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    Bill W
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Secrets 2: Looking Through Different Eyes - 5. Chapter 5 S2

Chapter 05 – A New Friend?

During the remainder of the week we encountered more people and dogs at the dog park while we were there, but the people were all way older. It’s possible that this was only due to the fact that older people tend to get up and become more active earlier, and many others would be getting their kids off to school or heading to work. Devin complained about the other dogs as well, saying some of them were really old as well, or they just weren’t active enough for him.

I noticed there was a group of men, including the guy I thought was hitting on me on our first visit, that seemed to prefer sitting at the picnic tables that were there so they could chat with one another while their dogs got a little exercise. To my surprise, they didn’t show any interest in the dogs and didn’t interacting with them at all. They merely let their dogs do whatever they wanted while they were there, and this included interacting with the other dogs, rolling on the grass, or sleeping in the shade.

I, on the other hand, played fetch with Bear and took him to the far end of the dog park where there was an obstacle course set up for the dogs to use. It allowed them to work on their agility and explore some new skills, such as weaving in and out of poles, walking up and down a seesaw, or jumping sticks set at different heights, as they ran around that area.

Every day when we arrived at the dog park, Devin would transition in the men’s room, and fortunately no one ever seemed to catch on to this. If they weren’t paying attention to their dogs, then why would they pay attention to him? However, we were both getting a little nervous about getting caught doing this.

There was always the chance that one of the men might have to use the toilet and would walk in there while Devin was naked or had only partially transitioned. For this reason, we realized we’d have to come up with an alternative place for Devin to transition, although we would continue doing it this way until we came up with a better solution.

On Saturday, we went out to the hunting camp in the morning, before the football game was scheduled to start. This wasn’t a big deal, though, since this week the team was playing another away game. When we got to the hunting camp, Devin turned onto the dirt trail that led back to the cabin and made sure he pulled the SUV as far away from the road as he could before he stopped.

After we got out of the SUV, we looked around to make certain no one would be able to see us when they drove by, although we weren’t worried about anyone following us back there. There was a huge sign nailed to a tree beside the dirt trail we’d just used and it warned that the property was posted and trespassers would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I believe that was enough to keep most people from using the trail.

I used the key the owner had sent us in the mail unlock the padlock that kept the hunting cabin secure when not in use. We then went inside and began to undress.

“It’s too bad this place isn’t closer to the dog park, because it would be a great place for me to transition before we go there.”

“I know, but it’s just too far away to make it practical. However, we passed an abandoned gas station part of the way here, so maybe we can use that lot as an option if there isn’t too much traffic passing by that location during the week.”

“Yeah, I guess we could always give it a try.”

Now that we’d discussed that option, we got ready to leave the cabin. Since we wouldn’t be able to open or close the door as dogs, we went outside naked before we closed and locked the door, and then we looked around until we found a place to hide the key until we were done. As soon as we did that, we transitioned, and as soon as we were both dogs, we began to explore the area around the cabin to see what it was like.

Most of the hunting camp was heavily wooded, but there was a large open field where the deer, rabbits, and other animals could safely go to eat. It would also be a suitable location where we could go out and run around as dogs, at full speed if we wanted. I was mildly surprised to discover the field wasn’t overgrown, since supposedly no one had used the hunting camp for quite a while. Obviously, the animals were doing a good enough job keeping it clear while grazing, so there were no weeds, shrubs, or saplings to impede us while we were running around.

There was also a small pond where the animals could go to get a drink, so this location was perfect for them, and it would be suitable for our purpose as well. We must have scared most of the other animals away while we were racing around the field, because we soon discovered that we were totally alone. It didn’t bother us, though, and we stayed at the hunting camp for a couple of hours as we chased each other across the field, and then we decided to check out some of the wooded area before we headed back to the cabin.

After we transitioned outside of the cabin, I retrieved the key from its hiding place and unlocked the padlock so we could go inside and get dressed again. As soon as we were ready, we went outside again and I locked the cabin door, and then we got in the SUV. Before Devin started the SUV, I placed the key to the hunting cabin in the ashtray, since neither of us smoked. This way we’d always have the key when we came out here, because there wouldn’t be anything worse than driving all this way and then discover that we’d forgotten to bring the key with us.

On the way back to the house, we stopped at a store so I could pick up another backpack and a tube of tennis balls to use when I played fetch with Bear. Once I had both of those items, we headed home.

The first thing we did after Devin parked the SUV in the garage was to walk to the dining hall for lunch, because we were both starving. We hadn’t eaten breakfast before we left for the hunting camp, and that is a decision we may have to reconsider before we go there again.

Shortly after we returned to the house, we tuned in to the campus radio station so we could listen to the football game. Unfortunately, CSU isn’t a top 25 football team, so their games aren’t on TV very often, so we’d have to listen to their away games the old fashion way.

We had big hopes for the team as the game started, but our hopes began to fade quickly as the other team scored three times in rapid succession. CSU ended up getting trounced, so maybe it was a blessing that we weren’t able to watch the massacre in person or on the TV. We now had a feeling that this might happen more often from here on out, but we were still going to give the team our full support.

When we went to bed that that night, I was able to convince Devin to make love as ourselves this time, since he was the one I loved, not those other guys that he liked to transition into, or the ones he had me transition into. It was just as satisfying as the other times we’d made love recently, so maybe Devin won’t want to do it as the other guys as often from now on.

After making a trip to the dining hall to have breakfast in the morning, we drove out to the hunting camp again. It was basically a rerun of the previous day, but this time we didn’t do as much exploring. We merely ran around until Devin was satisfied, and then we returned to the house.

We spent the rest of Sunday working on the assignments that were due the following week. That night we made love again, but after listening to Devin whine for a while, I finally gave in to him and agreed we’d transition into other people.

“Who do you want me to be while you’re making love to me this time?” I asked.

“Elliot Page from the X-Men. He’s only slightly over five feet (154 cm) tall and I’ll be the tallest one again.”

“Ok, I’m willing to do that for you, but you’ve got to get over your inferiority complex about your height.”

“That’s easy for you to say, because you’re 5’ 11” (180 cm) and that’s in the normal range for a guy.”

He must have been grateful that I agreed to do this, because not only was he energetic while he made love to me again, but he also spent a great deal more time on foreplay as well. This not only included kissing, but he paid quite a bit of attention to my neck, nipples, and the rest of my body – well actually Elliot’s body, and also when he performed oral sex. It took well over an hour as he did all of these things, which wasn’t a problem for me, since I enjoyed what he was doing, and then we had anal sex. When he finished I waited a minute before I spoke.

“Are we going to be the same two people while I’m making love to you?”

“No, you can be yourself and I’ll be a young Neil Patrick Harris this time, because he’s actually gay. He’s also six feet (183 cm) tall, so I’ll still be taller than you as we’re doing this.”

“Ok, I’m cool with that as well.”

I took my time and tried to duplicate everything that he’d done when making love to me, so it was quite late by the time we finished and started going through our nightly ritual. After we showered, we dried off and headed back to our room, and then I ended up cuddling with Neil Patrick Harris as we fell asleep.

The next day when we went to the dog park, we followed the same procedure as we had every other time we’d been there and Devin transitioned in the men’s room again. As soon as we walked through the gate leading into the area where the dogs got their exercise, I began to look around so I could see who was there.

I immediately recognized a couple of the regulars with their dogs, but there was another guy there as well and I’d never seen him before. He was younger than the others, because they were quite a bit older, but this new guy was most likely in his late twenties or early thirties. When he saw me, he walked over and introduced himself.

“Hi, I just started coming here with my dog and my name is Preston Armstrong.”

“It’s nice to meet you, and I’m Michael MacPherson.”

“Do you come here often?”

“Yes, I usually bring my dog here most weekdays and I try to arrive around this time each day.”

“Ah, I was wondering, because I didn’t see you here yesterday. That was actually my first time visiting this place.”

“I don’t come here on the weekends because my dog and I do other things instead.”

“You look quite a bit younger than the others I’ve met here, so are you a college student?”

“Yes, I am.”

“What’s your major? I just started working in the anthropology department.”

“I’m taking a dual major in math and software engineering.”

“I’m impressed already. It sounds as if you’re committed to quite a challenging workload.”

“Yes, I suppose I am. Are you a professor or part of the staff?”

“I’m a professor. I was working at a two-year college for the past few years and just recently got hired here, which is a big move up the ladder for me. I also plan on bringing my dog here every morning around this time, so I guess I’ll be seeing you around.”

“Yes, I guess you will. Which dog is yours?”

“Mine is the chocolate-colored Cocker Spaniel.”

I looked around and spotted his dog playing with the other dogs that were here.

“That’s a good-looking dog. Is it male or female?”

“Thank you, and she’s a female.”

“What’s her name?”

“It’s Bailey, and I take it the black Lab sitting beside you is your dog?”

“Yes, he is. This is Bear.”

“He’s a good-looking dog and very well behaved, because I noticed he’s stayed by your side since you came in here.”

“He should be well behaved, because it cost me enough to have him trained,” I quipped, and then I heard Bear whimper to let me know he was displeased with my comment. “I think that means he’s ready to go play. “

“Yes, I’m sure he is.”

“Ok, Bear, go play with the other dogs,” I told Devin as I swept my arm in that direction and he raced off.

Even though Preston had commented that my dog was well behaved, I had a feeling Devin was merely staying close to me because he was being nosy. I’d told him that the first older guy I’d met here seemed to be hitting on me, so I suspected Devin wanted to see if this guy was going to try the same thing. He obviously decided it wasn’t going to happen, though, because he eventually left us alone. I believe he came to that conclusion after he learned the guy was a new professor at the university and suspected Preston wouldn’t put his job on the line in order to hit on an undergrad.

We had a nice chat as we watched the two dogs race around, and Preston eventually left before we did. In fact, I made certain he did, because I didn’t want him watching us as we were leaving. When we arrived back at the house later, I talked to Devin about how we were going to handle our trips to the dog park from now on.

“Now that Preston knows us and will probably be looking for us to arrive each morning, I don’t think you’ll be able to transition in the men’s room any longer.”

“Why not? The other guys know us too, but we didn’t change what we did because of them.”

“I know, but I feel Preston will be watching us more closely than the others have been doing, seeing I’m the only other younger person there. I don’t want to take the chance that he’ll see you getting out of the SUV with me and then walking directly to the men’s room, and a short time later Bear comes out to join me.”

“Yeah, you might be right about that. What if I just transition in the SUV before we back it out of the garage each morning?”

“That’s a good idea, if it wasn’t a detached garage and we could enter it from the house without being seen. But since we both have to walk outside to get to the garage, then I’m afraid someone might see us and then question why both of us walked into the garage and then only one was in the SUV when it drove away. I’m sure the neighbor lady would love to sink her teeth into something like that.”

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right, so what are we going to do?”

“I’m not sure, but I’ve been thinking about it and I believe I may have come up with an idea. We leave early enough each morning that I think I’ll be able to drive to one of the more isolated areas of the campus and you can transition into Bear while I’m driving around. Do you think you’ll be able to undress and do that in the backseat?”

“Yes, I’m sure I can do it, and then Bear will get out of the SUV with you when we get to the dog park. I’ll also be able to get back in the SUV with you when we leave, but you’ll probably have to find another spot where I can transition into myself and get dressed. I don’t think we’ll be able to do it on campus, because I’m sure there will be too much taking place there for me to be able to do it there again.”

“Yes, you’re probably right, so we can try the abandoned gas station on the way to the hunting cabin after we leave the dog park. It’s not that far away from the dog park and you won’t have to get out of the SUV to do it. However, it will depend on how much traffic there is on the road going there at that time of day, because I don’t want anyone to question what we’re doing.”

“Yeah, but we’ll still be taking a chance that someone else might see what I’m doing.”

“Not if we’re careful. I’ll pull in and leave the SUV running, but I’ll back into a spot and situate the SUV so it will be facing the road. That should give you enough cover and privacy to transition and get dressed.”

“What if someone stops to see if you need help?”

“I’ll tell them I’m a diabetic and I was getting a little dizzy and starting to shake so I stopped to drink some of the soda I keep with me to bring my blood sugar up again. I’ll just have to remember to grab a soda every morning before we leave the house.”

“Ok, that sounds believable, so we’ll try that and see how it works out. You aren’t really a diabetic, are you?”

“No, but I had a teacher in high school that was, and it’s how he handled it whenever his blood sugar level was low.”

“I’m glad you were observant when you had him as a teacher, and I guess that will work out until Gramps and Pops get here. By the way, I forgot to tell you, but they called me over the weekend when we were at the hunting camp and left a voice mail to let me know they’d be coming here to take care of some business in a couple of weeks. They also said they wanted to go to another football game with us, and I’m sure they’ll also want to go to the dog park and hunting camp with us as well.”

“And how will I explain to Preston that I only had one dog every time I was there, but now I suddenly have three dogs?”

“Tell him you’re a dog walker and just bringing the dog there to get some exercise.”

“Yeah, that might work, but I’ll have to put leashes on all of you until we get through the gate.”

“That’s not a problem, since I know Gramps and Pops have collars and leashes at the house. They used to take turns riding a bike while the other one ran beside it, but they could only do it if the one who’d transitioned into a dog was on a leash.”

“Do they have a leash and collar for each of them?”

“Yes, they didn’t want people to notice that they were using the same one and then get curious about them.”

“Ok, that will work out great then and we’ll just have to pick up a collar and leash for Bear.”

“Yeah, that won’t be a problem and we can do it tomorrow after we leave the dog park.”

“I’m surprised we didn’t think about getting those things for Bear before now.”

“And I’m surprised the other guys at the dog park didn’t call us out about it.”

“I guess they really weren’t paying attention to us, well at least not Bear.” I released a nervous snicker after I said that and Devin merely glared at me. It wasn’t because I said they weren’t paying attention to Bear, but the implication that some of them had been paying closer attention to me.

Later, after our classes ended for the day, we headed over to the dining hall for supper before we returned to the house. It was early; so we decided to walk around for a while before we got to the dining hall, and during that time we ran into the guys that we’d taken with us to the Colorado game, that is everyone except for Barry.

“Are you guys going to the game this weekend?” one of them asked us.

“Yes, of course. We go to all the home games, and we either watch the away games on TV or listen to them on the campus radio station.”

“Ok, then do you want to sit with us? Barry will be there too, but he’ll be with some of his other friends. We’re also going to the bonfire the night before and you can join us then as well.”

“Sure, it sounds like fun, so we’ll see you at the bonfire on Friday and the game on Saturday.”

After Devin and I ate, we walked back to the house, and we’d just entered the single gate and were walking toward the front door when we heard a car driving by. It was going really slow, so we turned to see if there was a problem. It was the neighbor lady and she glared at us as she passed by.

“She’s been getting home later and later, so I wonder if she’s doing it intentionally so she can spy on us,” Devin stated.

“It’s possible, but we can’t waste our time worrying about what she’s doing. We just have to be careful so we don’t give her anything to complain about.”

The rest of the night was fairly quiet as we hit the books, and then we made love again before we went to sleep, but this time we did it as ourselves.

The next morning we got up and prepared to try our new routine as we got ready to go to the dog park. Devin handed me the key to the SUV after I’d grabbed a soda out of the fridge, and then he got in the backseat of the SUV as we planned, so he’d have plenty of room to maneuver. I drove to an area of the campus that was fairly secluded and away from all of the residence halls, and Devin began to undress before he transitioned. When I looked in the rearview mirror to see how he was doing, he was sitting on the backseat as Bear, and since he obviously didn’t have any problems, I started out for the dog park.

Preston was there when we arrived, so I was glad that Devin had already transitioned, otherwise Preston might have had some difficult questions for us to answer.

I liked Preston and found him interesting, although he asked a great many personal questions as well, but he wasn’t quite as direct or as pushy when doing it, as the other guy had been. I shared whatever information I thought I could, and of course I told him the truth, since that’s always easier to remember and less likely to get me caught in a lie.

“I notice Bear and Bailey seem to be hitting it off,” Preston pointed out. “They’ve spent the entire time together so far, even though there are other dogs here as well.”

“I think the other dogs are either older or just less active, and Bear seems to like to be on the go.”

“And I noticed Bear has been leading Bailey through some of the obstacle course apparatus at the far end of the dog park as well.”

“Yes, I’ve run Bear through those things before and he seems to enjoy it, so I believe he’s showing Bailey how to do it as well.”

“I think that’s great!”

We left the dog park at the same time Preston and Bailey did today, because we didn’t have anything to hide this time. Bailey even came over and licked my hand before they left, and I guess it was merely her way of thanking me for bringing Bear for her to play with.

Things went about the same for the rest of the week as well, and as much as I enjoyed chatting with Preston, I had the feeling he was studying and analyzing me the entire time. Maybe it had something to do with his academic background, because I know he wasn’t hitting on me. He’d already told me about his girlfriend and explained that she still lived where he’d taught before. He said she did it because she had a good job there and didn’t want to give it up, so they agreed to see if a long distance relationship would work out for the time being, at least until he was granted tenure.

I’d also told him that I had a housemate who was also my best friend, so I wasn’t exactly alone, if he had any ideas, such as us possibly sharing an apartment. I don’t think he’d do that, though, since he’s a professor and I’m just a student, but I wasn’t sure what he had in mind, if anything.

On Friday, after we ate supper at the dining hall, Devin and I went back to the house to drop off our backpacks and put on some warmer clothes, including a light jacket, because it was already getting chilly. Then, we walked over to the athletic fields for the bonfire.

When we arrived there, the band and cheerleaders were already helping to set the atmosphere, but the coach didn’t want the players to go there. I thought he probably had a good reason for doing this, because he told the players to remain in their rooms and rest up for the game. However, I think he might have also been worried that they might start drinking if they were at the bonfire with the other students.

The bonfire ended up being a fairly typical pep rally, even though more than a few of the others in attendance had been drinking prior to arriving there. It didn’t take long before those students started to get a little rowdy, so Devin and I hung with our friends and stayed away from the others. Barry was there as well, but he was with a group of his older friends, and we were all staying clear of the rowdier crowd, although it didn’t mean they didn’t affect us.

At one point a fight broke out between two groups of guys that had been drinking. When their friends tried to break the fight up, things got even more out of control as more of them started throwing punches. They didn’t seem to care who they were swinging at and one of them even attacked Barry, who hadn’t been part of what was going on. After he hit Barry in the head and knocked him down, Devin had seen enough.

Without warning, Devin went over and leveled the guy who had just punched Barry, and after he did that, two of the guy’s friends went after Devin, although not at the same time. This meant Devin ended up having to take them on as well, and after a few well placed blows to the body and another to the guy’s chin, each one went down as well. Fortunately, he hadn’t changed his size or appearance while doing this, since there were so many others there that knew who he was, but I was certain that he’d bulked up his muscles and increased his quickness. After he took those guys out, no one else tried to take him on, and as soon as things began to settle down, Devin went over to see how Barry was doing. Barry merely looked at him in awe for a few seconds before he spoke.

“You sure can handle yourself for a smaller guy,” Barry eventually said.

“It wasn’t a big deal. They were drunk, so it wasn’t very hard to take them out.”

“Even drunk, they were able to knock me down,” Barry countered.

“You weren’t expecting it and he caught you by surprise.”

“Even so, you handled yourself quite well.”

“That’s because when you’re always the smallest one around, you tend to get picked on a lot, so I had to learn how to stand up for myself. My dad and grandpa taught me the things I needed to know, and then I worked out a lot to increase my strength and practiced what I was going to do. The first time I took down a bully, the rest of the bullies left me alone while I was at that school. I haven’t had to do anything like that since I was in high school, but I guess I just lost it when I saw the guy hit you.”

“I’ll bet he won’t make that mistake again, drunk or sober, and I’m sure the other two learned their lessons as well. You were very impressive.”

“When I get angry the adrenaline starts flowing and I’m able to do shit I wouldn’t be able to do otherwise.”

“Then I’ll be sure not to piss you off, but thanks for coming to help me.”

Things began to settle down again after that and friends of the guys that started the fight took them away from there so nothing else would happen. It was obvious those guys didn’t want to leave the bonfire, but their friends convinced them it would be best or they might end up getting kicked out of college due to multiple infractions of the student handbook.

Shortly after they’d left the area, an announced was made, but it didn’t have anything to do with what had just happened. We were merely being informed that the local TV station was going to televise the following week’s football game, which was another away game. We immediately became convinced that every TV on campus, if not all of Fort Collins, would be tuned in to watch the game, and this was one time that Devin and I wished we had a TV at the house.

Oh, I knew we’d find somewhere to watch and enjoy the game, even if it was at a sports bar, although I suspected we would be able to find somewhere to watch it on campus. Possibly we could do it at our old residence hall or the student union building, but we’ll have to talk it over before then and determine what we’re going to do.

We stayed around and chatted with some of the other students after the pep rally ended, mostly about what Devin had done to break up the fight. It’s also when Barry came over to us again and made a proposition.

“I’m living off-campus this year and you’re invited to join me to watch the game next weekend, if you want. I’ve invited a few of my other friends as well, and they’re all older than you guys, so it’s up to you if you want to come. I hope you will, especially after what Devin did to help me tonight.”

“I though you were an RA again,” Devin countered.

“I was, but I didn’t get along with Dave, the other RA, so I decided to give it up and got an apartment instead. It wasn’t a big deal to do it, since you two weren’t going to be there to help me keep my sanity.”

“Ok, then we’d love to join you,” we confirmed. “Should we bring anything with us?”

“Only what you want to drink, because I’ll be taking up a collection to cover the snacks.”

“Uh, will there be alcohol there?”

“Yes, and I don’t mind if you want to drink as well. A couple of my other friends are of legal age, and I am too, so I don’t think anyone will bother you if you want to have a few beers as well. I’ll even offer to buy the beer for you, if you want me to.”

“Yeah, we’d love to do that, but we don’t have any money on us right now. We didn’t bring any with us, because a thief can’t steal what you don’t have on you at the time,” I joked, “so can we give you the money tomorrow or during the week?”

“Yes, I didn’t mean that you had to give me the money right now, because we’ve got plenty of time to make the arrangements. I’ll also have to figure out how much the snacks will cost and how much your share will be, along with the cost of the beverages. Just tell me what you want and you can pay me when you come to my place to watch the game.”

“Ok, that works for us and thanks.”

We got his address and exchanged phone numbers so he could call or text to let us know how much we were going to owe him. It was all working out great and we had everything planned for the next two football games.

As we walked back to the house, I asked Devin a question. “Weren’t you taking a big chance by doing that to help Barry?”

“No, because I didn’t transition, well at least not all of me, just parts others wouldn’t notice, but I couldn’t let that fucker get away with sucker punching Barry for no reason at all. Barry hadn’t even been involved in their fight.”

“But that may have earned you some unwanted notoriety and attention that you may have to deal with in the future.”

“Nah, Barry’s really the only one that knows who I am, other than our friends, and I’m sure the rest of the guys will forget all about what happened after they sober up.”

“Possibly, but I’m afraid some of the others that saw what happened may remember you. I hope they don’t question how you were able to take out three guys…”

“Three drunk guys,” Devin corrected.

“Ok, how you managed to take out three guys who were drunk and all bigger than you. I also hope that no one challenges you to see if you can do it again.”

“Nah, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t believe I was able to do that, even though I was shorter than those other guys. A lot of smaller guys are capable of doing shit like that.”

“I certainly hope you’re right about this.”

Copyright © 2023 Bill W; All Rights Reserved.
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First, I'd like to thank all of you that have taken the time to read this chapter.  Please be kind enough to leave a comment or click on an emoji to let me know what you thought of this chapter.  It will help me with my future writing endeavors. 
I'd also like to thank my editors, Emoe57 and Donny Delk, for the countless hours they spend correcting my errors and adding constructive suggestions to making it better. 
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Devin is a great risk for them. He likes to experiment, without fully considering possible consequences. He likes to help, which of course is fine, but not always getting physical is the only/necessary answer. He managed many years to change only occasionally at the cabin - and all of a sudden he has to do it DAILY! Get the guy a gym membership on campus to blow of steam!

Besides a change from one species to another seems to go very quickly. So he could leave the house as e.g. a mouse in Mac's pocket, than change in the car into Bear, when there isn't another car next to them

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