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  1. Milos


    Sunday, May 31, 1997 Jeffrey sat on the couch, pretending to watch cartoons on Nick; they were showing reruns of Ren & Stimpy. Every so often, a booming voice filled his head, talking about the Pharisees and Jesus and stuff. Jesus, this sucks, Sean thought. Careful, he might hear you. Jeffrey shifted in his seat, pulling his blanket up under his chin. At least you get to be all lazy on Sundays. Not really. It’s like I’m there with you. Mutual suffering and all that. H
  2. Milos


    Maybe next year I'll have no time To think about the questions to address Am I the one to try to stop the fire? I wouldn't test you I'm not the best you could have attained Why try anything? I will get there Just remember I know TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB - WHAT YOU KNOW (2010) ** ** ** Eli shoved his hands deep into his pockets and walked along the frying-pan-hot sidewalks of suburban hell. Over the past week he’d attacked and finished all of his mother’s big summer chores t
  3. Milos

    hands tied

    We believed that we could change ourselves The past could be undone But we carry on our back the burden Time always reveals In the lonely light of morning In the wound that would not heal It's the bitter taste of losing everything That I've held so dear SARAH MCLACHLAN - FALLEN (2004) ** ** ** Eli stood as Adelae came into the coffee shop. Once she spotted him, she pushed through a small crowd of people in the lobby and rushed to him for a hug, then held him at arm's length, s
  4. Milos


    Thursday, April 3, 1997 Sean started awake having felt his mattress heaving under the weight of someone else. He rolled back and saw Jeffrey, in his underwear, trying to sneak into his bed. “It’s you.” He collapsed back onto the mattress. I was trying to be all sneaky and surprise you, Jeffrey thought. I wanted to be sexy. You did surprise me. Jeffrey slid under the covers and spooned against Sean’s back. And I think you’re kinda sexy no matter what. Sean rolled to his back a
  5. Milos


    There will be, but I'm not ready to write it yet. I want to get the rest of Lem updated and put up on here. After DCD is done and Lem is updated and on GA in full, I'll probably start on Shadow.
  6. Milos


    Saturday, March 29th, 1997 Emily walked across the living room and stopped. She turned her shoulder back and stared right at Jeffrey. “Mom, they called me a homunculus!” Tanya turned her head toward the two boys sitting on the couch. Jeffrey crossed his arms. “No we didn’t!” “Yes you did! You said ‘she’s always like that. She’s a homunculus.” “That’s not what I said at all! You must have misheard us.” “I know what I heard.” “Well, I didn’t say that.” Their mother
  7. Milos


    Yes. I'm going to do two more chapters in Phoenix Lights, then I'll alternate.
  8. Milos


    Friday, March 28, 1997 I’m coming in, Sean thought. He leaned over and pulled the fake rock off the ground, plucking the key from inside. He unlocked the door and put it back. He was greeted with the image of a sticky note with the word homunculus on it. Shit, he thought. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. Jeffrey was sitting on the couch, wearing only a pair of shorts. He glanced up and blinked. “Don’t worry about it,” Sean said. “What do you think she kno
  9. Milos


    Saturday, March 22, 1997 Jeffrey didn’t have the mental wherewithal to scream out in pain. He didn’t remember anything, his brain wasn’t working right, and he couldn’t really process thought; someone had sedated him. His mind was blank, but he could feel a stabbing in his scalp, then a tugging. Someone was putting in stitches, and he could feel every single one with excruciating detail. When the cyclical stabbing had stopped, it wasn’t long until he started hearing a strange mechanic
  10. Milos


    Thursday, March 20th, 1997 Sean and Jeffrey hadn’t really talked for a few days; they had coexisted to the point where they’d known what was going on with the other, but they hadn’t directed any thought toward each other. Sean felt bad for crossing the line, but the feeling he’d gotten from Jeffrey was best summed up by an angry forget about it. He tried not to think about that night, or allow his feelings for Jeffrey to bleed through. It was half way through third period, and Sean’s att
  11. Milos


    Jeffrey woke up in a large, cavernous room. The floor was metal, with hexagonal holes in it; he couldn’t tell how deep the chamber below him was. The room seemed cone-shaped, with strange spiny beams running from the sides to the top most point in the center, and ribs between each of the beams. At the top of the room were lights, bright and blinding, but Jeffrey felt as if the light weren’t reaching him, because he was partially in shadow. He was restrained to a cold metal table which sat up
  12. Milos


    They may or may not have been gay before the 'alien' stuff, but when you suddenly know everything about a person as if you lived their life, and as if you're both one person... I'd say it's pretty intimate regardless of sexuality. 😜 Thank you for your kind words.
  13. Milos


    Friday, March 14, 1997 Sean had been so full of excitement. As his mother drove under the highway overpass, toward his school, he was suddenly filled with dread. Moments ago, his head buzzing with brain-wave exchanges from Jeffrey, everything had suddenly gone quiet. He tightly gripped the arm-rest on the door and slid down a little in his seat, holding his other hand over his chest. His mother looked over with concern. “What’s the matter? All the color just drained from your fac
  14. Milos

    Wanted to drop in and say hello! Hope all is well. :)

  15. Milos


    Thursday, March 13, 1997, 19:36 Phoenix, AZ “Jeffrey!” Emily grunted and ran around the end of the couch. Jeffrey held up the remote and stuck out his tongue. He’d been watching Doug on Nickelodeon, waiting for Alex Mack to come on. He knew it annoyed the hell out of her; Thursdays were her night for the living room TV. As soon as Friends came on, Jeff would have to watch his shows on the small TV in the basement. Still, he liked the thrill of seeing her get all worked up. “I
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