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    Just be.
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    North Carolina, USA
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    Thriller and action movies, dinosaurs, contemporary stories, music, swimming.

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  1. irivera

    Chapter 8

    well that's an idea LOL
  2. irivera

    Chapter 8

    God dammit. This is what happens when I edit while hungover...I can't get the right area and am too lazy to look at my planning notes 😄
  3. irivera

    Chapter 8

    What can I say? I'm a crazy guy.
  4. [LET me know how it goes! I’m happy for you. And I can’t wait to see you again someday] I smile at James’s text while sitting next to Cal in the courtyard. It’s a bit gray today, but knowing James is okay feels like eternal sun. We’ve been texting and FaceTiming for the last week. So much of my stress had been wondering about him and now so much of that has dissipated. He filled me in on everything since that night. Turns out his dad was a lot more accepting of him and us than his mom
  5. irivera

    Chapter 7

    Ohhhh yes. ‘Bout to get real messy.
  6. irivera

    Chapter 7

    I can proudly say it was never on anyone! But plenty of alleys…
  7. irivera

    Chapter 7

  8. irivera

    Chapter 7

    I’m glad you liked that line 😂
  9. I’M in the front seat of Will’s car, which by the way is a Range Rover. Because of course it is. Blair, Monty, and Cal are squeezed into the middle row because they all refuse to sit in the third row. “Thanks for getting us all, dude,” Monty says, leaning forward to pat Will’s shoulder. Will flashes a smile, turning his head just a little. “Not a problem. I’m excited that everyone is comin’.” He pokes my shoulder. “Especially you.” Someone coughs. It was definitely Cal. That fuck
  10. irivera

    Chapter 6

    Absolutely love seeing people interact, making theories, etc. it’s so fun for me. And I’m excited to see how yall react to this story as it goes on. It will be a fun ride!
  11. irivera

    Chapter 6

    I just hope you’re ready for the roller coaster that this will be. 😉
  12. I’VE had preconceived beliefs about therapists. I feel like everyone does, right? I imagine sitting in a waiting room with a gross-patterned rug. There’s a stack of magazines like National Geographic or Us Weekly. The overhead lights are fluorescent and pale. And it’s quiet—to-the-bone quiet. So far, this is different. Vienna woke me up early for a Saturday. I knew what was happening after overhearing hers and Nolan’s conversation on Thursday and her telling me before I went to bed that ni
  13. irivera

    Chapter 5

    2x4 therapy -- HA!
  14. irivera

    Chapter 5

    Oh yeah, this is definitely down the line. Just trying to get a feel. 😉
  15. I’M up and awake before everyone else. Honestly, I was up a few hours ago. My mind wouldn’t shut up and I was tossing around. Everything I was able to learn about James was rolling around in my brain. I mean, what are the odds? He ended up in Rhode Island. But how? Lila didn’t know. All she knew was that he was there. His parents are going through a divorce too. What could have happened to cause that? Did they disagree about something relating to him? It has to be that. What else would it be? Hi
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