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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Babies having babies - 1. Chapter 1

“We need to talk.” Sarah said urgently to Damian, pulling him towards the gym of their middle school.

“What, what's so important?” Damian asked once they were finally safe under the bleachers in the gym. The first bell just rang and there were no classes in the gym first thing in the morning on Tuesday's.

“I'm pregnant.” She said stoically, all her tears already having dried up.

“You can't be, I used protection, you're on birth control, this can't be happening, my dad 'll kill me.” Damian said, going into panic.

“I don't know how it happened, but I am pregnant, and it's yours.”

“But, but, but........”

“I know, I don't know what to do either. My mom knows already, and she wants me to put the baby up for adoption, I just don't think I'm ready to be a mom yet either, so I think I'm going to. I just don't know though, I always wanted kids, I just didn't expect to be having one at fourteen.”

“Yeah, well I'm only twelve, my dad's so gonna kill me. It would just figure though, you help me out once to see if I'm gay or not for sure, we use every precaution we can, and you still end up pregnant.” Damian said in an exasperated voice.

“Yeah, well you may not have enjoyed it all that much, and you may in fact be gay, but you sure are a potent little guy, aren't you.” Sarah giggled.

“Oh shut up, this' no time to joke around.”

“I know, I'm just trying to lighten the mood a bit. I cried all weekend long, and I couldn't come to school yesterday because I was throwing up so much. My mom finally asked me what was wrong on Sunday, and I broke down and told her. When I told her you were the dad, I think she was more than a bit surprised, she hadn't even thought you'd started puberty yet.”

“Yeah, well, I hardly have, I have a grand total of three hairs, and I'm surprised that I even squirted any.”

“It was enough I guess. I just thought that I should tell you, since you're the dad and all, and I should probably tell you that this'll probably be my last week of school here. My mom suggested that I quit school and do home schooling, so as to save the shame of getting pregnant at my age. I'm not sure if it's for her or for me that she's worried about though. I wouldn't really care one way or the other, but if I get as sick as I was yesterday too often, it'll probably be a lot easier in the long run. I also have to go meet with the adoption agency some time this week, my mom's setting up an appointment, so that we can start finding suitable parents.”

“No, tell her I'm taking the baby. I don't know how I'll do it, but I can't let my only chance at having a child slip away. I'm gay, there's never going to be a repeat of me having sex with a girl, so this' my only chance at having a child of my own.”

“But you're only twelve, most people think you're eight, you're in no better condition than I am to raise a child. Your dad was only seventeen when you were born, and remember how he told us how hard it was on him to raise you.”

“I know, but I also know that he'll understand my decision, even if it means giving up my own childhood.” Damian said stoically, already having done so, growing up a considerable amount in only a few minutes.

That was earlier this morning, but the story starts many years before. Damian and Sarah grew up next door to each other, their dads had been best friends ever since Damian's dad had moved next door, they drank together, told stories together, and relayed their trials and tribulations over raising a young family. Sarah's mom and dad were still together at this time, but her mom never cared for Damian's dad, nor did she care all that much that her husband liked him, he was quite a bit younger, was a single dad, and many other things that were really no big deal. That was okay though, Damian's dad really did not care much for her either, he thought that she was quite the stuck up bitch.

When Sarah was six, her dad died, and while she mourned for her daddy, it was actually Damian's father who seemed to mourn the loss the most, not even his wife seemed to mourn too much. Even though Sarah's mom did not care for Damian's dad, she adored Damian. He was a small, polite, cute little guy, and even at twelve, she still thought of him as all that. Then again, he was still very small, and he really did strike most people as being an eight year old. She never had any problems with allowing Damian to come over any time, and he even spent the night a few times here and there, and she never thought anything of it. Had she have suspected that he was in puberty, and knowing how pubertal boys can be, then maybe she would have had second thoughts about that, but no one, not even his own dad had suspected that he had already started puberty.

Damian, as was already mentioned, is twelve years old, but looks eight, has short wavy black hair, wears small black framed glasses that set off his hair and his striking green eyes very nicely. He has soft, almost girlish features; eyelashes and lips that girls pay a lot of money to create. Even still though, he amazingly enough did not get teased all that often at school, mostly because he was quite bright and just ignored them, and often times just smiled at the would be bully.

Being that the two of them had pretty much grown up together, they knew pretty much every little secret that the other had, it was with no small amount of surprise that Damian would come to her one night and spill his guts about his fears that he was in fact gay. Sarah, fully into puberty, and almost as horny as the average teenage boy, not to mention just wanting to know what sex felt like, offered to her best friend to let him try straight sex with her, to see what it was like. He took almost a week before he agreed to it, but eventually he gave in and they tried. That was almost a month ago.

Like he had said though, he did not really enjoy himself all that much, it just did not turn his crank as it were, but he did try to give Sarah all the pleasure he possibly could, because she sure was enjoying herself, and he even managed to give her an orgasm. When he pulled off the condom, he was surprised to see anything in there, because he had only started wet cumming earlier that week, and he had already jacked off once that day, and so far he had not been able to have two wet cums in the same day. He thought nothing of it though and just threw it away. He probably should have paid more attention though, because the condom had been quite loose on him, considering that he was not really all that very big yet, and he had cum at least three minutes before he was able to get Sarah off, so a good portion of his seed would have seeped down the loose condom and some obviously got inside Sarah, more than enough to do the job as it were.

When Damian got home from school that afternoon, he had pretty much just been on auto pilot all day, and never gave more than a grunt to any question asked of him, he just plopped down on his bed and cried. He cried all the way until his dad arrived home from work at a little after five.

Matt was just coming home from work, and when he walked in, he noticed right away that something was not quite right. The house was quiet, there was no TV blaring, no yelling of Daddy, you're home, not even Damian's shoes were by the door, yet he knew his son was home, because the door was unlocked. He searched the main level of the house and did not find his son, so headed upstairs to see if he was up there. He found his son laying on his bed, large pitiful sobs escaping him.

“Oh baby, what's wrong?” Matt sat on the edge of the bed and asked quietly, softly rubbing his obviously upset sons back where it was bared.

“S.....S......Sar......Sarah's p-p-p-pregnant, and it-it-it-it's mine.” Damian stuttered out as best he could, and started crying even more.

Matt though just burst out laughing.

“Yeah right it's yours.” He managed to get out amongst the laughter.

“Why are you laughing, this isn't funny?” Damian got very upset and asked, nearly yelling.

“There's no way that you could be the father, and I know two good reasons for it.” Matt said softly.

“Name one?” Damian challenged.

“You can't cum yet.”

“Can too, I started a few weeks ago, the same week that Sarah got pregnant in fact.” Damian said quietly, but not embarrassed, he and his dad could talk about anything, and their sex talks a couple years ago were very full of details.

“Oh, I haven't seen any signs of it, I mean you have a couple little tiny hairs, but I would have seen signs that you could cum in your diapers when I change you in the morning.”

“Except I don't have wet dreams daddy, because you told me the best way to not have them is to jack off.”

“Oh, right.”

“That's not the worst part though daddy.”

“Oh, there's a worse part than you getting your best friend pregnant at the tender age of twelve?”

“You have no idea.”

“I was sixteen when your mom got pregnant, I think I have a few ideas.”

“Yeah, but you probably didn't have sex with a girl just to find out if you were gay or not for sure.”

“No, I didn't.”

“Daddy, I'm gay.”

“I know baby, I've known for a while now. That's kinda why I was shocked that you'd come to me and tell me that you got a girl pregnant. Speaking of which, didn't you learn anything from the sex talks we had? How many times did I preach safe sex to you?”

“I sorta thought you knew, but we did practice safe sex, honest. Sarah's even on birth control, and I used a condom.”

“Good grief, potent little guy, aren't you?” Matt laughed.

“This isn't funny.” Damian said in a huff again.

“No, I guess it isn't. So, what are you gonna do then?”

“What makes you think I know what to do?”

“Because you're a straight A student, IQ higher than a few of the teachers in your school, could go to university if you really wanted to, and you always have a plan.”

“Yeah, but I'm not really sure what to do. Sarah's mom wants her to put the baby up for adoption, but I told her not to, that I wanted to keep the baby, that I'd figure out what to do. I know my own childhood is over, but it was my mistake, and I'll live with it.”

“No, it's not a mistake, a baby is never a mistake. Sure, you had an accident, so did I, you know that you were more than a bit of a surprise to me as well, you certainly weren't planned, but never once have I thought of you as a mistake, and I will never allow you to see this baby as a mistake either. I too will not allow the baby to go up for adoption, he or she is your baby, and I'll help you raise him or her to the best of your ability, same as my parents did for me.”

“Thanks daddy, I knew you'd understand, even if I thought you were gonna kill me.”

“I'm a bit upset of course, but you did all you could to prevent it from happening. Sometimes things like this happen just in the nick of time, to give you what you need when you need it. I'm sure that you'll make a great daddy, and even though I certainly never planned on being a grandfather at the age of thirty, I'm sure that I'll do just fine as well.”

“Thanks daddy.” Damian said and hopped into his dads lap and hugged him tightly.

“You're welcome baby, let's get you into a diaper, because with all the turmoil, you seem to have wet your pants.” Matt said, feeling the wetness soak into his clothes.

“Oh god. I'm twelve years old and can't even control my pee.” Damian said resignedly.

“I'm almost thirty baby and still wear diapers to bed, you have the same condition, and if you have a boy, the odds of him developing the same genetic flaw are upwards of ninety percent remember. You're smart, you know that it's not your fault, and you know how bad your bladder is during the day even. So, no crying and let me get you into a diaper, I think you could really use it.”

“Thanks daddy, that'd be real nice right about now.”

“I know baby, I know more than you can imagine.”

“You love diapers too daddy, don't you.”

“Yes baby, I do.”

“I thought so. So, what are we gonna do?”

“I'm sure we'll figure it out baby, don't worry so much.”

That was eight months ago now. Sarah quit school that very week, and other than a few close friends, no one knew that she was even pregnant, and no one found out who the father was. At first Sarah's mom was aghast at the idea of allowing Damian to take on full parental rights, but she really had no rights to protest it. Sarah though severed her parental rights fully and willingly. Damian was there almost every day to help Sarah in any way shape or form that he was able to, he even held her hair up a few times when she had to go throw up in the toilet. Damian and Matt realized though that given that they lived next door to each other, it might be difficult on Sarah, having her baby next door like that, so they decided that their best option would be to sell the house and move. Sarah at first was crushed to know her best friend in the world was moving away, but in the end she realized that it was in her best interest as well, and this way the baby would never know her, so would therefor never miss her, she could not be a part of the child's life.

A month before the baby was scheduled to be born, the sale of the house and the purchase of their new house in their new city was finalized, and the day after the baby came home, they would travel to their new home. Matt was arranging everything so that it would be a nice smooth transition, with hopefully no problems. He was not worried about his work, because he ran his own business, and it would be relatively easy to transfer to a new location, so there were no problems there at all.

The pregnancy went well, perfect in fact, other than the fact that poor Sarah seemed to suffer from morning sickness more than usual, and for almost the entire time, but other than that, she did very well. Damian was there as often as possible of course, and he and she talked a lot, but mostly about their up and coming leave taking. Neither really wanted to say goodbye to the only person that they ever really felt that they could talk to. Matt and Damian talked a lot as well, and Damian let it known his fears of being a daddy at the age of thirteen, because he was now thirteen, in fact only weeks before the baby was due. Of course Damian was scared, he had every right to be, as was his dad, as was every dad before him, but Matt reassured him that he would do just fine.

Finally the day came that Sarah's water broke, she called Damian first, and then they all headed to the hospital together. It took nearly twelve hours for the baby to be born, and Damian held Sarah's hand the entire time, coaching her the way he had been taught to, he was ever the pillar of strength while in there, and he was the only one as well, not even Sarah's mom was in there, Sarah did not want her to be, only Damian. The screams of a newborn baby broke the delivery room, and a nurse took the baby to clean it all up.

“Congratulations, it's a healthy little baby boy.” The nurse said, handing the baby to Damian, who took the baby gently and held him softly.

“Do you want to see him?” Damian asked Sarah.

“Yes, but I shouldn't, this' already so hard as it is. You better leave. Just know, I've always loved you as if you were my very own brother.” Sarah said, breaking down into tears and turning away.

“Thank you Sarah, I'll always love you as well. Goodbye.” Damian said, breaking into tears as well.

The nurses, of course knowing what was happening, moved Sarah from the room, took the baby from Damian, and put him into his little crib.

“Have you picked out a name yet sweety?” The head nurse asked.

“Yes, his name's to be Dominic please.” Damian said, wiping the tears from his eyes, and looking adoringly towards his little boy.

“Great. Why not go out and tell your father, and then we'll be right out with your son as soon as we're finished getting him all cleaned up and ready for you.”

“Thanks.” Damian said, and headed out the door.

“It's a boy.” Damian said happily as soon as he saw his dad.

“I'm so happy for you Damian, how does he look?”

“So beautiful.”

“I know how you feel, that's the way I felt the day you were born as well, and then you went and grew up, and now look at you.” Matt teased, but hugged his son.

“I can't wait.” Damian smiled.

This story belongs to Erich, please do not post anywhere without asking me first, thanks.
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