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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Babies having babies - 8. Chapter 8

Sunday morning went normal for them all, and Zane and Austin went home at a little past lunch time, as was about normal for them. Damian, Matt and Dominic spent most of the rest of the day in, except for a little more than an hour while they went grocery shopping. Damian decided that since it seemed that he was going to be needing to wear diapers seemingly full time now, since he still had not once felt the need to pee, but was keeping his diapers quite wet, that he should get some thinner daytime ones, so that they were just a little less visible under his clothes. Baggier clothes and his new diaper shirts would help in that endeavor a great deal, but thinner diapers would be even better yet.

Monday morning Matt went into work at his normal time, and as soon as Damian felt that the doctors offices would be opening, he looked in the phone book and started calling doctors. It was more than an hour later, and fifteen or sixteen doctors, Damian was not quite sure any more, but he finally found one that agreed to take on the whole family. He was told that if he could make it to the office for one in the afternoon, that he had an appointment, so Damian took it. Damian had no idea where the office was at, he still had no idea how to get around in their new home, so he called Zane, and Zane came over in under ten minutes.

“So, you found a doctor did you?” Zane asked as soon as he walked in, not even bothering to knock any more.

“Yeah, and he wants me there at one. Where's Austin today, don't you have to baby sit?”

“Mom stayed home today, she wasn't feeling well, and I asked if I could go out alone for a bit, and she said no problem.”

“Oh, okay. I thought you finally snapped and just tied the little brat up and hid him in a closet and escaped.” Damian said with an amazingly straight face.

“You know, I've actually thought about it, but he's too damned cute, and I couldn't really do it to him. But it sure is nice envisioning the duct tape covering his mouth sometimes.” Zane grinned.

“I have no doubt. So, did you ask your mom about home schooling then?”

“Yeah, and I told her all the pros to it, and she pointed out all the cons as well, and I countered that the pros far outweighed the cons in this instance. She said that she would think about it, so for now I guess that's all I can ask for.”

“At least you made a good argument, and challenged her when she countered your information, so she shouldn't say no. Really, there's absolutely no reason for her to say no to you for such a simple thing.”

“Yeah, I just hope she agrees.”

“I'm sure she will. So, here's the address of my doctors office, how long will it take for us to get there?”

“Um, this is clear on the other side of town, that'd take almost an hour, maybe more to walk it, so how are we gonna get there?”

“Oh, I didn't realize it was that far away.”

“You know, for someone so smart, you sure don't know how to use technology do you? All you had to do was go to Google Maps and type the bloody address in and you would have found out exactly how to get there from here. I would have done that while calling doctors, find the ones closest to here first, and work your way out from there.” Zane grinned, showing that he was teasing his boyfriend.

“Actually, I may be smart, but I actually detest computers. I can use them alright when I need or want to, but I just find it pointless most of the time, because it just takes so much time to find anything that I'm looking for when I do try. So, I hardly ever think of stuff like that. My dad's actually way better with computers than I am.”

“Oh, then I'd probably scare you with what I can do then. I love computers, and I can do some pretty cool stuff with them.”

“See, you're good at something, just like I told you you are.”

“Yeah, I guess I never thought of that.”

“And that's you're problem, you're always focusing only on the bad, not the good that you have.”

“I know, but you have other kids tease you from grade three on that you're a sissy, you're weak, a nerd, and then finally gay and homo and fag, it just got to the point that I forgot about anything good.”

“I'm sorry, they didn't have the right to treat you that way, no one does. I got called a lot of that same stuff though, lots, and I just grinned and told them thanks or something like that. So, if the office is across town and we can't really walk, then I guess we take a taxi closer to the time then.”

“That sounds good to me I guess. Do you have money for that though, they're pretty expensive?”

“Yeah, I have some cash, hopefully enough. I'll buy lunch though, I have my bank card, and I have plenty in that account.”

“Oh, does your dad give you an allowance?”

“No, not really. When my grandparents died, they had a lot of money, so some went to my dad, and some went to me, the rest was split amongst all my uncles and cousins. It wasn't a huge amount or anything, only like twenty thousand dollars, my dad got more, but given how good he is with money, he made it make me lots extra, and I get a monthly spending allowance with it. Now that I have Dominic, it was increased, and I had plenty in there already, but I've used a good portion of what I had saved in my checking account to buy all of Dominic's stuff.”

“Oh, wow. And here I thought your dad bought it all for you.”

“Oh, he bought a few things, but I bought the majority of it. Dominic is my responsibility, so as such, I pay for as much as I can. Daddy buys his food, but I buy his diapers and the rest for the most part. Daddy seems to buy most of his clothes though, but I don't think he can help it, every time he sees a cute outfit for him, he just has to buy it.” Damian laughed.

“Oh, that's cool.”

“Yeah. Well, I should probably call a cab then and have someone pick us up pretty quick. It's almost eleven already, and we want to be there in plenty of time to make the appointment.”

“Probably not a bad idea. Sometimes the cabs here can be slow. I remember a couple years ago when my moms car died, she had to take cabs to and from work for a few days while it was in getting fixed, and more often than not, even though she called in plenty of time, she ended up late to work. Lucky they understood and she didn't get in trouble for it.”

“Then I really have to call quickly then.” Damian smiled and headed to the kitchen to grab the phone book. He found a number and grabbed his cell phone and dialed it. It took almost a minute for someone to pick up, and then he was told it would be about half an hour before someone could be there. He met Zane back in the living room and told him the news, and then they both went to get ready to go. Damian was still in his night diaper, and that's all, and Dominic was still in his jammies, but had already had a diaper change, because he had messed.

“Would you mind terribly if I borrowed one of your daytime diapers and one of your diaper shirts please?” Zane asked quietly.

“Sure, go for it, you know I have no problem with it.” Damian smiled brightly.

“Thanks. I wouldn't want for you to feel all alone.” Zane grinned slightly.

“Liar, but thanks.” Damian grinned.

“Yeah, you got me, but thanks as well.” Zane said and quickly stripped down to nothing.

Once Zane was naked, and Damian had stripped off his diaper so was naked as well, they proceeded to change each other, and then they helped each other into their diaper shirts. Once they were on, they each got themselves dressed the rest of the way. Zane had to smile, because he knew he was wearing a diaper, it felt awesome, but to look in the mirror he could not even tell at all. That was great, because even though he wanted to wear a diaper as well, he did not want to be caught doing so. Once they were both dressed and ready to go, they each helped to get Dominic and his diaper bag ready. Another bag was packed with a couple spare pairs of pants, two new diaper shirts, and four diapers, for just in case. Everything was taken downstairs and set by the door, and the stroller was brought out from the garage and set by the door as well, so that when the taxi arrived, it would only be a matter of grabbing everything and heading out.

Thankfully though the cab arrived only about ten minutes after they had everything ready to go, so they took everything out and Damian locked up the house. They hopped in after loading everything into the trunk, the driver had popped it open for them, and told the driver where they were heading, and then they were off. The drive into town did not take all that long, and before too long, they were there and Damian paid the driver. They grabbed all their stuff and then headed out for a bit of a walk, since they had plenty of time to kill.

As they walked, Zane pointed places out, telling Damian who or what they were, if it was any good, this and that. Damian appreciated the information, because he had no idea that any of the places even existed. They headed towards the doctors office about twenty minutes before Damian's appointment, so that they would be nice and early and to fill out any paperwork that was necessary. When they got there, the receptionist did in fact have Damian fill out some paperwork, and took the folder with his and Dominic's files in it, and she set it aside to be given to the doctor. Not even ten minutes later, he was called in.

“I'll just stay here with Dominic and watch him for you.” Zane offered.

“This appointment is for him as well, but I'd like for you to come to help me with him if I need it, okay.”

“If you're sure, then I don't mind.” Zane said softly.

They followed the receptionist into the correct office and she had them all sit and wait. The doctor arrived only a few moments later.

“Good morning gentlemen, how can I be of service to you three brothers?” He asked. He was fairly young, not even thirty if Damian's guess was any good.

“Not brothers Sir, boyfriend and son.” Damian said, Zane blushed.

“Oh. Well, if you're gay, how did you end up with a child, especially at your age? It doesn't even appear as if you've started puberty.”

“I know, I get that a lot, even my dad burst into a fit of laughter when I told him that I was gonna be a father, because he was certain that I hadn't even started at all at the time, but I had just started ejaculating like the week before or something like that. As for how I became a gay daddy, I told my best friend in the world that I thought I was gay, and she offered to have sex with me so that I would know for sure. Well, after the one time, I was sure. As it also turns out, I was more powerful than a condom and birth control, because I was wearing and she was on it at the time. And yes, a paternity test was done, and yes, I am the father, even my doctor at the time was shocked. He did a sperm sample and count, and found that I was amazingly potent for my age, especially considering I had no other signs of puberty at the time, other than my dick had started to grow some. Now at least I have some hair, but not much more than I did then, I could count them on one hand, now it takes both and one foot at least.”

“Okay, let me get this straight...”

“Hey, easy on the straight terms there.” Damian teased, and the doctor blushed.

“Oh, terribly sorry.” He muttered.

“You'll have to forgive him of that, he loves catching people with that.” Zane said, shaking his head.

“Oh, that was good. You should see how well I get my dad with that sometimes. Anyway, please continue.” Damian grinned.

“Oh dear, I can tell already that having you as a patient could be dangerous. I only just started a few weeks ago, and you're like only my tenth patient. Now I'm starting to wonder if this was such a good idea.”

“Ah, if you can survive me, then you can survive anything.” Damian grinned.

“He's right actually.” Zane grinned.

“Anyway, let me see if I have this correct, you're gay, you had sex once, you were wearing a condom and she was on birth control, you had next to no signs of puberty and had only started ejaculating approximately a week before the baby was conceived. Not to mention that you had a paternity test done and had your sperm tested, and the baby is one hundred percent yours.”

“Yep, that sounds about right. The only reason I did the paternity test at all was to shut up some people who said it was impossible for me to be the father, because I look way too young. I knew the baby was mine though, because my friend would not have lied to me. I wouldn't have cared less if she'd slept with one other guy or a hundred other guys, hell I would have joined in and told her so. She almost choked at that one she was laughing so hard, saying she wouldn't even doubt it. Anyway, when I was taking the parenting courses, people were really mean to me, and worse to her, saying that she was a slut and all that, so I did the test to shut them up.”

“Oh good grief, you have no shame, do you?”

“Nope, and he doesn't appear to have a shred of decency either.” Zane laughed.

“Hey, I resemble that.” Damian said, trying to sound hurt.

“Yes, I know.” Zane grinned again, and Damian smiled.

“As for your observation, no, I don't really have much shame when I know I can talk freely. I certainly wouldn't say half of this at school, not even I'm that brave. You though have to know much of this anyway, so there's no point in not telling you the whole sordid story.”

“Yeah, I took you for a smarter one, I could tell when you called this morning.”

“Thanks. Why is it you were answering the phones this morning anyway?” Damian asked curiously.

“My receptionist wasn't able to get here until eleven this morning, which wasn't exactly a big deal, because so far, you're the only person to come in today, and the only person to call as well.”

“Oh, that makes sense I guess. You'll probably get real busy before too long though, so you might want to enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts.”

“Oh believe you me, I am going to, because I know that all too well. So, what exactly brings you in today anyway, I didn't really get into too many questions with you on the phone?”

“Well, I trust you've had a brief look at my history, but I'm sure you couldn't possibly have read it all already, so I'll give the short sweet version. As a baby, I was never sick at all, and all throughout school I've only had a few colds, had the flu once that I can remember, have missed chicken pox, measles, mumps and all those other nasty childhood diseases. And considering that many of the kids in my school suffered from these at one time or another, I'm not sure how I managed that. My only medical concern is my bladder. There's serious family history on that though, and it's included in my file as well. Anyway, many of the males, and a few of the females in my blood line have bladder control problems. Almost all of them it only occurs during the night, but for a few, it eventually turns into a daytime issue. All of us though do have weaker than normal bladders and have to be careful not to let them get too full. One of my uncles is one of the daytime wetting ones, he started wetting during the day when he was sixteen, and one of my dads great uncles never gained control of his bladder at all. Up until a couple days ago, other than the odd accident, I was also only a bed wetter, but then a few days ago, I wet my pants, and had not even realized it was happening until I felt my pants getting wet. Since then, I've not felt the need to pee once. As with all my family, diapers was the main choice of controlling the problem, so now I'm in diapers all day, every day. Pretty much all I'm in for is to have you test to make sure that's the case, and to see if there's anything that can be done about it.”

“Oh, wow, I'm really sorry to hear that.”

“No need to be sorry, I'm okay with it, I knew it was going to happen eventually, and I deal with it easily enough. Until I told you I wore diapers, you probably never even noticed, and most certainly wouldn't notice either. I also have Dominic here to get him all checked out, since he hasn't been to see a doctor since he was born, and he's a month old now.”

“Oh, okay. So, your condition is a genetic issue then!”

“Yes, and in all likelihood, I passed it onto Dominic as well. My uncles all decided to adopt, so that they did not pass that on as well, they're trying to stop it, but I have it, and even if Dominic does not, then he will certainly be a carrier. I can't remember the exact terminology, nor the gene that's faulty, but it's all in my file there somewhere, we've all been to see specialists and everything, in fact we were all asked a few years ago to be seen by a certain specialist who deals in only our condition, which by the way is extremely rare.”

“I have no doubts there. I had of course heard of bladder failure before, and even some genetic issues that could cause bladder problems, but never to that extent.”

“Our family line is one of only maybe a dozen around the world that suffers from it, but the geneticist says that through research he's starting to believe we all hale from the same person somewhere very far back.”

“That makes sense enough that you might all be related. Every genetic issue has to start somewhere right. So, I guess since this is your boyfriend then, that you probably won't have a problem with stripping down with him here, so if you would, please strip down to just your diaper for now please?”

“Nope, even if he was my brother or just my friend, I wouldn't have a problem with it anyway.” Damian said, hopping up and starting to strip.

“Somehow I thought as much. Nice diaper shirt though, where'd you get that?”

“Thanks, Zane actually told me about these.”

“Oh, do you need to wear diaper as well, Zane is it?”

“No, only at night, but I told Damian that a diaper shirt was almost exactly the same as a gymnasts body suit, so that's what he bought.”

“Oh, good idea, and I bet they're comfortable too, because they have to be really form fitting and flexible for gymnasts, or they wouldn't wear them.”

“Really comfortable actually.” Damian said as he was slipping off the shirt, which was the last thing.

“I'll have to remember that for the future then, just in case I ever have any other patients that have bladder problems. Now, are you two sexually active, and if so, do you use protection?”

“Yes, we're sexually active, and no, we don't. I'd only had sex once, and Zane hadn't at all, other than sucking one boy. I was checked during one of my blood tests, I had them check everything at the same time, just in case, but I also knew my friend and I had been each others firsts, so I was certain I was safe.”

“What were you having a blood test for?”

“That time was to check for infections, because I was having troubles peeing again, but only half the time it's an infection. They always pulled blood and urine whenever I needed to be checked, not too sure why.”

“Because the last thing you want is to get an infection in your blood stream, that usually spells very bad news, so quite often doctors just check it as well to be safe.”

“Makes sense.” Damian smiled.

For the next half an hour, the doctor asked all sorts of questions as he checked Damian over fully, and Damian answered everything perfectly. Once he was finished with Damian, he checked Dominic over, and asked all sorts of questions about him as well.

“Well, other than your bladder, you seem to be in superb health. I'm gonna send you in for a few tests though, to see what they can see, if anything, because I can't see or feel anything in particular. The main ones though are an ultrasound of your bladder, a radio active dye x-ray, and of course blood and urine samples.”

“Oh great, I get to drink the nasty stuff again. I'd hoped after the last three times that I wouldn't have to again, but oh well. Are they gonna shove the bloody tube up my dick again, that bloody well hurts?”

“Afraid so, I've asked them to do that as well.”

“I thought you might have. So, when will I have to go for that, and where do I have to go, the hospital?”

“I'll set up the appointment and call you as soon as I know, but I'm going to ask for it to be ASAP, just in case it's a bad infection or something stupid like that. It'll be at the hospital, because there's nowhere here that can do something like all this except the hospital.”

“Thought so, same as my last home as well. Well, you have my cell number to call me as soon as you get the appointment, so unless there was anything else, I suppose we should let you get back to your boredom.” Damian grinned.

“No, I think that was it, so go ahead and head out, and I'll call as soon as I know. Thanks for coming in today.” The doctor smiled warmly and the boys left. He figured he was really going to like having Damian as a patient, he was very witty, and so damned cute as well, especially in his diaper, and his boyfriend was sure nothing to scoff at either.

The boys left the office right away, and were walking to a nearby restaurant that Zane said was usually pretty good. On the way there, they of course talked and laughed.

“You know, I think your new doctor might be gay.” Zane said only moments after they had left the office.

“Oh, I know he's gay.” Damian grinned.

“And did you see his expression once you were down to only your diaper?”

“Yeah, it was taking every ounce of willpower he had to not get hard, but he sure enjoyed looking, that's for sure. I don't think he minded my staying almost totally naked while we were there, even though I no longer had to be.”

“No, I don't think he minded too much either. How much should I bet that he went straight to the bathroom and jacked off at least twice?” Zane grinned evilly.

“Ooh, you're starting to get an evil streak, I think you've been hanging around me too much” Damian grinned. “I certainly wouldn't bet against you though, that's for sure. Although I'm willing to bet that it was closer to four or five times that he's gonna have to jack off.”

“I don't doubt that either.” Zane smiled warmly, and Damian was not entirely certain which part of his statement that Zane's was supposed to be for, but figured probably both.

They laughed and joked more about Damian's gay doctor, Damian joking about how he would have to really torment the poor guy, give him flashes of diaper and skin whenever he was there, and Zane of course told him that was cruel, but did say that he might just have to change doctors himself, because having a gay male doctor made far more sense for a gay boy, than having a female doctor did. They made it to the restaurant a few minutes later and went in and sat down. Damian got some hot water to warm Dominic's bottle up and then fed him while they waited for their food to be delivered. Once again the waitress commented on how cute Damian's little brother was, and once again was absolutely amazed when she found out Dominic was his son instead. Damian was getting used to the shock and the looks, but it still bothered him when people said that he must be kidding because he was simply too young. As soon as they were finished lunch, they got up to head out.

“So, how should we get home, do you want to just walk and look around downtown as we go?” Damian asked.

“Sure, now that we don't have to worry about how long we take, we may as well.” Zane smiled warmly.

It took them nearly two hours to make it home, walking the entire way, but of course making a few stops along the way. Amazingly enough Dominic had stayed awake the entire time, watching everything as they went, but Damian could easily tell that his little guy was getting very tired. Damian and Zane took Dominic upstairs and changed his diaper and put him down for a nap, and then headed to their bedroom, because they too needed a diaper change.

“How would you like to lay down on the bed for a bit and suck each other?” Damian asked as soon as they entered.

“No interruptions, no peeping toms, sure. You want to try sucking each other at the same time today?”

“That sounds cool.” Damian smiled.

Slowly they stripped each other of all their clothes, and crawled onto the bed, each facing a different way, and they latched onto each other at almost the same time. They sucked each other slowly for the next ten minutes, until they both had a very nice orgasm, both of them enjoying the treat at the end. With a nice deep sigh, they both came down a few minutes later and rolled onto their backs.

“Wow, that was nice.” Zane whispered.

“Yeah, it was, but you should get me diapered up before I pee the bed.”

“Yeah, and you should diaper me as well, just because.” Zane smiled.

Zane crawled out of bed and grabbed the supplies that they would need and came back and diapered Damian gently and thickly, opting for the night time diapers this time instead, because they held more and were more comfortable. Zane then laid down and Damian diapered him the same way. Just as they were finishing up and were about to leave the room, Damian's cell phone rang, so he grabbed it and answered it. He talked for only a minute and then hung up.

“That was the doctor, I have an appointment at the hospital tomorrow morning at seven. Do you think you could be here before that, bring Austin as well, and you two can babysit Dominic for me?”

“Sure, I have no problems with that. I'd offer to go with you, but I know that this time it could take a while, and I know for a fact that Austin couldn't handle sitting around waiting for that long.”

“Yeah, and I wouldn't want for Dominic to have to wait either, not that he would care much one way or the other mind you.”

For the rest of the day, they sat around doing nothing much, but doing it together, cuddling most of the time as they did so. When Matt got home, the boys went upstairs and Zane got out of his wet diaper and got dressed and headed home with a deep tender kiss. Damian just stayed in his diaper, it would hold up until bedtime he figured.

The next morning Zane showed up at six with Austin in tow, and Damian went over all the details again, just to make sure Zane was good with watching Dominic for what would likely be a few hours or more. Zane was good though, so Damian got himself ready to go and hopped on his bike for the ten minute bike ride to the hospital, his diaper bag on his back.

As soon as he made it there, he was told where to go and how to get there, so he did so, and he had to wait a few minutes for a doctor to come get him.

“Now, I've been given your history by your doctor and what's happening. I really need a urine sample, so the very first thing I'm going to do is put in a catheter and attach a leg bag to you, so that we can collect all the urine that you produce while you're here with us.”

“Oh, okay. Lead the way.” Damian said sadly, but not arguing, already knowing that it was more than likely going to need to be done.

They went to a private room where Damian was told to go ahead and strip, and then once he was naked, the doctor inserted the catheter, and then strapped on a leg beg on his ankle. He was then given a pair of hospital pants and a gown to wear so that he did not have to keep stripping off his clothes. The first thing after that that the doctor did was give him the radioactive dye to drink, and once again Damian gagged on it the entire time. They then headed for the imaging department, where an ultrasound was done, then a cat scan was done, and then finally to the x-ray to have that done. Next they went and took a bunch of blood, Damian was starting to feel woozy from that, and then they went to the room that they had pretty much started in and the probe was inserted up Damian's penis, and once again Damian did not like this in the least. Once that was all done, Damian's leg bag was removed and the collected urine was put into a container and sent off to the lab to be tested as well. Damian was then told that he could get dressed, and that his doctor would call him with the results. Damian diapered himself quickly and got dressed, and then headed back towards home. Finally he pulled into his driveway some four hours after he had left.

“Oh, you're finally back. So, how did it go?” Zane asked and gave Damian a kiss as soon as Damian walked in.

“About as well as expected really, but now I have to wait to hear what's up, and there's no telling how long that'll take.”

It was three days later that Damian was called by his doctor, and they made an appointment for him to come in that afternoon. Once again Zane was there, this time Austin was as well. Zane offered to just stay home and watch the boys, and Damian agreed that that would be for the best. He decided to just ride his bike this time instead, being that it would not take nearly as long as walking or waiting for a cab, so almost an hour before his appointment, he headed out with kisses to his baby and his boyfriend. He made it there with fifteen minutes to spare, and was shown in almost right away.

“Good afternoon Damian, I'm glad that you could make it on such short notice. Where's Zane and Dominic?”

“Zane's just at home watching his brother and Dominic instead of dragging them both here today. We figured that it'd be easier that way. So, is it as I figured it would be?”

“I got the test results yesterday and looked at them, and then contacted your specialist and emailed him everything, and he called me back this morning and confirmed my suspicions. Yes, it appears that you have now lost complete control of your bladder, I'm sorry to say. It seems that you're bladder muscles just decided to stop working completely and we see no way to fix it, since it's a problem in your brain and not actually in your bladder. That was a piece of information that your specialist informed me of that I was not aware. From what he told me of your family and the others that are like you all, he's been doing more research, and after testing a few of your family and the others that have passed away with your condition, he's found that the bladder is willing, but the brain just shuts it down completely sometimes, the rest of the time for the rest of your family it just does that at night. He told me that he still has no idea how or why, and that he sees no conceivable way to fix it either.”

“That's okay Doctor, I don't mind, really I don't. I've known from a very young age that our family had this problem, I got used to it a long time ago. By the time I was ten I already knew that this was going to happen to me, my dad had started warning me that I was just as bad as my uncle was or worse really, and that I too would more than likely eventually lose control. Then again, many of us do, but it's usually considerably later in life. Granted, most can at least most of us do feel the need to pee, just can't stop it from happening, whereas I'm not even feeling it anymore at all, but that's not unheard of either. At least I don't hate wearing diapers, and I'm okay with having to wear them. Sure it bothers me if people find out and call me names and stuff like that, but I deal with it just fine.”

“I'm glad to hear that you deal with it as well as you do, most wouldn't. Granted, most don't learn at such a young age that they will forever be in diapers, even if only at night, and you also knew early on that sometimes it became an all the time thing. Your specialist told me though that he is continuing to work on a cure or some way to resolve the issue, so eventually he may come up with the way to fix it.”

“If the issue is in my brain, then even if he does find a way to fix it, that would mean brain surgery, and there's no way I'll do it. I'd rather stay alive and wearing diapers than to have to chance brain surgery, thank you very much. On the other hand, if I ever had to have brain surgery, or else I'd be dead, then I'd tell them to go ahead and fix that at the same time, they may as well in that case.”

“I can't say as I blame you much for that. Brain surgery is definitely not something that you want to enter into lightly, that's for sure. There are certainly far more risks than fixing a bladder problem really warrants.”

“Exactly my point. Even if my brain were to be fixed, I doubt I could even sleep now without a diaper anyway, I've done it my entire life, it's just what I find comfortable to sleep in, and I wouldn't sleep without them now I'm betting.”

“Possibly true. Now, your tests showed you to be nice and clean and healthy in all aspects, as well as sexually transmitted diseases. I wanted to check for those as well, because there have been known bladder control side effects of certain ones, so I had them test for any known disease as well. I figured that it was better safe than sorry. There was however some very minor clouding in your urine, which they said could have been caused by either the beginning or the end of a bladder infection. There was no infection in you yet, but they warned that there could have been or one could start. Given your family history, I'm certain I don't have to tell you this, because I saw the amount of bladder infections you've had, but make sure to keep your bladder nice and clean, drink lots of water, absolutely no pop, only pure fruit juices if you really want to, but preferably not, other than cranberry, and blueberry is also really good for you, and green tea is also an excellent cleanser of your system.”

“I haven't felt a bladder infection coming on, so it is maybe about to start again, so I'll start drinking more water and green tea, it's what I always do. I rarely ever drink pop or juice though, because I know how bad it is for me to do so, but every now and then I just want something a little sweeter, even though I know it's not good.” Damian grinned.

“I know how you feel, I try not to drink them either, because no matter who you are or what problems you have, and I don't care if they say it's diet pop or not, pop is just not good for you, no matter how you cut it. The occasional one though is not bad, as long as it is a rare treat.”

“Yeah, my thoughts exactly, and the same with many of those juices out there, they're almost as bad.”

“That they are. Well, I think that was everything that I needed to tell you today, so I believe that you're free to go.”

“Thanks. Well, see you next month for Dominic's checkup then, unless one or both of us need to come see you again, and I'll tell my dad of his appointment to come and see you.” Damian said, he had asked to have his dad come in for a checkup too, because he knew he would not do so.

“Okay, great, see you then, have a good day.”

Damian headed out right away, riding all the way home without stopping. As soon as he made it home, he told Zane and Austin all about what the doctor had said. Austin said it was cool, but Zane said he thought it would sorta suck, but Damian told them both that he was okay with it. They spent the rest of the afternoon together having fun, they went to the park after Dominic's nap, and then headed back home. Zane and Austin left a while before dinner to go home and cook theirs, and when Matt came home, Damian told him the news, and Matt was not shocked by it any more than Damian had been.

The next few weeks went by with not a whole lot happening. Zane and Austin came over nearly every day and spent the day with Damian. They played a lot and just had a lot of fun. Zane's mom had finally relented after only a few days that it probably would be for the best all around that Zane did home schooling, and did the work to get him enrolled, and that had happened earlier this week. Damian was also nearing the exam time at the local university to sit his grade twelve equivalency exams, they were done there because they had classes all summer long. His exam was for the coming Friday. There was only a couple weeks left for Summer break, and then they would officially be back into the school year. Matt, Damian and Dominic had now been in their new house for nearly two months, and Damian and Zane had known each other for nearly as long, yet Damian had yet to even meet Zane's mom, he just never went there, Zane was always coming to his house. They decided though that that was to change, and after Damian got home from the university, he would go to Zane's house to spend the weekend there. Zane and Austin were going to come over and watch Dominic for Damian though while Damian did his test.

“Well guys, wish me luck.” Damian said Friday morning once he was ready to go. He would ride his bike there, Zane had had to show him where the university was, so now he knew. Matt had already told him to break a leg before he left that morning.

“You don't need luck, you're more than smart enough to ace the test without it.” Zane smiled warmly to the boyfriend he was falling more and more in love with every day.

“Thanks.” Damian smiled. “Well, I should get going now to make it there in plenty of time.” He said and then gave Zane and Dominic each a kiss, and even Austin wanted a hug to give his brothers boyfriend some more luck.

As soon as that was done, Damian headed out and rode all the way there. When he arrived, he was told where he was to go, so he went there and took his seat where he was told to sit. As the rest of the people filed in, they all wondered what an eleven year old was doing there, considering most of the people there were adults, and only one that appeared to be in high school, he was wanting to skip grade twelve. No one asked though, and Damian never talked to anyone else, other than to say hi, so they never found out. He just did the test as it was handed to him, and took his break when it was time, and came back and did the next one. He did this for all four tests that he had to do to gauge his knowledge in all the major subjects. Once he was done and released for the day, he felt that he had done pretty well, because he knew all the subject matter that they asked for and had completed each test at least ten minutes early. The only problem he would have would be in the essay portion of the test, but even then he felt he did not too bad.

“So, how did it go?” Zane asked with a kiss and a hug as soon as Damian walked in.

“Not too bad I think, so now I just have to wait a few weeks for the results to come in, and then I'll know what I'm gonna do. So how was baby?”

“He was great, and Dominic was really good too.” Zane grinned, because Austin was standing right there, he just looked up and grinned at his big brother.

“Good to hear. Since he's not in here with you, I can only assume that he's in bed, so how long's he been asleep for?”

“You got it, and I'd say about two hours now, so he'll probably be up pretty soon.” Zane smiled warmly.

“Oh, that's good. I'm hungry, so I think I'm gonna go eat something, and then I'll get mine and Dominic's stuff ready so that we can go pretty much as soon as he's awake.”

“That's cool. We had lunch already, but we'll come and keep you company.”

“Thanks.” Damian smiled and they headed to the kitchen.

Not even half an hour later Damian was fed up, packed up, and Dominic had just waken up, so they were ready to go. Dominic was loaded into this seat and then into his stroller, everything that was needed was loaded below the stroller, and then they were off. They hit the park on their way, figuring that they may as well play for a bit before they headed to Zane and Austin's house, and they played there for almost an hour before they headed to Zane's.

“Let me show you to our room first so that you can drop everything off. Where will you set up the playpen?”

“Just in the room with us I think, because I don't have the monitor with me.”

“Okay, sounds good to me.” Zane smiled.

“So, when does your mom usually get home then?”

“Usually somewhere in around five thirty or six o'clock, so that means we have almost two hours before she gets home. We should get some dinner started pretty quick, but then what should we do?”

“No idea, I haven't a clue what you have to do around here, other than your game system, but I'm gamed out.”

“Me too, so no worries there. As for what to do around here, not much. Let's figure dinner out and then go from there.”

“Okay, sounds good.”

They ended up just staying in the kitchen laughing and talking all the while they were cooking dinner, until Zane and Austin's mom came home. She walked in and heard all three boys in the kitchen laughing, and could smell dinner cooking, so headed there as soon as her shoes were off.

“Hi boys, whatever you're cooking sure smells good. And you must be Damian, I've heard so much about you, I'm Julia, these are my monsters.”

“Hi Julia, it's good to finally meet you. I hope Zane and Austin have at least told you a few good things about me, instead of all the horrible things I've done?”

“Yeah right, the way Zane talks about you, you should have a golden halo floating about six inches above your head and you should be able to walk on water.” Julia laughed, Zane blushed, and Damian grinned.

“Moooooooom!” Zane screeched.

“Glad to see I'm not the only one who enjoys embarrassing him.” Damian laughed.

“Yeah, it's pretty easy to do too.”

“That it is, but he is getting better.”

“Yes, since he's met you, he's gotten a lot better about that. So, where's this little baby of yours that I've heard so much about?”

“Oh, he's just over here in his little vibrating sling chair watching everything.” Damian said, pointing to right next to where he was standing, he was behind an island, so Julia would not have been able to see Dominic yet.

“Oh, may I hold him?”

“Sure, go right ahead. Zane, if you'd get him out and hand him to your mom, I have to keep stirring this sauce or it'll burn?” Damian asked.

Zane just nodded and bent down and unstrapped Dominic from his chair, picked him up and carried him to his mom, who he handed him to.

“My god, he's so adorable, and he's so content. When Zane said he was a beautiful baby boy, I never thought he'd be so perfect.” She gushed.

“Thanks, he's a great little guy too, hardly ever cries, watches everything I do, especially now that he can actually see more things, and he sleeps really well as well. I rarely get up with him more than once a night.”

“Wow, with Zane it was two to three times a night, but with Austin, it was closer to five or six times, I hardly slept for the first year. I envy you, that's for sure, because that's excellent. I must admit though, if I didn't know that you were his daddy, because your dad told me so, and Zane and Austin both said so as well, I'd never picture you being old enough to have a child.”

“I know, I get that a lot still, most people think I'm lying for some reason, but I assure you, I was old enough then, and am more so now. Granted, I was only just barely old enough when he was conceived.” Damian said nonchalantly, and Julia blushed.

“Oh, um, yeah.”

“I see where Zane gets it from.” Damian chuckled.

“Yeah, well, I'm not exactly used to that sort of talk.”

“That wasn't even bad. I swear that Zane blushed almost non stop the first few days I knew him, because if he asked a question, I never held back.”

“Yeah, he told me about that, just not what you told him, of which I'm not so certain I want to know anyway.” Julia coughed out.

“No, you probably don't, a lot of it was boys stuff.”

“Then I really don't want to know.”

“Would you like to feed Dominic tonight, his bottle is in the fridge and just needs to be heated up?” Damian asked, deciding to change the subject.

“Sure, I'd love to.” Julia said happily.

“I'll get the bottle and warm it up for you mom.” Zane offered.

“Okay, thanks.”

A few minutes later Julia was feeding Dominic, while the boys finished up the last bit of their dinner preparations. Not long after Dominic finished his bottle, dinner was being set out on the table for them to eat.

“Dominic is an excellent eater, and just a great little guy, isn't he?” Julia commented to Damian.

“Yeah, he is, and I love him to bits. Hardly ever a complaint from him, and I don't think I've ever actually heard him cry. He has cried a bit, but nothing to complain about, that's for sure.”

“I can tell that you love him a great deal, not only from seeing how you look at him, but from what Zane and Austin have said.” She smiled warmly.

“Thanks, I wouldn't give him up for the world, and no one could make me do so.”

“I know how you feel.”

“Well, let's eat before this gets cold.” Damian smiled again.

So with that, they dug in and ate their fill. They all enjoyed the meal, and as soon as they were done, the boys said that they would clean up, and that Julia could just keep holding onto Dominic while they did so. She had told Damian to go ahead, that she had Dominic when he offered to take him so that she could eat. A few minutes later the kitchen was clean, so they headed to the living room to sit back and relax for the rest of the evening. Once it was time for Dominic to be going to bed, Damian and Zane took him upstairs, got him bathed, diapered, and jammied, and then tucked him into bed. He fell asleep within seconds. The boys went back downstairs and continued watching TV, and then Austin was told to head up to bed, and he asked Damian and Zane to come help him get ready as well, and they decided that they may as well just get ready for bed as well.

Austin was diapered and jammied quickly, and then his story was read to him, and he was asleep by the end of it. Damian and Zane then went to their room and diapered each other, or changed Damian's diaper in that case, and went downstairs.

“Why Zane, I don't think I've seen you in just a diaper and nothing else since you were very young. I'm surprised that you're letting me see you like this.” Julia commented as they came back into the living room, and of course Zane blushed.

“Well, I sorta got used to it at Damian's house, he never wears jammies, and he got me used to it as well. I never sleep with them on anyway, it's too hot.” Zane was still blushing.

“That's perfectly okay. I've been meaning to ask you though, have you been wetting every night, because you're going through a lot of diapers all of a sudden?”

“Yeah.” Zane said softly, an even bigger blush spreading out.

“That's okay. How are the newest diapers I bought you, I was told they were the best, but I thought they were pretty thick?”

“They're great, thanks by the way.” Zane said with a hint of a grin.

“No problem. So Damian, how do you feel about having to wear diapers all the time now anyway?”

“I'm perfectly okay with it to tell you the truth, I'd already gotten used to the fact that it was almost inevitable, and it's pretty much all I knew for bedtime anyway, so it wasn't a big deal. No one's ever even noticed anyway, and I won't have to worry about school, because even if I do go, which I won't, I wouldn't be taking gym class or anything like that anyway.”

“That's good to hear. When will you find out if you'll even have to go to school anyway?”

“I took the tests today, and I feel that it went pretty good, so I'll find out in a few weeks. If I have to, that'll mean that I'm starting a little after the rest of the school students, but that won't be a big deal anyway, because I'm going to try and finish two years in one if I have to. Even while doing that much work, I'll still be able to help Zane with his work though, so no worries there.”

“That's good to hear, but from what Zane tells me, you won't have to worry at all. From what your dad says, you've got a surprisingly high IQ, the only reason you hadn't quit school was because you didn't want to go to university yet.”

“Thanks, and no, I didn't. I'm already small as it is, and going to university at my age and size, well I'd be ridiculed more than I already get from people who don't believe that I'm a father already.”

“Yes, you're certainly quite small. If I hadn't been told that you're thirteen, I never would have guessed it from looking at you.”

“Yeah, most people think I'm about eleven years old, at best.”

“Yeah, that's about where I would have pegged you at as well.”

“So, should we watch a movie now or something?” Zane asked once he felt the conversation was pretty much over with.

“I think I'm too tired to watch a movie, I probably have at most another hour in me before I fall asleep no matter where I am, so I say just TV now.” Damian said, punctuating it with a yawn.

“I'm actually about that tired myself, so I agree.” Julia said.

“Yeah, I'm getting there myself as well I think.” Zane nodded.

They ended up only watching one half hour program before they decided to head on up to bed. The boys cuddled up in the bed together, kissed each other for a few minutes, and then passed out. Damian was only awaken once by Dominic as normal, and he never even woke Zane up.

This story belongs to Erich, please do not post anywhere without asking me first, thanks.
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