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Random things I think of.

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MW Part 2? coming soon?

Time to dust this blog thing off.... I haven't written anything since November 2015.   So over the last few months I have come to the decision that moving back to the Maryland area was the wrong decision. While it may help with my career aspirations, I really want to move away.   I pretty much have decided if I stay with Big Red (even though our colors changed the nickname sticks) I will either land up in Colorado or Minnesota. While Minnesota would be preferred I am not ruli



Why Do I Feel So Bad....

Today I was having a conversation with a co-worker who work in Minneapolis (about 4 hours away). She started talking all dark and about how she didn't want to live anymore and how she was done with our team and the company we work for.   I got really scared for her and went to my local HR person and talked with her and shared the text messages that were traded. I landed up talking to her HR counter part in MPLS and provided her the documentation plus some other things my friend had told me.  



This Week

This week is one I would not want to re-live ever.   It started on Sunday with one of the worst things that could ever happen. I got the call from my uncle that my sister has passed away. I didn't believe him and called him all sorts of things but he still stood my me. He was here for my parents while I was 1,000 miles away in Iowa. I got on the first flight I could to be home.   I had to help my parents prep and get things ready to lay my sister to rest. She was only 18 months older than me



Work or something like it

The last two weeks have been hectic.   Last week I spend 2 days in Iowa City for work getting a Federal agency set-up on their new phone. I love working with customers and taking care of the issues that come up during the deployments.   This week I was at a federal agency here in Des Moines doing the same thing. I got to spend time with a federal account rep that is from Kansas and found out she wants to kidnap me since I am very efficient and very helpful.   The bomb was dropped on me yes



Should be an interesting week

This week I go from doing the job of three people down to two, as I am training the new hire tomorrow.   My Manager is coming to town to be with her new hire but she won't be doing any of the training. I don't think she actually knows how to do my job.   What she doesn't know is that she is walking into the Lions den.   Two manages (one sales and one operations) and an associate director are not happy with her.   She is planning on taking something that belongs to them and is using me to




So lately I have been asked how old I am.   I don't understand why it is frequently coming up and I am fine with my age. Really.   So the issue has been people don't believe me when I tell them I am 32.   When I joined the Y they didn't believe me and I had to show my license. I told them who would lie and make themselves 32 to be older? Maybe I would put myself in the 20's bracket but definitely not 30's,   This has becoming increasingly annoying. So now when people ask I think I should



Vacation and then my return to work

I finally took a vacation (if you call visiting family that). First real time off since moving here... yeah so 8 months in the making.   My flight left early due to incoming severe storms and all 15 of us were there early. We loaded quickly and were in the air before the storm moved in. I guess its good that the Des Moines airport is so small and my flight to DC was really empty.   I got to see old co-workers and friends. Hanging out was nice but they were an hour away and I have been used t



Interesting Conversation with my boss

So today I had a meeting with my boss to do my monthly performance review. Usually it is done face to face but this time it was via telephone.   We talked about my numbers for the quarter and what I have been doing and trouble I am stirring up in a good way.   So the good news: I work the next 3 days but have been told not to do anything relating to our team email box. Not because I am going on vacation but because I have done triple the amount they want us to complete. Some people are strug



Co-worker learned an important lesson

So I am part of team where it is 75% female and over 50% has tenure on the team. It can be a tough group.   One thing I want to make clear is I don't care that it is a heavy female group just giving our dynamics.   I joined the team 7 months ago and have been making a great contribution to our team. I have been recognized at a regional level for my work too. My bosses love me and many of teammates do too.   There are 2 that absolutely do not like me and are troublemakers. Many times they



Funny Moment at work

Today I was working with a couple of sales representative in our Minneapolis office from my office in Des Moines.   I was leaving a voicemail for one when another one called me.   I called her back when I was done and we were joking and laughing about a situation. I got my call waiting beep and was like hold on other rep is calling me back.   She goes he's right across from me and told him to stop calling me. He walked up to her took her phone and ran into the bathroom so she couldn't foll



What a day

So today has been totally weird.   First I was the only member of my team in Des Moines as the others were out on a job today. I've had an escalated issue yeh big boss gave me to do and it hasn't been easy. Well today I asked someone from her office to try and look something up for me and she got the same results so she asked another person to look it up. Mean while it dawns on this guy that it was his customer. He calls me asking what I am doing as he's been trying to fix this account. My res



A little humor

Friday next week I am back in the field with a sales rep who works out of our Cedar Rapids office. I emailed him this morning for the details and got his out of office. I was on a call with a co-worker and when I spun around in my chair he (the sales rep) was behind me. He said I got your email. I said that's nice you didn't have to come all the way here to tell me that, a simple reply would have worked. He laughed then proceed to tell me he was there for a training and wanted to stop in since h



Day 2 of 2014

Well it has been an interesting start to 2014.   Started off the new year with some snow, which won't be going anywhere any time soon since we won't be above 10 degrees for a while.   Today was probably the most interesting day.   There were these two guys I made friends with when I was in training in Chicago, we'll call them T and J. Both great looking and both married with children (not the show).   I am assigned to T as a buddy to get him though his first couple months after training.



Damn TSA

So when I got to the airport today and was going though the TSA they were questioning my temporary Iowa Driver's license. It is equipped with a watermark and security features but the guy was asking for something else. He asked for my social security card, which I don't carry. I landed up showing an insurance card and credit card. I was surprised I didn't have to give a DNA sample. I was so happy when I got home and in my mailbox was my official Iowa Drivers License. Now when I am in DC next wee



Life in Iowa so far

It's been amazing living on my own again, Oh I have missed not having to fight for the shower or the laundry room.   Things were a little rocky when I left home. My brother didn't take it so well and was upset he couldn't update my computer and that I was not paying for him to come with me. So what did he do??? Got into a fight with my dad and bent the fender on my u-haul trailer. My dad fixed the trailer pretty well since U-haul didn't notice. Since the cops were called and I am the one who c




They say you can't pick your family but I sure wish I could. Between my immediate family and my mom's extended family I would trade the whole bunch of them in. The family dynamic between all of us is dysfunctional and that is putting it nicely.   Many many moons ago my great-aunt asked me why we don't address my my aunt's and uncle's by such titles and just use their names. If she were here now she would probably tell me to be respectful but how do you be respectful to people who treat you lik



Randomness and life

So.... its been over a week (almost 2) since I've last heard from a really good friend. It's kind of put me in a funk. Last time this happened with someone else I never heard from the person again and this person was there to help me through it and now.... gosh its a real pain in the ass. I just wish I knew if he was still sick, out partying for his birthday with his boyfriend (I know they were having a party), did he just decide to give up on me all together or did his pyshco ex-boyfriend do so



Life and the need to vent

So if you read my status you will see that I have had a real rough last 2 days.   Yesterday I found out that my job in in jeopardy because I have exhausted my family medical leave time. If my doctor doesn't fill out the papers for short term disability for time I was out and if Verizon doesn't excuse the days through another program I will be terminated. Mind you they are medically excused absences and Verizon doesn't care. Use more time than you're allowed they will fire you and since Marylan



Real Estate Drama

So... I had no clue that after not being able to buy a house the drama would get worse.   First let me outline a few things. The purchase would have been a dual agency, meaning both the listing and my agent are in the same office. The day I did the contract the listing agent showed up in sweats and smelled like a bar. She said she was at a soccer game and it must have been some game. Any how... after all was said and done she took almost a month to get a response from the seller on my contract



Unsure and depressed

So.... who knew buying a house was such a pain. I haven't officially been told no but I haven't been told yes.   The drama all began to unfold last Thursday. I was pre-approved but after seeing my income from 2011 to 2012 dropping they started to back off. I have a medical condition that is documented and I receive family medical leave for it. Most of it is unpaid unless I have vacation or personal time available. My condition is worse when I get stressed out. So imagine how I felt after getti



Nervous and Angry

So... I am supposed to meet up with my new online friend later today (2/9). We have been texting back and forth since the end of January (over 2000 texts) and we have a whole lot in common. I don't know why on earth I am nervous but I am.   Yes we are meeting in a public place Red Robin here locally.   He has been one of my rocks the last couple of days and maybe that's why I am so nervous. I know he knows a lot about me as I gave him the link to my blog here on GA so he could see my thought




So over the last couple of days I had been corresponding with this guy through my tumblr page. Turns out he lives about 20 - 30 minutes west of me, not far at all. We were writing back and forth via tumblr and last night and today it has turned into text message city. We have sent countless text and the strange thing is how much in common we have. It feels like we are long lost friends. He is very easy to converse with and we have been joking back and forth. We've traded picture's and he is all




So.... the Baltimore Ravens (team, coaches, cheerleaders and mascot) visited my job today.....Didn't see much since I was in a training.   I also had this young man flirting like no other with over the phone and he wasn't holding back on anything. I really wanted to say to him you know this call can be recorded and monitored for quality assurance right? I could only imagine what my supervisor would have said given all calls are recorded. The guy was having an issue with harassing calls. Maybe




Recent events have had me thinking about a lot of things lately.   One thing is what lead me to this site. A little over 6 years ago (tax day 2006) I decided to follow the link to the site from Nifty. The link was at the bottom of my favorite story from author Vance aka Vlista20. When I joined the site I didn't know what to expect, nor did I think I would find some many different stories. I eventually branched out and found some really cool stories to follow and authors. I eventually became a



Sometimes I get some real winners....

Customer: I'm taking a trip to Hawaii and I need to make sure I'm set-up correctly. Me: starts to go over her nationwide plan Customer interrupts: I don't think you get it.... I'm going to Hawaii. Me: Explains Hawaii is covered under her plan. Customer: I really don't think you understand. I am going to Hawaii. Me: Detail again explaining Hawaii is covered under nationwide. Customer: I don't think you get... I'm going to call back.    



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