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The Bachelor Farmer - Story Statistics

  1. The Bachelor Farmer Complete

    By Cole Matthews, in 2014 - Summer - The Backup Plan. 06/12/2014 (Updated: 06/12/2014)

    Genres: Romance, Historical
    Sub-genres: Non-Contemporary, General Romance
    • mature adult
    • rural
    • north america
    • philosophy
    • religion
    • industrial age

    Sven Tollefson has never married. In fact, he's never had a relationship of any type. During the drought of 1888, he was worried about his hay and corn crops. Without enough to feed his milking cows, they'd never get through the harsh Minnesota winter. He hires a young local man to help him with this new idea called 'silage. This is their story.

    • 1 Chapters
    • 8,996 Words
    • 1 Recommendation
    • Mature
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  1. 1. The Bachelor Farmer
    • 8,996 Words
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