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Random things I think of.

Entries in this blog

What to do

So... for quite sometime I have been looking for a new job. One of my friends/colleague wants me to stay with VzW. I initially wanted to because we get a bonus every year and pay increase, which is unheard of in many jobs. The problem is the job makes me sick and I mean literately and I can't go to work because when you're in a call center you have to be available and on the phones.   I've tried posting within my current organization and had tons of interviews (Let's just say to the tune for 5



Life or something like it.

I have this friend I've known for about 19 years met him when we were in 6th grade (man it was that long ago?). Any how.... a few weekends ago I met up with him and another friend of mine (she's 21). We spent a majority of the day together and had a fun time. Towards the end of the visit at his house I noticed this jacket and helmet in his closet. I asked him what it was for, but I knew it was a motorcycle jacket and helmet. He didn't want to discuss it inside where his parents would hear. We w




Sooo... Approximately 3 weeks ago I traveled to New Jersey for a face to face interview with a Vice President of a department I wanted to work in. The Director, Associate Director and the hiring manager all loved me and were really excited. Then the interview came. I arrived early to meet with the three decision makers prior to my interview. Everything was solid and good. The VP thought I was late because his secretary didn't know I was there over an hour early to meet the others. I didn't get a



Thinga are looking up

So I have had more than my fair share of interviews over the past couple of months. I have been told I have no relavent expereince or being in customer service doesn't count.   The jobs I interviewed for have been all over the country. I really wanted the job in Colorado Springs, but it fell through. I found a job that looked interesting and was like hey I could do that... and I think I finally might have gotten some where. I have a 4th and final interview with a Staff Vice President of Nati



Turning 3 decades old

So my best friend who is a few months younger than me had to tell that I should tell people I am 3 decades old other than turning 30. To me saying 3 decades makes me sound real old, so I'm sticking with 30.   I had a goal I wanted to achieve by my birthday and it didn't happen.   I wanted to be moved out and in a different job position by then.   I've interviewed for jobs with Verizon outside of my current area. I interviewed for jobs in Colorado Springs, CO and King of Prussia, PA. Both j



Random Customer's who make me laugh

Customer: My emails not coming in. Me: Can you browse the web? Customer: I don't know let me check.... It says my radio is turned off. Me: Ok... It's a simple fix all we have to do is turn the radio on. Customer: No that won't work I'm not in my car. Me: (self control) No the radio in your phone.   Talking to customer's you would never believe what they say.



Family and work

To give a little back ground first... I am the middle 5 children, ranging in age from 32 - 21. I have an older brother and sister and 2 younger sister's. My family is a single income, as something has always kept my mom from working (that would be my older brother showing up at her job or constantly calling her). That being said in my house there are a total of 8 people my niece included and she's 2.   I work 40 hours week, commute 2 hours round trip to work with out traffic and its a 56 mile



Life or something like it

Things have been kinda of spiraling out of control since April.   To set the stage: Christmas 2009 my grandfather was diagnosed with colon cancer. It was removed but had spread. He was seeing a doctor at Johns Hopkins and was getting some experimental treatment. When that didn't work and the cancer had spread they tried cemo. It didn't work and my grandfather got worse. In March this year, he did a 15 minute conversation with his kids. The day he met with my mom he had her drag me from work be




Since I have last blogged… some things have happened.       I no longer have to deal with my sexist co-worker. We changed teams in October and he landed on a different team. I still remain friendly towards him, but I am glad I no longer see him everyday. He did seek me out quite a bit when he had problems with customers and it felt good to tell him I could no longer help him. I didn’t land up with my favorite supervisor, but I did get and evil one, which sped up my looking for a new job.



Work Drama

Working in a call center is like working in a gigantic high school. There not much difference. All the drama is included



My Job: Getting Yelled at for a living

When I leave work.... and get home, GA is the first place I go. Coming to the site happens to unwind the day, but prior to that its a rough one. I guess I will explain.   When people ask me what I do for a living



What do Author's want to hear?

Just a bit ago I was asked by a member on a yahoo group about my favorite stories here on GA. I could have gone on forever and I probably sound like an advertisement.   But it got me thinking.... of how I read ALL of these great stories and I hardly/rarely leave the author's any feedback.   It got me wondering what the author's want to hear... sure they probably get a lot of "Great Chapter", "Excellent Work" or "Darn you CliffJames".   I feel like I am being redundant when I mention what o



Not able to eat healthy due to allergies? WTF

I have been recently diagnosed with have allergic reactions to just about anything/everything I eat.   So since my list of what I can eat has been getting smaller and smaller, I decided to try and eat a little more healthy. Turns out I can't even do that due to darn cross reaction allergies.   So I a salad, no harm there, right? Wrong.   Turns out the dressing has tomato which I am allergic. I did some investigating and lettuce could be the cause too.   So according to the National Insti



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