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Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Gone From Daylight was created by Comicality <br>
The Seducer: A Gone From Daylight Inspired Story - 35. William Harker’s Journal: Entry 35
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Wednesday, December 13, 1989
I’ve been going over and over it in my mind all day. The horror of it. The beauty of it! How could I even consider condoning it? But, in the context of what I now know about Vlad and this community of vampires…it seems perfectly natural for them. It is perfectly natural…and I want to become part of that nature!
I wonder what kind of madness has grabbed me that I’d even want to become one of these things! I know it stems from this…love…that grows between Vlad and I. But, is that enough to throw my actual LIFE away? Could I die to this life so that I could be with him in a new one forever?
I feel I would! It seems to be what I want. But, is it what I want or is it what he wants? I’ve seen his power to control minds. Could he be manipulating me into wanting this? Possibly, though I don’t think so. If anything, any time I bring up my desires to do this, I feel a push back from Vlad. A pressure on my mind like he wants to push me away from the idea rather than accepting it.
“Heaven and Hell must know that I can refuse you nothing…” was what he said to me. I am definitely the one pushing this and he seems helpless to resist me rather than the other way around.
I have nothing left in my life now. I’m even on probation with the university since I’ve missed so many classes. I don’t want to go back to that life. I’m not a part of it anymore. The world that Vlad has introduced me to is now my true reality. I almost feel like it always has been, somehow.
I passed the day like this, thinking about what I was doing and why. I walked on the estate outside, savoring the sun when it would peak through the scattered clouds. If I wanted what I said I wanted then I’d need to gather as many memories of daylight as I could. If Vlad and I actually went through with this, memories of daylight would be all I’d have left.
But all of this was simply to help my waiting for the night to come. To help me bide my time before being able to see Vlad again.
I was amazed how much he has ‘youthed’ since draining his last victim. He looks nearly my age, though his expression is still that of someone who has lived many ages. That dark expression only seems to lighten when he sees my face. I really can feel his love for me when he looks at me and it’s a love he’s held for me all my life, apparently.
I saw this affect I had on him again when he finally joined me in the dining room during dinner. Fortunately for Vlad, it’s December and darkness comes earlier so he can join me for dinner…though he eats nothing of course.
This was another simple human pleasure I was going to have to savor if I wanted to become a vampire. Food. I’d no longer eat it. The many tastes and textures would be lost to me. That gave me a pang of sadness. I like to eat…especially the tasty things that come from Vlad’s kitchen.
Do I really understand what I’d be losing here if I became like Vlad? What price would I have to pay to become like he is? Would there be any special compensations other than immortality? Would I have new senses and would the taste of blood replace the taste I have for food?
I put that question to Vlad, “What new sensations can I expect from becoming a Vampire?”
Vlad stared across the table at me for a minute seemingly shocked by such a question.
“So…you are already contemplating your new existence as a Vampire. You wonder what you might lose upon becoming one or what you might gain. You are wondering if it might be worth the price you’ll have to pay to join me in…this.” Vlad stroked his chest in a gesture indicating his condition. Vlad was like that. He always seemed to know what I was thinking.
“I suppose it’s like a loss/gain matrix like I was learning in my basic business theory course, though, I’m sure I’ve made up my mind already. I already see more gains than losses for me…if I can stay with you.” I said with longing.
A pained expression shadowed Vlad’s face. A look like he was regretting something.
“I will not lie to you, William. I have longed for your coming into my life at last. There is a selfish joy I have in hearing that you would wish to remain with me and that you would willingly do so forever gone from daylight. But. . .your Living Beauty: that I would steal from you to make you as I am. Do you not see? That life in you! It must necessarily die to be reborn into my…unlife.” Vlad said, trying to convince me what I would really be giving up to become as he is.
“I don’t see any ‘unlife’ in you, Vlad. I see a different life, but not any kind of life lost. You are one of the most ‘alive’ people I have ever met! I’ve met plenty of people that don’t live half the life that you do! They walk around, day to day, doing their routine things blindly and never appreciating the gift of life they’ve been given. You appreciate that! It is one of the reasons I…love you so.” I said as I came over to sit next to him at the table.
I took up his unexpectedly warm hand in mine. He looked down at our joined hands and he looked back up into my eyes and I could almost see his heart melting inside of him. His usually hard expression softened completely and a small smile graced his thin reddened lips.
“Perhaps…this ‘unlife’ of mine has had more to do with not having someone to share it with. I…have been alone for so-o very long, William. You could have no conception of how lonely I have been.” Vlad said, squeezing my hand lightly.
“Then don’t be alone anymore! Take me! Take me tonight! I am more than ready. I have nothing in this present life to hold me here anymore! Make me into something new! Someone so neither of us ever have to be lonely again!” I said, bringing our joined hands up to my heart.
“…the journey will be a long one and not altogether without pain, William. I have ways of making the transition easier…but you must be prepared to suffer.” Vlad warned me as his face turned very serious.
“I would endure anything to be with you, Vlad. I want you to know that.” With that I raised his hand to my lips and kissed it. The gesture, rather adorably, made Vlad blush in his cheeks with his stolen blood.
“You are quite the seducer, my young William. Now, I am entirely within your power.” Vlad said as we leaned toward each other and shared our first electric kiss.
Friday, December 15, 1989
According to Vlad, I’ve been out since Wednesday evening.
He told me that this wasn’t unusual for ‘The First Bite’. For those drained until nearly empty, someone could be out for weeks before…turning.
I was surprised, there was very little pain. What pain there was seemed almost pleasurable. That’s what there was for the most part: pleasure. It’s all that I can remember clearly of it. The pleasure!
He’d stripped in front of me and then helped me off with my own clothes. He wasn’t aroused yet, but I was and Vlad attended to that by stroking me in the gentlest of ways. He actually used this to tug me closer to him so he could embrace and kiss me.
It was such a long and sensual kiss. I loved being taken in hand and just…kissed. He kissed me with a hunger that I would have never expected from him. It’s like he had been starving for that kiss for ages and…maybe that’s true. I felt whatever resistance I still had left in me fading away and I gave myself over to his will. We stood kissing for a while before he laid me down on the bed in the room Vlad used to ‘freshen up’.
After laying me down, I could see that Vlad had finally become aroused and he lovingly pushed himself into my groin between my balls and my thigh. My own hardness bent up a bit and was pressed down by his stomach on top of me. He ground his sex into my groin and I returned his grinding with some of my own.
He kissed and licked at that place behind my ear that is so sensitive and I figured he was getting ready to make his bite. But, he didn’t do it then. He merely made love to me. His groans and my whimpering filling the room told of our pleasure.
Before long, he rolled me over onto my stomach and started to kiss my back all the way down to my butt. Inside its sensitive crevice, Vlad found my most intimate part and nearly made me climax with what he did there with his practiced tongue. It was pure ecstasy! I’ve never felt anything that erotic in my life! I was reduced to shivers and long, drawn out moans.
Before long I felt him come to rest on me, covering my body with his own. It was still warm from Hunter’s ‘donation’. I felt his member glide over my intimacy and then with a gentle push he embedded himself there.
A whisper in Romanian calmed the tension of my first penetration. Surely, Vlad must had used some of his power to ease my discomfort as he slowly pushed himself into my virginal tightness.
I felt no pain, only this wonderfully warm fullness. My hardness beneath me stiffened incredibly as I felt Vlad reach a part of me so sexually sensitive that it took my breath away as he stroked it with himself.
Upon feeling me relax and submit entirely to Vlad’s penetration of me, he began a slow stroking rhythm that felt like a near orgasm with each stroke. I couldn’t help the sounds I was making and, knowing we were all alone in that great house, I let myself become abandoned in the moment making as much noise as I needed to make.
Soon, all too soon, I could feel this wonderful pressure build up inside of me as Vlad’s strokes became more insistent. The moans I was making became spasmed grunts as I felt my orgasm build in me without anything but the bedsheets stimulating my member. Almost all of the urge to cum was coming from my insides. Those virgin insides that Vlad was touching!
My body tensed as the orgasm took me and I could feel my penis flex and contract as the fiery pleasure electrified my whole body! I was near to screaming with delight as Vlad pushed into me forcing more of my semen out of me.
Then, at the crescendo of my release, I felt a slight telltale sting on the side of my neck that seemed to make my orgasm explode even hotter than it had been. Everything in me seemed to feel like a great squeezing hug from the inside as Vlad Dracula buried his fangs into my neck and forced the flood of blood to come into him from me.
I let go a guttural moan as I felt my life’s blood squeezed out of me and into the loving maw of my chosen mate. My penis spasmed again and I shouted with conscious stealing ecstasy as I felt myself ejaculate more semen into the bed and more blood into my vampiric lover.
The feelings, at one point, became too intense and then…I knew nothing again until I woke up here, in this room, naked and sore, a whole day later!
Right now, I feel very tired. More tired than I have ever felt before and I’ve been asleep off and on for hours now. I also feel cold. A kind of cold that feels like it won’t go away no matter how much heat I might try to get. I literally feel drained, but I also feel something else. A strange malaise like something strange has infected my body. It makes me ache in my joints and I have quite a headache. Every now and then I’ll get a painful spasm in my stomach, back, or legs. As I awaken between long naps I’ll try to write more to record more of this experience, but I’m too tired now.
Authors are responsible for properly crediting Original Content creator for their creative works.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Gone From Daylight was created by Comicality <br>
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