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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Ralph: Breaking free - 14. Wives, boyfriends and families

Therese dropped the girls off at the house, rather than meet at the Rec; an implicit acceptance on her part that the twins would want to change into their dungarees so that they could be more active. Once the girls had dashed into the house, however, she lingered. Ralph knew she’d be curious, and he also knew he ought to tell her about Nolan. The girls were going to meet him, they’d talk.

“How was the event?”

Ralph shrugged, “I got some great photos and got to ogle lots of scantily clad, fit young men.”

Therese’s laugh had an edge to it, “I cannot believe you just said that!” She peered at him, “Anything else.”

“Bloody hell, Therese. It was a business event, for clients.”

“Well, I don’t ruddy know, do I? The only gay blokes I know shag anything in trousers.”

“We’re not all like that Therese. Thing is…”

She gave an exasperated sigh, “What now! Do I want to hear this?”

“I’ve been seeing someone.”

“Hell, Ralph. Quick work or what. A bloke?” Ralph nodded. “Do I know him? Bloody hope not.”

“It’s Nolan!”

“Nolan as in… You’re joking; you’re seeing the girls’ football coach. You just make things worse.”

“He’s a nice bloke, and the girls like him.”

“They know?”

“He’s having a picnic with us today.”

“I don’t know, Ralph. I just don’t know. And what happens if I put my foot down? Eh?”

Ralph glared at her. They’d been here before and he knew he had leverage, if he stood up to her. Called her bluff. “Then you can have the girls more often, and I’ll see them for visits. That way you control access more.”

“Nice one. All right. You win. For the moment. Bloody hell, you know I can’t cope with them full time, what with…”

Ralph interrupted her, before she could launch into the full spiel. “I’m as aware as you that I need to be careful. Do you think this is bloody easy, Therese? It’s all new for me, too, so cut me some slack.”

“Fair enough. But if I hear anything from them…”

“You won’t! Right. But I’m not locking myself in a closet and pretending. I’m still a bit freaked…”

“You and me both!”

“But I’m damned if I’m going to live by Mother and Father’s rules.”

She raised an eyebrow, “And does that include telling them you have a boyfriend?”

“Yes. Somehow. Sometime.”

“Oh yes?”

“Well, as Nolan’s joining us for the picnic at the Rec, I won’t be able to hide it from Mother and Father for that long.” They both knew the chances of one of the girls talking about Nolan to his parents was going to be high.

“Best of luck with that!” Therese gave a very unladylike snort. “And the girls will definitely want to know if he’s your boyfriend.”

Ralph pulled a face, “Tell me about it.”

She sighed, “Why is it that they’re so obsessed with our love lives?”

“Asking you as well?”

“Pretty much.”

“Think about it. Tommi has two Dads. Eloise lives with her mother and step-father. Like to bet that Parvati is the one of their few friends whose parents are still in a long term, stable relationship?”

“Hate to say it”, she nodded, “But you’re right. So, Nolan?”

“Is a work in progress. But he’s being terrific, and we can go at our own pace.”

“Will he stay with you?” She looked at him sharply. Was this going to be an issue? Ralph gave a mental sigh.

“You mean when I have the twins?”


“Is that a problem?”

She raised an eyebrow, “It’s not something I expected, and I’d not be keen on it. But given their eagerness to fix you up, I think I’d be in a minority, the little madams are probably egging you on. Does Nolan…”

Ralph laughed, “Not a bit. I just can’t imagine doing it with them in the next room.”

She laughed, “The problem of parents everywhere. How to have nookie without the kids knowing. All parents have to go through it.”

“Don’t. I certainly can’t imagine mine.”

Therese cocked her head, “I’m with you on that one. Perhaps you were a miracle baby?”

“Look, I’d better go, before I get a telling off.”


Whilst Ralph prepared himself for lunch with his boyfriend and his daughters, Therese had met up with her friends Barb and Dee.

“He’s got a boyfriend. Seems to be serious.”

“Quick work. You met him?”

“Bloody hell, Barb. Don’t go there. Girls like him, though.”

Dee cackled, “So, that’s all right then.”

“I do know him though, just not met them together.”

“Tell…” The two women stared at Therese.

“He’s the girls’ football coach, runs the Saturday morning class.”

“So, that’s why…”

Therese shook her head, laughing, “Not. That was all the girls’ bloody idea. It’s just the new Ralph is a quick worker.”

“The new queer Ralph.” Barb laughed.

Dee shook her head, “You are kidding. Ralph a quick worker. You had to ask him out on a date.”

“Worked though.”

“At least he doesn’t have ‘the divorced Dad with kids’ problem, if the bloke’s already met them.”

“Dead keen on him, they are.”

Barb stared, “As the boyfriend?”

“Not yet. He’s not said anything.”

“So, he says.” Dee gave Therese a look.

“Come on, you know my pair. If they know, they’ll be full of it. Mind, they’re meeting him at lunch today, so no doubt I’ll find out this evening.”

“And how’s your love life coming on?”

“Come on, Barb. It’s not a competition.”

Therese huffed, “I’m trying to decide whether we continue to dribble along.”

“Mr safe and boring?”

“Yeah. Or whether I apply pressure.”

“And risk him running screaming from the kids?” Barb nodded, “Stick with low key, girl, at least you’re getting some regular.”

Dee raised an eyebrow, “And are you?”

“You believe it. Definitely not a dribble, there.”

“At last, eh, girl. Enjoy it.”

“How do you think Ralph’s managing it. You know, with the boyfriend?” Dee’s look was positively salacious.

“Same as me, I’d imagine. Fit it in when they’re not around.”

Dee nodded, Barb laughed, “The idea, doing it with that pair next door.”

“You have to, Barb. Make it work.”

Barb stared at her, “Till things cool down. Cause or effect.”

“Now Barb. Leave it. We’ve been over that, plenty of times.”

“I’ve decided that we’re doing Christmas different this year.” Therese got a grin from Dee, they were all used to lurching the conversation away from tricky subjects, to keep the peace.

“Going away?”

Therese rolled her eyes, “I wish. And maybe…”

“The Dribble?”

Therese gave a sly shrug, “Maybe. But after Christmas. Mum wants us to stay for the holiday, she’s hosting.”

“You’re shitting me. Your Mum?”

Therese gave a dry laugh, “Well, it’ll be me doing the actual cooking. Guess what I’ll be doing before Christmas? Slaving over a stove.”

Dee laughed, “Set the girls on?”

“I wish. They might be picky about eating, but they’ve shown naff all interest in actually cooking the bloody food.”

“Seriously. The three of you at your parents. I thought it was a retirement place.”

“With guest rooms.”

Dee’s eyes lit up, “So! You have the girls for Christmas, then they go to Ralph afterwards!”

“That’s it.”

“And then you and the Dribble?”

“I’m hoping.”

“Well, T. If that doesn’t work out, we’re going for an all-girls trip. There’s a place for you.”

Dee leered, “Unless the Dribble comes up trumps.”

“Here’s hoping.”

“Here’s to Christmas.”


“You look nice, Daddy.”

“Is it a new shirt?”

“Yes, I treated myself. I thought I should make an effort.”

“For our lunch?”

“Is it because your friend Nolan is coming?”

Ralph went beet red; luckily, he was driving, and the twins were in the back of the car.

However, the picnic was far less riotous than Ralph had imagined it would be. The twins were only nine, after all, and they knew Nolan as their teacher/coach at Saturday football. Having him messing around with their Father in the park was different, and they weren’t quite sure, retreating into their own twin bubble. But they let Nolan come and help them on the climbing frames and when he left them to come and sit with Ralph, he had a big grin on his face.

“Evidently, I have to say nice things about your shirt because it’s new and you wore it specially.”

Ralph laughed, nervously, “I bought it yesterday. I hadn’t expected to have time to myself but after I dropped the twins off, I popped into that Italian men’s shop.”

Nolan smiled, “Fancy.”

“I got a shiny shirt for last night but decided today warranted something as well.”

“So, they were right.”

Ralph rolled his eyes, “In a way. They’re dead keen for me to get a boyfriend and chatting to Therese, I think that they’ve been on at her too.”

“To get a girlfriend?”

“Hardly! The girls like the idea of having multiple Daddies.”


But their talk was interrupted by two lively young girls announcing that they were hungry. With their arrival, any chance of further chat between the two men went out of the window, but Ralph was pleased that they settled down into a companionable group, with the girls each urging Nolan to try their favourites amongst the food on offer.

It turned into a pleasant, almost relaxing time, Nolan slipped into a role with the girls, and they enjoyed having him, more active and physical, around to play with them. Which he seemed to do willingly, and with a smile.

Copyright © 2024 Robert Hugill; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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15 minutes ago, Summerabbacat said:

It appears @Cane23 Ralph is far more adept at coping with the twins when they are at their most boisterous and inquisitive. With Nolan part of the family dynamic now it should be even easier to satisfy their inclination for boisterous "unladylike" activities, such that they may settle down a little with Therese during the week, thus allowing Therese more quiet time for herself an/or to spend with Dribble.

I forgot to mention @Robert Hugill how much I laughed when you mentioned Therese's most unladylike snort. The only thing which could have made it even funnier if she had accidentally let out a most unladylike fart. 


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Now I wonder what kind of man the Dibble will be! I am certain that the twins will have an opinion. I doubt he will be as much fun as Nolan. Excellent storytelling!

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3 minutes ago, gmc said:

Now I wonder what kind of man the Dibble will be! I am certain that the twins will have an opinion. I doubt he will be as much fun as Nolan. Excellent storytelling!

I have just re-read the conversation between Therese, Barb and Dee and it appears Dribble's performance belies his nickname, although he is somewhat unkindly referred to as Mr Safe and Boring. Given the latter description of him I can only but think the twins will likely refer to him as "lame" @gmc. This seems to be their "go to" adjective to describe something which does not appeal to them for any number of reasons.

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20 minutes ago, Summerabbacat said:

I have just re-read the conversation between Therese, Barb and Dee and it appears Dribble's performance belies his nickname, although he is somewhat unkindly referred to as Mr Safe and Boring. Given the latter description of him I can only but think the twins will likely refer to him as "lame" @gmc. This seems to be their "go to" adjective to describe something which does not appeal to them for any number of reasons.

'lame' sounds about right

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Knowing Therese's desires, I expect that Dribble is good looking, respectable, very presentable and good at keeping up appearances.  It would be a real hoot if he is hiding a little something in his closet!  

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It seems Therese's Mr Safe and Boring is in fact Mr Dribble.......I guess that's better than being Mr Drip.

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