching feet. But none of it mattered. He was too anxious, too scared for Jeremy.

Suddenly, urgent shouting filled the hall. "Where is my son?!"

The voice was sharp, familiar, and it made Carter’s heart leap into his throat. He turned just as Laura came rushing toward him, her face contorted in worry. Dexter was right behind her, his face equally grim.

Shivers ran down Carter's spine as his eyes locked with Laura's. She stopped dead in her tracks for a moment, just staring at him, her expression hardening into something angry, something dangerous. Then, without warning, she surged forward, her hand flying up and landing across Carter’s face with a sharp sting.

“How dare you show your face here after what you've done to my son!” Laura screamed, pointing an accusatory finger at him.

Carter stood frozen, his hand slowly rising to touch his stinging cheek, lost for words. His heart sank deeper as Laura's angry voice echoed in the sterile hallway.

“My son was fine just days ago, but now because of you, he's lying in there fighting for his life!” Her voice was shaking, filled with rage and heartbreak.

Carter's eyes became glassy as he whispered, “I’m so sorry, ma’am…”

“Sorry?” Laura spat the word, her voice rising with every second. “Sorry isn't going to undo what you've done! Ever since you came into Jeremy’s life, he's been running into trouble, and now look where it’s gotten him—fighting for his life, all because of you!”

Carter’s guilt crushed him like a heavy weight, suffocating. He could barely meet her eyes.

“If I could take his place, if I could have been the one to get shot instead of him… I would do it in a heartbeat,” he said, his voice barely audible.

Laura’s eyes flared with even more anger.

“But you can't, can you? If anything happens to Jeremy… I swear, you’ll pay with your life.”

Before Carter could even react, Dexter stepped forward, his eyes filled with contempt.

“I knew you were trouble the second I laid eyes on you,” he said, his tone full of disdain. “Wouldn’t be surprised if the person who shot him was one of your many lovers. You have a habit of pissing people off.”

Laura’s voice joined Dexter’s, bitter and cold. “You better pray to whatever God you believe in that Jeremy makes it through, or it's over for you.”

Carter dropped his gaze to the floor, his heart sinking even further. He couldn’t defend himself. Everything they said, every accusation, felt true. He had brought nothing but trouble into Jeremy’s life, and now he might lose him because of it.

Just then, the door to the operating room opened, and a doctor emerged, looking exhausted. Dexter and Laura rushed toward him, panic in their eyes.

Carter started to move too, but he stopped in his tracks, watching from a distance, afraid of being rejected again.

The doctor pulled off his mask and gave them a tired but hopeful smile.

“We managed to remove the bullet. It was difficult, but Mr. Rivers is a fighter.”

Relief washed over Laura’s face, but it was short-lived. The doctor glanced at Dexter. “Are you Carter? The patient was mumbling that name throughout the operation.”

Dexter and Laura exchanged a quick glance before Dexter turned around, glaring at Carter with that same ugly look of hatred. Then, Dexter turned back to the doctor with a smile, though it didn’t reach his eyes.

“I’m his fiancé.”

The doctor smiled back, nodding. “Well, you helped him fight. He's lucky to have you.”

Dexter smiled tightly, though his eyes burned with fury beneath the surface. Carter watched from afar, his heart aching as he heard every word.

Laura, recovering quickly, spoke up.

“Thank you, doctor. But I want my son out of here as soon as possible.”

The doctor’s face fell into shock at her demand.

“Ma'am, your son has just undergone major surgery. He needs time to recover. We need to observe him for at least 24 hours…”

“I’ve arranged for the best doctors to take care of him in the capital,” Laura interrupted coldly. “They're waiting for us. I’ll make sure you’re well compensated, but I need my son ready for transport immediately.”

The doctor hesitated, clearly uncomfortable, but in the end, he nodded.

“I'll make the necessary arrangements.”

As the doctor left, Dexter went to Laura, rubbing her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her. Carter stood by, feeling utterly helpless, watching everything unfold without being able to do a thing.

It wasn’t long before the door to the operating room opened again, and Jeremy was wheeled out on a stretcher bed, covered by clean white sheets, an oxygen mask strapped to his face. His chest rose and fell slowly, his eyes still closed, but he looked peaceful.

Carter’s heart raced, relief and sorrow twisting inside him. As they wheeled Jeremy past him, Carter instinctively reached out, his hand trembling as it stretched toward Jeremy’s unconscious form, but Laura shot him a look that made him freeze.

“Stay away from my son,” she warned, her voice cold and unforgiving. “I don’t want to see you anywhere near him.”

Carter dropped his hand, his heart heavy as he watched them wheel Jeremy away, feeling a profound loneliness settle deep in his chest. He stood there, rooted in place, as Laura, Dexter, and Jeremy disappeared down the corridor, leaving him behind.

Even though Jeremy had made it through the surgery, Carter couldn’t shake the feeling of emptiness. The man who had saved him, the man who had risked everything for him, was now out of his reach. And somehow, Carter had never felt so alone.

To be continued…

Copyright © 2024 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks a lot to everyone that took the time to read my work. I love you guys a lot. Don't forget to drop your comments about what you think about my work. Ciao!
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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I'm sangry, no it's not a word yet, I heard it on TV this morning. Sangry = sad and angry.

I'm sad for Carter who has gone through hell and now he is treated like shit. Carter did not put Jeremy in danger, Jeremy did that himself and did it out of a sense of decency. After previously mistreating Carter he wanted to help Carter and make amends. Carter told him to go but Jeremy stayed and when he was seriously injured it was Carter that got him to safety despite his own injuries. And I'm angry at Dexter for being the f*****g asshole he is and Laura for being such a self-centred bitch, both of them are only interested in themselves, to them Jeremy is just their vessel to living a life of luxury.

So there you have it, I'm sad and angry, SANGRY!

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What kind of woman enter a hospital and slap injured person?! Oh Laura, what secrets do you have, why Carter makes you so angry?! And Dexter - he's completely insane...going around and introducing himself as Jeremy's fiancée?! These bastards will do anything to keep Jeremy and Carter separated! As @Mancunian has said - I'm sangry too! (although it sounds like Spanish wine 😁)

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11 hours ago, Cane23 said:

What kind of woman enter a hospital and slap injured person?! Oh Laura, what secrets do you have, why Carter makes you so angry?! And Dexter - he's completely insane...going around and introducing himself as Jeremy's fiancée?! These bastards will do anything to keep Jeremy and Carter separated! As @Mancunian has said - I'm sangry too! (although it sounds like Spanish wine 😁)

At this point, all of us are sangry 😅😅😅😅😅 even, I, the writer is so sangry that I don't wanna write anymore 😪😪😪😪😪

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10 minutes ago, vanalas said:

At this point, all of us are sangry 😅😅😅😅😅 even, I, the writer is so sangry that I don't wanna write anymore 😪😪😪😪😪

Author, you don't want to make us angry of you! :angry:

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2 hours ago, Cane23 said:

Author, you don't want to make us angry of you! :angry:

No, I don't 😁😁😁😁😁 why would I mess with my bosses like that lol

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