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Nanowars: Rebirth - 10. Chapter 10: Never Again

Chapter Ten: Never Again


“We’re here.” Harry coughed, stepping out of the elevator and walking around the cold balcony until he reached a gold triangle-shaped door. Pressing his hand on a palm reader, a thick rectangular portal sunk down into the floor. Walking inside, they found themselves in a Baroque domed chamber, two men dressed in gray butler suits standing in the middle of the room around a circular table with a vase filled with red and white roses.

“Look whose finally returned.” One of the men laughed, spreading out a pair of black raven wings to flutter over toward Harry.

“Now what is this?” Thad chuckled.

“Sirs, I would like you to meet Hector and Chad, they’re sort of my fairy godmothers.”

“Actually we’re just two big fairies.” Chad offered his limp wrist hand to the colonel.

“And how did this come to be?” Chris asked.

“Travis wanted me to feel safe so he found the most harmless creatures he could find in the Maze and fused them with these two charming men.”

“We too are completely harmless.” Chad replied as he hugged Harry from behind. “It’s so good to have you back home.”

“I hope Travis didn’t cause you two any trouble.”

“That big brute? Not at all. We just locked ourselves in and pretended he wasn’t trying to break down the door.” Hector said coyly.

“I’m sorry but you two knew how things were.”

“We know Harry. We’re just glad you’re back.” Chad said as he planted a kiss on Harry’s cheek before picking up his feather duster. “Ever since Travis left to bring you back we’ve been busy sprucing up the place for you. What do you think?”

“You must have picked the green houses clean with all the flowers here.” Harry smelled the roses.

“I didn’t hear anyone complain.” Hector hurried off into the kitchen to retrieve refreshments. “Where’s Logan? I was certain he would come here with you.”

“He’s busy keeping an eye on Travis.” Harry replied evasively, fooling neither servant.

“He had one of his outbursts didn’t he?” Chad put the duster down.

“If that’s what you want to call it.” Thad smirked.

“And you are?” Tom asked as he came back with tall glasses of Long Island ice tea.

“Colonel Thad Labatt and Lieutenant Christopher Gains.” Thad replied.

“Oh, soldier boys.” Chad laughed as he checked the pair out.

“We are Harry’s new bodyguards.” Chris said to Harry’s great surprise.

“You are?”

“We just appointed ourselves to the post.”

“And Travis?”

“Sorry, he doesn’t get a vote.” Thad took one of the glasses. “You’ve admitted it Harry. You’re the one who got us into this mess, the least you can do is let us repay you in kind.”

“That’s not what you two want and we all know it.” Harry said sternly.

“Oh, this sounds exciting. We can actually use the big bedroom this time.” Hector jumped up and down.

“The big bedroom?” Chris asked with an arched eyebrow.

“You go show them the big room while Harry and I have a chat.” Chad took Harry aside.

“You’re giving me that look.” Harry sighed once they were alone.

“Well this time it’s different. Besides Travis, I’ve never seen a pair look at you quite like those two. You have noticed that they’re different.”

“They went through the Eye.” Harry replied.

Chad embraced him gently. “So Logan finally told you the truth about your family?”

“Yes.” Harry whispered.

“You know what a slut I am, so I can’t say I’m the best judge of character, but those two might just be what you’ve been looking for.”

“I’m scared of them.”

“Admit it. What you’re really scared of is falling in love. Just take Travis for instance, you were so scared of him that you faked your own death, even though we all know how deeply you love the old lug.”
“He’s the same age as me… I wouldn’t call him old.”

“You know what I mean. Your feelings towards Travis are still strong. That doesn’t change what you’re starting to feel for those solider boys.”

“But it’s not real. The Eye is making me feel this way.”

“That doesn’t make it wrong does it? You’re just afraid you might enjoy it. You need friends Harry. Travis knows he’s slowly losing control. Not even you can expect to care for a man like Travis all on your own. You’re going to need friends, good friends. That was something you were greatly lacking before you left.”

“I had you, Hector and Tobias.”

“And all three of us are cowards. You know that Harry.” Chad said as Thad came back.

“That is one big bedroom.” Thad said, his cheeks bright red.

“Where are the others?” Harry asked as he heard laughter coming from upstairs. “Oh, I see.” he whispered. He too began to blush.

“Come on you two, nothing to be embarrassed about. Just a pair of men getting to know one another a little better.” There was an awkward silence. “Why don’t I leave you two alone so you both can get to know each other as well?” With that he left for the kitchens.

“Chad.” Harry called for his servant to come back but was ignored.

After a long awkward silence Thad spoke. “It’s a beautiful home you have here.”

“That doesn’t change the fact that it’s cage.”

“Is that how you feel about it?”

‘Unless Travis sends someone to get me, I hardly ever leave. Travis thinks it’s too dangerous in the city below.”

“Well it’s a good thing you now have two new bodyguards. You can now leave whenever you want.” Thad grinned as he walked closer to Harry.


“Just call me Thad.”

“Sir… you’re not in your right mind.”

“Then I hope I never become sane because then I’ll never get you out of it.” Thad wrapped his arms around Harry. “I can understand what Emily saw in you.”

Before Harry knew it, he was being lifted up into the officer’s arms and being carried up the grand staircase. “Let me down!” Harry insisted.

“Are you sure you’re not unwell Mr. Winters?” Thad replied as he continued going up the stairs.

“I’m perfectly fine.”

“I don’t know, you look awfully pale to me. Let me get you someplace where you can lie down and be comfortable.”

Harry let out a deep sigh. “Thad?”

“Yes Harry?” Thad replied as he gave Harry one of his best charming smiles.

“You don’t really want to do this do you?”

“Maybe if I was in my right mind I wouldn’t but I haven’t been myself lately. In fact, I feel better now when I’m so close to you.”

“Thad,” Harry repeated for a third time, still not getting the response he expected, at least not the response he was hoping for. Thad’s skin, richly tanned from the summer heat in Washington, was starting to fade only to be replaced by the same deep blue the creatures he had been fused with.

When Thad spoke next it was in an unworldly voice that commanded Harry’s attention. “Your mother asked that I take care of you.”

“You saw my mother?”

“The being I was fused with was sent to find you. Now that he and I are one, it is my duty to see to your safety and, if you let me, your happiness.” Harry turned his eyes away to avoid the feelings Thad was stirring in him. “Travis terrifies you, does he not?”

“But I do love him,” Harry replied still not looking as they reached the top of the stairs.

“You care deeply about him as you always have. Yet you still ran away. You are afraid of what you might become even though you shouldn’t. You’re nothing like him and neither am I. I hope to prove that to you.”

“What are you?” Harry whispered, looking up he saw that the changes had gone further than Travis’s skin. His large eyes were now dark clouds shifting in the wind while his ear had become pointed. His once unshaven face was now appeared perfectly smooth showing of his more defined face. Thad didn’t answer Harry and only let out a sigh. “I’m sorry Thad. You should have never gotten caught up in this. If Emily hadn’t gone to you…”

“Hush, don’t even think about it. If it wasn’t me it would have been someone else. I’m glad it is me. I can see why Emily liked you. You were there when I couldn’t be. I’m a soldier. I’m used to giving orders and I’ve never been much of a listener. That was always a problem between Emily and me. We’re both talkers and we both expect to be listened to. Given the secrets you were keeping I’m sure Emily found you a very good listener. From what I know about Travis, you must have always been the listener. That is why I know we’ll get along swell.”

“You sound confident.”

Thad laughed as he opened a door and stepped inside Harry’s private room. “A lack of confidence is not something the US Army looks for in today’s soldier. He looked about the room. “Well this isn’t quite what I expected. Looks like something out of my own dorm room, hard floors, concrete gray walls, lockers on one side, and a bed too small for a five year old.”

“If you don’t like it…”

“I’m not saying I don’t like it. I just don’t understand it. I mean you have the big bedroom after all. Ah, I get it now… you sleep here to discourage others from interrupting your sleep.”

“That’s one reason.”

“And the other?”

“This is what I’m used to. I was raised in small confined cells just like this. When Travis moved me up here to his parents old quarters, I felt like an invader profiting from their deaths.”

“You deserve better than this.”

“How can you say that? All I’ll ever be is a lab rat in a cage. This is my cage. It’s what I’m used to. It’s where I belong.” Harry said before he was unceremoniously dropped to the hard floor, knocking the breath out of him.

“What makes you think you don’t matter?” Thad scolded as he crossed his arms over his bulging chest. “I’m sure Travis doesn’t feel that way and I’m certain your chief of security doesn’t.” Kneeling next to Harry he kissed him gently. “I’m not going to let you spend another minute here. We’re going to the big bedroom where you belong.”

In no condition to argue, Harry accepted Thad’s help up as they left the gray dusty room.

“Chad.” Thad called out.

“Yes sir.” the butler was just outside the door. He clearly had been spying.

“Seal this room up. Harry won’t need it anymore.”

“We could always knock down the walls and redecorate. It might be small for a bedroom but it would make a nice sauna.”

“I’ll leave it in your hands then.” Thad replied.

“Is that alright Harry?” Chad noticed how his master seemed winded.

“I can’t do this anymore…” He walked away.

“Harry!” Thad said as he hurried to catch up.

“If I don’t want Travis bossing me around, what makes you think I’m going to let you Colonel?”

“Consider this an intervention.”

“Sorry, you’re about two weeks too late for that. You should have intervened before I was dragged back here.” Harry said as he hurried down the stairs.

“You need help. Even your mother knows that.”

“Don’t play the mom card on me Colonel. You know nothing about her. From what I understand she’s gone quite feral living in the Maze.”

“I know she doesn’t want you to live in this prison.”

“My entire life isn’t what she wanted but here I am, back in the pits of hell, where the dearest person in my life is slowly going insane.” Harry said holding his hands up in defeat.

Before he could put them down Thad had a firm hold on him. Thad then forced Harry to face him looking directly into his green eyes as the stormy scenes from his own eyes danced across Harry’s vision. After a long pause Harry went limp to Thad’s satisfaction.

“How did you do that?” Chad had expected punches.

“I needed to. Does Harry always get so emotional?”

The servant smirked. “Around Travis, always. There was a time when Travis would take his friend’s advice. Then their parents were killed and Travis thought he was the one who should give all the orders. Harry hates being bossed around by him especially after all the things he did to try to protect Travis.”

“He’s going to have to learn to put up with me bossing him around. It’s for his own good.”

“That’s what Travis always says.”

“Do you know where Harry’s clothes are kept?” Thad said as he lifted Harry back up and cradled him in his arms.

“I think I know what you need. It’s not like this hasn’t happened before. Take him to the big room. I’ll meet you there.”

“Thank you.”

“No, I should be the one thanking you. Logan does his best to protect Harry and Travis from each other. They need a firm hand to keep them in line.”

“I don’t mean to be hard on Harry. It’s just how I’m used to doing things.”

“You’re a military man… no nonsense, except maybe in the bedroom.”

“I wouldn’t know about that. I’ve always saw myself as straight.”

“But now?” Chad giggled like a school girl as he opened up a hidden closet. Taking out a red jock strap he showed it to Thad. “Travis always liked Harry in red.” He then took out a thick soft robe. “Now to the big bedroom. I hope we won’t upset your friend too much.”

“Chris is just doing a little in-depth interrogation.”

“I’m sure he is.” Placing his palm on a section of wall it split down the middle forming a doorway to the master bedroom. Fifty square yards in size, Thad had seen entire barracks much smaller than it. The floor was covered by a thick Asian carpet with elaborate blue and white designs. In the center of the room was the raised bed taking up sixteen square yards. On the bed, fucking their brains out were Hector and Lieutenant Gains.

“Do you two think you can keep the noise down?” Thad said over the grunting and groaning as he placed Harry on the opposite end of the huge bed.

“Sorry sir,” Christopher apologized. Reaching for their pile of discarded clothes he picked up Hector’s black silk tie and stuffed it into the other man’s mouth. Only then did he continue pounding the man hard.

With Chad’s help Thad changed Harry’s cloths. The two then took off all of their own clothing and lay down between Harry as they watched him sleep.

“He’s always so calm when he sleeps,” Chad whispered as he brushed a lock of hair off Harry’s face.

“I take it most of his life has been quite hellish?”

“That’s putting it mildly. I was his nurse when he was brought out from the Maze after he was born. Even then I knew he was different from the other children. I never saw him cry but he was such a sad child. All the other children loved him but out of them only Travis survived into adulthood. Hector and I were one of the few who were spared when Travis led the revolt against his parents and the other researchers. I don’t know if Harry has ever forgiven me for keeping him locked up while Travis and the other children of the Maze went on their rampage. It wouldn’t have done any good if I had let him go. I still believe it was much better for Harry that he not see what Travis did that day.”

“So you’ve been Harry’s protector?” Thad asked as he rested his head on Harry’s chest.

“I’ve tried to. It’s very hard to protect someone who wishes to punish himself for things he didn’t do. Guilt can make people do strange things.”

“So why did you let him escape?”

“He never told me his plans but I didn’t believe for a second he was dead. I knew he was unhappy here but I didn’t think he would find the outside world much better. How did that go by the way?”

“I don’t know. He was going to marry my ex if that says anything.”

“Was there something wrong with her?”

“No, it was me as usual. I tend to want to be the one in control.”

“That won’t do. Harry’s had enough people trying to control him as is.” He warned just as Chris collapsed on top of Hector. “Well, they seem to be done.”

“You two go clean up.” Thad ordered before thinking about it.

“Still trying to be controlling.” Chad chuckled.

“What do you suggest I do then?”

“Try to imagine Harry as your superior.”

“Imagine Harry as a general when he doesn’t look or act like one?”

“Alright, a Senator or a President if you can’t see him as an officer.”

“Those are the people we make fun of behind their backs.” Thad smirked.

“Well I’m out of ideas. The point is you need to respect Harry, even when he is acting like a fool.”

“Is that often?”

“He’s stubborn, not stupid, and he’s scared shitless that he’s going to turn into a monster.”

“Like Travis?”

“Exactly but I don’t believe that and neither should you.”

“I don’t.”

“Good. While Travis is turning into something truly dreadful I believe with all my heart that Harry’s fate is to become something as equally wonderful. In Travis’s case, I don’t’ know if it will be enough.”

“You think he will truly lose his mind?”

“Travis wouldn’t have brought Harry back if he didn’t fear the same. If we’re left with no choice but to trap him in the Maze then someone is going to have to take charge. Harry is the only choice everyone will agree on because he would be the last of the first generation of children.”

“But he hates this place. How can he take over?”

“I think that’s where you come in. You’re new but you have a soldier’s discipline. You can keep the others in line while Harry tries to figure out what to do next.”

“And if he wants to shut down the project?” Thad asked.

“He can’t. He knows that all of us who’ve been fused have nowhere to go. In the outside world we would be treated like freaks and not just because who we sleep with. No, most likely we would end up as test animals just like Harry and Travis were. Harry knows that. I know he would never let such a thing happen to us no matter how much he hates this place.”

“What about the weapons dealing?”

“Whether you like to admit it or not, it takes a lot of money to run an operation like this. The Relic might provide us with all the energy we need and we do have the greenhouses and aquatic farms but we still need supplies like medicine and machinery. Harry hated Travis’s shady dealings but you mustn’t let Harry put an end to them if we’re to survive.”

“Travis’s deals have killed a lot of good people and put dangerous weapons in the hands of those who would use them for their own ambitions.”

“If you can find a way for us to go legit, I’m all for it. This place, however, is our home. We can’t afford to lose it.”

“I’ll see if we can’t make some arrangement with the Pentagon.”

“Good luck with that.” Tom said sarcastically. “Even if they are willing to deal, they’ll insist on knowing our base of operations.”

“How deep underground are we?”

“We have about two miles on top of us including the mountain. I’m not saying it would be easy for them to take our base but better safe than sorry.”

“You can’t stay hidden forever. Eventually Lordon or the NSA will find you.”

“And good luck to them bringing an army here. The way here is heavily fortified and mined.”

“How many people do you have here?”

“Around sixty thousand.” Tom said in an offhanded manner.

“And all of them are trained for combat?”

“All of them are trained for cold Antarctic survival as well as the use of firearms. Around two thirds of the population are constantly training in either the Maze or in the frozen wilderness. I doubt there is any country trained for such harsh conditions.”

“The Russians maybe but even they would find this place a challenge.”

“We also have another advantage. There are no spy satellites or GPS here other than ours.”

“So why hide?” Thad asked as he nuzzled his nose against the side of Harry’s neck.

“We’re not afraid of the U.S. government, at least not the public one. It’s organizations like Lordon that concern us. Their ambitions are not limited by the need to play lip service to human rights. It is impossible to plan a defense against what they might try to do to us. Once they learn we control something similar to their Eye, they will want it for themselves.”

“Why haven’t you taken out Lordon if you’ve known about it for so long?”

“We didn’t want it to be known that there was a connection to the work we do and that of Lordon. Given what Harry did to their research complex, you can bet the Pentagon and NSA now know and are taking steps to bring Lordon under tighter control. They’re also going to be even more determined to find us. We did use a small nuclear device on US soil after all.”

“If you let me talk to General Pushing, I’m sure I can explain things to him.”

Chad let out a deep sigh. “You’re really almost as naïve as Harry aren’t you? You are believed to have died in an illegal operation on US soil. General Pushing will be most displeased if he learns you’re in our hands. He would rather see you dead for good than to speak to you. You might as well spare me the whole loyalty to one’s country bit. It doesn’t matter now that you’re one of us. We’re the only ones you can depend on now. We’re your family, friends, and country. Just remember that before you try and seduce Harry. He might have left us but he always kept this place a secret.”

“Like the hacks in the government would have believed him if he did.” Thad sighed. “You think I should wake him up now?”

“You can do that?” Chad was impressed.

“I believe I can.” Thad replied as he closed his eyes. When he reopened them he saw Harry staring back. “Have a nice nap?”

“What did you do to me?” Harry whispered.

“You looked like you were about to explode so I defused you.” Thad joked.

“Neat trick, just don’t take advantage of it.” Harry stretched out. He then faced Chad. “I take it you helped bring me into this dreadful room.”

“Compared to that cell you’d rather live in, I think I should ask for a raise.” He playfully pinched Harry’s cheek.

“This used to be the nursery before Travis redecorated the place.” Harry said for Thad’s benefit as he sat up.

“No wonder you feel so conflicted about this place.” Thad said sympathetically.

“I watched a lot of friends leave here and never return.” Harry whispered.

“There must have been some good memories here or else Travis wouldn’t have made this your bedroom.”

“It was meant to be our bedroom but I could never bring myself to come here with Travis. Even with all the redecoration he too hates this place.”

“Does he hate or fear it?” Thad asked.

“Both but he also loves this place. It was here that we were first put together. It was here he would run to me for comfort after the latest round of experiments. This is also where most of the others were taken away and never seen from again. When we grew old enough, they closed down the nursery and placed us in individual cells like the room you saw. There no one was taken away from me because there was only me inside that cold room. So long as I was in that tiny room, I felt safe until the door was unlocked and I had to endure more tests. Soon the scientists learned that Travis performed better on the tests if I was with him. They kept us together, giving us bunk beds in the same cell, not that Travis would ever stay in his own bed. We would squeeze together into the same bed and I would take away his pain even when I knew the evil that was growing inside him.”

“But you never told him. You let him grow up free from knowing his own fate.” Chad said to Harry’s credit.

“How could I tell him.” Harry replied with a sigh. “I kept his secret even from the scientists until the day it fully manifested, the day everything changed. Hector and Chad made sure I remained safe in the house while the killings went on. By the time it was over, Travis had gained some control over himself. When I saw him covered in blood of the men he murdered, I wanted to run. Still I embraced him and took the pain away, no matter how much it horrified me to do so. Travis never came back after that day. Since then this place has been my refuge from him and those like him.”

“No wonder you hate this place so much. You lost the last person you cared about here.” Thad whispered as he pressed Harry’s face against his chest, letting the hot tears touch his body.

“But he was good to his word, here I have always been safe.” Harry wept.

“I should really get dinner started. You will stay here with Harry won’t you Thad?”

“I will.” Thad replied knowing Chad was offering an opportunity and not a request. Once he was alone with Harry, Thad began to remove the man’s robe. “Let me warm you up.” Once the robe was removed he rolled on top of Harry, wrapping his muscular arms around Harry’s tight waist. “You’re in pretty good shape. Did you do that for Emily?”

“No, but knowing her she wouldn’t accept anything less than physical perfection after you.” Harry replied.

“I’m not the first officer she’s gone after.” Thad chuckled.

“But you were the last.”

“Was Travis your last?” Thad asked as he let the tips of their noses touch.

“No, after the military finished questioning me and let me go, I went to a few gay bars just to know if being with a normal man would feel any different, feel any safer I should say. I had no problem finding someone to sleep with but keeping one was too much of a challenge. Anyway, it attracted the notice of those sent to watch me so I was brought back for questioning about my relationship with Travis, which I refused to talk about. When they let me go the second time, I decided that if I wanted to live a normal life, I had to act normal so I started dating women. I found dating women to be much easier. Unlike men, they were more interested in me as a person than simply a quick one night stand. I met Emily at the gym, she was a terrible flirt but didn’t ask too many uncomfortable questions. I guess that was a result of dating a member of military intelligence.” Harry chuckled softly. “I don’t know if things would have worked out but I was willing to try.”

“Emily believed it could. She wanted all her old boyfriends to attend the wedding just to show you off.” Thad laughed.

“Now she’s lost both of us.” Harry sighed.

“At least we can console one another over our loss.” Thad joked.

“It’s you who should be upset. You’ve never desired to sleep with a man before.”

“I was shocked at first but I’m not too upset. I’ve always been able to appreciate a man for his own good looks. It’s one of the reasons why I’ve always worked so hard to stay in shape. I had to keep up with the competition after all. Do you find me acceptable?”

“You’re lying naked on top of me and you’re now just asking that question.”

“You know me, I like staying on top of things.” Thad said with a charming grin. He then became serious. “Your mother knows of your troubles with Travis. She fears for you. The four test samples your people traded to Lordon, they were meant to be captured by Travis’s men and fused. She never guessed that it would take place in the Eye which is all for the better in my case. If I had been fused to a Watcher by the Relic I would have come out more like Travis and less like you.”

“What does my mother want of you?”

“To keep you safe until she can come for you herself.”

“And then?”

“And then take you to where none can harm you. There are many worlds connected to the Maze Harry, some of them are wonderful, others quite terrible. On the world your mother is on she is treated like a goddess.”

“I don’t know if that’s good or bad.”

“She did survive the horrors of the Maze on her own for many years thanks to the power the Eye bestowed on her. You have that same power too, or you will if you let it happen. I’m to help you with that as well.”

“Do you know what I will become?”

“No, but I’m sure it will be wonderful.” Thad pressed his wet lips hard against his mouth. Before the kiss could end, both men were taken up by passion that led to the union of bodies and souls.

Afterwards, as Harry slept, Thad watched in silence while his thoughts of a future where he and his new beloved would be free of both Travis and Lordon.

Hidden in the shadows, Logan stood watch. He swore he would not let the two suffer under Travis’s care. As he stood, a plan began to take shape in his mind. He didn’t care what Travis promised. Recent events showed he had not changed. He doubted he ever would. No… For Harry’s sake and those of his future family, Travis and the horrific experiments of the Relic had to be stopped at all costs.

The plan he came up with would not be easy. It would have Harry betray Travis in a way he never had before. As things were now he would not want to. In a few months or a year, he would see the truth and know Logan’s plan was the only viable option. Even so, if things got so bad as to put all of them at risk, Logan would act on his own. He would fail and die for it but maybe that sacrifice would, in of itself, convince Harry of the need to put an end to the madness .

Having committed himself to the task, he moved on to more pleasant thoughts, such as what would the children be like when they were born. Would they escape the curse of the family’s legacy?

Copyright © 2014 JMH; All Rights Reserved.
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