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More Nocturnal Emissions - 6. Baby, Hold On

Sirius has a nightmare, which has unexpected results.

A dark tunnel. At least he assumes it's a tunnel, but he doesn't know why he thinks so. Darkness is darkness, after all. And nothingness is nothingness. And since he can't feel anything before him, or around him, he has no real reason to believe that he’s in any sort of enclosed space. But perhaps it’s the way that sound echoes about him which leads him to conclude it’s bouncing off of something. And a tunnel is as good an explanation as any.

His movements should be cautious, as befitting someone who can’t actually see where he’s going, or what he might be running into, but Sirius is known to be rather brash, and he moves with all the confidence of someone who’s not afraid of what he might actually find. Rather, he’s searching for someone, someone he believes to be just up ahead, out of sight, someone he’s very anxious to find. And all his fears and anxieties are centered about that one person.

"Remus!" he cries his love's name into the blackness, "Remus!" But his voice is met only with its own reverberations, which mock him most cruelly, as they seem to carom about his head.

Before him he sees a small pinpoint of light, as if he’s looking through the wrong end of a kaleidoscope, and he aims his steps in that direction, watching as the light grows larger, the closer he gets, and even though a voice in his head screams to him to stay away, he steps boldly into it...

...and finds himself at #12 Grimmauld Place. In the cellar.

As soon as he steps foot into this familiar place, the light winks out, as if snuffed out by an invisible touch. Sirius stiffens, feeling his way through the darkness once again. But at least he’s on his home turf, a place he knows well. Or at least he thinks he does.

He hears a voice, just ahead of him, calling his name. "Si-ri-us.... come this way, Sirius... if you ever want to see your little friend again..." Whose voice is it, he wonders, his heart racing, as he wills his eyes to adjust to the inkiness about him. A high pitched cackle answers his question. Damn that Bellabitch, what is she doing here, and what has she done with his Remus?

"Sirius!" That’s Remus' voice now—Sirius would know it anywhere—and it contains a definite element of terror. Dammit, what’s she doing to him? Where is he? Frantically he moves toward the sound of that voice, just as the darkness is rent by a blinding flash of light, which illuminates the terrible tableau before him. Remus, his Remus, is spread-eagled, naked, on a long black table, chained at his extremities, while above him towers Bellatrix Lestrange, long sinewy whip in hand, which she brandishes with a crack and a flourish at the helpless boy, laughing maniacally all the while.

"Sirius..." The voice is a low moan now, as Remus turns his head toward Sirius. "Run.... save yourself..."

But Sirius can no more leave Remus behind than he can leave his own heart, and he leaps toward his cousin, only to be caught up from behind by a pair of strong arms, aware too late of the presence of one Rodolphus Lestrange.

"Did I not tell you he would come?" Bella sneers, as Sirius struggles against her husband, in vain. "I told you the best way to get Sirius would be through his boyfriend, and I was right..."

Even as Sirius fights against the arms that hold him, in a vain attempt to reach Remus, rescue him, he cries out, "Remus! Remus!" urgently, as if his whole life depends upon it, thrashing violently, with all the strength he possesses...

...until he becomes aware of a soft voice in his ear, and warm arms that aren't holding him in place, they’re soothing him, attempting to calm him. "Sirius... Sirius... wake up, Siri...."

He opens his eyes. Grimmauld has faded away, he’s in the Gryffindor dorm, in his own bed, heart beating far too rapidly, as he tries to make sense out of what is happening. Remus is holding onto him, eyes naked with concern, lips softly caressing Sirius as he holds the frightened boy in his arms. Sirius clutches him, almost desperately, afraid that if he lets go, he will lose him once again.

"Sssh, Siri, sssh, baby," Remus coos softly, "I'm here... I'm here... I'm here...."

By some miracle—namely Remus' quick thinking in setting silencing charms about Sirius' bed so as not to disturb the other boys—Sirius has not awakened his dormmates with his frantic cries. And it’s only natural that their lips should come together after such a prolonged absence. For a few long minutes, nothing can be heard but the sounds of their kissing, their moans of contentment as they taste one another again.

"Remus, I'm sorry," Sirius babbles softly, even as Remus begins, "Sirius, I'm so sorry...." Their apologies tumble over one another in their desire to be reunited once again.

"I'm sorry that I'm such an eejit," Remus whispers, even as Sirius protests, "No, it's my fault for not understanding."

"What are we going to do?" Sirius sighs, and Remus sighs in return.

"Not a lot we can do. We've already promised we'd go to the dance, it wouldn't be fair to our dates to break them now, would it?"

"I guess not," Sirius dejectedly agrees, burying his face in Remus' chest, unwilling to face the reality of the situation.

"Sirius," Remus says softly, kissing the top of the other boy's head. "I have an idea. It's not perfect, but tell me what you think...."

Sirius raises his head, his eyes meeting those of his boyfriend in the darkness. "What is it?" he asks hopefully.

"We can go to the dance, make sure we dance with our dates, like the gentlemen we should be," Remus explains slowly, improvising as he goes, "and then... you and I can slip away, find a place where we can be alone... and then I can make love to you...."

Sirius' mouth drops open in mingled amazement and admiration. "We could always come back here, while everyone else is at the dance?" he suggests, warming to the plan

An iffy proposition, and no telling how many other Gryffindor couples might have the same idea. But one well worth exploring. "We could do that," Remus nods his agreement, happy they are speaking once more, and their hearts are beating in sync again.

Their lips meet once more, their bodies pressed so tightly together that they cannot help but notice that they are each incredibly hard, and the dance is an entire week away. And they know they can’t make love, at least not completely, not here and not now. Not with potential witnesses, and a distinct lack of privacy.

But they want each other so badly, each can taste it.

"I have an idea," Remus says quickly, "remove your pants," and even as the words leave his lips, he’s pulling down his own pajama bottoms. Sirius loses no time in obeying, until they’re both naked from the waist down. "Let me scooch around," Remus continues, maneuvering himself, until rather than lying beside Sirius as he was, his head is between Sirius' legs, and vice versa. At the moment, it’s the best that they can do, and it’ll have to hold them until the big event, on Valentine's Day.

"Now, just take me in your mouth, like I did you, and suck," Remus commands, even as he does the same with Sirius' very hard cock. To be fair, this is his second time, so he’s a bit more comfortable with what he’s doing, but even so Sirius takes to fellatio rather quickly, and sucks eagerly at the rather large wolf cock in his mouth. Although it’s difficult to suck and be sucked at the same time, for concentration is required for both endeavors. But the two boys manage, sucking and licking one another eagerly. It doesn't take very long for them to both lose control, their orgasms overtaking them almost simultaneously, and neither boy shies away from drinking down his lover's fluid, bodies shuddering jointly in the throes of their passions.

Tensions having been relieved for the moment, they maneuver into a more comfortable position in one another's arms, although Remus keeps a wary eye upon the time, for they dare not let themselves be found this way in the morning. Their bare skin is warm against one another, as their legs tangle gently, arms wound about one another in postcoital bliss. "You taste good," Sirius whispers happily, and Remus responds with, "You do too...."

They fall into a contented doze, as for the moment the cares of the world recede, and before morning arrives, they will be in their own beds once more. But at least things are right between them again, that's all that matters. And Valentine's Day—the moment of their ultimate coming together—is only a week away.

© 1997-2022 J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Publishing, Scholastic Press; All Rights Reserved; Copyright © 2017 JulieLHayes; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
Authors are responsible for properly crediting Original Content creator for their creative works.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Recognized characters, events, incidents belong to J.K. Rowling, Warner Bro / Discovery, WB Games and subsidiaries. <br>   <br>
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