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A Ticklish Thriller (Revised) - 10. Bonding

Adam, Jai, Mikey, and Dakota start their week of bonding.

Adam, Jai, Mikey, & Dakota

The hour and a half ride up to the resort went smoothly. Mikey and Dakota snuggled together in the backseat. Adam and Jai smiled and held hands as they watched the newly formed couple being cute and playful with each other. They'd chuckle and giggle with their brothers when they'd sneak tickles on each other.

"Were we ever that cute and adorable, Ad?" Jai asked just before he started giggling after Mikey's index fingers drilled between his ribs. "Hey, no fair tickling me when I can't retaliate, little bro." Jai giggled and squirmed in his seat. "Just wait till you're all better, sweet bro. You're sooo gonna get it."

Adam shook his head, then slightly jumped and giggled when he felt Dakota's finger lightly tickle the back of his neck. "Koooottttaaaa, I'm driving." He whined between his giggles.

Mikey and Dakota smirked and high-fived each other while giggling.

"I know two brothers who are sooo gonna be tickled into oblivion when they're healed up." Adam tried to maintain a threatening tone but lost it when he couldn't hold back the giggles.

"We were never that cute and adorable, babe." Adam finally answered his fiancee's question.

"Kota, you might want to move back so that the lightning doesn't strike you on accident." Mikey giggled.

"What do you mean, Mikey?" Adam couldn't even stop his giggles long enough to ask the question.

"You and Jai created the term "cute and adorable." Mikey snickered as Jai nodded his head in agreement. "If you looked up sickeningly sweet in the dictionary, you'd see the footnote, "see Adam and Jai Carter-Knight."

Adam and Jai gasped and stole a quick glance at one another. "Bro, you've just settled one of our marriage questions," Jai said excitedly.

"Umm, what did I say?" Mikey looked at Dakota and shrugged his shoulders.

Dakota giggled and kissed Mikey's nose. "You're too cute, my baby angel boy." He paused and wrapped his arms around the shorter brunet. "Unless I'm wrong, I think you've just given them a solution to the last name dilemma."

Jai smiled and glanced at the couple, giving them a thumb up. "Yep, we've just started talking about it and hadn't gotten to that thought of using a hyphenate."

Adam nodded as he pulled into the resort's parking lot and stopped in front of the lobby to check-in. "I love the way Adam and Jai Carter-Knight sound together." He kissed his future husband.

Adam and Jai assisted their brothers in getting out of the car. They retrieved their luggage and loaded it onto the trolley. Adam gave his key to the valet, and they walked inside as the doorman rolled the luggage inside after greeting the guests. "Welcome, to the Hamilton Resort, gentlemen." A very peppy voiced middle-aged gentleman greeted.

"Good afternoon, sir. A two-bedroom suite has been reserved for the four of us. The last names are Carter, Knight, and Buckingham." Adam smiled and gave the man their last names."

"Yes, I see the reservation. You're in room 267 on the top floor." The concierge handed the young men each a door key, then gestured toward the elevators. "I do hope you enjoy your stay. Don't hesitate to call if there's anything one of our staff or I can do for you during your week with us."

The guys smiled and thanked the man before heading to the elevator. One of the bellhops licked his lips and stared at the four brunets. He discreetly rubbed his crotch with his hand in his pocket, then slipped into the bathroom to relieve his tension before returning to his duties. The young man walked out of the bathroom and grabbed the new arrival's bags, bringing them up to their suite.

Adam slid the card through the reader and whistled as he opened the door. "Holy shit, guys. This place is gorgeous."

Adam and Jai toed off their shoes, then helped Dakota and Mikey remove theirs. The soon-to-be husbands giggled and couldn't resist sneaking a light tickle on their brother's sock-clad soles causing the two brunet's squealing and boyish giggles. Dakota laid the crutches by the door and carefully limped his way to the sofa, then elevated his leg where he'd been shot. Mikey did the same with his crutches, but when it looked like he was gonna fall, Jai's hand was instantly around his brother's waist. Mikey smiled and blushed, then lowered his head.

"It's okay, baby bro. Just let yourself heal a little bit. Don't forget, you had more to recover from." Jai said in a gentle and loving tone as he guided the younger brunet over to his boyfriend's open arms.

Mikey wiped his tears and cuddled into Dakota's muscular upper body. "I know, guys. It's just I..." He paused. "I don't want to be a burden or the weakest."

"Michael Dante Carter!!!"

Adam's stern tone made Mikey jump out of surprise and bury his head in Dakota's chest. He knew that tone meant he was in trouble.

"You'd better be glad you're hurt right now cause if you weren't, I'd soo be kicking your ass, little bro. I've told you before, never call yourself weak or a burden, or anything close to those."

"Yeah, bro, you're probably the strongest of us, possibly even including Kota." Jai smiled when he saw his new brother nodding.

Mikey looked from Dakota to his other brothers, who'd placed themselves on either side of him and his boyfriend. He was about to say something when he started giggling and squirming. "Kkkkooooottttaaaaa." Mikey squealed as his sides were getting lightly pinched and tickled by the larger brunet.

Dakota, Adam, and Jai were giggling along with their ticklish boy. "What ya talking about, babe? I'm not doing anything."

Mikey playfully growled and looked at Dakota but immediately squealed and giggled as Jai tickled him. When he turned his head, Jai's hands were on his lap. Now that his head was turned, Adam reached over Dakota and tickled Mikey's side, causing his younger brother to jump and squeak like a mouse. "Hey, no fair tickling Mikey and not owning up to it." Suddenly the protesting brunet was hurled into a bottomless abyss of hysteria as his brothers and boyfriend launched a combined tickle attack. They were so engrossed with their playful time that no one noticed the bellhop's entry.

The man lecherously grinned, and he got hard watching the three bigger guys tickling the smaller brunet. He inconspicuously rubbed his dick against the trolley's bars, then placed the luggage outside the bedroom doors. He paused to listen to the continued tickle fun the guys were having, then went into the bedrooms. He took chocolates from his pocket, laid two of them on the pillows in one room, then did the same in the other room. He softly giggled as he left the rooms with visions of what he'd be doing later. He smiled and waved at the panting and sweaty young men as he left the room.

"Umm, when did he come in?" Mikey asked.

"I have no idea. I didn't even hear the guy knock." Jai said.

Adam smirked and playfully smacked Dakota's arm. "Bro, some cop you are, letting someone get in here unnoticeeeeedddd. Koooootttaaa, thaaaatttt tttttiiicccckkkkkllllleeeesss," Adam squealed as his older brother's fingers kneaded and wiggled between his ribs. "Fine, I give. You win for now."

The twenty-five-year-old giggled as he sat in Dakota's lap and laid his head on the older man's shoulder. "Is this what it's like having a big brother?" Adam paused and smiled as he kissed his older brother's cheek. "It's pretty cool. I totally feel protected and loved." Dakota, Jai, and Mikey wrapped him in a group hug and kissed his cheeks.

Mikey smiled and sat in Jai's lap. He smiled and leaned back against his other older brother. "Ad, that's exactly how I feel when I'm in one of your hugs." He giggled and squirmed when Jai's fingers lightly tickled his stomach. "And, of course, Jai's, Lance's, and Dakota's hugs make me feel the same way." The other guys laughed as they watched Mikey start counting on his fingers. "Yeah, I got everyone except the parents, but they're not here to tickle me into oblivion." Mikey squealed and wriggled in Jai's lap when his boyfriend and brothers gave him belly rubs and tickled him.

Dakota smiled. "I really love how you guys show each other how you feel."

The half Irishman's smile widened when his boyfriend yawned and curled into the fetal position. Mikey's head was in his lap, and as soon as his eyes closed, the brunet sucked on his thumb. Adam and Jai smiled at their adorable little brother, and they leaned over, kissing his cheek.

"Is he really...?" Dakota asked as he gasped at the unspoiled innocence Mikey exuded as he slept so peacefully. The half Indian could swear he saw an angelic halo surrounding his boyfriend's head. The longer he stared down at his sleeping angel, his tears dripped from his eyes as he gently smoothed Mikey's hair.

"It's an amazing sight. Isn't it?" Adam's pride in his baby brother was prevalent in his voice. The brunet laid his head on his future husband's shoulder and wiped his tears. It had been a while since he sat and watched over Mikey as he slept.

"Kota, this is Mikey at his most loving and trusting. He doesn't know that he does this. We've never had the heart to tell him." Jai softly giggled and kissed his emotional fiancee.

"Why haven't you said anything?" Dakota asked as he stroked Mikey's back. The guys all chuckled when the youngest of them squirmed, and his soft giggles flowed from his lips.

Adam grinned. "We're kinda afraid he'll stop." The brunet looked at his watch. "Why don't you guys stay here and rest while Jai and I go look around. We'll be back in an hour with lunch."

Dakota yawned, pulled his sleeping angle closer to him, kissed his brothers, and closed his eyes for a nap. While he and Mikey slept, the door of their suite slowly creaked open. The bellhop from earlier slowly crept into the room. He looked around, noticing the sleeping men were alone. The man giddily rubbed his hands together and snapped pictures of the two unknowing models. Once he finished, he snuck into the bedrooms and placed cameras in strategic places. He also put them in the ensuite bathrooms. The bellhop made sure the guys were still asleep and left the room.

As promised, Adam and Jai returned with lunch. They opened the door, and the duo had to stifle the awws their lips threatened to release. The young men toed off their shoes at the door. Adam took the subs from Subway to the kitchen area and placed them on the counter. He softly giggled when he saw Jai kneeling at their brother's bare feet. Jai snickered as he lightly tickled along Dakota and Mikey's arches and toes. In seconds the living area came alive with giggles and squealed promises of retribution from the wakened men.

Mikey stretched and yawned, then smiled as he was hugged by three of his favorite men. "Who got lunch?"

"Jai and I left for an hour while you and Kota napped. The two of you were so cute." Adam shook his head. "Damn, babe, I should've gotten pics to send to the family." Adam jumped and squealed as he was grabbed in Dakota's headlock and given a Mikey special. The special consisted of a noogie, served with a side of belly slaps. For dessert, Adam received side and rib tickles. It didn't take long for him to yell out his surrender.

Dakota, Jai, and Adam watched Mikey as he got up and slowly limped to the dining table. Adam handed everyone a sub. He and Jai ordered everyone the same thing, except Mikey's had extra pickles, bacon, and mayo. They all had a strawberry daiquiri wine cooler from the minibar with their subs.

"So, what's the game plan this week?" Jai asked as he gathered everyone's trash.

"I think Kota and I are taking it easy after the last couple of days," Mikey said.

"Why don't we spend some time with the four of us together and some time mixing up between brother and mate bonding?" Adam suggested.

"That's a great idea, Adam." Dakota smiled and high-fived his brother.

They made quick work of cleaning up. Then the men separated and went to the bedrooms with their mate for some alone time. It wasn't long before the men's pleasured moans, mixed with their giggles and squeals, were heard from both rooms.

After his shift, the bellhop lay in his bed, jacking off to the recorded material. When he finished his physical pleasure, the man began taking screenshots and posting them to his favorite websites.

I loved writing this new chapter. It's awesome seeing the love and affection these guys have for one another.
As always thanks for reading, reacting, and commenting. I do appreciate it, and comments help authors know if they're on the right or wrong track.
Love y'all
Copyright © 2022 Ajbt2001; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Can't wait to the shit hit the fan if the bellhop gets caught!😂 Glad to see they are all spending some good quality time together.

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1 minute ago, BoyLove said:

Can't wait to the shit hit the fan if the bellhop gets caught!😂 Glad to see they are all spending some good quality time together.

Me too, I'm wondering how he'll get caught. :) Told y'all I had some excitement planned. 😜 


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If’ the bellhop gets caught!?  Oh, he’ll be caught, alright.  Don’t know how, yet, but something will come out. Some stranger will make a comment or a task force will find the pics.  But he will be caught! Then the Chief will get involved and the bellhop will be running for his life!

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It's great to see the brothers bonding so well. The bellhop will get caught, the real question is who or how he gets caught.

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14 minutes ago, Clancy59 said:

If’ the bellhop gets caught!?  Oh, he’ll be caught, alright.  Don’t know how, yet, but something will come out. Some stranger will make a comment or a task force will find the pics.  But he will be caught! Then the Chief will get involved and the bellhop will be running for his life!

That's if the guys don't get him first. LOL 

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1 minute ago, chris191070 said:

It's great to see the brothers bonding so well. The bellhop will get caught, the real question is who or how he gets caught.

Hmm I've got a couple of avenues, but I'm pretty much settled on how he gets caught. 

I loved the guys taking quick tickle attacks at Mikey when his head was turned, then acting innocent. LOL

And, of course, I had to get the thumb sucking in this version. It was one of Mikey's cutest quirks. LOL

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It's one thing to masturbate on the job, but quite another to share the object of the masturbation fantasy on the internet. If the Carter/Knight/Buckingham boys were comfortable being the object of the bellhop's pleasure one could perhaps have considered it as "on the job training", but this is not the case. Methinks the bellhop well may be doing the butthop soon, as opposed to the Busstop. The Fatback Band ain't gone nothing on the Carter/Knight Family. Butthop, butthop, are you ready, do the butthop, going to the front, going to the back, front, back, Fatback, are you ready, do the butthop. You may know The Fatback Band or Fatback as they were later known @chris191070 as they charted in the UK as they did in Australia. 


Edited by Summerabbacat
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22 minutes ago, Summerabbacat said:

It's one thing to masturbate on the job, but quite another to share the object of the masturbation fantasy on the internet. If the Carter/Knight/Buckingham boys were comfortable being the object of the bellhop's pleasure one could perhaps have considered it as "on the job training", but this is not the case. Methinks the bellhop well may be doing the butthop soon, as opposed to the Busstop. The Fatback Band ain't gone nothing on the Carter/Knight Family.


@Summerabbacat Told ya Mikey would get even more adorable. Hehe 

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59 minutes ago, Ticklishboy30 said:

@Summerabbacat Told ya Mikey would get even more adorable. Hehe 

Sit back @Ticklishboy30. Kick off those shoes and pull down those ankle socks. Expose those soles and wiggle those toes. Arch those arches and high kick those heels 'cos The Fatback Band is in town. Love this song, this band and similar bands like BT Express and KC & The Sunshine Band.


Edited by Summerabbacat
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