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More Nocturnal Emissions - 8. The Return of the Bad Penny

Sirius and Remus find their plan to skip out on Hogsmeade does not pan out, so they are Hogsmeade-bound. But what... or who... is lurking there, and what new danger awaits?

Alas, the best laid plans of mice and men—or puppies—often come to naught, and such it is with the grand scheme which Remus has devised to be carried out on the day of the visit to Hogsmeade. The fly in the ointment is one Frank Longbottom, who is wrapped up in blankets and comfortably ensconced in his bed in the sixth year Gryffindor boys' dorm, coughing and wheezing and claiming he cannot possibly go as he’s far too ill, so please carry on without him and give his regards to Honeydukes. Bring him back something good. All spoken with a forced smile, and a sad little cough.

What else can they do, other than keep a stiff upper lip before their ill friend? Remus is quietly suspicious of the lad, for Frank eschews all attempts to take him to the infirmary where he can be properly nursed by Madame Pomfrey, claiming the lady in question has enough to do without looking after him and he shall manage on his own thank you kindly. He becomes even more suspicious as they reluctantly head toward Hogsmeade along with the others, and he notices that one particular young lady by the name of Alice is not among their number either. He catches up to and questions Lily on that point, as she is Hogsmeade bound herself, of course, and the feisty redhead informs him that Alice is under the weather as well. How convenient.

"To be honest, I think they had the same idea we did," Remus whispers to Sirius as he rejoins him, his place beside Lily quickly taken by young Mr. Potter, whose recalcitrant hair has been tamed into submission for the occasion, "so we can't very well complain, can we?"

Sirius has his own ideas on that score and opens his mouth to voice them, but a single glance from Remus is sufficient for him to keep the complaints to himself, realizing his boyfriend is just as disappointed as he is. He leans close enough to whisper, "Don't worry, Rem, we'll find a place in that school that's just right for us, and then we'll be together...."

Remus rewards him with a warm smile, but before he can respond, someone behind him has stumbled into him, which in turn causes him to fall toward Sirius, who of course tries to catch him, and all three bodies end up tangled together on the ground amid cries of confusion, as Remus raises his head to see who’s the cause of this untoward event. "Pete!" he exclaims, "what in the world?"

"Sorry Remus, Sirius," Peter apologizes as the three boys rise from the ground, dusting themselves off, feeling for bruises. "I guess I wasn't paying attention...."

"You can say that again." An annoyed Sirius frowns. Remus glances about them, following Peter's apparent line of sight, and a knowing grin begins to form.

"Looks like Pete has something else on his mind. Or should I say someone else?"

"Huh?" Sirius looks at him, baffled, then glances in the direction of Remus' tilted head. "I don't see anything in particular. Or anyone. Just Lily, and James.... Dorcas....." And then the light begins to flicker. "Dorcas?" He turns back to find Pete doing his best tomato impression. "Pete likes Dorcas?" And he immediately breaks into that time-honored classic. "Pete and Dorcas sitting in a tree...." But before he can get the second line out, Remus clamps a quick hand over Sirius' mouth, and says in a kindly voice, "That's wonderful, Pete," and the embarrassed boy casts him a grateful look.

"Why don't you offer to walk with her to Hogsmeade?" Remus suggests, and all three boys glance in the direction of the girl, who seems to be suffering from the same affliction as Peter. "Go ahead, we'll see you later," Remus urges him, and with a few more words, and a few well placed shoves, Peter meanders in her direction. Last seen, they are walking quietly side by side.

Sirius gives Remus a resentful glance. "What's the idea of that?" he asks, his boyfriend having removed his hand at last.

"Would you like it if someone teased you for liking me?" he asks matter-of-factly. Sirius has no ready answer for that, so he thinks for a moment.

"No one knows I like you," he points out at last.

"Cause we're blokes," Remus says, a hint of sadness in his voice, "and most people wouldn't understand...."

Sirius realizes that all too well, and he falls silent, as they carry on, toward Hogsmeade, wondering why so many people have such little minds. Love is love, isn't it? What difference does it make what gender two people are, as long as they love one another?

To break the slightly awkward silence, Sirius asks, "Where shall we go first, Rem? What would you like to do?"

Remus, being a logical sort of bloke, wishes to get the necessaries out of the way before they proceed to the fun stuff. "Why don't we go to Scrivenshaft's?" he suggests, "and get the supplies we need? Then we're free to do as we like, right?"

Sirius agrees with this plan and they turn their steps in the proper direction. It makes sense, anyway, as the rest of the things they want to see or do will then be along their way back. He notices the involuntary shudder Remus gives as they pass within sight of the Shrieking Shack, and he wishes he could put his arm around him and comfort him. How badly he wishes he could do this. But there are far too many people around for that, and he doesn't wish to embarrass Remus, so he contents himself with 'accidentally' brushing into him and squeezing his hand for comfort. The smile this brings to Remus' face is the only reward he needs.

"Did you want to go to the Hogs Head or Madame Puddifoot's for lunch?" Sirius asks as they pass by Zonko's (he’s already making a mental inventory of what he needs to restock his and James' supply of jokes). Normally only couples go to the tea shop, and Sirius knows it, but he wants to give Remus the choice.

Remus is torn, of course, but he knows only too well what sort of comments will derive from their presence there, so with a heavy sigh he replies, "Let's go to the Hogs Head, I guess. We're going to stop at Honeydukes too, aren't we?"

"Of course." Sirius nods. A trip to Hogsmeade was never complete without a stop by candy heaven, was it? Not to mention with Remus' sirius addiction to chocolate, it’s a definite necessity. It’s lucky for Sirius his parents have a running tab with all the merchants at Hogsmeade, and he’s able to get whatever he wants. At least for now. And his generosity spills over to his friends, of course.

Sirius has lost track of James and Lily, Peter and Dorcas as he pushes open the door of the quill shop. There are already a few students inside, as well as a few adults from the village. This is the only all wizarding village in Britain, so of course everyone that’s here is a wizard, which is a rather nice thing to know. Remus pulls out the list he’s made from his robe pocket, and they begin to peruse the shop.

James and Lily have gone to Honeydukes first. James has money from his parents to spend, and one of the things he wishes to do is buy something sweet for Lily. He’s in great high spirits, and wears a perpetual smile at being in the company of the redheaded girl he adores. Life is so very good, nothing bad can possibly happen this day.

Peter and Dorcas, meanwhile, are heading toward the Hogs Head to get a bite to eat. Peter's head is in the clouds, especially when Dorcas shyly takes his hand. He isn't paying attention to where he is going, though, and runs into another figure in his absentmindness. "Excuse me, sir," he says at once, apologetically.

"Watch where you’re going, then," the other replies in an irritated manner as he sets his robes to rights. Peter gives him only a cursory glance, as the stranger gives him a second look and asks, "You're from the school, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir," Peter politely answers, "Hogwarts. Yes, we are." He glances up and only then notices that this man looks a bit like Remus, only older. He wonders at the strange gleam in his eye. But before he can say any more the man has disappeared without another word. "Wonder what that was all about," he turns to Dorcas, who is clucking over him and asking if he is all right.

"I dunno," she replies, "he seemed kind of rude to me. He didn't hurt you, did he, Peter?"

Peter assures her he isn't harmed at all, and they continue on their way.

Meanwhile the tawny haired man has taken up a position on the street, as if he’s awaiting someone, and before long, he’s joined by another man. "Ready to go, Gabriel?" the second one asks. "Let us go to the Hen's Bane, I think it's safe for us to be there now, and this place is rather boring. Too many children."

"Maybe so, but I’ve found a new game to play," Gabriel replies with a smirk. "And now I go to seek my prey. Let the game begin, my friend." And with a mischievous grin, he begins to hunt for Sirius Black—or Orion, as he knows him.

© 1997-2022 J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Publishing, Scholastic Press; All Rights Reserved; Copyright © 2017 JulieLHayes; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
Authors are responsible for properly crediting Original Content creator for their creative works.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Recognized characters, events, incidents belong to J.K. Rowling, Warner Bro / Discovery, WB Games and subsidiaries. <br>   <br>
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