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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Recognized characters, events, incidents belong to J.K. Rowling, Warner Bro / Discovery, WB Games and subsidiaries. <br>   <br>

More Nocturnal Emissions - 1. A Distinct Lack of Privacy


Christmas hols are over and our fearless foursome is once again back within the confines of the wizarding educational system—in other words, they’ve returned to Hogwarts, and to studies—and life resumes. What of the return of the two boys from their previous adventures, you ask, and how was that received, what questions were asked, what answers given —etcetera, etcetera, and so forth?

Suffice it to say they gave a very plausible story indeed, which was mostly a sin of omission more than a lie—their flight stemming from a nightmare which Sirius had that caused him to blindly panic and run from the house, half asleep, and Remus had spent the better part of the night searching for him and calming him down. Mostly truth, just not the whole truth, but it was enough to satisfy the curiosity of those concerned, a splendid Christmas day was had by all, and then back to business as usual.

And what of the newly formed young couple who have exchanged their vows of love—along with a lot of spit and other bodily fluids—how are they progressing in their new relationship? They are both happy and frustrated. Happy that they’re in love with one another, a love which is of mutual accord and of great depth. Frustrated because they’re both desirous of—how can I say it?—of deepening the relationship, carrying it to the next level. In other words consummation. And therein lies the rub.

First and foremost, they’ve kept the fact of their being a couple a secret from everyone for various reasons, primarily among them a distinct lack of understanding and/or sympathy for homosexuals in that time and place. But social issues aside, they haven't figured out how to tell their two best friends, James and Peter. So they have to play it cool in front of them, pretend that they aren't simply dying to touch each other. And, as everyone doubtless knows, the more you’re forbidden to do something, the more you want to do it. Fact of life.

So as they sit together, the four of them, in the Common Room, or in the Great Hall, it is with great difficulty that they keep their hands from touching, their lips from meeting—no rubbing, no kissing, no nothing. Hiding unwanted erections beneath billowing robes. Quelling longing glances. Oh, sweet torture indeed. To be compensated for by stolen moments in dark corners, accidental meetings in the loo, in the hall, or wherever. They grind their young bodies together for whatever few seconds are allotted to them, lips pressed together fiercely, tongues wrestling, groins aching... In the library they sit together, eyes affixed upon their individual homework, but their legs are pressed together tightly, innocently, sparking a flame that only serves to raise their respective temperatures, and evoke moans which must be suppressed as unseemly for the time and place.

"Merlin, Remus," Sirius moans, once he’s pulled him into the darkness of the quidditch shed for a moment of privacy, "I don't know how much longer I can do this..."

"Shhh, shhh, baby, shhh..." Remus' voice is soothing, even as his hand snakes inside of Sirius' pants, seeking to relieve his "anxiety". "Let me take care of that for you..."

Of course that’s what Sirius wants, but he wants so much more as well. He’s been doing some research—as much as he can, considering where he is, and the times and all—and he’s learned what consummating their love actually involves. And he wants it. He wants it so badly he can taste it. As does Remus, of course. And surprisingly there is no question about who will do what to whom. Remus is the alpha, and always has been. He will top.

"I wish I could kiss it better for you," Remus whispers, as he strokes Sirius' aching cock firmly and quickly, which only elicits a deeper moan from the boy, as he knows how talented those lips are, and how it feels to come inside his mouth. One sweet moment of bliss, stolen in the middle of the day when fate brought them together in the dorm and none of their roommates was around. Sirius has yet to reciprocate the favor, but he longs to do that as well. So many things he wishes to do, but no time in which to do them.

"I love you, Siri." He kisses the other boy's neck, as Sirius begins to puddle around his hand. Soon, almost there now. It doesn't take much when you're as horny as these two are on a constant basis. But there’s a sudden sound, as of someone rattling the door, and Remus hastily withdraws his hand, much to Sirius' consternation, thrusts a broom at him, and just in time as the door is forced open to reveal a very perplexed James Potter.

"What in the name of Godric are you two doing in there?" he frowns, running a hand through his perpetually messy hair.

"Sirius was just getting his broom," Remus hastily explains, "and now he's going to fly, aren't you Sirius?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm going to fly," Sirius nods in corroboration of Remus' tale. "What are you doing, Prongs?"

"Getting ready for quidditch practice," James seems rather bemused, "or have you forgotten?"

"Forgotten?" Oh shite yes, with Remus' hand on his cock, he’s quite forgotten everything, and why he actually came there to begin with. "No, of course not. Be right there."

"All right," James says, with obvious bemusement, as he turns to go. Sirius breathes a sigh of relief, and is considering closing the door again, but Remus is already scrambling outside. Dammit! Suddenly, James turns around, "You might want to find your own broom, mate," and then he’s gone, and Sirius glances at the strange broom in his hand, and groans.

"Wait, Remus." He beckons to the other, who is hastly straightening his robes. "Tonight. Meet me at the Astronomy Tower. Nine o'clock."

Remus nods as he gathers his books, which he’d slung to the ground when Sirius pulled him inside the shed, and heads for the Gryffindor stands to study and to watch the practice. He’d never miss a practice, not while Sirius is playing. Sirius resists the urge to blow him a kiss, grabs his own broom from its place, and heads out toward the field, his heart singing, "Tonight, tonight," as he almost skips in his glee.

© 1997-2022 J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Publishing, Scholastic Press; All Rights Reserved; Copyright © 2017 JulieLHayes; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
Authors are responsible for properly crediting Original Content creator for their creative works.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Recognized characters, events, incidents belong to J.K. Rowling, Warner Bro / Discovery, WB Games and subsidiaries. <br>   <br>
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