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    Jeff Burton
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  • 6,285 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Jacob's Advocate - 3. Chapter 3 - Jacob

What have I done.

Jacob was frozen in time, his fist throbbed, the sound of his heart pumping drowning out every other sound.

What have I done.

His eyes stayed locked on Tyler who had just a moment ago managed a desperate plea to stop the rage that had been unleashed upon him. A plea that summoned a rational thread of thought from deep in Jacob’s mind.

Stop. This isn’t right,’ the thought rang so loud as Jacob had been about to deliver another blow, his fist poised for another strike stay locked in position unable to move. Then the realization took over as Jacob saw Tyler looking back up at him, his head bleeding from the impact of the concrete.

“J...ake, he..lp,” Tyler managed to rasp out, his eyes pleading but also filled with sadness. Those sad eyes blinked then rolled back into Tyler’s head, and Jacob ran.

Stop, go back,’ the rational thought demanded but he ignored it. He just couldn’t for all he knew Tyler was dead. He couldn’t face that prospect, if Tyler was dead he would die too.

He ran all the way home, he didn’t live far. Jacob slammed through the front door and slammed it shut just as quick closing his eyes. Horror returned when he heard a sound and stepped forward towards the living room as another memory played out in front of him.

There was his father, at top of his anger shoving a younger version of himself against the wall.

“Daddy no, please don’t.” his younger self begged, tears streaking down his face. He had gotten into his mother’s make up when he was eleven years old and this was the moment his father had caught him.

“I’ll teach you not to be a filthy FUCKING FAGGOT!” His father roared followed by a sickening slap across his younger self’s face.

His younger self begged for his father to stop, and he remembered every slap, every shove and the words, “so help me Jacob I will beat the faggot out of you if that’s what it takes!”

Then suddenly, his father’s gaze shot directly at him, as his younger self whimpered on the floor. Jacob saw the hate, the anger as his father spoke, “I will KILL the fag in you if that’s what it takes.”

And Jacob screamed.

Diane Edwards was violently pulled from her sleep as the scream, Jacob’s scream echoed through the house. Her eyes darted to the clock at her bedside that displayed 2:47 am, as her she flipped on the bedside lamp. Quickly she donned her robe and rushed down the hall wrenching the door open, flipping on the light switch.

“Jacob,” she breathed. She saw him sitting up in his bed covered in sweat breathing profusely. The terror in his eyes scared her. He had been having nightmares the past week but this one thus far had been the worst.

Her heart broke as he finally looked up at her as the demons in his head diminished. His eyes now full of sorrow and regret which had replaced the spark and joy for life they once had. She crossed the distance and sat at the edge of her bed pulling him towards her in an awkward but tight embrace.

“Shh, it’s okay Jacob, I’m here. It was a dream.” She said as she held him close. Jacob had dreams like this before the incident with Tyler, right after she kicked her Jacob’s father out of the house. It had been years since the last occurrence and she thought he was fine. But the incident with Tyler had ripped opened those old wounds.

Her pride and joy was not fine. He was so far from fine and she struggled with how to handle it. She was relieved for a moment when she learned the Wells family had declined to press charges, but Jacob had turned himself in anyway. She knew it was his guilt over his actions that drove him to that decision, and she was proud of his decision but worried for him over what came after.

Yesterday had been trying for them both as they appeared in court. The Wells family had been there and it was the first time she had seen them in months, but the bruise still healing on Tyler’s face had shamed her. Problems within her family she thought had been dealt with had spilled over to hurt another family and she felt the same regret and guilt Jacob had.

She couldn’t believe it when a lawyer had contacted her offering to take Jacob’s case, and it left her in further bewilderment when she saw a copy of Tyler’s plea to the judge for leniency. But most of all what surprised her the most was Tyler, standing there with his parents in the corridor and his words of forgiveness, and that determined look of compassion Tyler had given her son at Jacob’s moment of utter weakness and vulnerability.

“I’m sorry mom.” Her son finally said breaking her thoughts free. She kissed the top of his head and rubbed his back gently.

“Don’t be, my precious one,” she said softly. “What was it about?

Jacob took a breath, “the fight. What I did. In the dream I ran home just like I did that day. Only dad was there and he was beating…” His voice faltered as a tear went down his cheek.

Two nightmares in one, both completely different yet totally the same.

“I’m here with you dear. You’re safe from that. He’s not coming back.” She offered, and Jacob nodded in understanding. He leaned into her, his frame much larger than the little boy who always sought after her comfort when things went wrong. She saw that little boy now, scared and bewildered looking for that same comfort she always gave.

Diane held Jacob for a few more moments, before he finally stirred.

“Thanks mom.” He said as he looked back up at her, “I think I’m okay now. You should get back to sleep I’m sorry for waking you.”

“Don’t ever apologize for that Jacob, it’s what moms are supposed to do. But get some sleep you’ve got your first counseling session tomorrow.” She said as she gave him a final squeeze. She stood and walked to the door, and watched as he lay back down cuddling with a pillow. She watched as he closed his eyes, then turned off the light and closed the door.

Gavin Casey should have been surprised, but he wasn’t the day his receptionist had handed him a call slip from Diane Edwards about her son Jacob. He had called her back at the first free opportunity he had to get the basic details from her end of the story that had already been publicized through their small town.

Tyler was already one of his patients and now it looked like Jacob was going to be one as well. Mrs. Edwards had informed him that he came recommended from both her Attorney, and the Wells family and once he agreed to take on Jacob, documents arrived from the Attorney’s office to confirm with the court that Jacob was enrolled with a counselor per the courts directive.

Unlike Tyler though, Jacob had other issues than just the fight, Mrs. Edwards had described an incident from a few years before that led to her estrangement then divorce from Jacob’s father. Another call the day of the first meeting with Jacob she had clued him in on the dream he had the night before and he knew he had his work cut out for him.

He was just finishing his notes from his last appointment when the knock from his receptionist came. His door opened and his next appointment was ushered in.

“Jacob Edwards,” she said politely as she handed him a file.

“Thank you, Kelly.” He said, “Jacob, you and sit anywhere you like.”

Jacob timidly took one of the chairs off to the side of the three that faced his.

Gavin grabbed his pad and the file and settled into his seat. “Hello Jacob, my name is Gavin Casey, how are you doing today?”

“I’m fine.” Jacob answered timidly, looking at the floor.

“I already have some basic details from your mom already about what’s going on. Anything you say will remain between us, certain things I will have to relay to the court as part of the conditions of your suspended sentence and anything illegal I’ll have to report to law enforcement, do you understand?”

Jacob remained silent, but he nodded to indicate he understood. This was a far cry from how Tyler had been, Gavin shifted in his seat to alter his approach.

“Fantastic, you don’t have to be formal with me either Jacob, you can call me Gavin or Gav, and I promise I will do what I can to help you through this.”

Jacob finally looked up from the floor and Gavin could read the despair in his eyes, but a twinkle of hope appeared in the middle of it at the mention of the promise.

“Can you tell me a little in you’re own words what happened that brought you here today?”

It took over half an hour for Jacob to relay his side of events, with a few tears and some followup questions. The guilt was rolling off Jacob in waves so hard Gavin could feel it while sitting in his chair. The absolute sadness, when Jacob described looking at Tyler bleeding on the ground. The shattering aftermath from when Matt showed up at his house, first full of rage. Then as a silent presence that stayed with Jacob after the outburst from that meeting. Along then came the confession at the Sheriff’s station, the meeting with the District Attorney’s office. Finally coming to a head with the day in court and his first meeting with Tyler since the whole tragic sleigh ride began.

Gavin was taking notes through out the entire story as it poured out. Jacob held nothing back once he started it just came gushing out of him like a flood from a dam break. He gave Jacob a few moments and quite a few tissues before continuing.

“It sounds like you’ve had a rough couple of weeks, I want you to know Jacob I’m not here to judge you at all, my main goal is to make sure you, as a living, breathing human being, make it to the other side of this whole and complete. You understand?” Gavin said gently, keeping his voice even and full of hope.

Jacob picked up on this and nodded again giving a small smile, “yeah I understand. Thank you. I don’t want to be like this anymore.” That statement of truth, came from the heart and caused Gavin to smile warmly, because there was still hope with this one.

“Good, let’s start with this then. You’re mom who loves you very much by the way, informed me that you where having dreams and there was an incident last night.”

“I woke up screaming.” Jacob replied honestly.

“Will you tell me about that dream?” Gavin asked, and Jacob did just as freely as he had before.

“I know this is going to be hard, but let’s touch on that moment with your dad if we can.”

“When I was eleven, I got home from school before my mom got home from work and I went into her room. I don’t know why, I got into her makeup and stuff. I was just being a kid who got into things. My dad caught me and he was angry.” Jacob replied.

“And he hit you.” Gavin offered.

“He beat me,” Jacob corrected. “As he did it, he told me he was going to teach me not to be a filthy faggot by beating me more. He even said he would beat me until he killed the fag inside of me.”

“Did you ever mention to your parents in that time about the possibility of you being gay?”

“Never, I didn’t even think about it until I got older then the last year I began to question it in my head. Even after my mom got rid of my dad for what he did to me, I never told her, and I wasn’t sure I would ever because I didn’t want to go through that again.” Jacob said then trailed off.

“You thought she would feel the same way,” Gavin finished for him, and Jacob nodded. “Your mom knows now, though right?”

Jacob sighed, “it came out of me when Matt found me at home. My mom came out side because Matt was screaming at me about what I did to Tyler and why I did it. I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. I said ‘because I’m a fucking faggot and he rejected me. She made it clear she supports and loves me though.’”

“When you said that, were you talking about your dad or Tyler in that instance.” Gavin asked carefully.

“Both.” Jacob said simply. “I made a decision this year to tell someone I was gay. I thought the best person I could tell would be my best friend Tyler. But when I did, I was scared. I couldn’t put it into words and Tyler kept looking at me funny.” Jacob closed his eyes as he relived another painful memory, “When I couldn’t just say it, Tyler asked me ‘Jesus Jacob , what’s wrong with you, are you about to tell me you’re a fag or something?’” He finished, then opened his eyes looking towards Gavin.

“What did you feel in that moment Jacob?”

“I felt like I did when my dad beat me. Rejected, and alone. I didn’t even say anything to Ty, I just ran out and went home and cried. He was my best friend Gavin and it hurt, it really hurt. If I couldn’t tell him I couldn’t tell anybody.” Jacob said as his eyes watered. “I stopped talking to him. I stopped talking to everyone. I just went to school and played football after that but every time I saw him the hurt was there.”

“Did that hurt turn to anger?”

“Yes it did. About a week afterwards he tried calling and texting, he even sent messages on snap chat and I blocked him from everything. I got so angry at him. When I saw him I at school, talking with our friends, living life like nothing happened, like he didn’t need me as a friend anymore I got angry. Very angry.” Jacob then gave the details of how he acted out when he saw Tyler in the halls and what happened during football practice the morning of the fight

“And this anger you felt towards Tyler, led you to the events of that one afternoon.”

Jacob winced with emotion as that event sprang forward in his mind, he couldn’t will it away, “I was late leaving my last class. I saw him heading to his car. There’s a spot behind the dumpsters where no one could see, and I… And I…”

Jacob started breathing faster, “I wasn’t thinking. Tyler hurt his knee last year and I just went up behind him and kicked it as hard as I could. The rage wouldn’t stop Gavin, it just wouldn’t stop. Tyler tried to defend himself and even hit me in the stomach, he must have already been hurt because I was still standing and that hit just made me worse. I lunged at him and we went down, I kept hitting his knee because I knew it would hurt him. I couldn’t stop myself.”

“Maybe we should--” Gavin tried.

“I grabbed his hair and slammed his head into the concrete.” Jacob interrupted. “I beat my best friend, just like my dad beat me.” Tears fell from his eyes, his face turned red as the guilt ate him alive. Jacob crumbled to the floor in a ball hugging his knees, and the sound caused Kelly, Gavin’s receptionist to come into the room.

“We’re fine Kelly, I need a bottle of water and two of the children’s chew-able aspirin.” Gavin said as he got up and went down to Jacob’s side. Kelly disappeared for a moment only to reappear with what Gavin had asked for and he took both.

She quickly left the room as he shook Jacob’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Jacob. Tyler is fine. He’s not seriously hurt. I’m not supposed to say this so don’t repeat it, but I’ve talked to him. Trust me he’s fine.” Gavin cooed in a soothing voice being as gentle as he could. “Here take this, it will help.”

It took a few moments before Jacob could unwind himself from the ball he ended up in, but after a few minutes he moved and sat on the floor he popped the aspirin into his mouth and drank the water. “What was that.” Jacob asked after his breathing finally slowed.

“Just a couple of children’s aspirin, it helps with blood flow during excitable situations just like the one you just had.” Gavin answered honestly.

Jacob slowly rose to his feet then sat back in the chair. Gavin resumed his seat and made a few more notes.

“I can see the incident with your dad may have left you a little broken inside do you agree?”

“Yeah.” Jacob responded.

Gavin started, “It’s easy for people underestimate teenagers, such as yourself. On the surface you seem like simple, unpolished creatures ruled by their worst impulses that far often leads to disaster. But beyond that Jacob, you’re a thinking person, a beating heart, with a vulnerable core, above all searching for connection and goodness. That search for connection and goodness was violently ripped from you by your father. It left a dark spot in your heart you didn’t even know was there just waiting to be triggered by an outside force.”

Jacob looked up at Gavin, and remained silent.

“That dark spot was triggered when you tried to come out to Tyler, who said those words that hurt you. It grew from a small dark spot, spreading inside of you all the rage and anger you felt from that day on until it could not be contained any further.” Gavin explained, then paused. “Right now, that darkness that was once anger and rage, is now guilt and sorrow. We can’t go back and change our mistakes, but we can move forward to resolve that conflict and in time, make the darkness go away.”

Jacob nodded in understanding.

“When you saw Tyler, in the corridor outside the court room, you said he forgave you correct?”


“Then what we need to do is help you learn how to forgive yourself. You made a horrible mistake, you owned up to that mistake, and you where forgiven from that mistake. I will help you find that forgiveness for yourself, and help you turn that mark your father left on you into something positive. It won’t ever totally go away Jacob, but we can and will turn it into something less destructive because you’re worth saving.” Gavin said now understanding Tyler’s resolve because now he had it too.

He studied Jacob for a few moments and he saw what Tyler did, an innocent being scarred by some bad mistakes.

“Feeling better?” Gavin asked.

Jacob nodded. “Yeah I do, and I think I understand what you’re saying. I don’t want to be that person I was turning into, and I want help.”

“You’re every therapists dream Jacob. I want you to keep in your mind what I said. You’re worth saving okay? I’m also going to write you a prescription for something to help take the edge off that will help you sleep. I don’t think you’ll need it in the long term, but in the short term it will help you and everyone else in your recovery is that alright?” Gavin asked.

Jacob finally smiled and it almost melted Gavin to the core. “I would appreciate that thank you.”

“Alright then, let’s write it up and get you out of here.” Gavin finished.

The ride home from Gavin’s office was filled with discussion over what he had talked about over the session, Jacob had no intention of keeping his mother out of the loop on anything. Right now she was his rock, his comforting presence. She asked questions he answered honestly.

“I’m sorry I never got you help after your father left, I had no idea.” She said as they edged closer to home.

“Honestly mom, I didn’t know either until the dreams started. I thought I was over it too.” He replied.

“Still…” She started.

“Mom, please don’t beat yourself up over it. Gavin taught me a thing or two about guilt today, and he said we can’t fix the past all we can do is move forward.” Jacob offered in an attempt to sooth his mom.

“Maybe I should book an appointment with this guy as well.” She said thoughtfully.

“You should. He’s something else.”

“I’ll look into it. Thank you Jacob.” She said finally.

“No mom, thank you.”

The trip home was a quick one after that and Jacob decided to spend some time doing school work. He was still suspended indefinitely and his course work had been forwarded to his house at regular intervals. At this point his suspension had been almost a month and he feared in the back of his head that he would be expelled. That decision was still rolling through the ranks of the school board who were still mulling it over.

He was interrupted when his mom knocked on his door, and poked her head in. “Jacob someones here to see you.” She said before disappearing again.

Curiosity peaked, he rolled back from his desk and went to the living room, his mother was busying herself in the kitchen.

“Matt.” Jacob said in surprise as he found himself in front of his visitor.

“Hi Jacob.” Matt said, his expression even, but at least not malevolent. “Do you think we could go for a walk to the park for a while?” Matt asked.

“Hang on.” Jacob turned and went into the kitchen, “mom Matt wants me to go to the park with him is it alright?”

Diane looked at Jacob, then followed him back into the living room, “is everything okay?” She asked Matt cautiously.

“Yes Mrs. Edwards. We just want to talk to Jacob for a while if that’s okay.” Matt said looking to Diane. “I promise, just talk, and I’ll make sure Jacob gets back here safely.” Matt assured when she gave him a withering glance.

“Alright Matthew, I’m going to trust you on this.” She turned to look at Jacob, “yes dear you can go. Take a jacket it’s getting chilly.”

Jacob nodded and grabbed his jacket soon he and Matt where walking down the sidewalk. “Where are we going?”

“To the park down the road.” Matt replied.

“Matt, do you hate me.” Jacob asked with a little worry.

“I hate what you did Jacob. I’m conflicted on how I feel about you personally right now.” Matt explained. Then clarified when Jacob stayed silent, “I don’t outright hate you dude, I just don’t how how I should feel about you though if that makes any sense.”

“I get it, I feel the same way about myself.” Jacob replied truthfully, “I had my first therapy session today. It was difficult to get through. I’m conflicted about how I feel about myself too.”

Matt looked at Jacob as they walked and considered what he had just said. Soon they where at the park headed for the more secluded picnic areas that had large trees and shrugs that offered people privacy when they held group events at the park.

Jacob stopped walking when they rounded a bush and he saw Amanda and Travis standing there. Matt continued a few steps before turning around.

“Jacob you can relax.” Amanda called out. She was the one he feared the most. “We just want to talk and it would be better if we had this talk at the same time so nothing got lost.” Amanda finished as she took a few steps forward.

The intense look Travis was giving Jacob didn’t escape him, but he nodded silently as the four moved deeper in to one of the picnic tables.

“Hello Jacob.” A familiar voice said that rang through all of his senses causing him to spin around.

“Tyler…” Jacob managed to say as something got caught in his throat. He looked on towards Tyler who walked carefully closer towards the rest of the group. “Tyler I’m…”

But Tyler held up a hand, “I already forgave you Jake.” Tyler glanced around at the other assembled, “it’s time to move forward guys, this is the first step. And Jake,” Tyler said as those deep blue eyes refocused on Jacob. “That includes you too.”

Jacob nodded as the five headed to a table. Amanda Travis and Matt sat on the table, Tyler took a position in front of them on a bench. Jacob remained standing as he gathered their thoughts. Four pairs of eyes remained on him, studying him, slightly unsure of him.

“Then I should start.” Jacob said, and just has he had with Gavin, he opened the dam.

“I’m gay and my dad beat me for it. He didn’t know I was gay at the time but I did something that made him think it and he just went rogue on me.” Jacob started, then looked to Tyler. “Earlier this year I tried to tell you Ty. I thought you would understand. But you made that comment and all I could hear was what my dad said when he was beating me.” Jacob paused as Tyler winced a little. Amanda Travis and Matt remained silent but looked back and forth at each other.

“Jacob, that was a horrible thing I said.” Tyler said acknowledging his mistake, “I owe you a sincere apology for that. I just want you to know I’m sorry, and I didn’t mean to hurt you.” The sincerity in his voice and the remorse in his eyes made Jacob pause.

“I know now, I should have just tried to talk to you Ty, and I’m sorry I didn’t because the hurt triggered what my dad did and it just made me worse. I owe all of you an apology for that because it made me pull away from all of you and made me such a jerk to Tyler.” Jacob said as he looked at the ground.

Slowly, almost painfully they made their way through the who what and where until they reached that fateful afternoon after school let out.

“I’m not a violent person,” Jacob started. “But that day all I saw was red. First at football practice, sorry Matt, then again at lunch. Then I saw Tyler leaving. It was like I couldn’t control it.” Jacob paused and looked at his hands, “I thought I had killed you Ty. I couldn’t handle it, seeing you on the ground bleeding. So I ran. Matt showed up soon after and you were still alive. I’m ashamed of what I did, all of it. I don’t like myself right now, I even thought about killing myself if Tyler had died.”

That last statement made everyone pause, and reflect.

Finally Amanda broke the silence, “you don’t feel like hurting yourself now do you Jacob?

Jacob looked up into her eyes and saw her concern, her sadness and her compassion in that moment and shook her head, “no I don’t. Not now. I feel a lot of things, but that isn’t one of them.” Amanda nodded, satisfied with his answer. Jacob looked to Tyler and studied him for a moment. He had a brace on his knee and the bruise on his face had pretty much healed up.

“Tyler, I know you’ve forgiven me already, but just know I haven’t forgiven myself. It’s something I still have to work out with the help of Gavin, the therapist I’m seeing.” Jacob, said as Tyler’s head shot up at the mention of Gavin. “But I still want you to know that when I say I’m sorry for what I did I mean it with everything that makes up my soul. The guilt and remorse I’ll get through and I hope one day some how I can make it up to you.” Jacob said then looked at the others, “to all of you.”

Another pause, as the wind blew gently through the trees.

“Well Tyler has already forgiven you Jacob, don’t get me wrong I hate what you did, and you’ve got a lot to do to rebuild that trust again.” Amanda said as she stood up, “but apology accepted. Show me your sorry through your actions and we’ll go from there okay? Consider yourself forgiven.”

Jacob nodded as Travis stood up, “I feel the same way, you scared us Jacob. I can see where it came from, and understand it. I hate what you did and wish it hadn’t happened not only for Tyler, but for you too. But I can, and I will forgive you for it.”

Matt stood up, and walked up to Jacob and slapped him on the back, “I’m sorry for what I did to you back at the house. I was out of my mind like you were out of yours. I was scared Jacob, not only for Tyler but for you too. I forgave you when Ty did and I’m sorry that I wasn’t the kind of friend you could have turned too before this got ugly.”

“I get it Matt, and thank you for being there when you were.” Jacob said. He looked at the group as Tyler stood up and approached him.

Jacob spoke before Tyler could, “I just want to say I hope to re-earn your trust, and we can be friends again because I’ve got stuff I’m working on and I just can’t do it alone anymore.” He bowed his head and wiped a tear from his eyes as Tyler lunged at him and pulled him into a close tight hug.

“Jake,” Tyler said into his hear gently, “you’re my best friend, and as long as that stands you’ll never be alone again.”

Jacob visibly broke down in that moment as his last fear had been laid to rest, totally slayed by Tyler’s words. The others formed a circle and joined in that hug for a moment, allowing the first bricks of healing to be laid to allow their friendship to be built on solid ground once more.

They broke apart and walked along the park’s paths by the large pond at it’s center. Talking, joking each bringing a piece back to the puzzle.

“I should probably get home. I still have homework to do.” Amanda said finally, as it got later in the afternoon.

“I’ll walk you but I should probably get Jacob home, I promised his mom I’d get him home.” Matt offered.

“You two go on I’ll get Jacob home,” Tyler offered.

“You sure?” Matt asked.

Tyler looked to Jacob and nonchalantly asked, “you aren’t going to throw me in the lake when these guys are gone are you?”

“No.” Jacob said with laughter he hadn’t used in a long time.

“See? I’m fine.” Tyler offered to Matt. “Besides I need to talk to Jacob alone for a few.”

Everyone nodded in agreement and the group broke up.

Jacob and Tyler continued alone out of the park and onto the sidewalks that lined the street.

“Is your knee okay?” Jacob asked.

“It’s doing better, it doesn’t hurt right now if that’s what your asking.” Tyler replied.

“Just making sure.”

“Jacob, you tried coming out to me that day, but you should know that,” Tyler started as Jacob looked over at him. “You aren’t alone in that either, as it turns out so am I.”

Jacob stopped dead in his tracks causing Tyler to stop and smile a little.

“Seriously?” Jacob asked.

“Yeah,” Tyler replied sheepishly.

“Christ.” Jacob said as they resumed walking.

“And you should know that, I uh sorta like you.”

Jacob’s reaction actually made Tyler laugh.

“You know I liked you too don’t you. I still do.” Jacob said with a sigh.

“I know Jake, and I feel that’s why we were so close before all this stuff happened. Despite what has happened between us, if you’re willing I’d like to try to rebuild us back to that level we were at before. I want to love you dude, I want to love you a lot. So let’s do this. Let’s continue to get past what happened, regrow as friends and rebuild that trust we had. And we go from there. Is that fair?” Tyler asked a little hopeful.

“My brain can barely process what you just said Ty, I do want to be your friend and more.”

“Good, it’s all about healing Jake. You more so than me. But I’ll be at your side through all of it.” Tyler said as they finally reached Jacob’s house.

The door opened just as Jacob’s mom stepped through it, she stopped as she saw Tyler with Jacob.

“Hey Dee.” Tyler said using his old pet name for her as she approached them.

“I’m surprised to see you. I thought Matt was bringing him back.” She finally managed to get out as she approached slowly.

“He had to take Amanda home. So I offered to take his place.” Tyler replied happily.

Diane nodded then looked between the two, “so does this mean we’re okay?”

Tyler walked over and opened his arms to give Diane a hug which she readily accepted. “More than okay.”

She breathed a sign of relief as they separated, “and I can expect to see more of you like before?”

“Yes.” Jacob answered for Tyler.

“Tyler,” she started, “I just want to thank you for everything you did. You and your parents had the absolute right to do things legally that you didn’t do. And as his mother who cares for her son deeply, I thank you for your compassion.”

Tyler nodded simply, “he’s worth saving.”

“Yes he is. I’m going to go get take out. Why don’t you and Jacob come with me and I can drive you home on our way.”


Diane and Jacob dropped me back off at the house and I walked in about the time dinner was ready. My parent’s looked at me expectantly as I washed my hands in the kitchen sink.

“Everything go okay Ty?” My mom asked.

“Yeah, we all talked.” I said, I then explained everything Jacob had told the group about his dad.

“Damn.” My father said flatly as I finished recounting the story. “I remember when they got divorced, I just never knew why. Jacob’s dad was always a bit of an ass but I didn’t expect it to go that far.

“Yeah.” I replied.

“Somehow you knew didn’t you?” My mom asked as she started making plates.

“I didn’t know honestly, it was just something I felt kind of in the heat of the moment when it happened.” I said as I sat down at the table.

“Well somehow, in some way you had a gut feeling that turned out to be right.” My dad offered as he too sat down.

“How are you and Jacob now?”

“We’re talking, and we’re going to be friends again, and rebuild what we had before.” I said as my mom sat down as well. “After what he said today, I won’t let him go through this alone.”

“As I said before Ty, you’re really something else.” My father said and we dug in.

After dinner we talked some more so they could see my reasoning. Parent’s are protective of their children and I understood that, and did my best to alleviate the concerns they had. I also told them that Diane had followed Vance’s advise and Jacob was under the care of Gavin Casey which reinforced the outlook things would be just fine.

I lay in bed that night thinking about all I had managed to accomplish since the incident. My parent’s, the District Attorney’s office, the Judge, had all managed to see what I saw. Someone worth saving. My hardest task thus far waited for me tomorrow, as I thought about my next challenge.

The School.

Copyright © 2023 Jeff Burton; All Rights Reserved.
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