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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature content, explicit male-to-male sex.

How the Coronavirus Jump-Started my Sex Life - 12. Chapter 12

Our favorite dorm dwellers are beginning to find a normal routine during their Coronavirus isolation together. Mature Audiences.

Study Time

When I got to my room, I reached for my biology book, but decided I’d check email first.

I cranked up the computer and logged into my account. In addition to the usual news feeds and promotions, I had a message from my sister Carrie, two from my roommate Bert, one from my best friend Joe, one from my friend Mike and three from my little brother Cole.

Carriechris488@gmail.com: Damn, bro, this quarantine sucks. I had been asked out to the movies by Justin Reese for Saturday but Dad made me cancel. Sometimes he’s such a Nazi! So, we all had to watch On Golden Pond with Grandma. It was such a bore except for that hottie of a grandson. Whew. He could ride in my boat! I did laugh when the old lady cried out, It’s the loons, Norman! I think she was the biggest loon of them all. I had to sneak into my room to talk with Justin on the phone. He’s so hot! We’re trying to figure out how we can sneak out and get together sometime. This quarantine shit is such a buzzkill! Rita Lucero was planning a slumber party for Sunday night and Justin was going to come, but that got cancelled, too. What are we supposed to do all week? What are you doing up there all alone? My God, I would die! It must be scary being in that great big dorm all alone! Call me. I’m going crazy.

Well, that was a mouthful! I had to agree with Carrie. She is going crazy. It took a while to answer that mess of a message, although I did stop for a moment to bring the hunky Justin Reese to mind. It is probably a mortal sin to lust after your sister’s boyfriend, huh?

BandelierBert@yahoo.com: My dear boy, how are you coping? This weekend has to have been the most boring weekend of my adult life. Nothing going on at my house or up on the high-fallutin Los Alamos hill either. Dad says the Labs are closed up tighter than during the Manhattan Project. The only fun I’ve had was telling Cindy your suggestion about buying a squash to make up for missing out on Blake’s sausage this week. She couldn’t quite see the humor in your suggestion which just made it funnier. It’s late, so I’ll sign off. Thank God Pornhub never sleeps! (Heart emoji)

LCCal1277@gmail.com: Things are so exciting at UNM I am about to start a biology HW set to try to get a little ahead. You just wait – Cindy is going to wind up getting pregnant with a zucchini! You should limit yourself to one hour per day on Pornhub. Any more than that and you might get addicted. And you don’t want your dick to fall off. I’ve been going to the cafeteria with Alan (from Canada) so at least I’m not totally alone. He’s pretty cool so I think we will have a little fun this week. Well, I shouldn’t procrastinate any longer. Cheers!

Escondido1888888@hotmail.com (my best friend Joe Escondido from Las Cruces): Hey bud. Can’t believe your AWOL from Spring Break. I get your folks wanting to protect your grannie but it’s still kinda shitty to tell you not to come home. Mike and I were thinking about taking a road trip while you were here, but that ain’t happening now. NMSU is closed up just like UNM. They are talking about being closed next week too. What’s the word there? All the old gang is back home from wherever they are going to school but nobody can get together. It’s like being in Vail and looking out at the ski slopes but there’s so much snow you can’t go out. I miss you and hope you aren’t too lonely.

LCCal1277@gmail.com: Hi Joe. It sucks I can’t be there and we can’t hang out during break. Is NMSU going to have an extra week of break? That sounds cool. Haven’t heard anything about that here. I’ll check around. Yeah, like you said about Vail, it’s like being home for Christmas and seeing all the presents under the tree but never getting to open them. Ha! I’m gonna try to get a jump on some of my projects for the last half of the semester. Might as well. How’s engineering treating you? I miss you, too! Give your mom a hug for me and tell her I can’t wait for one of her cinnamon rolls.

SmokingHotSteelMan@gmail.com (my high-school friend Mike Steel): Cal. Hope your okay up there. Shitty to be stuck. Joe told me your rents wont let you come home. Damn, bro, I thought you were the good kid! Haha. Anyhow, I was hoping to toss some balls around during your break, but I guess that’ll have to wait until summer now. Dya think this covid will be over by then? Shit. You remember old lady Antrim, don’t you? English 2? Her husband is in the hospital on a ventilator. They are thinking he might die! Stay healthy, old friend!

LCCal1277@gmail.com: Hi Mike. Shitty about Mr. Antrim. I know him from the pharmacy he owns. COVID seems to have sort of ruined everything right now, huh? I’m okay. There’s another guy stuck in the dorm so we are hanging out. I like the quiet nights. Sleeping real good. I’ll look forward to some games this summer if I’m allowed to move home. Are you able to see Mitsy during this thing?

Colejenningschristensenesquire@gmail.com: Hey Cal! It’s terrible you didn’t come home for break. Mom and Dad have Carrie and me in jail. We cant leave our yard unless he or mom go with us. Can you believe it? If you were here we could at least play catch in the backyard. Can I use your weights? I need to start building myself up before swimsuit season.

Jeez, the kid isn’t even 13 yet!

LCCal1277@gmail.com: Hopefully the lockdown won’t last long. I’ll be home in a couple of months and we can play catch all summer. Of course, you can use my weights, but get Dad to help you at first. The worst thing is starting too heavy or having the wrong technique. Promise you will get him to show you before you start.

Another from Colejenningschristensenesquire@gmail.com: Hey Cal! I was wanting to talk to you about something. Things are getting a little weird. My voice keeps messing up and I’ve got more pimples and. Well, I think we should talk on the phone. K?

Another from Colejenningschristensenesquire@gmail.com: Hey Cal! You were sposed to come home so you could help me with this stuff. Please call me.

LCCal1277@gmail.com: Hey, Cole. Don’t panic. I’ll call you this afternoon.

BandelierBert@yahoo.com: I just heard on the news that schools in Colorado are going to be closed for a second week of spring break so they can prepare to go online for the rest of the year. Any news about that for us? I hope I don’t get stuck on the hill with my family for the rest of the year! Fuck! Let me know.

LCCal1277@gmail.com: Hi, Bert. No word about closing, but I’ll see if I can find out anything.

When I was done, I pulled out my biology book and opened it to chapter 10. It was hard to concentrate with all the noise in my brain from my friends and family and my tumbling thoughts about Alan’s cock. Whew.

Lockdown Afternoon

Alan and I returned to the cafeteria a little after 12 for lunch. He’d talked to his mother during the study period. It was hard to imagine it’s snowing in Edmonton when it was nearly 80 degrees in Albuquerque. His dad’s co-worker returned from China recently and is sick, so everyone assumes it’s COVID. I filled him in on some of the news from home, too.

“Have you heard anything about us being closed for a second week of spring break?” I asked over sandwiches and soft drinks.

“No, I haven’t,” Alan answered.

I explained that Joe was telling me NMSU might be closed a second week and that Bert had heard that Colorado colleges were doing that.

Alan chuckled and said, “I guess you and I better not piss each other off, huh?”

I grinned. “Yeah. When there’s only one other person you can be with, it’d be dumb to get him mad at you.”

“We’ll find out soon enough, I guess, if the university is going to change the schedule.”

We alternated some chit-chat with eating until we were done with our lunch.

“So, what do you want to do the rest of the day?” I asked.

“I’ve been thinking about that.” He paused and sipped his soda. “I’d really like to get into some good work outs this week. How do you feel about that?”

I thought it might be hot to work out together and I nodded. “You bet.”

“Okay, then. How about we study some more until about 3 and then we try out the weight room in the basement. Maybe we can take a run around campus after we’re done and then get a shower before dinner.”

“I like that plan. I also need to call my little brother. He seems to be having a pre-teen crisis or something.”

“Cool. Come to my room anytime after 3 and we’ll go downstairs.”

The walk back to the dorm was eerie as we only passed a couple of girls together and an older woman who might have been a custodian. Otherwise the campus was deserted.

Alan and I said goodbye in the hallway and went to our separate rooms to study, As he strode away, I checked out his tight ass in his jeans. I felt a shiver as I thought about my own ass and what was in store for it in a few hours.

Thanks for reading! Stay happy!
Copyright © 2024 KKirk; All Rights Reserved.
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I hope you are enjoying the story of Cal and Alan as they get acquainted during the quarantine.  Thanks for reading.  Your comments are very welcome at author.Kenneth.Kirk@gmail.com .  Kenneth Kirk
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

I think you are capturing the isolation and surreal time that was foisted upon humanity by COVID very well @KKirk.

Alan appears to be embracing friendship with Calvin far more than I initially thought he would. With his dominant personality and rhetoric "I am not gay" it was difficult to view Calvin as anything more than a cumdump through Alan's eyes. He has at least lightened off with that attitude which was very unappealing. Perhaps he is developing feelings for Calvin he did not anticipate he would given he is "straight".

Intriguing dynamic to the "relationship" between Alan and Calvin. It certainly appears to be changing, not as "cut and dry" as purely dom/sub which it seemingly was.


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